McCaughrin Maritime Marine
Systems. Inc., (MMMSI)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters,
34660 Elm Street, Suite 1001,
Wayne, Michigan 48184-1304
          24 Hour Operations 
McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems. Inc.
MMMSI has a specific design: "No" Container Pools, in its Operation of Service in the region it plans to operate. The MMMSI principles of smooth delivery of containers in a timely manner to clients and customers are based on guaranteed agreements within those time limits.



JANUARY 19, 2024


Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI), Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, & Chairman of The Board of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS) Ships Operations in Bermuda, Announced that The Establishment in Washington D.C, As Piss Poor Loser after November 5, 2024 Presidential Election of The 45th, "The Real #46 & Stolen Election Results 24 hour Later Were Clearly RIGGED" & The Righful Winner of #47th President of The United States DONALD J. TRUMP as of Noon Time of January 20, 2025 Shut Down McCaughrin Maritime #2 Corporate Business Card: for 12 hours When changes were made to International Maritime Clients List Page when "GOD" Name is Mentioned AT THE TOP! 

President Trump said "Mr. McCaughrin when you go to press on WHATS HAPPENING AT MMMSI NEWSLETTER Your shooting for the Jugular Vein with Pinpoint Accuracy like you have done in past with more then positive results and the Movement you have created in positive way for those looking for the TRUTH". Mr. McCaughrin You are Direct Threat to the Establishment & Why Twitter & Mr. Elon Musk Owner of Later X took you down 3 times with the Establishment OK & Mr. McCaughrin said Onces again went to WHATS HAPPENING AT MMMSI To Voice my displeasure with X who Yanked Mr. McCaughrin off in middle of my typing for no reason as "Mr. Musk said I bought Twitter to bring back Free Speech but shut down a Vet for Voicing Serious Concerns which Mr. Musk refuse to address! You cant have it both way Elon. It one or the other, I view you as a back stabber".

Mr. McCaughrin asked President Trump Please watch Mr. Musk Closely Sir. I am glad Musk followed my advice in Investing wisely in TRUMP Campaign but we dont need Another Spy like Pence again do we?. Personally Sir, Iam very learly of Elon Musk Intention in TRUMP Administration & Why Is it Elon Musk Can not Get Federal Clearance to Trump Administration & Maybe That's a good thing? That's fishy to me..Yet Mr. Elon Musk did not have any problem in getting clearance in Building Massive Rockets & Missle Base in Texas Years Ago or did he?

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin in his Own Cargo Transportation Business, McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS both have Cargo Security Clearance in Transporting of Global Cargoes on 7 Continents and both these firm have All  of its Cargoes that can be X-Rayed Are X-Rayed & Before they are loaded on board the more then 319 Cargo Ships. The Establishment has been able to Shut Down is direct results of MMMSI Newsletter and Establishment has been behind it Mr. McCaughrin to get your attention.. Mr. McCaughrin said Sir I work for GOD in Spreading the Gospel Around The World When I Can and Those that shut down: GOD takes a dim view of that. I just pray on it and then mysteriously Is back up again. 

Mr. McCaughrin told The President, "I am only protecting my firm and Putting the TRUTH where it Needs to be: Up Front & Personal" by those Attacking Us like Google. Com/ Who Tried Tarnishing: With the Word: Susipicious & Has Been Losing Hundred of Millions of Dollars Per Second In 62 days after Mr. McCaughrin was forced to File a $5,000,000,000B Billion Dollars Lawsuit to Stop Google.Com Officials from Tarnishing of & WOW Internet for Unethical Business Scam Billing Practice & Cutting Off Internet Service after the Monthly Internet Bill is Paid on Time & WOW Now Losing Millions of Dollars Per Second & Customers leaving. AS GOD IS MY FATHER, JESUS CHRIST IS MY BROTHER, HOLY SPIRIT MY FAMILY! I have Nothing to Lose By Telling the TRUTH!!!

Mr. McCaughrin said in damaging Google.Com/ Reputation & WOW INTERNET, Both These firms should not of Attacked: Nor Shut down McCaughrin Maritime Internet Service for No Reason. But both FirmS FULLY Supported Biden & Illegal Alien Kamala Harris who Mr. McCaughrin Help LOSE on McCaughrin Maritime Corporate Business Card: in SUPPORTING DONALD J. TRUMP IN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 5, 2024 AND I FEEL I HAVE NOW ACCOMPLISHED THAT GOAL THE 2ND TIME AROUND AND GAVE ALL AMERICANS PEOPLE A CLEAR CHOICE OF WHO WOULD BE BEST CHOICE AND TRUMP PROVED THAT LEADERSHIP ROLE IN 2017-2020! 


Source: Brian R. McCaughrin  


JANUARY 15, 2025


Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi & Global Ships Operations in  Bermuda, Africa, The Baltic, The Med, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia & Japan Announced that Todate that #1 Search Engine Google.Com/ Has Lost a Total of - $110,000,000M Million Dollars Per Second in New Business an Increase of Loss of -$34,000,000.00M Million Dollars a Second in Past 14 days and total of 62 Days since Mr. McCaughrin on November 15, 2024 was Forced to Launched a $5,000,000,000B Billion Dollar Lawsuit Against Google.Com/ in "Trying to Tarnish Without Cause to this Private Corporation on its Corporate Business Card: for the Word: "Susipicious" Caught on Google.Com/ Web of Trust that Mr. McCaughrin said go as far as Spit". Mr. McCaughrin said in past 29 years there is Nothing in Any of McCaughrin Maritime 2 Corporate Business Card: or That is Susipicious, NOTHING!!! 

Mr. McCaughrin said I have far better thing to do with $5,000,000,000B Billion Dollars with Corporation Money then sue someone but I am here in defending This Private Corporation in what ever deems necessary in removing such wording of: Susipicious against For No Reason. Google has done this before with MMMSI #1 Corporate Business Card: & Then Google Officials took it down within hours after Mr. McCaughrin went to press and was damaging Google.Com/ Reputation.  This time Mr. McCaughrin has decide because Google bigger This time we go after "Any New Business Google.Com Hopes to get" & With U.S. Dept of Justice going after Google for Illegal Business Tatics & Fining them & Mr. McCaughrin doing unforseen damage at Google Reputation on McCaughrin Maritime Press Platform: "WHATS HAPPENING AT MMMSI" Its Starting to take notice at Google bottom line as Google Customers are looking at other Companies in same business. 3 Companies to be named later Has seen an upswing of +10 -15%% in New Business Since Mr. McCaughrin went after Google.Com/. 

Mr. McCaughrin said I called Officials at Google.Com/ California Mountain View Headquarters and Asked them nicely to remove the wording on Google's Web of Trust and they said as long as Mr. McCaughrin Is SUPPORTING: DONALD J. TRUMP "The Wording "Suipicious" Stay Up" & Officials of Google said We Can not find Anything On That is Susipicious But we want Mr. McCaughrin to Support Biden & Harris instead & Then the wording: Susipicious will be removed. Mr. McCaughrin said I been SUPPORTING DONALD J. TRUMP for 10 Years & NO I WILL NOT SUPPORT SENILE Biden Or ILLEGAL ALIEN Kamala Harris with No Green Card Or Brown Card Todate ! But good luck with that idea.

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin  

JANUARY 6, 2025





Source: Brian R. McCaughrin  

December 31, 2024 - 1159PM


McCaughrin Maritime Board of Directors in Bermuda Have FIRED WOW Internet Company, Headquarters in Englewood, Colorado On December 31, 2024 After 8 years of being A Loyal Customer after McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) Found out that WOW Billing Department were CAUGHT ON FRAUDULENT BILLING PRACTICES Which Started in September, & October 2024 & Then again in November and December 2024 After Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin Questioned an Employee at WOW Billing Named Mr. Neil said PNC Bank short changed WOW Billing payment was only $11.25 instead of $115.00. Neil said Payment were the same thing in both September and October 2024 Payments for both months was short too. Mr. McCaughrin said you have people STEALING from WOW Billing & If Mr. McCaughrin is having these problems who else is too!!! Mr. McCaughrin said I have address this issue 3 times on WOW BILLING Practices but in past 6 months No One is Correcting this serious mess but making stuff up in confusing Customers to get what WOW wants or WOW Employees simply cut you off the internet! & That's the WOW Edge.

Mr. McCaughrin told Neil, We have The "McCaughrin Edge" by Putting Unethical Business Companies like WOW Internet Billing up on McCaughrin Maritime Corporate Business Card: & Go after WOW on Fraudulent Billing Practices and Will see who WINS in the End Because McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc - Services All 7 Regions of the World & Now With 319 Cargo Ships, 50 Boeing 747-400 All Cargo Freighters flying 7/24/365 Days a Week. 

Mr. McCaughrin went after DHL Officials when DHL Executives SOLD McCaughrin Maritime Business Account in a Monery Laundering Scam to Malaysia Dish Company back in the day and Mr. McCaughrin went to press on MMMSI #1 Corporate Business Card: & DHL went to losing $24M A Day Because of it and Later Its Board of Directors Unable to Stop Mr. McCaughrin in Print, FIRED ITS ENTIRE DHL Express EXECUTIVE STAFF Including its Laws Group when Brian R. McCaughrin Also Refused to Take Down ANY of McCaughrin Maritime Company Newsletters on Scams of DHL and its Executive threats Toward Mr. McCaughrin. 

Mr. McCaughrin said after PNC Bank Paid $115.00 to WOW Billing, WOW Billing then cut off McCaughrin Maritime Internet Service in Wayne, Michigan on December 30, 2024 after 14 days when payment was made. Mr. McCaughrin told Neil so This is why WOW Internet Service is in so much financial trouble after 25 years. McCaughrin said We called PNC Bank about ALL the WOW Payments todate and PNC Bank gave us what we saw as full payment to WOW on day it was due. What ever is going on with WOW Billing is to me Called: MONEY LAUNDERING SCAM & WOW GOT CAUGHT WITH TOO MANY TIMES WITH THERE HANDS IN MONEY JAR.. Now deal with it!

Mr. McCaughrin said I hope ALL WOW CUSTOMERS START LOOKING CLOSER AT YOUR WOW BILLING.. & Good Luck to All.. Remember there are other Internet companies out there to work with.

Neil refused to tell Mr. McCaughrin why the Bill went up $+16.00 Why was their No E-Mail Alert or Why NO Alert Via U.S Mail? Neil said we dont do anything by E-mail. I said that strange I been getting ads by email from WOW for past 7 years? Well we dont & thats it & The bill is due. Neil We paid it when it was due, and then 14 days later WITHOUT ANY NOTICE WOW INTERNET Employees Cuts McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) Headquarters in Wayne, MI OFF THE iNTERNET FOR NO REASON. So Neil We are done paying this SCAM Operation & LET ME SAY That FEDERAL PRISON is right around the corner for Both WOW BILLING Employees & Wayne, Mi U.S. Mail Carrier who delivering Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin Mail to Ted's House on Elm Street in Wayne, Mi Instead at Mr. McCaughrin U.S. Post Office Box in Wayne, Mi.  The U.S. Mail Must not be doing Any Training for These Mail Carriers to make such a Grand Mistake like this for 8 Months of 2024. But I see Ted's Mail Box has Grown in Size from Tiny on October 30, 2024 to Large Size on October 31, 2024 & Ted must be paying this Mail Carrier more then he making But dont worry Ted Our Bills are still getting paid! & HOW GOD WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS!

Mr. McCaughrin said I like to see the Overpaid & Under Worked Postmaster General in Wayne, Mi Due a Raid on Ted House, Garage, Car, But Ted's got 6 Scanners so be quiet when you come!   

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin



PNC BANK OFFICIALS SENT Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) Information on Mr. McCaughrin PNC Banking Account Concerning WOW Internet Monthly Payments.

PNC said that it has paid McCaughrin's WOW Internet Billing ever 30 days of $115.00 Except October 10, 2024 when then the Payment had been for 12 month was $98.99 & Mysterious Jump to $115.00 an + Increase of $16.01 with No Extra's and Computer Speed promised was slowing even further down the board. On November 19, 2024 A Payment for $115.00 was Sent & WOW Billing came back to PNC saying there a -Shortage of $13.85 So PNC Paid it & WOW Internet came back 2 other times on 11/21/24 for $115.00 Each which PNC locked out Mr. McCaughrin Account on what PNC Officials Viewed as Fraudulent Billing Charges & Mr. McCaughrin viewed its as: Creative Billing Without a Paper Bill to show a brake down on charges for that month that WOW Customers are being billed for. Which Mr. McCaughrin has asked for the past 3 months and todate has not gotton a paper bill. Where did WOW Billing Sent that bill to??? Ted my neighbor on Elm Street?.

Mr. McCaughrin said in September 2024 PNC called WOW into Question on August & September 2024 Billing charges being in excess of $98.99 which then Mr. McCaughrin called WOW Billing Management & They said it due to -$13.85 Shortage but yet others in WOW said Mr. McCaughrin Payment were on time so where is shortage again??? PNC said Dump WOW and Find another Internet firm to deal with. PNC Management said There are way to many questions that need answer that WOW Internet Management is unwilling to answer. PNC said we view this as Over Billing in view of Lackluster Service Mr. McCaughrin has dealt with beside slow speed for 8 months. Mr. McCaughrin said it comes down to too many people with there hands in the till on this scam.

Mr. McCaughrin told PNC Management that WOW Internet Bogus Billing seem to occur ever 2-3 months with this billing shortage, This time its $62.00 and $187.00 but WOW cant say where that was established & Refuse to Sent Mr. McCaughrin a complete brake down via email or by U.S. Mail for the past 12 months that was last refusted.  

Eight years ago Then called Wide Open West came to Mr. McCaughrin to get Mr. McCaughrin to Dump At&T on Cost and Much better service which then AT&T were expanding and cost were much higher for slower speed but at the time it was best thing going long before Wide Open West showed up.

Take a look at WOW Internet 4th Quarter 2024 Results. I am questioning this Statement. WOW said they have 2.0M Customers. But then down to Subscribers = From Year over Year, WOW States they have 504,100 Total Subscribers, Arent Customers the Subscribers, Yes? So which is it ? 2M or 504,100?

From December 31, 2024 to December 31, 2023 WOW lost a Total of -26,900 Subscribers, They lost another -21,500 Subscribers in 2023 and -13,500 Subscribers in 2022. Total lost of -61,300 Subscribers is Huge. YES Storms like Hurricanes, Tornado Packing Strong Winds Wipping Out Homes Is #1 Big Factor to #2 Bad Management in Not Controling Cost to Income for the past 3 years is Unacceptable and why Isnt WOW Board of Directors Changing Management and Putting a CPA in Billing to control Bogus Billing Statement & Get WOW Billing to Sending Emails on WOW Billing Alerts to Complete Monthly Brakedown for Subscribers & Get back to Hiring Americans again when talking to Billing Dept.   

Source: PNC Bank  / Source: Brian R. McCaughrin  

DECEMBER 28, 2024


Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi & 51% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) With International Sea Operations in Hamilton, Bermuda Announced today after Flying back from Bermuda to Michigan that Mr. McCaughrin found his Headquarters without Any Internet Service was off due to what WOW Internet Officials said Over due notice???

Mr. McCaughrin who firm: "McCaughrin Maritime" has been with WOW Internet for Over 8 years & Mr. McCaughrin Bank PNC in Wayne, Mi has been making payment to WOW Internet Account for 8 years  called to talked to WOW Officials By Name of Mr. Neil who said he would looked into this matter quickly and settle it. I said PRAISE GOD! But Spoke too soon.

Mr. McCaughrin Questioned Neil 3 times on how "McCaughrin Maritime" Monthly Bill of $115.00? Yet we have these bogus cost of $62.00 and $187.00??? Neil said PNC only paid $13.25 in November 2024. I said WHAT Neil? Neil said PNC sent us only $13.25 and Mr. McCaughrin said I am looking at PNC Online that was paid on 11/19/24 for $115.00 did WOW Billing People pocket some money for instead?, PNC doesnt make mistake on other people accounts and I have been with PNC for Over 13 years now I been down this road 3 other times in 8 years with same problems with WOW Billing Officials and said you people need a CPA who can get this fixed. Your billing is scary to say the least..If I am complaining who else is???

Mr. McCaughrin said I been waiting for WOW who I asked 3 times for Paper Bill for last 3 months which just happen to find itself in someone else mailbox across the Street on Elm Street, did that Neighbor bring over to Mr. McCaughrin? "NO" In fact alot of Mr. McCaughrin Mail happen to be at same address???, Isnt that odd as Mr. McCaughrin said from Neighbor Ted who just happen to be putting in a bigger mailbox on November 15, 2024 in front of his home compared to tiny mailbox he had for past 18 years??? Why I said to this neighbor who lives across from Ted. The Neighbor said Mr. McCaughrin He work for WOW Internet . I said Oh WOW how convenient..haha

Neil could not answer my simple question, Is this the reason why Mr. McCaughrin is not getting a paper bill so Ted can make up bogus numbers on a bill that I will never get and then at push of button WOW Internet Cuts Mr. McCaughrin off the internet after PNC just paid WOW Internet on December 19th, 2024 bill for $115.00??? What wrong with this pictures?

I said Neil not only is "McCaughrin Maritime" paying for Premium Service for Speed which today is -60% below what it should be & You Neil are not doing anything about that? But you expect Mr. McCaughrin to pay bogus $62.00 dollars & $187.00 dollar for these bogus costs and & Neil you cant explain where these cost came from Or Where & When they were generated from?. McCaughrin wants a brake down sent to us via email. Neil said we cant do that. I said why? Neil said we just cant? But Neil you expect Mr. McCaughrin to pay 2 Bills that you dont have any answer for me??? Where is the fairness in that? Neil said that just the way it goes I am sorry.

I said Neil, I think your missing the point here. I want you to go to "McCaughrin Maritime" Corporate Business Card Website at: & Scroll to WHATS HAPPENING AT MMMSI NEWSLETTER FOR DECEMBER 24, 2024, because and read that because on December 28, 2024 You Neil & WOW Internet Officials Will be UP Front & Personal ON WHATS HAPPENING AT MMMSI NEWSLETTER & You will see just how serious Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin is about whats "I view in WOW Internet Taking Unfair Business Advantage of Person who has kept WOW Internet Service for Over 8 years & that Accounts for Nothing Now days? & Instead WOW Internet is taking the high road in gouging more money from Clients because of what? GREED". How sad. I hope TRUMP Close down U.S. Post Office, Its draining American People & has not lived up to it service thus far.

Mr. McCaughrin said Neil I am not one who jump ships when costs go up "But" It has to make cents as to why you are doing it at all when you do and my 30 minute conservation with you Neil, Personally I though I was talking to my 10 years old. Instead of dealing with a problem Neil you skipped right over that issue said this is what due Mr. McCaughrin period.  Mr. McCaughrin said I am not paying the Bogus $62.00 or Bogus $187.00 until you Neil sent Mr. McCaughrin an email with all these bogus cost where and when were they 1st established and by Who or by U.S Mail "but" in 3 months time these 3 bills are over at Ted House by a Mail Carrier who cant seem to put Mr. McCaughrin Personal Mail in the Post Office Box Instead?..Mr. McCaughrin called the Postmaster General 5 months ago about missing mail but that went on deaf ears. They say they are overworked and under paid & Mr. McCaughrin said that not what I asked the Postmaster General &  & Guess what, This get better Ladies & Gentleman: Ted is Tech at WOW Internet, Now that interesting Is that how these bogus costs came up?   

WOW Internet, Your Not Google.Com/ When WOW Internet Officials decide to give Mr. McCaughrin what I want Called: THE TRUTH! Then we can move on. Othewise like Google they called Brian R. McCaughrin Bluff. I have Never Bluffed in 75 years. Google has gone from losing $1,000,000, Million Dollars a Second in New Business Loss to $76,000,000M Million Dollars A Second in 4.4 Weeks. Can you afford that loss = WOW INTERNET?

There's my line in the sand.


Source: Brian R. McCaughrin

DECEMBER 24, 2024



Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI), & 51% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS), With International Sea Operation in Bermuda.

Mr. McCaughrin said It sadden me when Officials of Web.Com/Modification Dept took down December 21, 2024 WHATS HAPPENING AT MMMSI NEWSLETTER on Google.Com/ without McCaughrin Authorization because #1 Web.Com/ Are long term Partners with Google.Com/ which Google has asked Web.Com for help in Trying to Stop Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin with this Onslaught of Continued Lost Future Business & As of 12:01AM on Tuesday = CHRISTMAS EVE, Google now has lost a Further + $76,000,000M Million Dollars Per Second + up from their Previous loss of December 21, 2024, I believe it was $41,000,000M Million and + Increase of $35,000,000M Million Dollars Per Second in 4 days. NEWSLETTER WAS PUT UP ON 21ST ASIA IS DAY AHEAD OF BERMUDA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin said I did not Start This Mess with Google, but I am surely getting my point across to those that are listening, THE TRUTH & I DONT BACK DOWN FROM IT UNTIL THE OTHERSIDE WHO STARTED IT STOPS & REMOVE THE WORD susipicious OFF Google Web of Trust Website on Period & Never doi it again.. Otherwise Mr. McCaughrin will drive Google out of Business & With PRAISE GOD DOJ doing it thing, So Not long Now...  

The U.S. Department of Justice, (DOJ) in Washington said Mr. McCaughrin Google has gotton themself up to there neck in bad stuff and it sadden us Google are going after a Private Corporation like For No Reason but because what you stand for, ETHICS & TELLING THE TRUTH. Google do not like hearing what McCaughrins are dishing out. Google will be broken up into smaller pcs & Sold who wont brake the law and hurt The General Public in Selling Their Personal Information without there Authorization to Others to Capitalize On & Will  STOP! & THANK YOU Mr. McCaughrin for what you are doing.. 

DECEMBER 23, 2024


Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc (MMMSI) Headquarters in both Wayne, Mi, & 51% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & 31 Foreign Divisions in British Overseas Territory of Hamilton, Bermuda said at MMMSI & FOBS Board of Directors Meeting On Saturday December 21, 2024 at 12:01AM, That for the last time: There will be NO BULK & 20' SEA CONTAINERS CARGO RATE INCREASE GOING INTO 2025!

Mr. McCaughrin said Both McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS has had a Record 2024 High Shipping Season and We both Extend our reach in international marketing and Expanding in Vessel Chartering To Total of 319 Cargo Ships going into 2025 which Includes Handymaxs, Ultramaxs, Kamsarmaxes, Panamax's, Post Panamax's, Cape Sizes, New Castlemaxs, Bow Self-Unloading Barges, Ro/Ro's, LST, and Tankers. Mr. McCaughrin said I like a large directory of Ships to meet Its Customers Based in Mining, Manufacturers & End Users Clients on a 24/7/365 days in All 7 Regions of The World & Why McCaughrin's Bulk & 20' Sea Containers Rates Cant be Beat by anyone thus far with the type of calculation in dealing with shipping rates.

Mr. McCaughrin said I believe in more for less for the Customers and that how you exceed in any business just have to be mindful of what you want to set rates at and live with it and dont get greedy at it like McCaughrin Competition have done during Covid-19 and After Covid -19, While McCaughrin did not raise rate at all. Doesn't that seem odd???...McCaughrin Competitiors took full advantage in manipulating the market with bogus increase when the market was holding it own. McCaughrin said Industry create a fake stoppage that did not need to be created in raising cargo rate as high as 10,000% & That is simply GREED. The Industries has tried 42X Times in trying to Buy Brian R. McCaughrin Out & Have Failed 42X Times in not accomplishing there goal. One Ex CEO working for American President Line, (APL) in Indonesia said who also tried buying Brian R. McCaughrin out said No One is watching McCaughrin Expanding & This is going to be major problem some day and sadly his concerns were not share by the BIG BOYS in the Industries.  

Mr. McCaughrin said the problem is Now I am bigger then some of the companies who tried hard in putting Brian R. McCaughrin out of Business over 28 years. THANK GOD that did not happen. GOD has Always had my back 24/7 and told me where the mine fields were along the way. This is group of Shipping Giants that dont like Outsiders helping Customers with a better deal something they can live with. In Past 28 years Mr. McCaughrin does not hang with these people I just compete with them with a better way that works for us not them. I can put my head on my pillow at night knowing that I did the best of what I have to work with, But can they? I dont think so..The different is I have a conscience!

Mr. McCaughrin has been outsider for 28 years and is showing BIG BOYS in Global Industry how to do it. That there plans have been doomed for generations as BIG BOYS have to back pedal there shipping rates each time "While Brian R. McCaughrin keep Expanding on Market & Chartering More Ships in Living Within Your Means.

Both McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) & Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) have been debt free for 14 years and one of the reaon why Mr. McCaughrin has not raised cargo rates for over 12 years. Leaving The Great Lakes/ St. Lawrence Seaway after 10 years 1996-2006 was the best move Mr. McCaughrin ever made and why Family Name "McCAUGHRIN" Is well know in International Shipping Circle for the past 28 years. Look where I started at and look where I am now.

Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, CEO of FOBS New Zealand said Mr. McCaughrin is "Old School" Keep to what works then and capitalize on it today. Mr. McCaughrin used his own money for 4 Reasons. 1>To Retro-Fit 69 Charter Ships in Order to - Lower Time Charering Fees, 2>Get out of Paying High Diesel Fuel Cost, 3>Help STOP Polluting GOD Ocean & 4>Help Out Ship-Owners Stay in Business. As Mr. McCaughrin would say Its A Win/Win for Both Side! 

Mr. John C. Carter President of FOBS Bermuda said "Mr. McCaughrin is one of a kind" The Only person I know in Global Shipping today who thinks way outside the box in making both MMMSI & FOBS Customers #1 in every cargo we move for them. If  it means using more expensive vessel like a Tanker instead of Bulker Mr. McCaughrin will do it in a heart beat if it means it more healthy and User-Friendly = YES Why Not.. Mr. McCaughrin is moving 20' Sea Containers on 180,000 dwt Cape Sizes Bulker instead of using a Container Vessel who does that? But Mr. McCaughrin & Now the Whole Global Shipping Community is moving Containers on 170,000 & 180,000 dwt Cape Size Bulkers. Way to go Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin - Keep Inspiring Us..


DECEMBER 19, 2024


Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) & 51% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) in Bermuda Announced that Drones have been spotted at both MMMSI Headquarters in Wayne, Mi and in Hamilton, Bermuda But only at Night hoovering over MMMSI Headquarters at a distance and at FOBS International Operations in Hamilton, Bermuda. The LOSERS of Biden/Harris Failed Directorship Dont like LOSING Elections & Are not trying to hide. They are recording what ever they see and the goings on of both MMMSI & FOBS Employees. and This is why thye go after TRUMP Supporters because they are POOR LOSER & Are Not GOD ETHICAL. LOSER LIE, CHEAT, & STEAL ELECTION, & Why Over 80,000,000M Million TRUE AMERICA BORN & BREAD AMERICANS VOTED FOR DONALD J. TRUMP & WHY GOD TOOK CARE OF BUSINESS TO MAKE SURE ELECTION WERE FAIR THIS TIME!!!


"Mr. McCaughrin said U.S. Government knows who they are and where they are flying from. You have to Remember we are dealing with Children from the Deep State that Hate Losing at anything and The Former #45th #46, & Legal Won #47th REAL PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP WHO MOPPED THE FLOOR with ILLEGAL ALIEN Kamala Harris with well over 80,000,000M MILLION TRUE AMERICANS VOTING FOR NEW LEADERSHIP TO CLEAN UP THE U.S. AND PUT OTHERS ON NOTICE Will Onces Again Clean Up Where the Leftist Children Morons of the Biden/Harris Dictorship Administration Have All But Destoyed This Country Over 4 Years & Don't Like Who Coming Back To Clean Up There Mess AGAIN!!!

Just keep on Praying, The Dictorship Hates That.. & Asked GOD to Look after TRUMP, TRUMP Family, TRUMP Administration & His Children = US! & GOD Will!


Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin  

DECEMBER 18, 2024


Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) Headquartereds in both Wayne, Mi & Hamilton, Bermuda is THANKING Officials at The United States Department of Justice, (DOJ) fn Washington D.C. For listening and doing something about the out of control search engine of In Braking up Google in Sections & Hammer on Bigger Fines above $26,000,000,000B Billion Dollars to get Attention because they laughed at DOJ on last Fine they easily paid off in August 2024.

Mr. McCaughrin who Corporation Board of Directors in November 15, 2024 Were filing a $5,000,000,000B Billion Dollars lawsuit against Google for "Smearing Without Cause" on McCaughrin's #2 Corporate Busines Card: "With the Wording Suspicious on Google Web Of Trust in Seeing what web site are safe to view". Google At no time did Officials of Google ever contact McCaughrin Maritime Officials about what they were doing or about to do with out talking first to McCaughrin Maritime, Google just did it.

Mr. McCaughrin said Google did there so called Investigation of and Found nothing of Suspicious & instead of taking down smearing information Google left The word Suspicious next to On Web of Trust to this date & According to Google Officials "Because We Can" to Anyone who does not fit Google Standards, But there are No Standards it what ever Google wants to do at a whim..

Mr. McCaughrin said Google Officials were caught by Mr. McCaughrin in 2016 on McCaughrin Maritime #1 Corporate Business Card: for same thing when Mr. McCaughrin took them on they Google took it down and asked that some of the negative newsletters against Google be delated, which Mr. McCaughrin did. This time Mr. McCaughrin said NO WAY You & MMMSI Newsletter Stay Up for LIFE Google as a reminder this wont be tolerated in FUTURE!

Google did not agreed with Mr. McCaughrin & For Supporting Businessman Mr. Donald J. Trump when Trump decide to run for President Of the United States & WON. Google like power and loves to Manipulate due to Google Size on Internet & Over the Years Google has gotton too big & everything under the sun which includes stealing private computers indiviuals information and selling it on black market in gaining more market share without anyone authorization as Google says your on Google Platform we can do what we want, NO That is STEALING, & Your Search Engine is Free.

Offcials of DOJ sent Mr. McCaughrin News that thye are demanding Google to sell off Chrome and few other things and DOJ will decide which company can purchase it so its not owned by one of Google Ghost Companies.

Google Officials have met with the DOJ in asking them about Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin $5,000,000,000B Billion lawsuit & bottom line loss is getting close to $50,000,000,M Million Dollars per second. Officials of DOJ said that on you to Google to settle. We told you, You open up a can of worms with McCaughrin but you would not listen. Now you go a nighmare on your hands, DOJ said we pass on this one..

Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin 

DECEMBER 12, 2024


Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI), & 51 % Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) in Bermuda Announced that - losses Continue to Grow for Google.Com/ Bottom Line Business Loss to the Tune of $41,000,000M Million Dollars a Second + Up from $29,000.000M Million Dollars a Second Since December 4, 2024 in past 8 Days & This means Brian R. McCaughrin is getting my point across to the General Public that this kind of crap is not tolerate at McCaughrin Maritime Or at Any of McCaughrin Maritime Global's 40 Foreign Subsidiary's. The Search Engine that follow Total 15 and Google has SUNK from #1 Spot to Zero of the bottom of the list while Bing.Com/ Has Risin to the TOP. 

Mr. McCaughrin said what funny about They have been #1 in following: McCaughrin Maritime Around the world 24/7/365 for the Past 28 years and then they do this childish nonsense WHY? They backed the Wrong Horse for $1,000,000,000B Billion Dollars in Kamala Harris & Brian R. McCaughrin backed Legal #45, Legal #46, & Stole The Election 8 Hours later & Finally Legal #47 President of The United States Donald J. Trump and did not like losing that why Period! So This is how Pays back TRUMP SUPPORTERS. Stabs them in back and go after them in trying to tarnish there firm website but yet  cant find any evidence of wrong doing on: & Why Officials Did it in 1st place is anyone guess and How sad!  

Mr. McCaughrin said I gave Officials of 3 Chances to Change Course and Remove the wording on Web of Trust (WOT) on which I dont Trust as far as Spit goes, Or this would get far more Expenses then what happen to DHL World Wide Express Years Ago when Top Executives of DHL sold Mr. McCaughrin firm Business Account to Malaysia Dish Company without Mr. McCaughrin Authorization and I gave them 3 Chances and DHL Then called McCaughrin Bluff and within Hours after Mr. McCaughrin went to press on WHATS HAPPENING AT MMMSI AT: DHL Started Losing $24M a Day or $1,000,000.00M Million Dollars an Hour in Lost Business. Within a Month when Mr. McCaughrin refused to taken down its Newsletter on The TRUTH, DHL Started Firing its Entire Executive Staff right down to its Lawyers. Mr. McCaughrin FIRED DHL on Fraud Charges.   

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin

DECEMBER 10, 2024


The Employees of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI), " Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) of Bermuda & 319 Ships Crew & Officers Are Sending Mrs. Deni Debellas, of Austin, Texas  A HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES FOR HER 79TH DAY ON GOD EARTH & BLESSING TO YA!!!




DECEMBER 5, 2024

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) & 51% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS) of Bermuda & One of The Staunchest Supporters of Donald J. Trump for the past 10 years  Sent Urgent Text at 1500pm 12/5/24 to The 47th New President of The United States as of January 20, 2025, "DO NOT SENT NOT 1 PENNY OF U.S. TAX PAYERS MONEY TO COUNTRY OF UKRAINE REGARDLESS OF WHAT RUSSIA PRESIDENT PUTIN DOES ON THE WAR WITH UKRAINE" WHEN U.S. PRESIDENT TRUMP GET INTO OFFICE!



Source: Brian R. McCaughrin 

DECEMBER 4, 2024


Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) , & 51% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaires, (FOBS) Has gained the upper hand with Officials have Noify Mr. McCaughrin in Google losing more business to the tune of $12,000,000 Million Dollars a Second  an Increase of  +7,000,000M Million Dollars Since last time MMMSI went to press on November 26, 2024 which Officials of Google said Mr. McCaughrin you are Hurting Google Future. 

Mr. McCaughrin said I gave Google Officials 3 Chance to Change Course, Google Refused to Change Course and do the right thing. Mr. McCaughrin said in 28 years I dont bluff. I tell it like it is The TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH SO HELP ME GOD! Now you are seeing the RESULTS of THAT STATEMENT. 

Mr. McCaughrin said Google Officials have learned nothing since Last August 2024 in Losing $26, 000,000,000B Billion Dollars in SCREWING The lThe General Public and The U.S Dept of Justice, (DOJ) Caught Google at it and Onces again Google have shown there TRUE Colors in LOSING to Brian R. McCaughrin in a shorter peiod of time  in Trying to discredit MMMSI Corporate Business Card: By slanderous wording on Google Usless Site: "Web of Trust" that amount to  Pcs of Shit . If it does not fit Google Officials Standards, and Who know what those are???  This is outcome in less some one stand up to Google. I went down this road once before with Google in 2020 when they tried this with MMMSI #1 Corporate Business Card: I told Google Offcials then Do the right thing or this will look just like DHL but worse. Google Officials backed off and Stopped there nonsense & Now 4 years later Google Officials are back because Google Officials invested $1,000,000,000B Billion Dollars in Usless Presidential Candidate like ILLEGAL ALIEN: Kamala Harris who got DESTROYED Against #45TH,  Legal #46, & New #47TH President of The United States The Esteem DONALD J. TRUMP!

Google Offiicals  thought they escape there scam of General Public until the Federal Judge Ruled in Favor of DOJ THANK GOD, Against Google of what they were doing was wrong.  Mr. McCaughrin is simply notifying the General Public to go elsewhere away from Google. Google are way too big, & Need to get there World Operation Chopped to the bone & Re-Organized and let others get in Otherwise Google will control more then what they have now, and that will be well a Nightmare for Everyone!!!

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin

NOVEMBER 28, 2024


NOVEMBER 26, 2024


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) MMMSI Michigan (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Announced in Bermuda that Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Corporate Newsletter "WHATS HAPPENING AT MMMSI FOR NOVEMBER 15, 2024" Is COSTING Google.Com/ Officials $5,000,000,000M - Million Dollars a Second in Lost Business and Mr. McCaughrin said I expect this loss per hour to grow as People & Clients see what behind Google LIES & Scams  as Google are being sued ever week by somebody & At the Head of lawsuite are The U.S. Dept of Justice which to Google Biggest Defeat To Date this Past August  2024 Costing Google at $26,000,000,000B Billion Dollars. "When Mr. McCaughrin had to fight DHL on The TRUTH on Fraud Charges back in the day" It Cost DHL to the Tune of $24,000,000,000M - Million Dollars a day in lost business, $1M Million an hour & DHL Board of Directors Ended up FIRING DHL ENTIRE EXECUTIVE STAFF & LAW GROUP because Brian R. McCaughrin Refused to take down MMMSI WHATS HAPPENING NEWSLETTERS ON THE TRUTH!

Isnt it funny how the TRUTH Always has a way of coming back to you this time in a Public Setting, & Brian R. McCaughrin Has Absolutely Nothing to Lose then to FIGHT FOR GOD TRUTH!

Mr. McCaughrin said Google Officials said for the 3rd time Mr. McCaughrin this is Not Google. Mr. McCaughrin Called Google Officials Out and said You are LIARS TO THERE FACE IN Trying to discredit McCaughrin Maritime #2 Corporate Business Card: Suspicious for No Reason & Your Investigation into the Content of Has come up with nothing like usually then to come back at McCaughrin Maritime because Google #1 Political Candidate: THE ILLEGAL ALIEN Kamala Harris, who to this day Still does not have a Green Card or Brown Card, LOST the 2024 Presidential Election TO DONALD J. TRUMP WHO EASY WON IT THE 2nd time Onces Again like The last time But This Time TRUMP Took a Bigger Piece of Pie of Well over + 80,000,000 Million Votes. TRUMP LITTERLY MOPPED THE FLOOR with Harris on 11/5/24 THE WORST DEFEAT OF ANY DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE EVER HAD IN 248 YEARS. & THAT IS ONLY REASON Google.. Google Grow up & Take that Crap off Google Web of Trust on Or Brian R. McCaughrin will Personally BANKRUPTED Google Over Time! Just asked DHL, FORD, VERZION, & KIA How Much damage I did to them when they came after Brian R. McCaughrin For No Reason..

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin     

 NOVEMBER 21, 2024


Officials of General Agencies Partnership Alliance Members Network, (G.A.P.A.M.N.) in Bermuda, Announced that it has Secured Six (6) 98,500 Deadweight Post Panamax Bulkers that have already been Surveyed, Make Any Repairs, Drydocked, Painted & Converted to Methanol Fuel & Put in Operation in the 4th Quarter 2024.

GAPAMN Officials said All (6) Post Panamax Bulkers were built in 2017 & All Are Sister Ships that were Charter on October 30, 2024 for $14,250.00 Per Day Per Ship for 3 years, & $16,500 for last 3 years.

GAPAMN said All 6 Post Panamax Bulkers will go to McCaughrin Maritime Global - South Africa Division, To help feed The 20' Sea Containers Market + Plus Scrap & Coal Markets. This will further Expand McCaughrin's Multi-Purpose Brands with same low Bulk & Container Rates that will force Other Competitors to either lower there rates down to McCaughrins Rates or Risk losing market share in long run.

GAPAMN said these Time Charters will Now Expand both MMMSI & FOBS Global Fleet to 317 Cargo Ship Plus + McCaughrin Maritime Global - Vietnam Purchases a Further 2 Bow Mounted Self-Unloading Barges at 12,500 Deadweight Carrying Capacity from 4 to 6 Ships in New Service in 3 month time. Both McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) & Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) Nwith 40 Divisions Have a total of 319 Cargo Ships, Ro/Ro, Tankers, LST, & Self-Unloaders & That Not Including the 121 New Cargo Ships to be Delivered in 2026/2027 That Trade in 7 Regions of the World 24/7 Operations.

GAPAMN said that Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of "McCaughrin Maritime" & 51% Majority Owner of FOBS Has #1 Global Fleet of All Methanol Fueled Ships In World as of September 30, 2023 & Spent well over $2.86Billion Dollars in Converting 69 Cargo Ships from Heavy Diesel #2 Fuel to Methanol Fuel to Cut Pollution & Help Lower Time Chartering Cost in 2024 and in 12 month since then has Cut -45% in Pollution in GOD Global Oceans & Saved in Hundred of Million of dollars in Fuel Cost Alone, & I say that was WIN/WIN for Both Charter =McCaughrin & Ship Owners!

Source: General Agencies Partnership Alliances Members Network, (G.A.P.A.M.N.)

 NOVEMBER 18, 2024


Officials of Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C, Sent Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) MMMSI (MI) Headquartered in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States of America, An Invitation to Join Heritage Event Live a Virtual link Division of Heritage Foundation.

Heritage is a Think Tank that Really a Research Institute that is Concern with Topic such as Social Policy, Political Policy, Economics, Military, Tecnology, and Culture Policy. Most Think Tank are Non-Government Organization. This is Staunch Democratic Party Association that is Anti-Trump & has been eager to get Mr. McCaughrin on Board 1st with Democratic National Party via Hillary Clinton, Chairman, #2 Heritage Foundation, #3rd Heritage Event Alive. This is now 3rd time in 3 years. I am very honored But Thanks but No Thanks. I know your views do not fit Brian R. McCaughrin Views, As All Americans have clearly witness the last 4 years in destroying U.S. Economy, The U.S.Borders with the Failed Shipwrecks Leaders of Biden & Harris who did nothing in 4 years but Bankrupt the U.S Economy & U.S, Personal Income with Higher Taxes , Higher Grocery Prices and Pushing The Middle Income Class further down into Poor Category again. Last Democratic Shipwreck Leaders were President Obama & Biden of 8 years worth. You would of thought that could not happen again but it did!

Mr. McCaughrin has been One of the Staunchest Supporters of #45th, The Stolen #46 & PRAISE GOD #47 President Donald J. Trump of the Republic of the United States for the past 10 years. Mr. McCaughrin was talking to Businessman Trump in 2014 to seriously consider Running on Republican Ticket in 2016 & Run the United States as Business and Not a Bank Book off of The American Workers & Retirees as they wish and Get out Planned Wars Business where U.S. Troops are killed. Its not Our Business but let help Our buddies Countries Fight the War., That is a wrong.. TRUMP THE ONLY President that has Managed to Stay Out of Wars and TRUMP will Stop Russia & Ukraine War in 2025..    

Mr. McCaughrin who was invited by Facebook Original Owner in January 2, 2015 by Mark Zuckerberg & Gave Mr. McCaughrin "Unlimited Latitude" in Saying whatever I wanted within reason about Hillary Clinton. If you go to Brian R. McCaughrin Facebook Page 2015 I am not sure if it still up there or not but Hillary Clinton set herself up and not Brian R. McCaughrin, Hillary Clinton Who for 40 years LIED to Americans People & was Defeat in 2016 against TRUMP and TRUMP WON 1st Time out against 2 times Loser: Hillary Clinton. & Hillary hand picked Kamala Harris the Illegal from Island of Jamica who to this day still does not have Green Card or Brown Card..  Mr. McCaughrin said I ran Senator Kamala Harris off the 2020 Presidential Campaign with JBL Lansing Speakers on Top of 3 Custom TRUMP Coaches Telling The Public: "Kamala Harris "CAN YOU TELL THE TRUTH FOR A CHANGE INSTEAD OF YOUR CONTINUED LIES".  Kamala LIES  have a way of catching up with you later in life as you see.. I also doubt Harris had 71Million Votes not with 9 States. TRUMP I am sure WON with well over 80Million Votes. But the LYING MEDIA & TV NETWORK been lying about TRUMP for 10 years have a way in fixing all of that to confused the democratic voters saying it was closer. "NOT" TRUMP MOP THE FLOOR WITH Harris simple as that.. & GOD KNOWS!  

NOVEMBER 15, 2024


Good Day Ladies & Gentleman:

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI), Announced at MMMSI Board of Directors Meeting in Bermuda on Tuesday, November 12,  2024 that the Vote to Sue Google.Com/ for $5,000,000,000 Billion Dollars was Approved by 1000% by McCaughrin Maritime Global Board of Directors for "Trying to Tarnish McCaughrin Maritime Global Corporate Business Card: With the Word Suspicious" Next to it.

Mr. McCaughrin said Google.Com/ Has been taken a beating of late in not getting Any Credit with MMMSI Stats while 8 other search engines are taking center stage. Google Officials said for the 2nd time: This is not us doing this to McCaughrin. Mr. McCaughrin said what so funny about this LIE its on your website: Google Web of Trust, That word Trust goes as far as spit! 

Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global Board of Directors

NEW ALERT:  01:23AM / NOVEMBER 6, 2024








Good Day Ladies & Gentleman:

I see Officials of the MISFIT Organization of Google.Com/ Is now back peddling on there "Web Of Trust Website on Grading Websites to see if they Set a Certain Standard of Google Would Accept". There are 3 Billions Website in GOD World but Google had seen only 140 Million of them & Mr. McCaughrin said I take that word "TRUST" as far as I can Spit. Google is Saying that WEBSITE IS NOT OURS AND WE GOOGLE DID NOT PRINT "suspicious" NEXT TO We are not that stupid, Really. Officials of Google are saying someone is putting up a card between McCaughrin Maritime Website & Google Web of Trust to look like Google is doing this and Google are getting blamed for it at the same time. Mr. McCaughrin said you think???

Mr. McCaughrin said I doubt very much with the "Smart People" that Google has on Board is Excellent at Hiding around corners in deception in gaining the upper hand in competition by confusing everyone and that is why you have lawsuits coming out of your ass end in losing billions of dollars in the process. Every week Google you got another lawsuit in the Billions of Dollars & YES you are CLEARLY doing it and I caught you doing it period. I know people are Reading the "WHATS HAPPENING AT MMMSI NEWSLETTER" BECAUSE Google WERE NOT EVEN MENTION IN Stats for 14 days while 4 other search engine got the Credit.

Mr. McCaughrin said I spoke to Officials of the U.S. Dept of Justice in Washington, D.C., last week about launching $5 Billion Dollars Lawsuit for Google in "Trying to Tarnish" McCaughrin Maritime Corporate Business Card of Mr. McCaughrin said "DOJ Needs to Chop Google Wings a bit and get them in line", Google thinks they operate in a fairy tale land where anything goes. The Officials said DOJ are following your Newsletter Mr. McCaughrin with much interest. "Google Officials had told DOJ behind Closed Doors" Google does not want to go up against Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin in the Press. Google been told by High Officials at DHL, FORD, KIA, VERIZON, Dont go up against McCaughrin if you wish to keep your Company Reputation in Tact. McCaughrin will shred it to pieces just asked DHL who was losing $24 Million Dollars  a day.. who ended up FIRING Its CEO, President, Executive VP, and Their Lawyers "back in the Day" were all about Selling DHL Customers Accounting Information like Mr. McCaughrin & McCaughrin Maritime in Countries McCaughrin Maritime were not even trading with. The Newsletters are What Killed DHL & Its Illegal Billing Scam which Mr. McCaughrin called FRAUD at the time.

Officials at DHL at the time threatend to destroy Mr. McCaughrin firm credit, Mr. McCaughrin said go head and I will destroy DHL in the Press when the "TRUTH" is what Brian R. McCaughrin bring to the plate each time and we will see who WINS in the end! 

Mr. McCaughrin said I just wish Google would just fess up to your crimes for once!   

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin 


Good Day Ladies & Gentleman:

I was going to hold back on this explosive information till NOVEMBER 1, 2024 BUT GOD FEEL I NEED TO UNLOAD IT NOW & I have know this since 2014 and thats 11 years ago. I guess you could say I was in a place GOD wanted me to be as GOD WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS, & As you know when Brian R. McCaughrin tell you something its the TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH SO HELP ME GOD & GOD IS MY WITNESS! & Up my Sleeve My A'ce I have  Further 7 Regions of the World Countries following me every days 7/24, Which McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI), Or Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) DO NOT TRADE WITH. I have Russia, China, North Korea, Palestinian Territories, Angola, Iran, Saudia Arabia, Liberia.  They also know Brian R. McCaughrin Stance and thats why they follow me & They are GOD LOVING But GOD FEARING. 

The Democratic Party for Centuries have been pushing "The Polls" that is All Smoke and Mirrors:  & What is Smoke & Mirrors? Misleading The General Public with Important information and LYING ABOUT IT TO CONFUSED THE VOTERS "YOU" Since Day 1. They will Lie, Cheat & Steal to get there point across. If these people had to put there hand on GOD BIBLE, They lose it. 

Mr. McCaughrin said on 10/30/24 I highly doubt Kamala Harris is up by +1% Point. It more TRUTHFULLY Likely that Harris is FLOUNDERING WORSE A Further -10% Point. Harris is NIGHTMARE when she speaks and if Harris does not have cue card Oh My GOD look out..

PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP IS LEADING BY +10,000,000% Points & LIAR ILLEAGAL ALIEN Kamala Harris who to this day still does not have a GREEN CARD or BROWN CARD. Kamala Harris ENTER The REPUBLIC of The United States with her Father Another Illegal with #1 LAWBREAKER HERSELF Hillary I, CHEAT, STEAL, BRAKE 35 CELL PHONES WITH A HAMMER & LIE Clinton, Illegally brought in Kamala Harris from The Island of Jamaica. Harris is SLOWING SINKING SHIPWRECK at  24% Points if that. Enought of that Bullshit. Let move on 

The EXPLOSIVE NEWS IS THIS: Short & Sweet & to the Point! / If you the Legal US Citizens dont vote for President TRUMP The LEGAL Former PRESIDENT of The U.S. 2017-2021 / The Legal WON #45th, Legal #46 WON & Then STOLEN U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 8 hours Later & Soon Be Legal #48 President of the Republic Or You are blinded by the LIES of Past 3.10 years of Bankruping The U.S Population. Like Obama/Biden did for 8 years & Mr. McCaughrin said This is where I draw the line ILLEGAL ALIEN Harris has not gone by the Rules & Regulation from day 1 in Entering The U.S. In Proper Fashion, This is what you can expect from Kamala Harris Clown Group of Misfits in The First 60 seconds after U.S. Election is Over The 15,000,000 Million Illegal Aliens that have Crossed over the U.S. Border Illegally will IMMEDIATELY have Your Home, Your Cars, Your 401 Retirement, Including Your 401 Investments, Your Vacation House, Your Job, Your Bank Account, (s) Including Secret Offshore Accounts, which will happen Throughtout the United States within 30 days, & You & Rest of the Legal U.S. Population will be Viewed as Ilegals in Your Home County & Will be Transport Off The U.S. To Whats Ever Country Kamala Harris wishes to put you and With No Rights, & Your Passport & Your States Driver License Will be Invalid & Its going on in AFRICA right now Called: Illegal Possession & With a Crazed Dictators like Kamala Harris in Control It will be legal overnight & Thats what you can look forward to!.


Deep States is made up of washed up politicans called the Leftist Thug Group as I call them and they have lined up The Nation Media to talk there bullshit through but what Deep State did not tell the media is they also will lose everything I just told you. They will lose even bigger.. after all Media been has been in back pocket of big Business & Big Government for Centuries.




Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI), Has been in Malta on Business & Was Surprised to have been met by Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, CEO & Mr. John C. Carter President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) Met Mr. McCaughrin as he was coming out of his hotel & said Mr. McCaughrin Let go to dinner Sir.. Mr. McCaughrin said Ok Let's go. All 3 Jimped into a long strech limo and headed to a Swank Eatery Ms. McKeigh knew of. As They pulled up to Swank Eatery All 3 got out of the Limo, Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh & Mr. John C. Carter held back while Mr. McCaughrin got out and walked into Eatery where Guests of Both McCaughrin Maritime Global & Foreign Overseas Bulk were waiting for Mr. McCaughrin to arrive & walk into the Swank Eatery into a Standing Ovation of well over 300 Guest Started Cheering and Clapping for Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin who was being Honored for 2024 Global Man of The Year for Outstanding Contribution to International Bulk & 20' Sea Container Market & Steadfast in Keeping Cargo Rates Down for Record 8 Years Straight!

Mr. McCaughrin was Surprised by the Event as Mr. McCaughrin was under impression it was for a quiet dinner..  Mr. McCaughrin who was chocked up & lower his head for brief seconds & said PRAISE GOD, PRAISE JESUS CHRIST, & PRAISE THE HOLY SPIRIT & PRAISE ALL OF YOU for Making both MMMSI & FOBS what we are 28 years later, This is all about Our Father GOD, Our Son, JESUS CHRIST who died for All Our Sins. You & I doing something no one has ever tried to do with The Customers in Mind..We Are All ONE & WINNING! 

Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, Mr. John C. Carter, McCaughrin Maritime Global, Foreign Overseas Bulk. 



Officials of Web.Com/ Notify Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) At 12:01Am on 10/23/24 as Mr. McCaughrin was touching down in Malta that Is CLEAN of any mulware anyware. Web.Com/ Will keep close eye on

Source: Web.Com/

OCTOBER 22, 2024


Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) Headquartered in Wayne, Mi, The Republic of the United States in Taking AIM at Leftist Thug Corporation of Officials of Google.Com/ For Taking AIM at Private Global Shipping Corporation Corporate Business Card of: For No Reason but to Try and Tarnish Web Site which is Under Investigation by Google.Com/ As a Susipious Site You know whats Odd Google You did this once before to During the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election and days later the Wording: Susipious was removed from this website WOT.  

Mr. McCaughrin said but when you go to Google.Com/ "Web of Trust" or WOT,  NO ONE has said anything negative about in 9 years Since it was launched by Web.Com/ Who By The Way Are Long Term Partners with Google.Com/ Since Was Launched on March 12, 2017. Mr. McCaughrin said So Google.Com/ With NO Data to Back up Google.Com/ Lack Luster Fake Investigation Bull-Shit, Google.Com/ Went out of there way to list Brian R. McCaughrin's Private Corporate Business Card: Site as Susipicious - Only LIES & NO TRUTH to back up there usless claims just like What PRESIDENT TRUMP Has been blamed for 9 years WOW does that ring a bell or what?. Fake media If there not going after TRUMP they go after Brian R. McCaughrin. How sad you are & that called DESPERATION..

Mr. McCaughrin said As we count down the days till Usless Brain Dead ILLEGAL Kamala Harris Who has been A FLOUNDERING SHIPWRECK Since Kamala Harris 1st Enter 2024 U.S. Presidential Election & Why? Because Kamala Harris been LYING Since Her Father, Mr. Harris brought Kamala Harris to U.S through The help of Hillary Clinton Loop holes & HillaryClinton The #1 BIGGEST Political LIAR in Government who for Over 40 years been telling her Supporters LIES for VOTES & Then going back on her word. Hillary Clinton is biggest law breaking LIAR in USA if Hillary cant win legally, Hillary will LIE, CHEAT & STEAL like Kamala Harris with the help of FAKE MEDIA. This is what Kamala Harris Refused to bring up But I will for the 2nd time: Kamala then a District Attorney for The City of San Francisco did not do her job in professional manner & Instead of helping Hundreds of Thousands of Residents of City of San Francisco who wrote letters to the then Governor of California, Why? Because Kamala Harris who is an Illegal Alien herself from Island of Jamaica was Supporting Illegals & Letting them out of Jails for there misdeeds & Not Supporting The Residents of San Francisco & Then Governor FIRED Harris & Kicked Harris out of California & Packing Harris Bags back to Washington D.C Where FLOUNDERING Harris has not faired any better & Kamala Harris was forced to drop out of the 2020 Presidential Election due to Harris Countless LIES to Supports on Campaign Trail Thanks to Brian R. McCaughrin & Kamala Harris Father on CNN Live TV where Mr. Harris was answering a Question & Said on live TV, My Daughter Kamala Harris is the 2nd Biggest LIAR after 1st Biggest LIAR Hillary Clinton. Hours later Kamala Harris dropped out of running for President of the U.S.

Mr. McCaughrin said Google.Com/ Who take there Direct Commands from Hillary Clinton Who is Chairman of Democratic National Party, In going after Any Private or Public Corporation Who Fully Supports Or Invested with The Legal 45th, The Legal #46th & Soon The Legal #48 REAL PRESIDENT Of The REPUBLIC THE ESTEEM DONALD J. TRUMP to RIGHT THIS FLOUNDERING REPUBLIC BACK ON IT FEET ONE MORE TIME!

Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin



Officials of China Development Bureau, (CDB) Notify Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI), In Bermuda on October 16th, 2024 that China Shipbuilders are Rebuilding up to 7/400,000 DWT Chinamax now Re-Named under MMMSI "THE ASIAMAX" Now that Mr. McCaughrin who left China Trading back on December 8, 2020 after 18 years Sailing to China who was invited by China back in 2000 & CDB told Mr. McCaughrin that China will sail 4 of the 7 ASIAMAX to a Netural Area outside of China for MMMSI to begin International Container Trade in 20' Sea Container Market a Market Maersk Officials of Denmark were hoping would not come back for Next 2 Year. This is 1 Vessel that has done damage to Maerk Container Market.  Maersk were told by China that Mr. McCaughrin would have to wait up to 2 years for the rebuilding due to serious cracking of the hull.. Mr. McCaughrin said we were told 9 months to 16 months depending on scheduling. We just want to make Sure "THE ASIAMAXS" Are ALL SAFE TO SAIL PERIOD & Maerk quit your crying already.. You have 2 times the Ships That MMMSI Has..& Your still gouging your customers but not for long!  

Mr. McCaughrim said Maersk been mad because while McCaughrin Maritime Global - China, (MMGC) was Operatring in China over 18 years McCaughrin's had 78 Seaports to use & Maersk had 35 Seaports to use over 95 years. McCaughrin gave China Industrial Markets something Maersk could not at time  "Cheaper Cargo Rates & Better Service". The Seaports available to MMGC were filled & MMMSI Ships were coming in so often over Maersk that China gave MMGC Any Additional Seaports We could tie up to and unload at & Maersk has not gotton over that fact! 

The China Development Bureau said 4 of The 7 ASIAMAXS will be delivered to MMMSI on March 12, 2025 and Sail with South Korea Crew. Each of These ASIAMAX can carry  up to 30-36,000 /20' Sea Containers depending on Other Cargoes that MMMSI Carriers on the ASIAMAX & All will be Fueled by Methanol.

Source: China Development Bureau, (CDB) 



Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, & 51% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) said he's Happy about Maersk & Rest of Container Lines Ship Owners being Forced to Lower Containers Rates due to Supply Chain Disruption that occured in past weeks along the U.S East Coast & U.S Gulf Ports. Those Container Rates Should dropped a Further -25% Anyways and "Quit Gouging the Customers" just because you want to be more greety by jamming down +25% Container Rates you laid on these same customers last year for no reason just because you can? You All will Eat those words in the End as Each of your Contracts with these Same Customers Runs Out & They are Coming to McCaughrin's to Haul there Next Cargoes at much Lower Rate where Gouging is Unheard of for 28 Years Straight!

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin



Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin said how many times have I addressed this problem with U.S. Weather Bureau on questioning those that talk about Hurricanes on TV and the direction the Hurricane is heading, at least 5 times and I see nothing has changed!!! & Onces Again the Weather People in USA said Hurricane Milton was Blasting to Bermuda and PRAISE GOD! Was 155 Miles to South West Heading To Florida & Gulf Coast. The British Island of "Bermuda Sits in the Middle of Hurricane Alley in The Atlantic Ocean". Direct Hits from Hurricanes are rare but do happen for Bermuda. Since McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) & Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) Operations are in Bermuda, Malta, & Asia, We heard that 2 Hurricanes hit Bermuda in 2014 Some 10 years ago. But Since McCaughrin & FOBS been in Bermuda, PRAISE THE LORD! None have hit Bermuda, Knock on wood.


Source: Brian R. McCaughrin

NEWS ALERT/ October 5, 2024

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said Democratic Minnesota Governor who is Kamala Harris VP Pick Tim Walts is under Investigation by House Oversight Committee for Sick Crimes leading to Communist China where Governor Waltz took 30 Secrete Trips to China including going to China for his 5th Wedding Anniversary at Tiananmen Square Massacre with his wife Gwen. A date Waltz said he will always "Loved to Remember", WOW How Sick is That! Well you got ILLEGAL running for President & Communist running for VP. Oh GOD....HELP US GOD GET TRUMP IN OFFICE OR WE ARE DOOMED!

Kamala Harris been caught 2 times already breaking the law by FBI. I see FBI has not jailed ILLEGAL ALIEN yet I see nothing been done to her & Kamala was run off the Campaign Trail in 2020 once already by Brian R. McCaughrin for Lieing to American People on everything that comes out of kamala mouth Her own people quit her because of the outlandish lies she told. Kamala Harris Husband now under investigation for beating woman.

Source: Brian R. McCaughrn

September 21, 2024



Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) MI Headquarters in Wayne, Mi & Chairman of the Board & 51% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk  Subsidiaries, (FOBS) Bermuda Was met by 3 Reporters in Bermuda after FOBS Lear Business Jet landed about some questions these 3 Reporters had asked Mr. McCaughrin back in March 2024. These Reporters were given free rein to asked Mr. McCaughrin anything they wanted within reason. Mr. McCaughrin has 50 Questions to Answer in the Next 2 years.

1>Question: How is Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh?

Mr. McCaughrin said Ms. McKeigh is doing FANTASTIC & Is busy as ever.. Ms. McKeigh has been pushing the Agenda for 2 years in the Philippines on Switching over from Heavy Diesel #2 Fuel to Methanol Fuel Over Installing "VERY EXPENSIVE SCRUBBERS" which is basically a Huge Air Filter Wrapped Around the inside of the Smokestack in Stopping Dangerous Black Soot from Entering GOD Fresh Air. & What more damaging is the Water thats pump back into Lakes & Oceans of The World from stopping this water down Soot Harmful Chemical that is huge NO NO, & "Why 45 Countries & Growing in BANNING Any Cargo Ships, Tankers, Ro/Ro Etc from Entering these Countries Harbours. Thank GOD The Country of China was the 1st Country in the World to Put an End to that which Mr. McCaughrin decide on Methanol Fuel instead of Scrubbers. Mr. McCaughrin was never settled on Scrubbers from Day 1 Saying there need to be something far better then that. Its a very expensive band-aid to a very serious long term health problem. 

Mr. McCaughrin said since September 30, 2023 McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS are Only Global Shipping Company in 7 Regions of the World that USE Only Methanol Fuel for Its 311 Ships which Includes: Tankers, Ro/Ro, Self Unloading Powered Barges, LST,  Bulk Carriers, Geared & Non Geared & In over 12 months have been able to Reduce -45% in Pollution in GOD Ocean!

2>Question: Have you spoken to 45th President Donald J. Trump?

Answer: YES Mr. McCaughrin said I have spoken to 45th & 46th Legal 2020 President of The United States DONALD J. TRUMP who had his Presidential Election STOLEN from TRUMP on November 3, 2020 & why this Country is changing daily into a Banana Republic by the CLOWNS of biden & harris. President Trump & I spoke about International Business, Upcoming Election & If Mr. McCaughrin was still interested in joining TRUMP/VANCE Administration in 2025. Mr. McCaughrin said to 45th & 46th Legal 2020 President, "YES" Sir I "Serve At the Pleasure of the President" in a Position President Trump feels Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin could Best Serve for TRUMP/VANCE Administration for 4 Years. 

3>Question: Mr. McCaughrin Who do you think WON the Debate between TRUMP & VP Harris?

Mr. McCaughrin said TRUMP WON THE Debate Hands down against THE FLOUNDERING SHIPWRECK OF Kamala Harris & How an ILLEGAL from THE Island of Jamaica got to be VP is Astounding. I ran that ILLEGAL ALIEN Kamala Harris off The Presidential Trail Onces Before in 2020 with a Bull Horns Saying Kamala "JUST TELL THE TRUTH FOR ONCE", After few days with JBLansing Speakers on Top of Each of the 3 Custom Coaches SUPPORTING TRUMP,  Harris popularity was floundering to STOP with only 1-5 people Hearing Kamala LIES, LIES & MORE LIES & Then Mr. Harris Kamala Harris Father was asked on CNN about kamala, The Father Said My Daughter Kamala is The 2nd BIGGEST LIAR Only to The 1st To BIGGEST LIAR, Hillary Clinton, That Evening Kamala Harris dropped out of the Democratic Presidential Campaign.

Mr. McCaughrin said Kamala Harris is ILLEGAL ALIEN from Day 1 who was brought to The U.S from the Island of Jamaica by Hillary Clinton Connections. Kamala still does not have her Green Card.. Kamala slides away from that question when its brought up. Mr. McCaughrin slammed that on Kamala Campaign from Town to Town with Bull Horns, Kamala got Mr. McCaughrin & His Group Banned up to 1 mile from Harris Campaign but it did not matter because Kamala Harris Own Employees were quitting Kamala Harris Campaign over LIES, & MORE LIES & The Firing of Harris Own Staff if they did not support Kamala Harris Agenda Saying Mr. McCaughrin is Pushing for TRUTHFUL ANSWER Kamala, Mr. McCaughrin is not going away, and He investing in more JB Lansing Speakers, Mr. McCaughrin will be heard. Mr. McCaughrin said I knows there LIAR on Campaign Trail & Kamala Harris is It. Mr. McCaughrin labeled Harris AS FLIP-FLOP LIAR who cant beat TRUMP & Hillary Clinton Head of Democratic Party is well aware of it!

Kamala is a LOOSE CANNON PERIOD! Why I say that is because Kamala Harris Past is Slowing Coming to HAUNT Kamala Harris Now. From DAY 1 Kamala Harris is only taking care of Letting Criminals Free & Protecting Illegals & Not doing her job Protecting TRUE BORN AMERICANS, Then as Assistant District Attorney in San Francisco. Kamala was NIGHTMARE during her time there. The Governor of California then Hearing Nightmare Stories from San Francisco Residents Came to Boiling Point & Governor sent Kamala Harris Packing Out of San Francisco & Back to Washington, D.C, Where Harris continue to be NIGHTMARE Their. Harris past 4 years as Fake VP Has not show Any Improvement. This is what you can look forward to. A MESS that cant be fixed inless DONALD J. TRUMP get Into Fixing this Country Again like the last time when Obama/Biden Ran U.S. Into Bankruptcy Over 8 Years. Obama, Biden Harris loves War's & Spending US Tax Payers Hard Earn Money. TRUMP is the Only President that can both Talk The Talk & Walk the Walk 

President Trump worked with less people in TRUMP Administration then any other Past President & Got more done. TRUMP is multi-purpose President that can get score of things done & not be side tracked by just one Item. Hillary Clinton Boss at DNC had made it her job to Jam TRUMP Up on More Lies vs While letting Kamala Harris off her leash since being caught now a 2nd time this week as Harris has moved from Colluding to Bribe The Ukraine President for Political Votes which I am sure is against U.S. Federal Laws, & Ths get better Now Democratic New York Mayor Been Caught by FBI for Bribery.. Hillary I see your not hiding any of your dirty laundered your letting it right out in the public, How sad. Hillary you just cant stand you lost that election 9 years ago against Businessman TRUMP A Well Prepared Canadiate.. You were not that good to begin with. 

Bad Mouthing TRUMP in Press, TV Is Not working over the years & Rigging Presidential Elections & Faking Arrest is not working when The TRUTH IS TOLD!  Now shooting at TRUMP that just shows How DESPERATE Hillary Clinton's Democratic Party is in 2024. DONT LOOK AT POLLS. Its All Made Up Numbers by Media. TRUMP IS SO FAR AHEAD OF Harris in Polls, People cant believe why Harris is still in race. Harris has to cheat to win..BUT WAIT Harris: GOD IS IN CHARGE and TRUMP WILL SUCCEED WITH GOD AT THE HELM!  

"NEWS ALERT9/23/24 FBI just caught Kamala Harris Caught Colluding with A Terrorist Nation to Defeat Donald Trump. Iran Hackers were SPYING ON TRUMP Campaign & Sold TRUMPS Campaign Material to Biden/Harris Administration during the Summer of 2024, & Both Biden & Harris should RESIGN Both President & VP Position Now for Buying & Stealing TRUMP Campaign Information which is ILLEGAL TO USE As The TRUMP Campaign Material Has Copyright Infringement Associate with it if taken & Used illegally without DONALD J. TRUMP Personal Authorization. 

 Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin

September 12, 2024


Officials of General Agencies Partnership Alliances Members Network (GAPAMN) Announced that they have Secured Eight, (8) Cape Size Bulkers of 180,000 dwt tonnages for Time Charter 4.6 years and All The Cape Sizes have been Converted to Multi-Purpose Bulk & 20 Sea Containers & Converted to burn Methanol Fuel while All 8 Cape Size Bulkers were Drydocked, Surveyed & Repainted this Summer.

GAPAMN Said the 8 Cape Size Bulkers are going for $20,000 per day and will pay a 5% Commission to a 4th Party Logistics Group. All 8 Cape Size Bulkers will be split among 2 Global Fleet of Four (4) Going to McCaughrin Maritime Global & Four (4) Going to Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS).

GAPAMN said this will bring both Global Fleets up from 303 to 311 Cargo Ships going into bottom half of Third (3rd) Quarters of 2024.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime told GAPAMN Officials that Cape Size Bulkers brings better deal in the long run over the Post Panamax Bulkers of 98,500 dwt that go for $15,000 per day but 180,000 dwt Cape Size bulkers can carry Additional +81,500 tons per trip for mere +$5,000 dollars more per day. Mr. McCaughrin said we are going this route because of the recent removing of 400,000 dwt Asiamax (Ex Chinamax) bulkers were taken out of service due to serious cracking of it hulls which now wont be back for a while & The 180,000 dwt Cape Size Bulkers are McCaughrin Maritime 2nd Biggest Hauler beside 1st Biggest Hauler The 208,000 dwt Newscastle Bulkers of 20' Sea Containers & Bulk Cargoes for MMMSI Clients made up of Mining, Manufacturers, & End-Users. We have to make up that tonnages from somewhere along the lines as demand warrents it & right now it been warranting it with McCaughrin Maritime Bulk Cargoes & 20' Sea Containers Rates that Maersk MSC, CMA/CGM & COSCO been trying to find out what that is! 

GAPAMN said Since September 30, 2023, McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS are Only Global Fleet Operating in Seven (7) Regions of The World using Methanol Fuel & Has Eliminate -45% of Pollution to GOD Global Ocean over Scrubbers which is doing more harm then good and are very costly to put in. 45 Countries have Banned Ships with Scrubbers todate and growing. Scrubbers area band-aid to the problem of curbing pollution from the ship smokestack & What the Scrubbers are HIDING in Dumping Back Harmful Chemicals back in Lakes & Oceans of the World & Why 45 Countries are BANNING THESE SHIPS!!!

Mr. McCaughrin said Country of China was the 1st Country to BAN OPEN-LOOP-SCRUBBERS where at the time McCaughrin Maritime Global - China had a Rather Large Ocean Fleet of Cargo Ships Transporting Iron Ore, Coal, Scrap, Containers to China Industries & Why Mr. McCaughrin instead went to Methanol over Scrubbers and untile Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin left China December 8, 2020 after 18 years in China due to political issues that were unwarrented & backed then 45th President Donald J. Trump Agenda 1st!  

Mr. McCaughrin said leaving China in 2020 McCaughrin have Added Well Over 100+ Plus Cargo Ships to McCaughrin Maritime Global & FOBS Global Fleet in Expanding Trade Elsewhere over past 4 years with much much success

Source: General Agencies Partnership Alliances Members Network, (GAPAMN) 

September 03, 2024


Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) Stated for the 8th Month of August 2024, ROCKERED to more then double its Stats Due to 2 Bibical Newsletters & Adding some Bibical Movies on to MMMSI #2 Corporate Business Card Blessing to All!

Mr. McCaughrin said that  well over 1800 Hundred People came to which include Robots & Worms & Raised the Bandwidth from 63.48 in July 2024 to 90.15 Bandwidth in August 2024 / 14,951 Hits, and 7,896 in Pages Read & Captured 38 New Counties. PRAISE THE LORD!!!

Mr. McCaughrin said Bibical News of both August 21, & August 28th, 2024 went over July 2024 Stats by Number of People & Number Unique Visitors & Maintained a 93.70% Average for 31 days, & Spent an Average Reading of 1 Minute and 52 Seconds &  Thats up by +30% from Previous Month & Onces Again: Was Top Referrers out of All Search Engines, Facebook, X & Linkedin. I told some Season Captain Watch Bibical Stats take most of the Stats for August over Corporate News on both & People need to get back to the Bible and See Bibical Movies.. I enjoyed all of them & hope you did too. 

Mr. McCaughrin said Just  looking at Stats for September 4, 2024 to give you an idea what the Clients, Customers & Public think of the last 24 hours looking at Stats are up already +30% from day before with 2.0 Pages Per Visit,  19 Pages Viewed,  TOP REFERRERS: Out of All Search Engines, X and Linkedin That is impressive...Front Pages got 86.4% Viewing & WHATS HAPPENING AT MMMSI Page Got 70%, & Is COOKING for September with 200 People Visiting Already going to be another Rocket in Stats in Next 26 days, THANKS ALL & Blessing to ALL! 

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin

August 28, 2024


Good Days Ladies & Gentleman:

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin had a experiences this afternoon, Tuesday 8/27/24 at 2:30PM like no other in his life  "THANK GOD" Mr. McCaughrin was close to his destination. Mr. McCaughrin put MMMSI & FOBS Office Keys on Top of GOD KIA SOUL while he was looking for other things in his pocket, with so mush on his mind he walked over to other side of GOD KIA SOUL & got into driver side & back out of his parking place and drove away.

Mr. McCaughrin had driven 10 miles since leaving that parking place, and had gone to a Gas Station, Eatery,  Grocery Store,  Post Office to sent out some needed mail, and to bank before going to his Final Stop, His Speed Averaged 25 mph to 45 mph and made 15 turns. 4 out of the 5 Places Mr. McCaughrin went to were Drive Thru Only!

Mr. McCaughrin came to realize he needed MMMSI & FOBS Keys and when they were not in his pocket McCaughrin immediately started praying to GOD IN CHARGE 12 Times as soon as Mr. McCaughrin got out of GOD KIA SOUL The lost Keys were where Mr. McCaughrin put them originally on Top of GOD KIA SOUL on Passenger Side & 1st Thing Mr. McCaughrin said was "OH MY GOD" THANK YOU GOD"  I can not believe this with all the turns I did these Keys should of slid off the top of the GOD KIA SOUL & Been GONE!

Mr. McCaughrin said what is so shocking is NO ONE I MEAN NO ONE Beep, Yelled, Scremed for 10 miles that those MMMSI &FOBS Keys were on TOP of GOD KIA SOUL. NO ONE Said anything and No One touched those Keys while I was shopping at Grocery Store, while its was parked for 30 Minutes is just AMAZING..

Now you know why I speak so Highly of GOD, JESUS CHRIST, & HOLY SPIRIT On both and  They are my Life, They are my Sight, They are my Hearing, They are my Feeling & They are My Family! & Without GOD, JESUS CHRIST, HOLY SPIRIT, I would not be here & I would not be where I am today at 75 years old, PRAISE THE LORD! 

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin

August 21, 2024


Good Day Ladies & Gentleman:

My trip to Country of Vietnam was FANTASTIC & I got to see 3 Great Bibical Movie On GOD! on my way back to Bermuda I thought I share them with you. I think we all need to STOP and THANK GOD for Everything We Have as Humans & The BLESSING GOD has Given Us All & Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, 75 years would not be here without GOD, JESUS CHRIST, & HOLY SPIRIT PERIOD! & I know that for a fact. 

Mr. McCaughrin said I always do what I feel is the right thing to do. I asked GOD that by using MMMSI Corporate Business Card: I can do that. Some say that I should not be bringing bibical items into Corporate Setting, & Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin said I am not your Typical Business Executive Eather & There will never be another one & As I Always Say: "GOD NEVER MAKE MISTAKES"!  

Here are 3 Great Bibical Movies:  "GOD WITH US"   "THE BIBLE & GOD"!  & CREATION:  "THE EARTH IS A WITNESS"  - They are all on

Enjoy & Blessing to All!

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin

JULY 31, 2024



#1 Mr. McCaughrin we dont see you any more on "X" Why?  

Thanks to Mr. Elon Musk who invited Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin in the 1st place after TRUMP said NO To Musk so TRUMP could bring out his own blog: "TRUTH SOCIAL".  Mr. McCaughrin said Musk is not a TRUTHFUL Person. Mr. Elon Musk was asked 3 times by Mr. McCaughrin What are "X" Rules & Regulation of What Mr. McCaughrin Can Say & Not Say, Musk never sent the "X" Rules & Regulation to Mr. McCaughrin. Instead Mr. Elon Musk & His Cronies threw Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin Off Of "X" 4 Times Since March 2024. Elon Musk a staunch democratic & Was told By Officials from The Deep State,  Mr. Elon Make it Next to Impossible for Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin To Not get back on "X" For Telling the TRUTH! Mr. McCaughrin said It was nice while I it last but Iam not wasting my time coming back to "X". When I heard Elon Musk say he was going to Donate $45Million Dollars Per Month to President TRUMP Presidential Campaign for 2024. The 1st thing Mr. McCaughrin did was Call President TRUMP & Say please dont hold your breath with Elon Musk. As I see Musk is back pedaling already when TRUMP happen to mention Elon Musk $45Million Dollar Monthly Donation at One of TRUMP Many Speeches throughout the USA. 

#2 How is MMMSI Both Corporate Business Card Site: & doing?

Mr. McCaughrin said Is doing FANTASTIC & The Bandwidth is +40% Higher then it should be. For June 2024 Bandwidth is 60.31 & 63.48 for July 2024 and if we included the (*) Not Viewed Traffic, Its was 74.61 Bandwidth for June 2024 & 92.81 for July 2024 when compring what the average for this site is & Is up +350% from June 2024, & +400% for July 2024. Both site have more Visitors Spending more time at each site and when you get anyone to spend 4Minutes & 50 seconds that is impressive PRAISE GOD! FRONT PAGE is Averaging a 72% Viewing for June 2024 & 86.60% for July 2024 & WHATS HAPPENING PAGE is Averaging 75% for June 2024 and 86.60% for July 2024 Viewing and Clients List is 64% Viewing. So Thanks for asking & Blessing to All who came to Visit!

#3 Mr. McCaughrin how is Spying Investigation going from Maersk, MSC & COSCO?

Mr. McCaughrin said GREAT! We are finding out what each of these firms spied on at both McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS & are getting more about Maersk, MSC & COSCO then what they did to McCaughrin & FOBS in return.  I am surprised that none of these 3 Companies have said nothing about there lost employees who are in Prison in 3rd World Country where These Countries have strict laws on Spying & These Spies will stay there for a long time on International Spying Charges with Private Shipping Corporation where McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS does a lot of business with.

#4 What do you think of VP Kamala Harris running for President in 2024? 

Mr. McCaughrin said The last time I ran ILLEGAL ALIEN kamala harris off the Presidential Campaign Trail was 2020 with Bull Horns when McCaughrin Maritime Charter 3 Custom Coaches during TRUMP 2020 Campaign,  I SAID kamala "WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO TELL THE TRUTH FOR A CHANGE"??? Fewer & Fewer People came out to hear kamala lies even kamala Own Staff were Quitting what does that say? kamala is LOSER & LIAR  - It That simple! & Like I told hillary clinton in 2016 You & kamala harris cooked your own goose by the continue lies you told the American People, so you have no one to blame but yourself so GROW UP & QUIT YOUR CRYING!

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin

JULY 23, 2024


General Agencies Partnership Alliance Members Network, (GAPAMN) - Bermuda Has Secured 4 / 208,000 DWT Newscastlemaxs Bulkers for $28,000 per day for 4 years at 5% Commission to 3rd Party Logistics Firm with Open Options for more years if needed.

Officials of GAPAMN said the Chartering Rates for 180,000 dwt bulkers are too high according to owner Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin upon him leaving for Vietnam on the July 22nd we may have to look outside of the Cargo Ships we are currently using to fill the gap. I am thinking of 208,000 dwt Newcastlemaxs. These ships have extra +28,000 Tons Carrying Capacity then Cape Sizes at 180,000 dwt & MMMSI replaced All of the Cape Sizes at 170,000 dwt in 2023/2024 when Re-negotiating further Time Charting Years on New 180,000 dwt Capesizes.

GAPAMN said this will now bring both MMMSI & FOBS Global Fleet up from 298 ships to 302 Multi-Purpose Cargo Ships, (MPC) That can handle both 20' Sea Containers and Bulk Cargoes. These 4 Newcastlemaxs  Bulkers have also been converted over to Methanol Fuel upon them leaving their Recent Shipyard 5 years Sailing Certifications. MMMSI & FOBS are The Only Global Fleet in World as of September 30, 2023 with All Fueled  Methanol Global Fleet with MPC Ships in Serving in All 7 Regions of The World!

 Source: General Agencies Partnership Alliance Members Network, (GAPAMN)

JULY 16, 2024








JULY 10, 2024


Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI), Was invited to the Country of Vietnam on May 28, Thu May 31, 2024 for a Unique Experience in looking into New Venture way outside of what Mr. McCaughrin has been involved with for the past 28 years.

Mr. McCaughrin met up with Shipowners who Transport Loose Material Like Sand, Limestones, Cobberstone, Coal, Iron Ore, with Small "Barges" with 80 foot Bow Mounted Boom Self-Unloading Belt with All Open Hatche Vessels that have a 1,500 dwt to 10,000 dwt Capacity with Only Tarps Coverning the Loose Cargoe from Stern to Bow in Keeping This loose Cargo Dry from the Weather as it Travels through sections of the 40,000 Miles of the Mekong Delta in Vietnam Only. These "Barges" as they are called are different then Great Lakes Self-Unloaders. The "barges" have Center Loading Belt that runs from Boom to In Front of Aft Crew Accommodation Block & Belt is only 3 feet deep and 5 feet wide. The "Barge" can be Unloaded in 4-6 hours & Cargo hold is Cleaned as it being Unloaded by 7 of the Crew, They do everything on These Barges & Their are No Specialist or Union here. They do everything except load it, & They all work Great together & I can really get into this.. 

Mr. McCaughrin was quite impressed with the whole operation and said, Now this is my speed Gentleman!  How can I get involved? The Shipowners said Mr. McCaughrin we have been following you from the Start back in 1996 to where Your firm McCaughrin Maritime Global is now in World. We as Group here in Vietnam were thinking this would be ideal for both You & McCaughrin Maritime Global Vast Operations to get involved here? What do you think? Mr. McCaughrin, who was quiet for few minutes & Said Gentleman: Thank you for the Special Opportunity, I am very Blessed  YES I love the idea, But You people have something Very Unique Here. The Small Ships I love that. I been praying on this for some time in the world where Only small ship are doing this. Please let not blow that by bringing in Huge Ships that would destroy what you people have built up to this point. I am not saying NO, "But" I dont think it the time yet. Mr. McCaughrin said I am sure rest of your Large Group here would not want to see MMMSI & FOBS Handymax's 50,000 dwt up to MPC 400,000 dwt Bulkers in Mekong Delta tommorrow, Nor Do I. But If it leads to that fine, Then McCaughrin Maritime Global & FOBS can be in here within 24 hours to help you out. We meaning MMMSI & FOBS just down want to upset the applecart here. But let wait on that OK. Now Mr. McCaughrin said I loved to buy into one of your Barges, Any Available? All Agreed YES! PRAISE THE LORD! 

Mr. McCaughrin was able to secured from the Vietnam Shipowners 3 "Barges" of 1500 dwt, 3500 dwt & 5000 dwt Cargo Capacity with Each Vessel with a 80 foot bow mouted boom Self-Unloader & Keep the Crews on board. Mr. McCaughrin is expected back in Vietnam by the end of July 2024 while these 3 Self-Unloaders go into Drydock & get Inspected, Surveyed & Any Repairs Needed for Certifications to Sail. This will now make the 40 Foreign Subsidiary of McCaughrin Maritime Global & Raises McCaughrin Maritime Global Fleet to 298 Ships. 

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin  

JULY 3, 2024


General Agencies Partnership Alliance Members Network, (GAPAMN) Has secured Six (6) Post Panamax 98, 500 dwt Bulkers to be in position by July 9, 2024.

Officials of GAPAMN said All Six, (6) Post Panamax Bulkers had recently been dry docked for its Five, (5) Years Hull, Engines, Shaft, & Converted to Combination Multi-Purpose (MPC) Bulk Cargoes & 20' Sea Containers Ships and All 6 have been Converted to Burn Methanol Fuel. Both MMMSI & FOBS are only Global Fleet in The World that burn exclusive of Methanol Fuel and No More Heavy Diesel Fuel #2, I am Happy that rest of the Global Fleet are following Brian R. McCaughrin Pattern that is Far Clearner, & Far Cheaper then Scrubbers that Polluted GOD OCEANS of the World, & Why Many Countries are Banning Ships with Scrubbers! 

GAPAMN said the 98,500 dwt  MPC Time Charters are for 6 Years at $15,500 Per 24 Hours & Paying a 5% Commission to 4th Party Logistics Group.

GAPAMN said the last 2 years of the 6 year of the 98,500 dwt Time Charter would be $18,500 per 24 hours and 5% Commission Paid to 5th Party Logistics Group.

GAPAMN said This will bring up both McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS Global Fleet from up from 289 to 295 MPC Ships going into the Third, (3rd) Quarter 2024 & Does not included the 121 Multi-Purpose Combination Ships That Brian R. McCaughrin Order in Germany on June 21, 2024 to be built in 10 Countries & In Operation by First Quarter, (1st) of 2028 & Adding 121 a Further to Having a Globe Fleet of 410 Ships Serving in All 7 Regions of The World 24/7/365 Days of The year.

Source: General Agencies Partnership AllIance Members Network, (GAPAMN)  

JUNE 24, 2024


MMMSI Board of Directors, FOBS Board of Directors, Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, CEO of FOBS Pacific, Mr. John C. Carter, President of FOBS Atlantic and 79 Executives have ALL VOTED NO to be Either Be Sold, Acquired,  Partnerd, or Merged with 3 Of The Biggest Containers Shipping Companies in the World = China Ocean Shipping Corporation, (COSCO), MAERSK, & MSC Shipping Companies & The Purchase Price Fell Short of the Corporation Asking Price. These 3 Companies also were caught Spying on MMMSI & FOBS in April/May 2024, & Then on May 24-28, 2024, Oaktree Capital Managament Officials began Researching McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI),

Mr. John C. Carter Notify Mr. McCaughrin on May 31, 2024 that Goldman Sachs had sent a email to them to asked them to open an account and that Goldman Officials are done with the indepth investigation on Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin Companies. Mr. Carter said I am not sure on Goldman Sachs, I have a funny felling on this but Oaktree sound more legit. Mr. McCaughrin asked Mr. Carter check anyways with FOBS Law Group to cover ourself. Mr. Carter said OK. Mr. McCaughrin said John you and Ms. McKeigh are now in charge of this. I am out of this picture  until I hear from Ms. McKeigh, OK Mr. McCaughrin, Ms. McKeigh knows where I will be. Ok Stay, Stay Safe Sir,  You too Mr. Carter!  

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Who Owns 100% Percents of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI),  51% Percent of FOBS Bermuda, and 38 Foreign Subsidiares withdrew from the voting for the 2nd time like Mr. McCaughrin did when he was out injured back from 2014 - 2018 & Said I left this Purchase up to MMMSI Board of Directors, FOB Board of Directors, Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, Mr. John C. Carter, & 79 Executives to Vote their Own Future.   

Mr. McCaughrin said PRAISE THE LORD! I am very glad they did the right thing. This now marks the 253 time MMMSI has been asked to be bought & Each Time MMMSI & FOBS Executives have said NOT INTERESTED, But Thanks for stopping bye. Now let get back to business!

Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin 

JUNE 21, 2024


Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) for the 4th Time since Mr. Elon Musk Owner of who invited Mr. McCaughrin on "X" in March of 2024 who has over 4,400 Post & is Averaging an 85% Viewing has been knocked off 3 Other Times for "SPEAKING THE TRUTH"

Mr. McCaughrin said last week Officials sent Mr. McCaughrin, an email saying we now have put "RED LABEL" on Brian R. McCaughrin Blog Account" & You Sir, will be "Watched Even Closer" then before. McCaughrin said WOW I. Must be real political threat to the Deep State Cronies for just TELLING THE TRUTH & Then You just kick me off without any reason. TELLING THE TRUTH WHICH YOU CANT IT SEEMS. NOW I KNOW HOW PRESIDENT TRUMP FEELS!

On Thursday June 20, 2024 MMMSI Board of Directors Voted 100% to Give Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin Unlimited Latitude to go after The Establishment, Mr. Elon Musk & at Mr. McCaughrin Wishes. I hope The Establishment, Mr. Elon Musk & His $44Billion Dollar Venture of buying have alot of Risk Insurance on Ones REPUTATION. Why you asked? Because I am Excellent at damaging it. In Over 28 years The Establishment has come after Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin for being Successful, Just asked DHL, Ford, Verizon for Starters who tried to damage MMMSI Reputation for No Reason. I went after each of these companies & Gave them 3  Chances to "Change Course" & All 3  Companies Refused. So I went to MMMSI CORPORATE NEWSLETTER: WHATS HAPPENING AT MMMSI Instead, 1> Express Courier DHL back in the day Ended up losing $24M A DAY Selling MMMSI Account to 3rd Party Dish Company in Malaysia without MMMSI Authorization. McCaughrin later forced DHL Board of Directors TO FIRE Entire DHL Executive Staff along side it Law Group. 2>Ford Leasing ended up losing $1Billion dollars in One Quarter of 2014 for building a lemon called Ford Explorer which MMMSI later had to Put in Storage for 2 years because Ford Motor Leasing refused to honor its Red Carpet Lease Agreement on its in 2013 Ford Explorer Costing MMMSI Money. & 3>Verizon who was with Mr. McCaughrin for 31 years & Cut Mr. McCaughrin off in the Middle of Contract, So While Verizon Employees off on Strike, "Mr. McCaughrin informed All Its STRIKING EMPLOYEES to Stay on Stike for Ever until Leaders at Verizon give you what you REALLY DESERVE"., Verizon decide to settle after hearing McCaughrin Statement but lost due to Mr. McCaughrin a further $1Billion in lost sales & Became Verizon Longest Strike in Company History. Mr. McCaughrin called it "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" Which " Officials have been trying to Shut Down  Brian R. McCaughrin on on "TELLING THE TRUTH"

Mr. McCaughrin said on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 knocked McCaughrin Off for No reason for the 4th Time in Row "TELLING THE TRUTH" On a Picture of former Senator Mitch McConnell & The Question somebody put up on X blog do you think Former Senator Mitch McConnell should be put in Prison for what he done? & Mr. McCaughrin said TRUTHFULLY Former Senator Mitch McConnell is Just another BOUGHT Politicans in Washington BY THE ESTABLISHMENT CRONIES that need to be hung by the neck in bringing down this Republic. House Speaker McConnell has been in the Hip Pocket of #1 Biggest LIAR in Politics for over 40 plus year in Government Hillary Clinton &  Like former VP Pence was also BACKSTABBER, &  SNITCH to Hillary Clinton who Tried & Failed to destroy GREATEST PRESIDENT #45 & #46th LEGAL PRESIDENT of Republic in 2020  PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP FOR THE LAST 10 YEARS!

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin

APRIL 24, 2024


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) MMMSI Mi Headquarters in Wayne, Mi The Republic of The United States, Hamiliton, Bermuda, & Velleta, Malta.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime had Called on General Agencies Partnership Alliances Members Network, (GAPAMN) On April 21, 2024 for 4 Post-Panamax Bulkers at #98,500 DWT & 4/ #82,500 DWT Kamsamax Bulkers & On April 24, 2024 (GAPAMN) has Secured these  8 Bulkers and They will be delivered in Specific Location by April 26, 2024 to full fill 8 New Contract for Cargo Movement.

Officials of GAPAMN said We have secured 4/98,500 DWT Post-Panamax Bulkers for 4 Years for $15,000 Per Day & Option for 2 more year Option at $16,500 & Paid 5% Commission to 4th Party Logistic Group.

Officials of GAPAMN said We have secured 4/82,500 DWT Kamsamax Bulkers for 4 Years at $14,500 Per Day & 2 year more Years Option for $15,500 per day & Paid 5% Commission to 3rd Party Logistics Group.

GAPAMN said Both Types of Ships Have already been Converted to Menthanol Fuel with New Equipment, Drydocking Survey and All have been Painted from Top to Bottom. 

Officials of GAPAMN said this will now Increase McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS Global Fleet + Up To: 283 Cargo Ships & This does not included the New Ordering of 121 New Cargo Ships to be Delivered in 2028 & That will further Raise the MMMSI & FOBS Global Fleet To: 404 in just 15 years since being in The Ocean Trade after leaving the Great Lakes on 12/31/2006 after 10 years there.

Source: General Agencies Partnership Alliance Members Network, (GAPAMN)
Source: Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)
Source: Foregin Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: 98,500 DWT - Post Panamax Bulkers
Source: 82,500 DWT - Kamsamax Bulkers

APRIL 12, 2024


MMMSI Board of Directors Announced this week that MMMSI #1 Corporate Business Card That made McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) What is For Past 25 years on The famous World Wide Web Back in the day from April 5, 1999 to April 5, 2024 is Cebrating its Silver Birthday for the Next 4 Weeks on the internet by MMMSI Board of Directors who Voted 12-0 Make that Possible.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, has been in Countrry of Germany for the past 2 weeks with Ship Owners finalizing items for the Ordering of 121 Brand New Geared & Non Geared Cargo Ships in 8 Different Category of Ships, 1> Handymax, 2>Ultramax, 3>Kamsarmax, 4>Panamax, 5>Post Panamax, 6>Cape Size, 7>Asiamax (*), 8>Tankers.  (*) Asiamax is Ex: Chinamax

Source: MMMSI Board of Directors
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin

APRIL 6, 2024


Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) Is in Country of Germany with MMMSI Ship Owners in looking at New Ship Design that German Naval Architecture has finished that Mr. McCaughrin is pushing for with the Ordering of 121 New Multi-Purpose Bulk Cargoes & 20'Sea Containers Cargo Ships with Bigger Deadweight Carrying Capacity Tonnages then what both MMMSI & FOBS is Currently Chartering right now.

Mr. McCaughrin said this "New Design: Box Shape Hull" is used by some smaller Ship Owners but Not the Majority of Ship Owners due to its Design that the Majority Owners are not sure of but Mr McCaughrin see the the New "Box Shape Hull Design" & Willing to take the Risk that "Majority Of Ship Owners Are Staying with What Works For Them" VS McCaughrin is always looking way out side the box for Newer, Better for Its Clients and see a need in Expanding into More Tonnages by +7-10,000 DWT then what we have now is not fixing the problem for the future at present..

The "Box Shape Hull" is a Litterly That a Shoe Box Hull and not the Type of Cargo Ship Hull with Curve in Side of Hull that is currently being built, and "Box Shape Hull" Building will be faster then its is Now with the Curve is time consuming design in building.

The Ship Owners Concern is that this will 1>Increase unloading time, 2>Increase time at the dock, 3>Increase expense for both the Owners and Charters then what we have now, Mr. McCaughrin said just the opposite, Why? These are Not Self-Unloaders where you need that Curve in both Side of the Hull in helping Material Slide Down to Self- Unloading Belt to Dock.

Since These Multi-Purpse Bulk Cargo & 20' Sea Containers Ships will be Unloaded by Bucket with loose material & Slings for Containers & it will be easier due to Straight Up and Down Port & Starboard Hull Sides VS  Standard Bulk Cargo Hull Curve Design from being damaged by the buckets all of time, & Now that damaged is removed from that equation with "Box Shape Hull"

Mr. McCaughrin wants to Maximize Dead Weight (Carrying Capacity) In Offering More Cargo For Less Money to Clients which is what Mr. McCaughrin been offering since I got into this business 28 years ago.

Mr. McCaughrin is been in contact with 10 Countries to build 121 Cargo Ship since Asian Yard are Over Booked with New Orders and 10 Countries are looking for more business. Mr. McCaughrin is looking to fullfilling these New Orders in 4-5 years, where the Ship Owner are looking at 5-7 years.

Source: Country of Germany
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: MMMSI Ship Owners
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)

MARCH 11, 2024


Brian R. McCaughrin announced that #2 Listed Billionaire Mr. Elon Musk who threw me off his "X" blog where for 9 months Mr. McCaughrin posted 5,500 Tweets and Got 87% Viewing and now that Elon Musk removed Mr. McCaughrin because I am a threat to Elon's democratic buddies, I am now using MMMSI #2 Corporate Business Card: Newsletter Platform to Voice my "TRUTH CONCERS" that will be up permanently on this site. Where Mr. McCaughrin is VIEWED by Over 174 World Countries on 7 Continents of The World 24/7, & MMMSI Stats are off the Chart now that I am back telling the World of the bullshit that is being told toward #45th & #46 Legal President of The Republic, Donald J. Trump in setting the Facts Straight, where the Democratic Dictator Biden who likes confusing everyone and in Past 3 years Biden has made The United States a Banana Republic..

As to Bullshit that came out of Dictator Biden's mouth on The State of the Union Address of March 7, 2024, I can see why I never listen to any of Biden's previous messages to the Nation, as they were more of the same Bullshit and Yelling & Saying NOTHING OF IMPORTANTS..

From Listening to Wildman Biden for 67 minutes to the World, it's time to put this CLOWN OUT TO PASTURE!!! I dont know where he was going in his talk, but Unity was farthest thing from Biden's message.

Mr. McCaughrin said in working for President Trump since 2015 the World 1st Spoken Words of UNITY was in Putting ALL American People 1st in Everything, and Hearing it 1st come out of a deranged Dictator's Biden mouth whose whole message was based around 1st>Ukraine, 2nd> Ukraine, 3rd> Ukraine Funding, 4th The Illegals coming through the Southern Border at high rate in U.S, 5th> The US Americans and Their Safety Dead last on Biden Agenda PERIOD! & Biden been showing his past 3 years of nightmare record & We The People need this Crap for another 4 years, HELL NO!

Mr. McCaughrin said I could see the eye rolling and Head shaking from side to side on the Republican House Speaker, Mr. Mike Johnson listening to Continued BULLSHIT & LIES that Biden was muttering out of his mouth as he was coughing half way through it failed speech and That hour of the night is Biden's nap time. I dont think Biden can go the distance with TRUMP for the Next 9 Months. Biden will be in his bunker in Delaware like last time in 2020 where TRUMP mop the floor by beating Biden at 75,000,000M Million Votes VS Biden 35,000,000M Million Votes.

On More Far Important Subject: Today March 11, 2024 is Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin 75th Birthday. As we just landed back in Bermuda from Malta with over 3 days in Meeting with its Global Ship Owners where both MMMSI & FOBS are looking at Ordering 121 Brand New Cargo Ships with Bigger Tonnages over the Next 5 years. That will put both MMMSI & FOBS Global Fleet Up To 396 Geared & Non Geared Ships. Mr. McCaughrin is looking for larger Box Shape Hulls, and All will be fuled by Methanol. Mr. McCaughrin said last September 30, 2023 both MMMSI & FOBS Global Fleet of Ships were converted over to Menthanol and No More Dirty Diesel Heavy #2 Fuel black smoke pouring out of its Smokestacks which is also very expensive in cost when comparing that to Methanol and Cleaner for GOD Environment!

MARCH 11, 2024

Brian R. McCaughrin who turned 75 Years old today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY by the way Sent over a Request form for MMMSI WHATS HAPPENING NEWSLETTER to Modification Dept on March 11, 2024 at 09:30AM & Web.Com/ & Its Officials there have managed to lose Mr. McCaughrin request form and try & further grounded Mr. McCaughrin and Silence Mr. MCCaughrin from Telling The TRUTH, Why? Because Web.Com/ is a Democratic Based Firm and they got #2 Billionaire Mr. Elon Musk to Throw Brian R. McCaughrin off "X" for No Reason due to fact & According to #45th & #46th Legal President, Donald J. Trump said Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin was doing reputable damaged to Biden, & Kamala Harris & Biden had invested $8.5M into Republican Nikki Haley Campaign who was getting her ASS handed to Haley in 21  U.S. States Straight Losses last week in Republician Super Tuesday Election. Mr. McCaughrin was voicing his opinion to Dictator Biden March 7, 2024 State of the Union Message which was a 1 Sided to Confuse & Manipulate All Americans on what Biden meant by his 67 minute useless message was to further destroy U.S. into a Banana Republic in 3 Short Year. Biden only cares about 1>Ukraine, 2>Ukraine, 3>Ukraine, 4>Illegal at Southern Border & American People & Their Safety are Dead last on Biden Agenda.  

MARCH 5, 2024

Brian R. McCaughrin, said 12 times GOD IN CHARGE! & Prayed to GOD on 3/5/24 and said GOD, I am going to use a word that you may not agreed with me on in MMMSI WHATS HAPPENING NEWSLETTER: Fuck, So Please forgive me GOD..for what I'am about to do..GOD interrupted me during my prayer and said Brian My Son, You must always speak from the Heart Otherwise this TRUTH is not you., You are respected in the world for what you say in TRUTH Not what is Untrue is not you Brian.

I waited and acknowledged GOD consent. Thank You GOD for the many Blessing you have bestowed upon me in the Blood of Jesus Christ, AMEN

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin

MARCH 5, 2024

Brian R. McCaughrin wasted no time in attacking both The Democratic Party in there funneling $8.5 Million Dollars into Nikki Haley Campaign WHO BEEN FLOUNDERING TO TUNE OF 21 STRAIGHT LOSSES: 1>IOWA, 2>NEW HAMPSHIRE, 3>NEVADA, 4>THE AMERICAN VIRGIN ISLANDS, 5>SOUTH CAROLINA, 6>IDAHO, 7>MISSOURI, 8>VIRGINIA, 9>NORTH CAROLINA, 10>MAINE, 11>ALABAMA, 12>OKLAHOMA, 13>TENNESSEE, 14>ARKANSAS, 15>TEXAS, 16>COLORADO, 17>MASSACHUSETTS, 18>MINNESOTA, 19>CALIFORNIA, 20>UTAH, 21>ALASKA,  = PRAISE GOD! / Nikki Haley does not Know When To Leave a Party???  & WHO CARE ABOUT TEENY vermont who has open borders up there too!!!  Nikki Haley you got your ASS HANDED TO YOU BY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WHO LIVE & WORK IN THESE 21 REPUBLIC STATES & THEY ARE NOT DONE!  IT WAS A LANDSLIDE VICTORY FOR TRUMP!

Mr. McCaughrin said Nikki Haley you sold your soul to the devil when you Joined leftist Democratic Party who are well know for Rigging Election, Stealing Ballots, Lying Under Oath & Last Saturday Nikki you joined Democratci Party that is Direct Conflict of interest you cant serve on 2 Parties, Nikki you getting your Ass kicked all over the Republican football field by the REAL #45th & #46 LEGAL PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP right now.

Mr. McCaughrin said Nikki Haley & let's not Count the District of Columbia Win, which is only 60 miles square, Its Not Even A Fucking State & Should not be Counted because it most hated town among 75% of Americans for they say No One can be trusted there so much corruption in Government that was not a win you scratched through. 

At best That was a Run Up to SUPER TUESDAY, March 5, 2024 where TRUMP will Sweep Nikki Haley in the floor of The Republican Caucus ..

Nikki Haley when you only get 1,274 Votes, half of those votes were ballot and rest were machine counted out of 24,000 Republicans Who Refused to Vote for you What does that say??? YOU'RE NOT SOMEONE TO BE TRUSTED.

Mr. McCaughrin said I am 80% Sure D.C was Rigged. They cant have there Newest Investment lose to TRUMP. I questioned anything in D.C  To begin with. Nikki you got minority of Votes 10% I would not call that a win I'd called that EMBARRASSMENT, .. I was told that Nikki got 654 of those Votes were ballots & 620 were Voting Machine TRUMP Votes given to Nikki Haley..By The Crooks in D.C. I am wondering if TRUMP got 1274 and Haley got 633 that Democratic Party said  TRUMP got which was 33.33% Higher then Democratic Party Leadership  were Surprised  TRUMP got. Just go to show that 33.33% Feel TRUMP was Worth The Vote Considering TRUMP FIXED Most of Problems of Obama 8 years of bankrupting the U.S, in fixing in Superior Fashion for the American People, & Business & that what Counts. Now 3 years later with Rigged Election in  place in 2020 with Democratic Biden has destroyed what TRUMP Fixed & Just as bad as Obama but Biden has destroyed the U.S. in 3 short years into a Banana Republic.

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin


MARCH 4, 2024


President Donald J. Trump Called Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin over the weekend in Bermuda and said Mr. McCaughrin the reason why you were thrown off Mr. Elon Musk Ownership of "X", Had NOTHING To Do With Your Wording or Anything. You Sir are a NIGHTMARE for The Democratic Party and They cant Stand you Attacking there Poor Excuse for anyone running the Country in the ground & Nikki Haley Republican Candidates is actually Now A Democratic as the Democratic Party since last week where thye been funneling over $8.5M Million dollars into Nikki Haley Campaign Chest also running for President and thats it.

Mr. McCaughrin you hit a Nerve on February 26, 2024 at 11:30PM and Democratic Party Called on Elon Musk to Shut you off and that was it. Mr. McCaughrin you all but DESTROYED Nikki Haley and I, Sir Thank You.

President Donald J. Trump.


MARCH 2, 2024


Brian R. McCaughrin told the Republican National Committee Leadership that "If President Trump Picks South Carolina Governor, Rick Scott as Vice President, Brian R. McCaughrin will 1> No Longer Support TRUMP & 2>Leave The Republican Party after 56 years". Nikki Haley Hand picked Rick Scott as Governor for South Carolina because of Same Views that Nikki Has for The US Taxpayers and as We see by Nikki Haley 8 Straight State LOSSES 1>IOWA, 2>NEW HAMPSHIRE, 3>NEVADA, 4>AMERICAN VIRGINS ISLANDS, 5>SOUTH CAROLINA, 6>MICHIGAN, 7> IDAHO, 8>MISSOURI, TRUMP Took Michigan Easy with 70.46% of Vote, Haley got 13.6% in Idaho, 12.6% in Missouri WHILE TRUMP TOOK MORE THAN MAJORITY away from Nikki Haley Another HUGE DEFEAT, How Many More U.S. States Nikki are you willing to look like BIGGEST LOSER IN POLITICS. Nikki Haley lost in South Carolina her Own Home State was -65.60% Percent Against Nikki Haley, A HUGE EMBARASSING DEFEAT, NOW THATS A HUGE SLAP IN THE FACE!!!

Mr. McCaughrin has been Republican since June 12, 1968 when going into United State Navy, (USN) Right after graduation from Grosse Pointe High School, GPHS, in Grosse Pointe Farms, Mr. Rick Scott thinks just like 6 Straight State LOSER Nikki Haley Views in bringing down The US Like That of a Banana Republic and believes in Dictatorship and Brainless Biden. Governor Rick Scott believe in the Opposite Things that TRUMP does, Like 1>Giving Illegals The same Rights as True Born Americans Have Worked For All There Life 2>Shipping US Taxpayers Money in Support of Continued Useless War & Its Supporting Ukraine Borders 3>Screwing Americans on There Stopping Illegals from Southern Borders,4>Tim Scott is the one who created Woke & Its Problems, 5> FoxNews is Pressuring TRUMP for More Media in Favor that TRUMP Picks Tim Scott, TRUMP dont take the bate TRUMP will SCREW All Americans then with LEFTIST THUG just like Backstabing Nikki Haley has done to TRUMP & The Reason why Nikki has Lost now in 6 States and Now Democratic Party is Backing Nikki Campaign to Stay in Race regardless to how many more States Nikki Haley looses as Leverage against TRUMP. TRUMP there are so many other Candidates that you can pick as your VP They must think like You or We as Americans will be further Screwed for Life if they get in..



Source: Brian R. McCaughrin


FEBRUARY 29, 2024


Brian R. McCaughrin told the Republican National Committee Leadership that if President Trump Picks South Carolina Governor.Rick Scott as Vice President, Brian R. McCaughrin will 1> No Longer Support TRUMP & 2>Leave The Republican Party after 56 years.

Nikki Haley Hand picked Rick Scott as Governor for South Carolina because of Same Views that Nikki Has for US TaxPayers and as we see by Nikki Haley 5 State LOSS 1>IOWA, 2>NEW HAMPSHIRE, 3<NEVADA, 4THAT AMERICAN VIRGIN ISLANDS, 5>SOUTH CAROLINA, Nikki Haley Own home States Votes Against Nikki Haley was -65.50% Percent Against Nikki Haley, A HUGE EMBARASSING DEFEAT! .

Mr. McCaughrin has been Republican since June 12, 1968 when going into United State Navy, (USN) Right after graduation from Grosse Pointe High School, GPHS, in Grosse Pointe Farms, Mi.

Rick Scott thinks just like 5 Straight State LOSER Nikki Haley Views in bringing down The US Like That of a banana Republic and believes in Dictatorship and Brainless Biden.

Governor Rick Scott believe in the Opposite Things that TRUMP does, Like 1>Giving Illegals The same Rights as True Born Americans Have Worked For All There Life 2>Shipping US Taxpayers Money in Support of Continued Useless War & Its Supporting Ukraine Borders 3>Screwing Americans on There Stopping Illegals from Southern Borders,4>Tim Scott is the one who created Woke & Its Problems, 5> FoxNews is Pressuring TRUMP for More Media in Favor that TRUMP Picks Tim Scott, TRUMP dont take the bate TRUMP will SCREW All Americans then with LEFTIST THUG just like Backstabing Nikki Haley has done to TRUMP & The Reason why Nikki is Losing 5 States and Now Democratic Party is backing Nikki Campaign to Stay in Race regardless to how many more States Nikki Haley loses as Leverage against TRUMP.

TRUMP there are so many other Candidate that you can pick as your VP They must think like You or We as Americans will be further Screwed for Life if they get in..



Source: Brian R. McCaughrin

FEBRUARY 28, 2024


Brian R. McCaughrin, Made 2 Prediction on Monday 2/26/24 In Front of 100 People in Bermuda that #45th & Legal #46th President Of The United States Donald J. Trump would take Republician Michigan GOP Caucus Vote by 70% over 6 Straight State Loss: nikki haley who now has been beaten badly in 1>IOWA, 2>NEW HAMPSHIRE,3>NEVADA, 4>AMERICAN VIRGIN ISLANDS, 5>SOUTH CAROLINA, 6>MICHIGAN & #2> Elon Musk would lost $600,000,000M Million Dollars In Total Loses for Past 14 months and both were Correct..

President Trump wipe the Michigan Floor over Nikki Haley with 69.75% Percent of Republican Vote of and Elon Musk has lost a total of $600.000M Million dollars in 14 months from his Electric Car Company Stock, His backstabbing Reputation in Kicking Specific People Who Are THREAT TO Democratic Candidate off "X", & elon musk Ridiculos $65B Billion Dollar Salary Package & THANK GOD The Federal Delware Judge Shot elon musk Salary down because Its Tesla Public Stockholders were getting screwed in the deal by not being told the WHOLE TRUTH OF SHAM that Tesla Board of Directors were trying to railroad Stockholder. NO One is Worth $65B Billion not even you elon musk!

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin

FEBRUARY 26, 2024

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin for the 3rd Time Has been thrown off Twitter for Speaking the TRUTH Now Renamed "X" by its New Owner Mr. Elon Musk who bought Twitter Free Social Networking Site Platform for $44B Billion Dollars in 2023.

On February 23, 2024 at 11:30PM, 8 Hours before the Poles were to Open for the South Carolina Primary Votes for The Republican Party Caucus between 2 Candidates, 1>#45th & #46th Legal President Donald J. Trump and 2>Nikki Haley which Nikki has LOST 5 U.S. STATES STRAIGHT. 1>IOWA, 2>NEW HAMPSHIRE, 3>NEVADA, 4>THE AMERICAN VIRGIN ISLANDS, 5>SOUTH CAROLINA.

President Trump took South Carolina easily as I had predicted and TRUMP took 65.60% of The Vote and this was Nikki Haley Home States.Too. How embarrassing is that Nikki to lose in your own Home State? That's like a slap in the face.

Mr. Elon Musk told Mr. McCaughrin that he had gone beyond his wording on Rules & Regulation of "X" and that is why he was yanked off The Platform. Odd Mr. McCaughrin was never sent the New Rules & Regulation on "X" that Mr. Musk Promised to sent Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin before he went on "X" The Social Network Platform. Mr. McCaughrin said at No Time was there any Swearing Mentioned on "X" But just The TRUTH. Mr. Musk said on Other Platforms, That "X" You can say anything You want Called Free Speech. So Mr. Musk what the Double Standard Here?? I Speak the TRUTH and You Yank me off "X", & This Is how this is going to work Mr. Musk? OK Musk Now that I know you have Yet Another Set of Rules I have not seen, This is far from over Musk. You think the Deep State is bad, Brian R. McCaughrin is Worse.. Just Asked DHL which back in the day were losing $24M Million a day for Selling Mr. McCaughrin DHL Account to a Malaysian Dish Company, FORD Lost $1Billion Dollars in 12 weeks in 2013 for Not Fixing Its Leased 2013 Ford Explorer that had Gases Seeping throught the Passenger Compartment instead of Ford backing its Red Carpet Lease Agreement Then FORD SCRAPED 2013 Ford Explorer To Hide There Mistake at a Ford Engineering Division in Dearborn, Mi & VERIZON Lost $500M Million Dollars in a Week when Its Employees went out on Strike & Mr. McCaughrin said STAY OUT Till Verizion Pays All Of its Employees a Decent Wage & They did. These 3 Companies Played Dirty & LOST BIG Time. Now I can add Mr. Elon Musk to the list in Playing Dirty Too. Mr. Musk I hope you like losing money because I am going to help you lose it bit faster with these WHATS HAPPENING NEWSLETTER THAT WILL STAY UP ON THIS SITE PERMANENTLY & I will keep adding to its from time to time with Elon Musk at top of the list!

Mr. McCaughrin was Yanked off & was to told fix these items and we will let you back on. When Mr,. McCaughrin which was caught off guard in the middle of his sentence of the post was just removed. When Mr. McCaughrin tried to fix the item he was yanked off again. When "X" Asked for Mr. McCaughrin E-Mail address he gave it and yanked off again. Each time Mr. McCaughrin tried to fix what I did not do I was Yanked off and then said that your email is taken already, How can E-Maill be taken when I am only one that has it???

Mr. McCaughrin said Mr. Elon Musk is under a lot of Pressure from U.S. Dept of Justice and list of certain people To Dump off of "X" 1> Its an Election Year & Mr. McCaughrin said The Deep States are bunch of LOSING Politicans & There #1 Problem Individual is Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin & They want McCaughrin Off "X" Period & What better way then to do it then with Pressure on Mr. Elon Musk.who Invited Mr. McCaughrin on "X" then to Throw Mr. McCaughrin Off on "X" with Mr. Elon Musk.

Mr. McCaughrin said At No time in 6 months that I was invited on was I ever sent the New Musk Rules & Regulation on What I Can & Cant Say on "X" back in August 2023 where Mr. McCaughrin had Posted 5,500 Tweets. Now in less of 3 Seconds, 8 Months and 5500 Tweets later are deleted just because I Speak the TRUTH, WOW.. Now I know How President Trump feels and TRUMP said it Best ITS ALL BULLSHIT!

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin

Source: Mr. Elon Musk - Owner of: "X"

FEBRUARY 21, 2024

Mr. Troy Johnson, Director of The Heritage Foundation, In Washington D.C. Who had invited Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin on January 12, 2024 to Join has been met with much disappointment from Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin.

Mr. McCaughrin Has decline to Accept Mr.Johnson gracious invitation after it was learned that Ex Vice President of United States, Mike Pence, Is Seated on The Heritage Foundation Board of Directors.

Mr. McCaughrin said Mr. Pence was the deciding Electorial Vote on Janaury 6, 2021 in Senator Chambers when then Vice President Pence double crossed President Donald J. Trump for Biden instead in both of the Overthrow of Rigged Trump Election Where TRUMP easily Beat Biden fair and square by 75,000,000 Million Votes to Biden 35,000,000 Million Votes & Overthrow of Our Republic & Turning Republic into a Dictatorship for the Past 4 years and Running the U.S. Economy into bankruptcy and selling United States out to Foreigner.

Mr. McCaughrin said Now United States is Viewed around the World as a Banana Republic where anything goes and its US Citizens are less important then the Illegals walking through the Southern Border every minutes of day with Little to NO PROTECTION. Biden is taking care of his Cronies in Ukraine border by giving Ukraine Government Billions of dollars for its Border Protection while US get pennies for protection. Why Are we not using U.S. Military at Southern Border for Protecting Its US Citizens from the onslaught of the Drugs coming over US Border War, that is a War of Our Society as we now it!

Ex VP Pence had been in hip pocket early on with Hillary Clinton, & Hoping for Seat at the table of Democratic White House but THANK GOD that never happen.

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin

Source: Mr. Troy Johnson - Director of The Heritage Foundation

FEBRUARY 15, 2024


Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, was called from Bermuda to Have his Yearly Physical At Dr. Troy Smith, D.O. Clinic at Park Medical Centers, in Livonia, Michigan on Friday, February 9, 2024 at 09:00am, Mr. McCaughrin been Paticent of Dr. Troy for 30 Years..

Mr. McCaughrin, said this Appointment was set up 30 days ago by Dr. Smith to check Mr. McCaughrin Blood Level more then a Physical. Mr. McCaughrin said alright. So Mr. McCaughrin flew from FOBS Headquarters in Bermuda to Ypsilanti Airport at then drover from Ypsilanti to Livonia there at 08:45am Mr. McCaughrin notice quickly the parking lot was almost empty of any cars for Friday Morning?. As Mr. McCaughrin was coming up to Park Medical Desk Employee asked Mr. McCaughrin do you your paper? Mr. McCaughrin said YES, Has your Insurance Changed? Mr. McCaughrin said No Its the same just like last Month, and You knew that. It did Changed in December 2023. OK I then said Do I have a Bill? They said No Mr. McCaughrin No Balance. I said OK I went an sat down. Mr. McCaughrin notice only 3 people in waiting room. Odd for Friday this place usually packed solid.

15 minute later Mr. McCaughrin was called They wanted to take his weight Mr. McCaughrin said I can save you all of that paper writing. I took my weight in Bermuda and Naked I weight 220 pounds. Nurse said Ok Thanks Nurse said time for The Eye Test. I walked out to my car to get my driving glass came back & took that test and Nurse said time to take your Blood Pressure. Nurse said you going to need to take off All that gear you have on Mr. McCaughrin, Yes I know, (*This is where this get interesting and concerning) No Employees around, I did not see my Nurse to take my blood that why I flew up here after fasting for 2 days and No Nurse for Blood Test what going on here??? No Employees said anything Where is everyone??

After Mr. McCaughrin had taken off all of his gear, (*) Nurse suddenly with out question changed her entire attitude in language speaking and said like robot: I-have-to-go-over there-which-was-another-examining-room-where-Dr.-Troy-is. Nurse open the Door, Mr. McCaughrin grab door knob and was behind the nurse, Nurse knock on examining door, & Only said "Brian is Here", Dr. Troy back was to the Nurse, Dr. Troy said to the Nurse: Pipe Brian. Brian hearing this was shocked and was only 10 feet away standing in hallway back up into his room and the Nurse turned around and saw Brian looking at her as Nurse Was Looking at Mr. McCaughrin She was Red faced said nothing. Nurse said Like Robot: You-Have-To-Get-Dressed, Mr. McCaughrin said Why? Nurse said You-Have-To-Go-To-Front-Desk-and-Fix-Problem. Mr. McCaughrin said I was already up there and No Problems. Nurse said in Robot Voice: Get-Dressed-Now in louder voice: NOW. Mr. McCaughrin Shocked by what Dr. Troy said Pipe Brian and This Robo Nurse her whole lanagues changed in seconds as those someone was controling the Nurse, It looked like there was No One in Dr. Troy Room & He Sitting at examining table but No Paticent???? I grab my stuff and told the Nurse I am out of here this is scary.. As I was walking it now 10:00AM and Still No One was around. As I was walking toward the Front Desk Both Employees where looking down at the floor motionless not moving just standing not saying anything. What was in those covid-19 shots who was controling these people. I walked out of Park Medical Center building at 38253 Ann Arbour Trail, in Livonia, Mi, Shaking like a leaf and drove away...Odd 3 years to the date GOD said Smith was going to cut you loose...WOW whats a way to cut me loose. Drove fast back to the Ypsilanti Airport and told the Pilots: Let get the hell out of quickly as possible & back to Bemuda.

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin

Source: Park Medical Center

JANUARY 18, 2024


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI), Headquarter in Wayne, MI, Republic of The United States & Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) Headquartered in Hamilton, Bermuda - WELCOME BACK: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin from a 9 Month Personal Leave.

Mr. McCaughrin, 74 years old, said I was physically exhausted from Flying to 68 Countries over a 2-year period, 2022-2023, with My Staff. Mr. McCaughrin had not taken any vacation time off in the past 5 years since he came back in 2018 from a Slip and Fall Accident on MMMSI Property on January 2, 2014, An accident that nearly killed him and put him out of work for almost 4.6 years learning how to Walk & Talk again.

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin

JANUARY 12, 2024

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, out on Personal Leave from McCaughrin Maritime 38 Companies, was sent a letter from KIA Automotive about New Changes for his 2018 KIA SOUL.

Mr. McCaughrin took his KIA SOUL over to Kia of Canton, Where Mr. McCaughrin has leased KIA'S for 12 years. Mr. McCaughrin asked if KIA could to the work that KIA Automotive was asking or should I make a future appointment? One of the KIA Service Advisors, Ms. Jazma, said YES, We can accommodate you, Mr. McCaughrin, but it could take a Couple of Hours; Mr. McCaughrin said are you sure? You people seem packed in here today. Jazma said No, we can do it just going to be be a couple of hours if you don't mind waiting. Mr. McCaughrin said NO, I will wait. No Problem.

Mr. McCaughrin waited 2.6 hours and decided to get up and see if his KIA SOUL was ready as no KIA Employees said Anything when Mr. McCaughrin did not see his KIA SOUL in the Building he went out back where more than 50 KIA'S were also parked

After a few minutes, Mr. McCaughrin found his KIA SOUL with ALL The Windows Down while 49 Other KIA had their Windows UP. Mr. McCaughrin, SHOCKED, went inside looking for Ms. Jazma and said Can you explain Why My KIA SOUL Windows are down? Ms. Jazma said so you don't lock yourself out?. Mr. McCaughrin said & why are 49 other Kia Windows UP? Jazma said Mr. McCaughrin, your car is ready. Jazma, I am waiting for an answer???.

Mr. McCaughrin said So KIA of Canton Inc for January 2024 Is Now in the Stealing Business; Repairing Cars is not profitable enough? We have Stoop to STEALING NOW; Ms. Jazma said nothing but was shuffling papers...waiting for Mr. McCaughrin to leave as Jazma was red faced.

Mr. McCaughrin said maybe I should Call the Canton Police and make a Police Arrest here. What do you think??? No One said Anything. I said, Jazma, you have the Keys to Mr. McCaughrin KIA SOUL; when I brought KIA SOUL into your Dealership, All The Windows were up, and now They are Down. Is this a Sick Joke, or What? What were you looking for? All The Work was in Front of the KIA, Not in the KIA SOUL.

Mr. McCaughrin called KIA Management while he was there and said So Someone Needs to be FIRED from KIA of Canton Inc, and Ms. Jazma needs to be #1st. Is STEALING Now On The Agenda at Kia of Canton? Management said, No, it isn't Mr. McCaughrin. I said can you explain to me why Mr. McCaughrin KIA SOUL Car Windows were All Down in the Back Lot?? NO, I can not. I want ANSWERS, SIR. Well, Next Week On Janaury 19, 2024 Sir, KIA of Canton Inc. Your Dealership will be plaster up on the MMMSI Corporate Business Card Website, and then we will get the answer I need Or Sir KIA of Canton Inc Will be getting less business. Your choice!

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin

MAY 24, 2023


Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, 74 has left his company for personal time off.

It is not know when Mr. McCaughrin intends to return back as he told All of his Companies, 108 Executives, Including 36 Divisions, McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) Board of Directors, McCaughrin International Containers Divisions, (MMMU) Board of Directors, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) Board of Directors, and Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS), Board of Directors, Run it as those it was yours "but" dont fuck it up as I will be watching.

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin

MAY 16, 2023



Officials of #3 CMA/CGM of Marseille, France are using its Paris, France Shipping Agency to Shield Itself from Spying on MMMSI Officials in finding out just what McCaughrin Pricing is on its 20' Sea Containers with its Customers Base.

Mr. John C. Carter, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS) said Mr. McCaughrin took a huge gamble 7 years ago in giving 2 discounts to its New & Present Customers in a 6 month apart in ad campaign in luring more Customers from other Global Fleets who are also in the Containers business and its has paid off with triple digits profits and Expansion of Chartering more Ships in that 7 years period.

#2 Maersk Containers Lines has lost long term Customers to Mr. McCaughrin and Now other Containers Carriers like #3 CMA/CGM and #4 COSCO are also Losing to McCaughrin.

Mr. Carter said Mr. McCaughrin told the CEO of Maersk in 2021 if I ever get the chance to get the #400,000 DWT Bulk Carriers CHINAMAX back I will be back at hauling 20' Sea Containers again and give Maersk Customers a Real deal that these Customers have not seen with Maersk in raising Containers rates in triple digit over fake virus that All Big Business Orchestra on both side of Oceans to mastermind to "HUGER" Profit Period. Mr. McCaughrin has been the only independent fleet in the world that refused to raise Bulk Cargoes Or 20' Sea Containers Rates for 7 Years Straight and has take a lot of heat for it..

Mr. Carter said The Trampers Group, (TTG) Gave Mr. McCaughrin 6 / #400,000 DWT CHINAMAX'S Bulk Carriers in 2022 that they were not using that had been in warm lay-up since December 21, 2020 and told CEO of Maersk Now Watch what Mr. McCaughrin does with these CHINAMAX'S, which can carry between 30-38,000 / 20' Sea Containers in 1 Trip when not carrying other Bulk Cargoes. The Largest Carrying Capacity that Maersk have in there Global Fleet is 18,250 TEU Capacity in E-Class Containers Ships giving Mr. McCaughrin an Extra +11,750 to 19,750 TEU / 20' Sea Containers Capacity in 1 Trip and When you times that X 6 CHINAMAX'S = 180,000 to 228,000 / 20' Extra Sea Containers All in 1 Trip! This is 1 Ship that Maersk did not want back in McCaughrin Global Fleet.

Mr. Carter said all these Containers Carriers have been dropping there Containers Rates since New Year but its is too little too late, and Now they are learning just how wrong they have been in there grand scheme of things.

Source: #3 CMA/CGM Containers Lines
Source: MMMSI News Alert - Bermuda
Source: The Trampers Group, (TTG)
Source: Mr. John C. Carter - President
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: #400,000 DWT CHINAMAX'S
Source: #2 Maersk Containers Lines
Source: #4 COSCO Containers Lines
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)
Source: McCaughrin International Containers Division, (MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)

MAY 6, 2023



Ms. Cathy Kelley - Business Development Manager for Break Bulk Europe, has invited Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, President of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) (MI) Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan to Break Bulk Europe in Rotterdam The Netherlands.

Sadly, Mr. McCaughrin has graciously decline due to "conflict of interest" with one of there Great Lakes Friends, Royal Wagenborg Shipping, of the Netherlands.

Mr. McCaughrin said when I left the Great Lakes on December 31, 2006 after 10 years operating in All The Great Lakes, St. Lawrence Seaway & Gulf Atlantic Region, I left on my own accord and YES it Always nice to be invited back to The Great Lakes by certain individuals and Great Lakes Ports like the Canadian Port of Hamilton, Ontario which has invited Mr. McCaughrin back quite few times.

But when I hooked up with Royal Wagenborg Shipping I told them I would not be coming back to The Great Lakes and I have kept that promise.

Royal Wagenborg Shipping for the Past 17 years has done a "FANTASTIC JOB" with MMMSI Interests. Wagenborg with more then 175 Multi-Purpose Bulk & Containers Ships and their Newest Ship: MV EGBERT WAGENBORG which came in The Great Lakes and was in the Port of Windsor, Ontario for 9 days in both Unloading & Reloading & Out of The Port on April 8, 2023 was a "Nice Touch" for the New 2023 Shipping Season. THANK YOU ROYAL WAGENBORG.

Source: Ms. Cathy Kelly
Source: Break Bulk Europe - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Source: Royal Wagenborg Shipping - The Netherlands
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)

APRIL 24, 2023


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc (MMMSI)
Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Announced today Its Scrapping a $100,000,000 Million Dollars 20' Foot Container Transfer Station Operation Deal in Port Huron, Mi, That included Signing long term lease with Port Huron Terminal, (PHT) and Using The Railroad to move 20' Sea Containers from Ships to Rail Track throughtout Michigan & Canada . However Due to 2 Railroads, 1> Canadian National, (CN) and 2> Lake State Railroad, (LSR) Do Not Want To Put back Railroad Ties back into a 5 Mile Section which stretches from Port Huron Terminal to Re-Connected to Other Marketing Points for McCaughrin Maritime Operation in Michigan & Canada Due to 2 Major Paper Mills That have Shut Down in Port Huron, Mi in Past 3 Years, 1> Domar Paper Mill in July 2021 and 2> Dunn Paper Mill in October 2022. Railroad say Port Huron has been dying for 40 years. Yet Mr. McCaughrin see the light at the end of the tunnel for this historical port city.

Mr. McCaughrin took "Sharp Aim" to both CN and Lake State for Abandonment of these industries for not meeting what railroad call: Not meeting long term objective yet the Railroads cant keep supply chain on schedules. You cant have it both ways boys it called give and take at both ends. Railroad must Work Out a long term Solution to meet Customers Needs to be Successful for both sides, That why the railroads are here to begin with not the other way around. Railroads dont dictate, Industries does, With No Industries, The Railroads will die. Yes passener can still use the railroad but that not there bread & butter cargoes for survival.

The Railroads Ties in most of Michigan were Taken Out Decades Ago due to what CN Says: The Market did not meet CN Overall Strategy. No Mr. McCaughrin said It did not meet CN Needs Period. CN is know for Cutting Employees which Creates Safety Problems and Tracks Problems Called Cost to make Profit. Mr. McCaughrin has had problems with CN Over many topic and this is just Another One of those.

Mr. McCaughrin said yet CN is having Nightmare in Port of Vancouver, Canada in Moving Containers on Its Tracks from Vancouver to Eastern Destination that have been Sitting for Months tying up the Food Chain for what CN Blames on Trackage Problems and Equipment Brake downs and Mr. McCaughrin has had to call in Ships, and Removed Containers from CN Track Reload Back on Ships and Send Ships Down to Western US Ports to U.S Railroads A 2nd time to Markets.

Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)

APRIL 21, 2023


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Container Divisions, (MMMU) McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) & Chairman & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS), 207 Bulk Carriers, Geared Bulk Carriers, Tankers, Landing Ships 36 Divisions, 24 Boeing 747-400 All Cargo Freighters Serving in All 7 Region of the World.

General Agencies Partnership Alliances Members Network, (G.A.P.A.M.N.) Has Time Charter 7/ #170,000 DWT Bulk Carriers at $15,000 Per Day for 4 years at 5% Commission through a 4th Party Logistics Group. These Cape Size Bulk Carriers were also Converted already from Heavy Diesel #2 to Methanol and Has further increased MMMSI & FOBS to more Cleaner Footprint & Put both Global Fleets up from 207 to 214 Cargo Ships in the 2nd Quarter of 2023. MMMSI will get 4 of the Cape Sizes and FOBS will get 3 of the Cape Sizes and will be used in both the Lumber Trade and Scrap Hauling Business in 3 Regions of the World.

Mr. McCaughrin said As we continue Expanding the Global Fleets with Cargo Rates that have not been raised in 7 years We expect more Global firms to be forced to match us or risk losing business along the way a decision Officials of these Global Fleet made during Covid - 19 by manipulating the global market place by taking Unfair Advantage in Raising Cargo Rates +1000% Over Customers, and Customers Bases and Profiting by The Billions of Dollars Each Quarters.

Source: General Agencies Partnership Alliances Members Network, (G.A.P.A.M.N.)
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc (MMMSI)
Source: Foregin Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS)
Source: McCaughrin International Container Division, (MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: 170,000 DWT Cape Size Bulkers

APRIL 6, 2023


Well The TRUTH Is Out: Stormy Daniel is ORDER to Pay More Then $600,000.00 In All Legal Cost Including a Missed $300,000.00 In Legal Fees that Stormy Daniel failed to pay in 2019 To Greatest Ever #45th President Donald J. Trump while in Office.

#2 Loss for Stormy Daniel Court Case that was THROWN OUT for "Lack of Evidence" against #45th U.S. President: Donald J. Trump


Stormy Daniel, Has gone after President Trump, Since 2016 & Daniels admitted that none of the affairs ever took place with TRUMP in 2016. Daniels did it for media attention that has cost Stormy Daniel = $600,000??? The 34 Made Up Lies of Indictment Are from people like Daniel Lawyer, Michael Avenatti who been Sitting in U.S. Federal Prison for Lying under oath "Many Times", Not paying Child Support, Withholding Money from Daniel & Guess What here is Stormy Daniel in the Middle Again who has been caught LYING UNDER OATH While under investigation at the time and that is know as perjurying yourself & The Manahttan D/A Case is Floundering Under the weight of Zip, Zero & Nothing with D/A Bragg Still Hiding 300 Pages of Evidence not seen by Grand Jury, Hum? Seems filled with Holes Again, & Again. Stormy Daniel - GOD SEE EVERYTHING!

Source: GOD
Source: #45TH & #46TH President of the United States: Donald J. Trump
Source: The Messenger

MARCH 24, 2023


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems, (MMMSI)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Container Division, (MMMU) McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) & Chairman & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS) 207 Cargo Ships, 36 Divisions, 24 Boeing 747-400 All Cargo Freighters Serving in 7 Regions of the World.

Reporters met McCaughrin Lear Jet landing at Ypsilanti, Mi Airport from Bermuda & was asked about President Trump possible arrest?


The Democratic Party Have "NO ONE, To RUN UP AGAINST: President Trump in 2024" & Tarnishing Trump has Been a DISASTER for DNC FOR Past 7 Years & IT TIME DNC come up New Scrip D/A Alvin Bragg? IS NOT IT. Deep States could not get the job done in trying to Impeach Trump, DNC IS DESPERATE, SO NOW ITS AN INDICTMENT THAT REACHING ON WHAT???, MORE MADE UP CHARGES . LISTENING TO 2ND BIGGEST LIAR IS Michael Cohen IN PRISON & President Trump was CLEARED of These Mysterious Charges in 2019 by same Manhattan Grand Jury. WOW... Remember GOD IN CHARGE! I be VERY VERY CONCERN ABOUT GOD, Then TRUMP! THE DEEP STATE Want Trump behind Bars, Period, Why? So Trump cant Run for President. TRUMP DONT SURRENDER. YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG. President Trump If you allow yourself to be arrested it show DNC you are guilty. DNC has been unable to get you on anything for 7 long years What doees that tell you?. DNC LIES & CHEAT. COMING AFTER TRUMP IS YOUR DOWNFALL. GOD IS JUDGE & JURY, GOD IS SWIFT & PERMANENT Said The Messenger. GOD BEEN WAITING FOR THIS.. NOW WATCH GOD IN ACTION !!!

Source: British Island of Bermuda
Source: #45TH & #46TH President of the United States: Donald J. Trump
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)
Source: McCaughrin International Container Division, (MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS)

MARCH 18, 2023


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of the United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Container Divisions, (MMMU) McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) and Chairman of the Board & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries (FOBS) 207 Cargo Ships, 36 Divisions, 24 Boeing 747-400 All Cargo Freighters Serving In 7 Regions of the Worlds.

Mr. McCaughrin Received an Invitation from the Port of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada ( Welcoming Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin back to Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Seaway After A 17 years absent.

Mr. Ian Hamilton Senior Management for The Port of Hamilton, Ontario said when Mr. McCaughrin left The Great Lakes / St. Lawrence Seaway on December 31, 2006, Mr. McCaughrin firm McCaughrin Maritime, had but 2 Charter Ships. Now 17 years later Mr. McCaughrin has 207 Cargo Ships, Welcome Back Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin & McCaughrin Maritime..

Mr. McCaughrin said THANK YOU SIR. I am honored by Mr. Ian Hamilton of The Port of Hamilton, Ontario Invitation To The Port of Hamilton has Always been McCaughrin Maritime #1 Sea Port for Its Bulk Cargoes & 20' Sea Containers Movement throughout Ontario.

Mr. McCaughrin said Mr. Hamilton you run a Top Notch Operation in Port of Hamilton Ontario that other Great Lakes Ports should follow.

Source: Mr. Ian Hamilton - Senior Management
Source: Port of Hamilton Ontario Canada
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)
Source: McCaughrin International Containers Divisions, (MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries (FOBS)

MARCH 12, 2023


Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin said I had a Marvelous 74th Birthday in Bermuda on March 11, 2023 with GOD JESUS CHRIST, & HOLY SPIRIT, GREAT FOOD, GREAT WEATHER, FANTASTIC PEOPLE, WHAT IS THERE NOT TO ENJOY!!!

Mr. McCaughrin said We are now enjoying another JUBLIEE with McCaughrin International Container Division Container Code (MMMU) 25 Years in Business Today March 12, 2023, Exactly 25 Years Ago today in a French Court I had to SUE a Now Bankrupted Russian Baltic Lines for Failure to Pay for Its Container Code, which Baltic did not pay for 10 Straight Years. Mr. McCaughrin said so what happen for the Others 9 years when Baltic was not broke??? & Yet The Bureau International Des Containers, (BIC) of Paris France, The Governor Authority who police these Companies on such Rules and Regulation that has been around since 1933 did! BIC did Nothing to Baltic Lines for 10 Years, NOTHING!!! How in the hell Does BIC Staying in Business???? with that kind of thinking. Mr. McCaughrin said Its the Principal of the Point, Its Wrong Period and I cant stand idle and let this continue. Its Time to take Action & SUE I Must I, Did & I, WON on Principal.

Mr. McCaughrin said "NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW, NOT BIC Nor Baltic Lines". So Mr. McCaughrin said I on March 12, 1997 SUED Baltic Lines in French Court to get that Container Code (MMMU) in a and 1 Year later, on March 12, 1998 The French Court Approved International Container Code MMMU to Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, for as long as Mr. McCaughrin want to use the MMMU Container Code.

Mr. McCaughrin said Now you see it that Container Code on 2 of McCaughrin Maritime Corporate #1 Business Cards: & MMMSI #2 Business Card: Front Page Container Where its been for 25 years as of March 12, 1998!

Source: GOD
Source: Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: The French Court - March 12, 1997
Source: McCaughrin International Container Division, (MMMU) 3/12/1998 - 3/12/2023 = 25 Yrs
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)
Source: Bureau International Des Containers, (BIC)
Source: Baltic Lines - Saint. Petersburg, Russia

MARCH 8, 2023


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Container Division, (MMMU), McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) and Chairman & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS) 207 Cargo Ships, 36 Divisions, 24 Boeing 747-400 All Cargo Freighters, Serving in 7 Region of The World.

Mr. McCaughrin received a letter from Officials of Democratic National Party in Washington, D.C. about Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin being invited into their party.

Officials of DNC said Mr. McCaughrin is a very Successful Business Executive that has invested in his own company at 47 years of age and 27 years later is a Major International Shipping Company in the World of Trade and that is kind of Leadership that the Democratic Party is looking for.

Officials of Democratic Party said that Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Name has been mentioned a lot in both Washington, D.C and New York City Behind Closed Doors as a Possible Candidate in the Upcoming U.S. Presidential Election in 2024.

Source: Democratic Party (DNC) Invitation
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc (MMMSI)
Source: McCaughrin International Container Division, (MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS)

FEBRUARY 28, 2023


Good Day Ladies & Gentleman

The week of February 22 thru 26th 2023 was "ICE STORM" that played havoc in The State of Michigan. MICHIGAN was the Hardest Hit States of 5 States experiencing these Ice Storms. Michigan Ice Storms manage to shut down Over 875,000 People, and Business without power and in Less you were Smart Enough to have a "GENERATOR" That is key here.

Nothing personal toward DTE Energy who both Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin and McCaughrin Maritime have been Customers of DTE Energy for Mr. McCaughrin 51 years and McCaughrin Maritime for 27 years.

McCaughrin Maritime has been hauling telephone poles for DTE and Mr. McCaughrin deal is simple when power goes off at McCaughrin Maritime (MI) Headquarters in City of Wayne, Mi, Mr. McCaughrin Supplies "Ample Supply of Poles to DTE and Rest go into hiding, As McCaughrin's get power back up The Poles are Then available to DTE. Mr. McCaughrin said this time DTE Officials are playing a New Game That are now in hip pocket of The Deep States and DTE said at best Mr. McCaughrin you will have power up in another week, Oh Really? Mr. McCaughrin said, Well you can expect your "Fucking Poles" in Another week and We will see just how FAST I get my POWER BACK UP then, Since DTE Pick-Up Truck Showed up at Mr. McCaughrin Headquarters 3 times on Friday February 24, 2023 in Looking for McCaughrin Maritime Officials for Available Poles Needed.

Mr. McCaughrin said you do not need Poles, You Need Lots & Lots of Wires that need to be address for being too old to hold all that ICE that been dragging wires between Poles over Decades have now BROKE putting Hundred of Thousands of Michigan Citizens and Business HOSTAGE!

Mr. McCaughrin said We know how many poles DTE Needs, and We have always given DTE Personal More then you need so let not play these games.

THANK GOD for Port Huron, Mi for Sending a Fleet of Trucks from Xtreme Powerline Construction over at McCaughrin Maritime (MI) Headquarters on Friday February 23, 2024 These Employees were Fantastic and Were able to Re-Connect Lines in about 3 hours that effected Large Section of Wayne where the Elderly People, Business are located around McCaughrin Maritime Headquarters. Mr. McCaughrin said My Chief Complaint has been When is DTE going to replace these Old Wires that are getting thin and wont hold up in Next Ice Storm ?

Now DTE in In a Jam they cant get out of because of BAD Management Decision and now you see the RESULTS.

FEBRUARY 18, 2023


One Nation Under "GOD" Indivisible With Liberty and Justice for All. The Pledge of Allegiance To The Flag of The United States Claims That Ours Is A Nation Where Every Human Being, Regardless of Race, Color, Creed, Sex, Or Social Standing, Receives Fair and Equal Treatment.

Source: 13. Justice For All / Bible. Org


Since January 1, 2017 This has not been followed since that date ? In it place has been 24/7/365 Fake News, Made up Lies, Smoke & Mirrors, Creating a Planned Virus by The Chinese In Order to Over Turn an Election, Throw President Donald J. Trump Out of Office, Put in Paid Dictator, Creating Panic among its US Citizens & Remove Its Citizens Freedom, Bills of Rights, ETC In Making The U.S. No better then Just 3rd Thug Country.

The Presidential Election on The Night of November 3, 2020 Where 45th Donald J. Trump Receives 75,000,000 Million More Votes then Any Previous President in The History of the United States. TRUMP was Robbed of the Election so that Big Business hooked up with Crooked Politicians could go back and run this Country into The Ground as They Wish off of The American Citizens who are Paying for it. For 247 years All Politicians have been in the Hip Pocket of Big Business could continue to wreck havoc among its U.S. Citizens. This is what this all about and nothing more.

When Big Business could not kill enough US Citizens with its manufactured virus, It now using Train Derailment with Toxic Chemical to Eliminate More Citizens and Keeping The Media QUIET on The TRUTH in order to confused All Citizens in bringing in as many Illegals as they can to over turn Every State & Presidential Election moving forward. But Wait Everyone Not All Is lost.... Remember: This Is GOD Earth and GOD brought his Children: You and I to Prosper for The Future. But their Are Rules GOD Expect Everyone To Follow to A "T" Why?

GOD OWNS EVERYTHING,. GOD Own The Air, GOD Owns The Sky, GOD Owns The Roads we take For granted, The Material in the ground we use to make things belong to GOD...Previous Humans & Big Business have done terrible Job maintaining GOD Clean Earth GOD Gave Us.

Their are Consequence that GOD Expect Everyone to Obey and those that do not will be getting a Visit By GOD in GOD time Not our time.

GOD run on No Clock or Calendar... Your 1st Visit will be when you least expect it and Your can never prepare for it. Your 2nd Visit will be far worse then your 1st visit. If GOD has not gotten your attention by then, Then Your 3rd Time if you survive the 2nd Will be an Eye Opener. But what do I know, I am just the messenger.

FEBRUARY 6, 2023


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Container Division, (MMMU),

McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) and Chairman of The Board & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS) 207 Cargo Ships, 36 Divisions, 24 Boeing 747- 400 All Cargo Freighters, Serving in All 7 Regions of the World.

Mr. McCaughrin notified MMMSI, MMMU, MIACI, & FOBS Board of Directors in New Zealand over The 4th Quarter 2022 Results that due to McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc Officials' attempt to Acquire Florida-based Spirit Airline in late night negotiations of October 19, 2022 for $4,000,000,000 Billion Cash, Instead Spirit Board of Directors accepted Jet Blue's offer for $3.8 Billion to be acquired pending US Department of Transportation approval.

Mr. McCaughrin has instead leased 12 More Boeing 747-400 All Cargo Freighters to Add to MIACI / Australia Operations of 12 Boeing 747-400 All Cargo Freighters. Mr. McCaughrin said these 12 Boeing 747-400 All Cargo Freighters will be Evenly Balanced for Market Penetration on the Atlantic Side of the Ocean to Serve Both New & Present Customers. We already have 12 Landing Countires through out the World on Invitations and We are looking at 12 more Countries who in the past have invited McCaughrin International Air Cargo for Service but at that time we were involved in Christian Mission Projects but said Thank You for considering McCaughrin's Maybe another time. Well Mr. McCaughrin said we will now exercise those 12 Countries Invitations and see where that lead us.

Mr. McCaughrin said with 6 Straight Years of Low Bulk Cargoes & 20 Sea Containers Rates, MMMSI & FOBS were able to Add 25 Cargo Ships & Tankers to both fleets with No Debt, Plenty of Liquidity, and Workable Chartering Rates based on Supply and Demand.

By September 30, 2023 MMMSI & FOBS will have the Only Global Fleet of 215 Ships fueled by Methanol & Eliminating Pollution Smoken Heavy Diesel #2 Fuel. At the present MMMSI & FOBS are retrofitting -70 Ships that are fueled by Heavy Diesel #2.

Mr. McCaughrin said, "We are blessed to Add  27  N ew Customers to McCaughrin Global Fleets with 36 Divisions, 202 Mining, Manufactures and End Users, up from 175 in early 2022 and have turned down 251 Acquisition 's , Mergers, Buyouts and Partnership's over 27 years!

Source: Commonwealth of New Zealand
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: MMMSI,MMMU, MIACI, FOBS Board of Directors
Source: Boeing 747-400 All Cargo Freighters
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)
Source: McCaughrin International Containers Division, (MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS)
Source: Spirit Airlines Inc, (SAI) (Board of Directors)
Source: Jet Blue Airlines Inc, (JBA) (Board of Directors)
Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, (DOT)

JANUARY 26, 2023


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Containers Division, (MMMU),
McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) & Chairman of The Board & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS) 207 Cargo Ships, 36 Divisions, 12 Boeing 747-400 All Cargo Freighters, Serving in All 7 Regions of The World.

Mr. McCaughrin said: PRAISE THE LORD!!  2023 Brings 3 Birthday Celebration for The Corporation. Congratulation to Everyone for a Job Well Done. I know I am. I am very Proud of All of My Executives.

1> McCaughrin Maritime going on 27 Years Old On January 26, 2023. Hard Work, Determination does pay off & Never Give Up on your Ideas. Just because no one is doing it, does not mean it does not work. I proved it for 27 years and Now everyone is following Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin Plan.....Keep GOD AT YOUR HELM!   

"2 - Silver Jubilee"
1> McCaughrin International Container Division (MMMU) Going on 25 Years Old On March 12, 2023. Mr. McCaughrin has to SUE Russian Shipping Company on March 11, 1997 in a French Court to Obtain MMMU Container Code. Took Mr. McCaughrin 1 year to fight the Lawsuit because the Russian Shipping Company has not paid for Container (BIC) Code in 10 years. Mr. McCaughrin said "No One is above the law. Their are Rules & Regulation and Everyone must follow them to the letter"Or Why Do We Have Rules Then?. Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin just prove it 25 years ago. In 73 years Mr. McCaughrin has never lost a lawsuit and has never been Sued in 73 years. Mr. McCaughrin sues companies for unethical business practices!   

2> McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) Going on 25 Years Old On June 17, 2023

Mr. McCaughrin said MMMSI Container Code: (MMMU) has been #1 As The Most Popular Code Globally for 12 Years Straight According To Shipping-Data.Com/ A Global Shipping Directory.

THANKS TO EVERYONE For Making These Companies Shine 24 / 7 / 365 & Blessing To All !

Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Silver Jubilee
Source: Birthday Celebration
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)
Source: McCaughrin International Container Division, (MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS)

JANUARY 21, 2023


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President, & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Containers Division, (MMMU) McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) and Chairman of The Board & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries (FOBS) 207 Ships, 36 Divisions, & 12 Boeing 747- 400 All Cargo Freighters.

Mr. McCaughrin has Created its 36th Division: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Canada. That Division will market All of Canada Including The Great Lakes Something The Great Lakes Ship Owners have had "Concerns for years" since Mr. McCaughrin left the Great Lakes the first time on December 31, 2006 after 10 years of Operations, Since Mr. McCaughrin 1st formed McCaughrin Maritime on January 26, 1996.

Mr. McCaughrin was invited in the Summer of 2022 into Buying The Great Lakes Fleet, (GLF) of 9 Bulk Self-Unloaders But CN Railroad who Owns the G/L Fleet was "Pressured" by Great Lakes Ship Owners in not Selling to Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin due to Mr. McCaughrin 6 years of refusing to Raise Cargo Rates on Bulk Cargoes and 20' Sea Containers that would spelled doom to these Great Lakes Ship Owners as They would have to lower their Cargo Rates to Match Mr. McCaughrin Rates.  Mr. McCaughrin said YES It would of make the Great Lakes Customers Happy that you can No Longer SCREW CUSTOMERS on Cargo Rates as You See Fit to make a bigger profit then before, That's The Different! Get it right!

In last 3 month of 2022 McCaughrin Maritime Global Enter Port of Vancouver, British Colombia, An Invitation Mr. McCaughrin gladly Accepted, as Country of Canada has been on Mr. McCaughrin mind for 5 years and HOW GOD WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS....

In those 3 month We McCaughrin, The Port's & The Customers have made out very nicely and that's what it all about, Everyone Benefit! & The Cargoes are Fantastic & Port of Vancouver, British Colombia is Open 12 months 24 Hrs &  365 days a year, & Something The Great Lakes Stakeholders should seriously think about.  
Mr. McCaughrin said we are hauling Lumber, Coal, Grain, 20' Sea Containers, and Just about anything else We will haul "Except Dangerous Good" McCaughrin will not and have not for 27 years!

Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Port of Vancouver, British Colombia
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Canada, MMGC)
Source: McCaughrin International Containers Division, (MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS)
Source: Great Lakes Fleet, (GLF)
Source: Canadian National Railroad, (CN)
Source: Great Lakes Ship Owners

JANUARY 12, 2023


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Container Division, (MMMU), McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) & Chairman of The Board & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS) 201 Cargo Ships, 35 Divisions, 12 Boeing 747- 400 All Cargo Freighters.

Mr. McCaughrin who flew to Bermuda on Monday January 9, thru January 11, 2023 for a MMMSI & FOBS Board of Director Meeting was told by McAfee ID Protection that the Corporation Email address was Breached and Email is on black web though McAfee and you are letting us know 5 days later!!!!! Mr. McCaughrin, calmly said So what the Fucked do you want us to do about your problem? Mr. McCaughrin said is that not what we pay McAfee ID Protection for to make sure these things do not happen? I told you people this would happen. How is it you McAfee just let individuals steal MMMSI data. Why Is it I am always right!!! I dont like being right on these issue. But Not Worry, Chairman of the Board of MMMSI is GOD and this Company would not be where it is today with out GOD, JESUS CHRIST HOLY SPIRIT. Why do you think we have so much RED Color in This Corporation HELLO!

Mr. McCaughrin said World Banks we do Business with were taken care of by me in 2021 and we took care of the Problem Individuals on the 197 Ships We Charter Also in 2021/2022 So those problems are also fixed! Mr. McCaughrin said other then Newsletters and Emails to Family & Friends Whats else do they have? NOTHING.

Mr. McCaughrin said I have 26 other Email Address I use for only Business and MMMSI is not 1 of them. So good luck with that idea and None of the Business Mr. McCaughrin does is never ever done in the United States.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)
Source: McCaughrin International Container Division, (MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS)
Source: McAfee ID Protection

JANUARY 4, 2023



U.S. Navy Network Information (IP Address: That is headquartered in Virginia Beach, VA, Was Caught By Personal At McCaughrin Maritime (Michigan) Headquartered in City of Wayne, Mi on January 1, 2023, at 06:06 AM Spying on Not only Private U.S. Citizens But a Private Corporation as Well.

You Cant Buy McCaughrin Maritime, So the Next Step Is Spying. In the past 2 years FBI, CIA, NSA, and DOJ have Spied on President Trump That Failed, So Now It is Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin. Well, there is Nothing in McCaughrin Headquartered that will help you either. All MMMSI Operation Material has been moved Overseas Decades Ago to 26 locations in The World!.

This Is Now 2nd Time this Organization has been caught Spying and the last time was 4 months ago in a faded FBI Helicopter and THANK GOD had it not been for 2 Flag Poles Standing in FBI Way in Front Property of McCaughrin Maritime Headquarters that helicopter would of Parked itself right in front of The Building and this was 1 day before FBI Illegally broke into President Trump's Personal Home in Mar-Largo, Florida to be Exact to find out what Trump was Planning for #47 Return As President for the 3rd Time in 2024 to Washington.

What is so sad about this is Mr. Brian R. McCaughriin put his Life on Line for 6 years, 1968-1973 and US Navy does this to him, Spying! How embarrassing, How Unethical to Treat one of your brother like this. The US Navy Leadership have sunk to a New Low. How about doing your jobs for a change and Not watching their US Navy Personal Watch Countries and Not U.S. Citizens which Is against the law. You Should be Watching pedophilia in the U.S. which is at epidemic proportions!

Source: President Of The U.S. Donald J. Trump
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)
Source: U.S. Navy Network Information

DECEMBER 27, 2022


General Agency Partnership Alliance Members Network, (G.A.P.A.M.N.) Has Secured Four, (4) / 82,500 Deadweight Carrying Capacity Kamsarmax Bulkers for Four, (4) Years at $14,000.00 Dollars Per Day at a 5% Commission from a Fourth, (4th) Party Logistics Group.

G.A.P.A.M.N. said the Four, (4) Karsarmax's have been converted to Methanol Fuel and will further expand the Group's Cleaner Footprint into the New Year of 2023.

Further, Officials said Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) Is to meet with All Ship Owners of 70 Bulkers & Tankers After the New Year about Retrofitting the Entire 70 Bulkers from Heavy Diesel #2 Fuel to Methanol Fuel that Mr. McCaughrin firms took on Charter After leaving China on December 8, 2020. Mr. McCaughrin is doing this for Lower Time Charter Fees for the Next Six (6) Years, and these 70 Bulkers and Tankers are to be completed by September 30, 2023.

Source: General Agencies Partnership Alliances Members Network, (G.A.P.A.M.N.)
Source: #82,500 DWT Kamsarmaxe's Bulkers
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin

DECEMBER 21, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The Continental United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Container Division, (MMMU), McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) & Chairman of The Board & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS) 201 Cargo Ships and 34 Divisions.

Mr. McCaughrin announced 5 days later that he has No Idea why Amazon Corporate Services Pty of New South Wales, Australia would be interested in Investigating both Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin or Any of of Mr. McCaughrin Companies for Purchase, Merge, or Partnership.  McCaughrin said Amazon Corporate Services Pty is a Datacenter that gather strategic information on Companies and sell it. 99% of the IP address that come to both of MMMSI Corporate Business Card Websites In the Past 3 months has been Data Center. Why? This all has to do with WHATS HAPPENING AT MMMSI FOR NOVEMBER 12, 2022, on Bulk Cargo & 20 Sea Containers Rates!

Mr. McCaughrin said I can tell you this It not going to happen in my life time. THANKS Amazon, BUT NO THANKS We Pass. McCaughrin Maritime & Now 34 Companies will Remain Independent & Free to do What We Want, Where We Want, and When We Want, Without Outside Conglomerate's dictating MMMSI Every Move. Mr. McCaughrin said YES Amazon would probably be good fit at some point in the future "but" it has too many Labor Problems in the Company and Frustrated 2nd Party Contractors Who are Helping in delivering its products with Lower Pay, Over Worked and Excessive Injuries , & Mounting Debt of $58.19Billion Dollars or +17.71% Compared to Previous 2021 in Amazon is trying to fix itself in its Expansion in U.S, & Trying to Stay ahead of Wallmart.

Mr. McCaughrin said I wish Amazon Corporate Services Pty My very best in futures as we have turned down 251 Acquisition's, Merger, & Partnership To date.  While Mr. McCaughrin Continued to Expand MMMSI & FOBS Global Fleet and Now are Cutting into Maerk Container Market because of Unhappy Customers due to Maersk High Cargo Rates.  

Merry Christmas & Blessed New 2023 Year Filled with Peace & Love. Blessing, Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, Mr. John C. Carter, General Agencies Partnership Alliances Members Network, (G.A.P.A.M.N.) MMMSI MMMU MIACI FOBS Board of Directors, 105 FOBS Executives World Wide, 201 Ships Crews and Officers, Vendors and, 175 Clients! 

DECEMBER 16, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The U.S.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Container Division, (MMMU), McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) & Chairman of The Board & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS) 201 Cargo Ships and 31 Divisions.

Mr. McCaughrin who made a quick flight to Bermuda for a MMMS, MMMU, MIACI FOBS Board of Directors Meeting on Thursday, December 15, 2022 was unware of #45th & #46th Elected President Donald J. Trump Announcement. Mr. McCaughrin who flew back to Ypsilanti International Airport, Ypsilanti, Mi was greeted by Numerous FAKE News Outlet Reporters who wanted only to know what I knew about TRUMP Announcement. Mr. McCaughrin said #1 Don't you MORONS have Anything better to talk about then Greatest President in 246 Years who ever lived: TRUMP. TRUMP worked his ASS off for 4 YEARS Straight, Took Care Of Everyone Including the World to Boot. Their was No Wars Anywhere with TRUMP In Control and All you MORONS going after PRESIDENT TRUMP 24/7/365 Days A Year for the last 6 years!

I spoke to President TRUMP on Thanksgiving About Family and Business in General and had Great Conservation. I said Mr. President, when GOD wants you back in, You will be in. You will just simply wake up in the White House and FAKE Biden with be GONE. TRUMP laughed and said, Mr. McCaughrin THANKS for that. I replied, My Pleasure Mr. President.

Mr. McCaughrin said in My 73 Years on GOD EARTH there has Never Ever been a President like President Donald J. Trump. TRUMP has been Loyal and Respected in the World and has done more in 4 years Then Any President in 8 years. So you Reporters how about getting off of TRUMP's back for a Change, TRUMP is the 1st and ONLY President in 246 years that has had his Personal Home RAIDED for No Reason, Has been Investigated by the Crooks themself The FLOUNDERING FBI, CIA, NSA, U.S. Justice Dept, Because They just Don't Want TRUMP Back as President, Cause TRUMP STOPPED you all of Decades of SCAMS on the American People and Back Room Deals, simple as that! Go do some real reporting on the Out of Control PEDOPHILIA throughout the U.S. & WORLD Now that is a STORY and FAKE Biden & Clintons Are All Over It.

Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin

 DECEMBER 14, 2022


AMAZON Corporate Services Pty, IP of Sydney New South Wales, Australia are investigating Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI), McCaughrin International Container Division, (MMMU), McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) and Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS) as Possible Merging Partners as AMAZON Corporate Services Pty, is looking thought to there own future.

Mr. McCaughrin has a huge gathering in Asia especially in Australia where Mr. McCaughrin hauls Ore, Coal, Ect to Various Countries except China where Mr. McCaughrin left China on December 8, 2020 after 18 Years of Transporting those same products for China Massive Steel Growth until China Government step over the line in hurting both The U.S. Population Our Economy, and 45th & 46th Elected President of The United States Donald J. Trump.

As AMAZON Corporate Pty, Australia Officials said You just don't leave a Country like China and set up Shop Elsewhere For Anyone else that would spell instant doom for any other Company financially and yet 73 Years old Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin did it with No Problem and then Added 70 Charter Ships to boot to McCaughrin Maritime Global Fleets and Since December 8, 2020 Has added even More Ships to tune of 197 Ships at this date in also keeping Cargo rates the same for 6 years.

Mr. McCaughrin said on MMMSI Corporate Newsletter: WHATS HAPPENING ON MMMSI ON NOVEMBER 12, 2022 Announced for the 7th Year Mr. McCaughrin is again keeping cargo rates where they are. Mr. McCaughrin is a business genius that AMAZON Corporate Services Pty, Needs to talk to.

Source: AMAZON Corporate Pty of Australia
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI)
Source: McCaughrin International Container Division, (MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International

DECEMBER 6, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc (MIACI) and Chairman of the Board & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS) 30 Divisions & 197 Cargo Ships.

Mr. McCaughrin, Announced today Via phone to its MMMSI & FOBS Board of Directors in Bermuda that Mr. McCaughrin turn down an invitation to Serve More German Ports from the German Government Development Council, A 1st for Mr. McCaughrin in 26 years due to what Mr. McCaughrin says is "bad feeling" and when I have a bad feeling its best to just say Thanks, But I Pass.

Mr. McCaughrin has been under fire from BIG 3 Containers Giants of Maersk, MSC and CMA/CGM over Mr. McCaughrin Corporate Newsletter "WHATS HAPPENING AT MMMSI FOR NOVEMBER 12, 2022" Announcing for the 7th time in a Row, There will be No Rate Increase in Bulk Cargoes Or 20' Sea Containers in 2023.

Mr. McCaughrin said that is sending shock waves through the world as to what the hell is Mr. McCaughrin doing now that he got Not 1, Not 2, But 6 / 400,000 dead weight tons Carrying Capacity CHINAMAX'S that are capable of Carrying 28-30,000 / 20' Sea Containers Per Ship in 1 Trip and For All 6 CHINAMAXE'S That comes out to 168,000 to 180,000 / 20' Sea Containers Delivered at One time.  


I told you a year ago if I get the chance to get the CHINAMAX'S back, I will use them to my advantage, and I have been..... You should of listen to me.


NOVEMBER 28, 2022


Michigan Businessman Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin said this morning that he is not shocked by Democratic Party "STEALING ANOTHER MICHIGAN ELECTION of November 8, 2022", and that Democratic Party have STEALING ELECTION DOWN TO A SCIENCE and that SADLY 10,000,000 Million Michigan Citizens are not going to do anything to change that out come.

Mr. McCaughrin said if this Same Election were held in a European City, The Citizens in that Town, or City Would Riot 1st and Then BURN the Capital to the Ground till it is made right but I don't see anything remotely happening like that with 10,000,000 Million Michigan Citizens saying Oh well just another rigged election and move on.

Mr. McCaughrin said you thought the last 4 years were bad with Gretchen Whitmer wait till January 1, 2023 Gretchen will make last 4 years looked like Child Play when Next 4 Years will look like Germany during World War 2. Gretchen Whitmer you did not WIN THE Michigan Election in fact you were distance 3rd at best. Mr. McCaughrin Votes were COUNTED but not USED due to Politics and Mr. McCaughrin Michigan Governor Application was lost on 3 different times and I was told its was a SIZEABLE Amount of VOTES.

Yes, Mr. McCaughrin said I say 5,633,002 MILLION VOTES was more then Sizeable, It was more then Both Tudor Dixon and Gretchen Whitmer COMBINED and Not bad for a 1st Time Running for a Michigan Governor Job Like Businessman Mr. Donald J. Trump did back in 2016 A 1st Timer Businessman also running for 45th President of the United States and WON That ELection and TRUMP WON 46th President Election Like Land Slide Worth in 2020 and Had it STOLEN from TRUMP with Illegal Ballots From Dead People or Illegals right off the boat.

But Tudor Dixon WON The Michigan Governor Election on November 8, 2022 with 55% over Gretchen Whitmer 42% So I am not shocked by what the Democratic Party did to Dixon by flipping Dixon votes to Gretchen and just like they did to TRUMP in 2020 Presidential Election.

Mr. McCaughrin said I be asking for a do over using Christian Ministers Because The Democratic Party CHEATS like hell to win, & Giving up Power and Greed is like dying to these people and they cant have that. They cant give up those SCAMS. Mr. McCaughrin said what sadden me is 10,000,000 Million Michigan Citizens LOST THERE VOTE Now The 2nd time AGAIN AND ARE NOT DOING ANYTHING TO CORRECT IT. YET Their are more of US then THEM.

I guess 10,000,000 Million Michigan Voters like getting screwed instead. Well Come January 1, 2023 RIGGED Gretchen Whitmer will Do it to you 24/7/365 for The Next 4 Years and Gretchen will be laughing while she doing it to you and Gretchen Will be Adding to that Michigan Debt of $7.6 Billion Dollar, I Guarantee it. Oh Ya and Soo Locks that cost is up 3.6X Times it ORIGINIAL Estimated. You People better be pushing for TOLLS on that Construction just like Mackinaw Bridge Has TOLLS.


NOVEMBER 23, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, MI, The Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) and Chairman of The Board & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS).

Mr. McCaughrin announced with Baltic Ship Chartering Index that McCaughrin Maritime has taken delivery of five #170,000 dwt Cape Size Bulkers at $12,500 per 24-hours for 5 years, paid up front, at 5% Commission to 3rd Party Logistics Group. All 5 Cape Sizes have been converted to Methanol fuel. McCaughrin Maritime has been waiting for such a deal to come along.

Mr. McCaughrin said this will now put McCaughrin & FOBS up to 197 Geared / Non Geared Bulkers / Tankers / Ro/Ro / Shallow Draft Landing Ships and Raise the Number of Methanol Fueled Ships to 127 Going into the 4th Quarter of 2022. These 5 Ships were Charter at this time to full fill a New 5 Year Contract in both Scrap and Coal Sector where Coal is Now #1 in Transporting around the World, 2nd only to Sand, Grain, 20' Sea Containers, Petroleum, Scrap, Paper, Lumber, with Ro/Ro Trade coming into its own.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: #170,000 Dwt Cape Size Bulkers
Source: Baltic Ship Chartering Index

NOVEMBER 12, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi.)

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) and Chairman of The Board & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS).

Mr. McCaughrin Announced for the 7th Time, Their Will Be No Rates Increase in Bulk Cargoes or 20' Sea Containers for 2023.

Mr. McCaughrin attributes this to 3 Sectors:
1> 90% of Fuel Cost Saving is Now on 122 of 192 Cargo Ships  with Methanol at 0.35 Cents a Gallon of Purchase of $6.6B We bought Outright for the Next 25 years and Selling back of 18 years of Heavy Diesel #2 for $400.00 a Barrell at the highest when we sold it back to brokers. (Russia/Ukraine War helped raise the price) When 2 weeks before it was $386.00 A Barrell.

2> 75% of McCaughrin & FOBS Short Routes are 7-10 Days Sailing and Only 25% are 12-16 Long Routes. This Alone Contributes to Saving in Refueling the Ships Bunkers & The Ships we take on Charter at the time.

3> 75% of the Time Charters that McCaughrin & FOBS took on this year for The Global Fleet is down Further -25% when Paying All Cash up Front for the Duration of the Charter for longer periods of 4-6 years and Paying In U.S. Dollars in comparison to the Owners Countries Dollars which is lower in Value.

Mr. McCaughrin said as of September 30, 2022, 90% of McCaughrin & FOBS Global Fleet of 122 out of 192 Cargo Ships are Now 100% Fueled by Methanol. 85% of The Countries McCaughrin & FOBS Tade Are barred from entering there Countries if there ships using a Scrubber Systems saying its add acids -by-prodcut to the Ocean of the World, Lakes, and Ponds. Mr. McCaughrin said The Scrubber is Simply a Temporary Band-Aid that is an Air Clearner around that Smokestack and Methanol in long run provide a much better cure and less costly then Scrubber.  

The 70 Additional Ship Charters, Both Fleet have taken on Due to High Demands in 2022 because of Lower Cargo Rates. We have till December 31, 2025 To Change over Our half of 35 of the Existing 70 Cargo Ships & Tankers while Shipowners will do there 35 Ships to Methanol Fuel Or Give back the Charter Ships to the Owners  at McCaughrin & FOBS Options, Which brakes down to: 1> Working Toward  Lower Time Charter Fees Per 24 Hours for 6 Additional Years. McCaughrin & FOBS Investing in Retrofitting Both of Our Halfs of 35 Ships from Heavy Diesel #2 for Methanol. Is it worth it or Not? Mr. McCaughrin tends to think it is. We, I, invested between $1.6 & $2.0 Billion Dollars in Retrofitting 69 Ships over 2.6 years Already Why? Because 1> Lower Rates and 2> Longer Time Charters. That is what this is all about. That our formula. McCaughrin Maritime do not Raise Cargo Rates inless we have to. For the Past 6th years We have not, & Been Profitable & Debt Free, Who can say that? 

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin

NOVEMBER 9, 2022


Successful Businessman Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, said this morning I find it hard to believe that I get #5,633,002  Write-In-Candidate Votes and They are not Counted and Shows as NOTHING in the Result Box which is the Majority of Votes but Officials of Michigan Voting Commission made up of hacks said Due To Mr. McCaughrin 3 MISSING Applications for Governor Job that Gretchen Whitmer Cronies made sure were lost permanently, So Mr. McCaughrin would lose, I lost nothing and Mr. McCaughrin also said I highly doubt Tudor Dixon lost by the way The State of Michigan Map Turned Blood RED on November 8, 2022 and Gretchen was KICKED to the Curb. BIG TIME Result Came to Vote for TUDOR DIXON PERIOD! There should be Re-Count Big Time  on Tudor Dixon Results because I smell a RAT in Counting the Correct Votes for DIXON. We are dealing with Cheat, Liar and STEALING is Standard for democratic Party as they don't like giving up Leadership and Power and Michigan Voting Commission is Noted for it as we can see in losing documents, MINE!.

It looks as those Democratic VOTING Machines switched Dixon VOTES of #2,416,111 and gave them to that Gretchen Whitmer just like they did to #45th & #46th President Donald J. Trump with FAKE paper ballots that's how Gretchen got the illegal win but not for long, Don't get too comfortable in that seat Gretchen, GOD will make sure of that.. Every Second, Every Minute, Every Hour and Every Day We Will Get That All Back Legally.

Mr. McCaughrin said the day you believe the News Media is The day You LOOSE Your Mind. WHO REALLY WON MICHIGAN GOVERNOR RACE November 8, 2022 WAS BRIAN R. MCCAUGHRIN with #5,633,002 VOTES and with that SCAM RIGGED democratic party they cant lose with STEALING THE VOTE and its SCAMS deep in place.

Having Brian R. McCaughrin as Governor of Michigan would destroy both sides of the aisle & Scamming and Back Room Deals taking place I am sure I would find criminal activity in a lot of those deals in Capital of Lansing if the common man finds out. People would be going to jail and YES as Promised Debt of Michigan Is Close to $7.5 Billion dollars as So Gretchen where is the Cash Now Enough to Pay Off Debt of $7.5Billion Dollars???

Mr. McCaughrin said Ah Yes The Great Lakes Shipowners "had I been in Sworn in" Michigan Capital on January 1, 2023 as of 12:01PM "Locks Tolls would been a Standard Practice at Sault Ste (Soo Locks) Marie, Michigan" BASED ON SIZE & SHIP TONNAGES, Just like Suez Canal, Panama Canal, and Mackinaw Bridge have been Charging Tolls for decades  and Michigan can longer accept giving things out free. It comings do not worry about that. With $7.5B in Michigan Debt, Thief Gretchen you got work to do and Shipowners get ready to get your check book out also in Compleating the Soo Lock Expansion.  Cost has Now Gone Up 3 XTimes it Orginal Price and Not off the Backs of #10,000,000 Michigan Citizens Either! Had Soo Locks had Tolls in place for past 50 years, Tolls would be paying for the Construction & Not the Public!   

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin

NOVEMBER 4, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, The Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime for 26 years, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) for 24 Years and Chairman of The Board & 54% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) As Owner for almost 11 Years.

Mr. McCaughrin said I want to "Clear the Air" before the Michigan Governor Election of November 8, 2022. I am still running for Governor of Michigan, regardless of what the Leftist Group say about Brian R. McCaughrin. The Left are scared to death that Mr. McCaughrin Just might have a better chance now then 6 month ago as the Numbers are turning in McCaughrin's favor and Gretchen Whitmer is SINKING IN POLLS. Mr. McCaughrin said I am not sure where Pretty Lady Mrs. Tudor Dixon is right now, BUT if #10,000,000 Million Michigan Citizens JUST PRINT: BRIAN R. MCCAUGHRIN NAME ON THE BALLOT, DATE IT, AND TURN THAT BALLOT IN, THATS THE ONLY WAY BRIAN R. MCCAUGHRIN IS GOING TO DEFEAT Gretchen Whitmer and #10,000,000 Million Michigan Citizens will get what you deserve November 8, 2022, A NO Hold Bar Business Owner that will Not LIE To Your face.

Michigan has been run on the Political Arena for over 214 years and "Scamming is a Tradition in The Lansing, Mi Capital" and Using #10,000,000 Million Michigan Citizens & Small Business to get what Political Powers People need to continue with there scam agenda's, & Gretchen Whitmer has manged to lose #81,900 Jobs since taking office & Michigan is taking longer to recover. Politicans do not know how to run State of Michigan as a Business, but Brian R. McCaughrin has a long track record of 2 Michigan Companies with 26 years and 24 years and Growing and No Debt, and that the different in Leadership for the Next Governor of Michigan in 2023.  

Mr. McCaughrin said this is what you can Expect from me: Immediate Action: LOWER GAS PRICES, LOWER SALE TAXES, FOR STARTERS Then In January 1, 2023 Continuing with New Roads Construction, Rebuilding Over #8,000 BRIDGES, Tackling Benton Harbor Water Crisis for & The Great Lakes Ship Owners I have a treat for you your not going to like but it something that should of been done decades ago. Mr. McCaughrin will also look into the Flint Water Quality, Etc and NO MASKS! If GOD Wanted you to have a Mask On, You would have had it on at BIRTH. GOD WANT'S YOU TO BREATHE GOD AIR and Not Breathing through a Mask with Cotton material into your Lungs!

Mr. McCaughrin said The Democratic  & The Republican Senators have tried to Derail Brian R. McCaughrin In His running For Governor of Michigan Application on 3 Different Times & That is How Much of a Threat: BRIAN R. MCCAUGHRIN, Is to Both Parties as Mr. McCaughrin has said this more then once in both Private & Public Setting: The Scams, Illegal Bullshit is Long over due and Will END in The Lansing Capital, of Michigan & No More Screwing of #10,000,000 Million Michigan Citizens.

Governor Whitmer is Spending over 10.1 on Michigan Election and Illegally taking it from the Michigan Treasure just like what the Senators have been doing in Washington, D.C. for Decades. Theses Senators think The Treasury is there personal piggy bank, & It is NOT.

Mr. McCaughrin said If I win as Your New Governor of Michigan on November 8, 2022, This States will be run like a Business with Checks and Balance and NOT out of the hip pocket of #10,000,000 Million Michigan Citizens. The Illegal bullshit Scams and back door deals that seem to slip into law STOP'S on November 8, 2022 with Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Whitmer Cronies.

Mr. McCaughrin said Governor Gretchen Whitmer is loose with words when she States: Michigan is Flush, Flush with CASH, Mr. McCaughrin says then what is Michigan Total Debt Level then???? That has never been mentioned in the campaign. This is something I have been asking for since Day 1 and never seem to get a straight answer on that question.

But come Noon on January 1, 2023 When Brian R. McCaughrin is Sworn in as 1st Businessman of Michigan Governor take Office I will bring a Band of CPA'S with me and we will find out about Michigan Debt from A to Z and #10,000,000 Million Michigan Citizens will be told the TRUTH in the DAYS Moving Forward...

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: #10,000,000 Michigan Citizens
Source: State of Michigan
Source: Governor of Michigan Election November 8, 2022
Source: Governor Gretchen Whitmer
Source: Leftist Group
Source: Democratic Senators in Michigan
Source: Republican Senators in Michigan

OCTOBER 21, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU) MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, The Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) & Chairman of The Board & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS).

Mr. McCaughrin announced that he is in talks with Several Shipyards on the Great Lakes about Retro-Fitting the 858 Foot Self-Unloader MV. ROGER BLOUGH, That caught on fire mysteriously while in long term lay-Up at a Fincantieri Bay Shipyard in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin that will now be towed to Canadian National Rail Dockis for lay up at Port of Conneaut, Ohio but 2 Shipping Companies have their Eye on MV. ROGER BLOUGH for possible Re-Use, and One of those firm is McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) of Wayne, Michigan, Who want to use MV. ROGER BLOUGH as Multi-Purpose Bulk & Container Carrier as Mr. McCaughrin been in talks this week with Canadian National Rail, Key Lakes Inc,  ABS, North American Marine, Naval Architect,  MacGregor about Folding Hatche Covers & Donjon Shipbuilding on When and How Mush. 

Mr. McCaughrin said the Fire did the most damaged in the Stern section and going from there we will rebuild and making it whole again. This is not going to be a quick fix. But MV ROGER BLOUGH has plenty of Life Left in her and This Lady been laid up from time to time up to 8 years at one point. The Self-Unloader and Engines will be looked into to see if that equipment is worth saving or Design a New Self-Unloader with Boom & Rebuild or Swap Engines Out. Mr. McCaughrin said Fincantieri is not one of those Shipyards as it failed in Saving MV ROGER BLOUGH. 

This shipyard seem to have a track record of fires on Ships that are laid up for the winter. The last fire was on board 519 foot Cement Carrier: S/S ALPENA. That was a very questionable fire.. The Owners call Mr. McCaughrin about cutting crews and I said NO! You do not cut any crewmembers out, and yet weeks later S/S ALPENA catches fire in the aft end where the engine are.

Mr. McCaughrin said I hope you are going to put this ship back together again...I hate for the TRUTH to get out. S/S ALPENA is out sailing with engine intact!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: S/S ALPENA
Source: Sturgeon Bay Wisconsin Shipyard

OCTOBER 8, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU) MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, The Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) & Chairman of The Board & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS).

Mr. McCaughrin said the U.S. Air Force sent Mr. McCaughrin a Notice that its US Military drone crashed on August 23, 2022 in the Country of Libya and was not shot down by Libyan Military by using Russia Air Defense Missile which Mr. McCaughrin Called U.S Air Force LIARS in large block lettering back.

Mr. McCaughrin said this is what I cant stand: LIARS, TRAITORS, BACK STABBERS, and SNITCHES. Mr. McCaughrin said I have a Pictures of Your U.S Military Drone being hit direct and slowly coming down in flames so don't LIE to Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, The US Military seems to have a HISTORY OF LYING to Your Own US MILITARY TROOPS like When your US Military Troops were in Vietnam and The US Military retreated leaving Thousands of US Troops and in Fact You did it again in 2022, and Left over 800 U.S Troops and $7,000,000,000 Billion Dollars of US Military Equipment Behind in the Country of Afghanistan, Again How disgusting is That! Those US Troops Putting their life on line for U.S Military.

#2 Mr. McCaughrin said I have had long term business relationship of 19 years in The Country of Libya and even longer relationship of 24 years in the Country of Russia and LYING is NOT one of them.

Mr. McCaughrin said what puzzle me about the U.S Military & Your double dealings is the U.S Military, You Want to be Friends with Libya Government then you Spy on Libya and got caught doing it and then you wonder why your U.S Military Drone got shot down, DA!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: U.S Military Troops
Source: Country Of Vietnam
Source: Country of Russia Air Defense System
Source: Country of Libya
Source: Officials of The U.S Military
Source: Country Of Afghanistan

SEPTEMBER 30, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) & Chairman of The Board & 54% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS).

Mr. McCaughrin who spent the day of September 28, 2022 traveling through South Eastern Michigan Cities & Towns which included Detroit, The Grosse Pointes, St. Clair Shores, New Baltimore, Farmington Hills, Livonia, Canton, talking to Michigan Citizens about my run to Governorship on November 8, 2022 and at the end of the Night Mr. Mr McCaughrin & His Group was stopping for the night at Rest Stop just 15 Miles from Maryville, Mi in traveling East on I-94 Expressway.

Mr. McCaughrin said I figured we rest before going on in the morning to the Central Part of Michigan Towns before I leave to go back Overseas when suddenly we heard 2 U.S Coast Guard Helicopters circling the Rest Stop. We all looked at each other and said There must be some one injured here but 2 Helicopters??? Seem odd One Copter was Circling where the Trucks were Parked, while the Other Copter was Circling at about 250 feet where about 10 Cars were Parked. Both Helicopters refused to turn on there lights. Mr. McCaughrin knew they were USCG Copters in dealing with them last year. These Copter are HH-65C Short Range Recovery Helicopter.

Mr. McCaughrin said this whole incident took place between 10:30PM & 11:00PM when Car Owners & Trucker jump out of there vehicles and started video the entire ordeal, a lot of them were calling 911 and No one Answered they were calling St. Clair, Port Huron, USCG Station at Port Huron No Answer, Marine City, Algonac, Again No One answered 911 at All.. WOW what what going on??? Everyone just kept looking up at what these 2 Helicopters were doing just circling overhead. I saw a single engine aircraft circling the whole orderal as to movie making. Kept going around and around then few minutes later the Helicopters left and both flew over I-94 Expressway  Circling over both North & South bound lanes for 5 minutes then came back and did same thing as those they were looking for someone or something.

Mr. McCaughrin was parked under large tree that covered his entire car and there was no lights and it seem that where the 2 Helicopters were looking. The Helicopters showed No Light and Made No Announcement by their speakers as to What or Why They were their at Rest Stop???.

Mr. McCaughrin Group said Now they made asses of them self with everyone videoing their costly ordeal that Michigan Tax Payers will have to pay for. Mr. McCaughrin said this is Harrassment by Governor Gretchen Whitmer with 1 month and 9 Days to go who has nothing better to do then Attack a Successful Michigan Businessman, Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Running for Governor on November 8, 2022 at Michigan Rest Stop along I-94, Really Gretchen are you that DESPERATE. 1st its FBI Trying to land Its Helicopter on the front lawn at McCaughrin Maritime (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi that failed terrible and Now Its The Democratic & Republician Party. You CLOWNS dont get it yet. Your Attention methods are not working Why?  I work for a Higher Power: GOD! 

Mr. McCaughrin said we were slepping when the 2 Helicopters came and after few minutes we just put on our Headsets and Played 2 Versions of 1968 & 1971 of Band Iron Butterfield: IN-A-Gadda-Da-Vida. 

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Michigan Rest Stop on I-94
Source: 2 U.S.G.C. - HH - 65C  Helicopters
Source: Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer

SEPTEMBER 21, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) and Chairman of the Board & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)

Mr. McCaughrin stepped away from Business and Flew back to Michigan to take his vacation, a vacation Mr. McCaughrin has not taken in 10 years and traveled thought-out Michigan for 14 days and Visiting Places like: Cheboygan, Sault (Soo) Ste Marie, Mi, Mackinaw City, Mackinaw Island, St. Ignace, Newberry, DeTour Village, Onway Alpena, and Roger City, Lincoln, Twas City, Standish, Bay City, Saginaw, Midland, Port Huron, Onway, Wolverine, Poser, Grayling, Mio, Gaylord, West Branch, Harrisville, Standish, Midland, in over 57 years, and Not alot has changed.

Mr. McCaughrin said I enjoyed speaking to people about Michigan Governor Election on November 8, 2022 and what you as Michigan Citizens can do to get Businessman Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin Elected as Your New Governor for Michigan as Write in Candidate on The Ballot. The Pork and Scams will STOP dead in there tracks and that lost money will be redistribute where it should of gone and not in hip pockets of those law breakers to this day called Politicians on both side of the isles who are running State of Michigan in the ground on every thing like High Gas Tax, Higher Taxes High Cost on Everything etc, etc, etc. Michigan need to be run like Business and not off The backs of Hard Working & Retirees of Michigan Citizens. Look what #45th & #46th President Donald J. Trump did for the United States just in the Economy and Expect more of The same from Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin.

Mr. McCaughrin was thrilled about All of the Retirees he saw in the thousands at Mackinaw City & Mackinaw Island and said No One is happy about Present Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Cheered Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin was running.

Mr. McCaughrin said the Independent Party also has broken off communication with Mr. McCaughrin as both Michigan Democratic and Republican Party are putting undue pressure to keep Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin away from Michigan Governor Election of November 8, 2022, Just like they are doing to President Trump.

Mr. McCaughrin said; That's all right, I am on GOD's Platform called The TRUTH & 10 Commandments and I am GOD Christian. None of the other Politicians have been able to do. Lying is a Standard with these Politicians who lie to get voted in by #10,000,000 Million Michigan Citizens. They shove lies down every Michigan Citizens they talk to Or Politicans reverse their stand on issue when support drops off.

Mr. McCaughrin said I have nothing to lose by telling the truth. You can read All About Mr. McCaughrin Success in 2 Corporate Web Sites: and Without GOD JESUS CHRIST HOLY SPIRIT it could not of been accomplished - simple as that!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Mackinaw City, Mi
Source: Mackinaw Island, Mi
Source: Soo St. Marie Mi
Source: Saint Ignace, Mi
Source: DeTour, Mi
Source: Alpena, Mi
Source: Roger City, Mi

SEPTEMBER 10, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) and Chairman of The Board & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)

Mr. McCaughrin wanted to THANK the Libyan Armed Forces in Benghazi, Libya and The Russian Air Defense Systems for shooting down a U.S Military drone that was spying over the Dock Facilities and Offices in Port of Benghazi, Libya where McCaughrin Maritime Global - Libya has Location on Tuesday, August 23, 2022.

Mr. McCaughrin said back on Sunday August 7, 2022, a US Military Helicopter that was shrouded in faint FBI Marking was hovering over MMMSI Wayne, (MI) Headquarters and tried landing when the Military helicopter almost hit 2 flag poles that were not lit and shot backward and was gone.

Mr. McCaughrin said the last time US Military shot up the Port of Benghazi, Libya was back in 2011 Where They Told Mr. McCaughrin You are only US Citizen Operating in Country of Libya and it's time to Leave Or....... 3 Days later US Air Force sent 3 Jet Fighter and destroyed Buildings and Dock Facilities in Benghazi damaging McCaughrin Maritime Global - Libya Office to the tune of $100,000 of damage. To date US Military never apologize or fixed damage and Mr. McCaughrin was not the only US Citizens in Libya at the time. Mr. McCaughrin was invited into Libya Back in 2003 and to this day McCaughrin Maritime remains with Great Partners in Libya and Has NO Intention in Leaving Until GOD tell Mr. McCaughrin to do so!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Country of Libya Military Forces
Source: Country of Russia Air Defense Systems
Source: U.S Military Drone Spying on Benghazi, Libya.



Good Day To The #10,000,000 Million Michigan Citizens of the Great State of Michigan!

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of 2 Michigan Based Private Corporation, The 1st = McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) with 26 years of service, (Great Lakes 1996-2006) The 2nd = McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) with 24 years of Service, (In Michigan (1998-2008) which Mr. McCaughrin spoke the last time on this platform on June 8, 2022, About Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, coming under fire for what the Michigan Republican Party & Michigan Democratic Party Calling Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin out in a Breech of Ethics for Joining a 3rd Political Party: The Independent Party Candidate as a "Write -In -Candidate" for Michigan Governor Election of November 8, 2022 Which is still in the air. The State Officials have misplace Mr. McCaughrin paperwork on numerous occasion & Only #10,000,000 Million Michigan Citizens can change that as Write In.

Mr. McCaughrin said while I am putting out 1 fire on Election Laws both of these Parties are lighting 100 other political fires that have nothing to do with anything but bull shit and cloud the issues Both Parties Candidate do not want to talk about in this Election which Mr. McCaughrin will and get into your face on. Mr. McCaughrin said this is taking away from what really matter in talking directly to #10,000,000 Michigan Citizens on what I can do for them for 8 years.

The Bottom Lines is Both Michigan Republicans & Democratic Party Sitting Candidates do not want a successful Businessman running Michigan with all of the Scams and Pork they have in place in Screwing Michigan Citizens & Business with, and Plus High Gas, High Gas Taxes, Ect, Ect,Ect, That end with Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin when you vote November 8, 2022 for Next Governor of Michigan that Bull Shit Ends. I do not put up with that crap in my own companies. The Buc Start & Stops with McCaughrin Period! I was not born with a gold spoon in my mouth, I had to work hard to get it, hold on to it, and fight to keep it, and Now I am Threat to Global Ship Owners, as They have never seen anyone like Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin before.. Just asked China.

Last April The Bankers Group asked Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin to seriously consider to running for Michigan Governor Job, and now in past 2 months of July & August 2022 The Bankers Group have broken off All Communications with Mr. McCaughrin which The Bankers Group was suppose to be Mr. McCaughrin financial backers to Governorship Election. The Banker Group is now back peddling to 10 Republican Party Candidates who All say Yes and Kiss Bankers Group Asses While Mr. McCaughrin said No I will Argue My the Point to #10,000,000 Michigan Citizens 1st Who Needs a Leader Not a Bull Shitter for 8 years. Mr. McCaughrin said I will give them Facts not Lies which every Governor has been doing in Michigan for 217 years and that will not change any time soon if you keep same Clowns in office.

Both Michigan Republican & Democratic are here for one thing to LIE to You to Vote for them on November 8, 2022 but to keep Big Business Happy for 8 years, and Bankers Group cant have that with Mr. McCaughrin.. McCaughrin for The #10,000,000 Million Citizens VS Bankers Group & There Picked Cronies are for Big Business!

Mr. McCaughrin said over 26 years I have called out Big Business for stupid ideas in shooting up costs for larger ships and finding out your big ships ideas were not needed in a market that does not support that range of tonnages and over 5 years they ended up putting their competitors out of business and in the meantime Mr. McCaughrin used smaller ships and stayed busy and out of debt. That is what I expect to do with #10,000,000 Million Michigan Citizens, on November 8, 2022 Keep #10,000,000 Million Citizesn out of Debt and don't spent money on thing we dont need called Scams and Pork which is where we All are right now!

Mr. McCaughrin said since leaving the Great Lakes on December 31, 2006 for greener pasture, 15 yrs later Mr. McCaughrin has 192 Global Ships, 30 Companies, We operate in 7 Regions of The World and are in 165 Countries out of 195.

Mr. McCaughrin said I am not a politicians I am a Businessman & McCaughrin Maritime 2 Corporate Business Card Speak for Mr. McCaughrin and Those Accomplishment. None of that could ever of been without GOD JESUS CHRIST HOLY SPIRIT! 

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)

AUGUST 24, 2022

Good Day Ladies, Gentleman, Customers, Vendors, Ect, Ect, Ect...

Mr. John C. Carter, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary (FOBS), Headquarters in Bermuda has finally contacted Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, who has been in Australia on Business and has been notified that both FBI and U.S Military  Caught hovering over MMMSI Headquarters in Wayne, MI on August 7, 18, 2022.

Mr. Carter said Mr. McCaughrin has No Idea Why???  These 2 US Government Organizations would be spending US Citizens Tax Dollars hovering Over A Private Corporation Business and Home is both Shocking and Sad!

Mr. McCaughrin said, "I did not learn of any of this 'Hovering Tactic' until Mr. Carter Call Me on August 21, and I read it on the MMMSI Website. Our location in Australia for both communications, & weather has been terrible due to these sand storms that just come up out of nowhere, and what a shame the FBI & JOC continue to dig up lies on #45th & #46th President Donald J. Trump." All the New Fake Laws that Biden has created are "All Illegitimate" meaning Not Recognized by the law because Biden is Illegitimate Illegal instilled leader and stole the election of November 8, 2020 from Real #45th & #46th President Donald J. Trump. When GOD comes back which will be shortly, GOD will be deleting All of Biden Laws as those they did not exist anyways they are just words on paper. All Biden is doing is talking but No One is listening..Its All Smoke & Mirrors, as I have been telling you this for 2 years. "Believe Nothing that Washington says, or what the media says. It only to confuse and scare tactic". They want what GOD has called: POWER, which they do not have or never will, because I have seen GOD Power in action and FELT GOD RATH. It Something you never ever forget. I remember it as those it happen yesterday and it happen 12 years ago.

 By the way President Donald J. Trump was Sworn in As #46th President On Air Force 1 on the Tarmac at Andrew Air Force Base on January 20, 2021 while Air Force 1 was still on the ground. While Biden took his Fake Oath of Office in a Parking Lot in an Amazon Movie Studio in Culver City, California hours later!

But that all right cause GOD Is The Creator of Earth and Everything in it & GOD is coming for each of you and you wont see it coming. Why? GOD actions are quick and just for crime that was masterminding in this illegal Overthrow of Our US President, Our US Citizens and Our US Businesses that You have made into a dictatorship in 2 years.

President Trump & His Family witness the Floundering FBI Gang, Plant Illegal Evidence in the TRUMP Estate Via CCVP in Mar-a-Lago, Florida for 10 Hours on August 18, 2022 and Mr. McCaughrin said, "I have nothing to hide." MMMSI HQ Address belongs to GOD. GOD Picked out MMMSI HQ in 1995 that houses MMMSI HQ today. So Go ahead see what happens the next time you decide to Hover Over GOD'S PROPERTY. See The Red Doors, That Represent: The Blood of Jesus Christ who Died on the Cross for All of GOD Childrens Sins. We are All GOD Children Period!

GOD knows each and Every one of you and Brought you in the world .

GOD Hears and See Everything long before you even think of it.

AUGUST 18, 2022

Mr. John Carter Jr. called his father —Mr. John C. Carter the President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)— in Bermuda at 12:00 AM midnight (1:00 AM Michigan time) on Thursday, August 18, 2022 to tell Mr. Carter Sr., this time he was awoken out of bed by GOD.

GOD told John Jr. to go down stairs to his living room side window that looks out to the neighbor's driveway and look up at 1:00 position in the sky. "You John will see a helicopter like the one that came to MMMSI HQ on Sunday, August 7, 2022 at 3:45 AM."

Mr. Carter Jr. slowly came down the stairs to the living room side window looked out at the neighbor's driveway and looked up at a 1:00 position. Just like GOD said it would, a helicopter with its lights on the bottom of the copter,  2 other red light flashing from the back of it, and 2 white lights on the front of copter as it was hoovering at between 5,000 to 10,000 feet.

Mr. Carter Sr. said, "John, what is the copter doing right now?" John Jr. said, "It just hoovered but it looks like it was staying at the same height in middle of the block but moving over to Ash Street one block over to the East between 2nd & 3rd Street."

John Jr. said, "Wait Dad! Let me go and get something so I can see this copter clearer." John Jr. came back within 30 seconds said, "This helicopter look to be U.S. military grade, newer version of The King Stallion H-53 as it was silver, shinny with the lights bouncing off of it and not the drab fainted painted FBI copter that came August 7th. This helicopter has lots of antennas all the way around it top of it.This copter looks to be doing serious surveillance, as they stayed over on Ash Street, for over 1.30 hour at the same height, by 2:30 AM. This military copter was slowly moving West toward Elm Street and stopped in middle of the block and stayed there hoovering till 3:45 AM and then you could see see the copter slowly turning as those they were looking at something or somebody and not in MMMSI's direction, but the opposite direction."

The military copter then lowered itself to about 5,000 feet and turned toward MMMSI Headquarters at 4:00 AM and stayed their with its nose of copter aimed at front door of MMMSI HQ just like it tried to do on Sunday, August 7, 2022 at 3:45 AM but the 2 flag poles got in there ways and screwed that mission up. By 4:45 AM military copter switched off its lights and were gone.

John Jr. said, "Sorry to bother you father."  and his father said, "No bother son, call anytime. I, will let Mr. McCaughrin know about this latest hoovering." John Jr. said, "Father, I am pretty sure GOD told Mr. McCaughrin already."  Mr. Carter Sr. said, "Yes, Son, you are probably right."

AUGUST 16, 2022

Mr. John C. Carter, Jr, Son of Mr. John C. Carter, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) in Bermuda, called his Father: On Sunday August 7, 2022, at 03:45 am to let him know - Why is the FBI hovering over McCaughrin Maritime (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, MI?

Mr. Carter, Jr said, "On Sunday August 7, 2022, the helicopter was a Sikorsky CH-53 K-King Stallion with fainted lettering of FBI. I woke up and said What the Hell is that Helicopter hovering right over MMMSI HQ Building. Windows were rattling everywhere. I ran downstairs and this Helicopter with its blazing lights almost ran into the 2 Flag Poles - One is 30 feet tall and 2nd one is 25 feet tall - as it was trying to land and their are No lights on Poles for a reason.  The Sikorsky then shot up backwards so fast and it was gone in seconds. I don't think they will try that again.

Mr. Carter, Sr told his Son, "The FBI knew Mr. McCaughrin was out of the Country. They saw the opportunity to raid MMMSI Headquarters Illegally and see what Mr. McCaughrin had and probably plant illegal evidence against Mr. McCaughrin due to his Association with President Trump, More or less."

So far FBI has been unable to gather anything on Mr. McCaughrin as he is way out side "President Trump's Inner Circle," but FBI says different. They say Mr. McCaughrin is deep inside the  "Inner Circle". Mr. Carter Sr, said where does the FBI get this crap? They must make this up as they go.  

Mr. Carter, Jr said, "Dad, there have been Helicopters before Circling MMMSI HQ in past for 4 months straight at different time of the day but mostly early in the morning when everyone is asleep."

Mr. Carter, Jr said, "Dad I am glad those 2 Flag Poles were where they are. This could of been a real mess had they landed. What were these people thinking?"

Mr. Carter, Sr said, "They were not. Glad you are all right" Son... "Me Too...Dad."

AUGUST 10, 2022


Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, who in Australia on business was both Saddened & Shocked to hear about #45th & #46th WON Election on November 8, 2020 of President Donald J. Trump Private Home in Mar-Largo, Florida was Raided Illegally and Just goes to show how LOW the FBI has SUNK to Basement Floor in destroying it own reputation once again. The Leadership of Biden who in 2 years has managed to Destroy everything U.S. Stand for. Our US Economy, Our U.S. Borders are Out of Control, Our Own U.S. Security Is a Joke, Shutting Down Our Own U.S. Energy for Its U.S. Citizens and Helping Our Neighboring Countries with Cheaper Fuel & Now Biden Begging The Middle East & Venezuela for Gasoline and Now at Double the Price at the Pump with No end in Sight and Where is the justification in that? At Least with TRUMP U.S. had #1 Economy NO ONE could beat and Everything was under control and U.S. Stock Market loved TRUMP with BLAZING RESULT!

Today U.S. Citizens by a Vote of 98% said hillary clinton #1 Biggest Lawbreaker & kamala harris were the mastermind behind TRUMP Private Home Being Raided ILLEGALLY IN One of the Biggest Lawbreaking Event in History of this Nation that took place on Monday Night, August 8, 2022 IN The "Illegal Raid of President Donald J. Trump Private Home In Mar-Largo, Florida For No Apparent Reason but continue to hound and smear THE GREATEST PRESIDENT THIS REPUBLIC OF THE U.S. DONALD J. TRUMP, HAS EVER SEEN IN 244 YEARS, (1776-2020)

The FLOUNDERING FBI 109 Year History is marked with Scandals, After Scandals, After Scandals, with MASSIVE: Controversies, MASSIVE Embarrassments, and MASSIVE Mismanaged By MORE CLOWNS FOR SCREWING PEOPLE FOR NO REASON but to make up crap as they go because for the past 6 years Hillary Clinton has failed to get PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP on Anything, Zip, 0, Nothing but made up Lies, Fake Paperwork Manufactured out of clinton basement because let be HONEST: hillary clinton is a Terrible Loser!  

FBI has now GUARANTEED PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP 2024 WIN and Back to Real White House in Washington, D.C. and NOT THAT FAKE MOVIE STUDIO where Biden been operating out of for 2 years at Culver City California where they Filmed: All The President Men in 1995 with Michael Douglass.

Biden said 5 times in Public that between Janaury 1, 2021 to July 31, 2022 that President Donald J. Trump is the REAL #46th President of The U.S. Biden said simply The Deep State, Big Business & Media, ECT, STOLE THE ELECTION FROM TRUMP. Biden said we KNEW TRUMP WOULD WIN in LANDSLIDE. But hillary clinton Sad No Not THIS TIME.. Now you Know the TRUTH! 

Mr. McCaughrin said I be alot more concern about GOD RATH and less concern about President TRUMP. You will never find anything on TRUMP because President TRUMP works for GOD, like we all do.  


AUGUST 6, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International, and Chairman & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS).

Mr. McCaughrin received positive news from Country of Australia on August 3, 2022 that McCaughrin International will be able to Expand its Air Cargo Operation throughout Australia with its 12 Boeing 747- 400 All Cargo Air Freighters in finding suitable space for us since leaving Russia early this year after 10 years due to conflict of interest due to unsanctioned war with Ukraine and putting both Russia Business and Its Citizens at risk and forcing McCaughrin International Air Cargo Operation & Its Employees to look for neutral ground to survive. Russia did not give McCaughrin's International any options but to move elsewhere and at this later date Russia does not seem to want to quit the war either.

We Thank The Country of Australia for there tireless efforts in putting this deal together and giving McCaughrin International a Home. Blessing to You All!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Country of Australia Government & Its Employees
Source: Country of Russia Citizens & Its Business

AUGUST 3, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) and Chairman & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) 30 Divisions & 192 Cargo Ships.

Mr. McCaughrin Announced today in Indonesia that McCaughrin Maritime Newsletter: WHATS HAPPENING AT MMMSI FOR JULY 30, 2022 Announcement of Buying Outright Purchase of Spirit Airlines, Inc, (SAI) was based on 12 Hours Behind Putting the final touches together on Outright Purchase Agreement and We were "Not told by Spirit Board of Directors that they had approved JetBlue Airways Offer of Thursday July 28, 2022 and Jet Blue latest bid of Wednesday July 27, 2022. Mr. McCaughrin figured we still had time to throw McCaughrin Offer on the table by Friday Morning at 10:00AM July 29, 2022 since Frontier did not Optioned to "Sweeten the Merger Deal which they could have had.

Mr. McCaughrin said McCaughrin International Bid was Higher then what JetBlue was offering at the time for Spirit and because we did not announced in JULY 30, 2022 Announcement, This now give us the advantage if U.S. Dept of Transportation, (DOT) decide to drag this investigation on to August 2024 and VOID this Purchase. Once that happen that changes everything.

Mr. McCaughrin said putting Spirit & JetBlue together Spells SUICIDE and Much Higher Ticket Prices for Everyone and Expect even worse service which is what JetBlue has been giving Customers. I highly doubt that will change. JetBlue right now has been on the bottom for On-Time-Performance and that alone is huge problem, VS Spirit. Mr. McCaughrin said I have flown Spirit many time and was impressed with everything I have seen.

McCaughrin International Air Cargo, Inc, (MIACI). Will leave everything where it is, Employees, Management, Same Color of The 180 Jet Aircraft, & Its Headquarters, Spirit Airlines would become a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of MIACI.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: Mr., Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Spirit Airlines Inc, (SAI)
Source: U.S. Dept of Transportation, (DOD)
Source: JetBlue Airways

JULY 31, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) and Chairman & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) Announce an Outright Purchase of Spirit Airlines Inc, (SAI) Keeping All Employees & Management right where they are & Including the 180 Passenger Jets color of planes are perfect!

Mr. McCaughrin said I am looking to expanding Spirit Airlines beside Passenger Trade into Larger Air Freight Business beside what they are moving now.

McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) has 12 Boeing 747-400 All Cargo Air Freighters and Spirit would be perfect match.

Mr. McCaughrin said when Officials of Spirit Management are done playing with these mergers parties, Come see Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, I will show you what growth look like in long term, just asked China after Mr. McCaughrin left them after 18 years on December 8, 2020 in moving cargo for them and where we are now in size and capacity.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Spirit Airlines Inc, (SAI)
Source: Boeing 747- 400 All Cargo Air Freighters

JULY 23, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) and Chairman & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) 30 Companies, & 192 Ships.

Mr. McCaughrin announced that Rand Logistics made up of Lower Lakes Towing, (LLT) Grand River Navigation, (GRN) and ASC - Rand with a total of 23 Ships & Tugs, Has a clear monopoly among its other Great Lakes Shipowners and they are concerned about Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin who owns No Ships on the Great Lakes since leaving the Great Lakes on 12/31/2006 and going overseas.

Rand Logistics Executives seem very concern about What Mr. McCaughrin may do if he does not get his way with Officials of Canadian National Railroad ( Who Owns The Great Lakes Fleet of 9 Bulk Self-Unloaders who's Executives who cut off talks with Mr. McCaughrin some 3 weeks ago over undue pressure from their competitors on the Great Lakes.

Both Grand River Navigation & ASC Rand have been gathering information from McCaughrin Maritime #1 Business Card Website: to the tune of 25 pages and see a pattern of explosive growth from leaving the Great Lakes in 2006 and Stated Mr. McCaughrin has grown from 2 Ships in 2009 to 192 Ships in 2022, I say that is real concern for everyone here on the Great Lakes.

What would Mr. McCaughrin do with buying Great Lakes Fleet of 9 Bulk Self-Unloader in 2022 to what in the future in not raising Cargo Rates. This is what Rand Logistics are contending with.

Mr. Brian R McCaughrin is not just another Business Executive. This is a person that has been planning to come back to the Great Lakes for some time and Mr. McCaughrin sees that the time is now to purchase. What does Mr. McCaughrin see that the rest of us do not in a very slow and dying region where there are just so many ships to go around for so few cargoes available.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Rand Logistics (RL)
Source: Lower Lakes Towing, (LLT)
Source: Grand River Navigation, (GRN)
Source: ASC - Rand

JULY 8, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, MI, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) & Chairman & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) and 30 Companies & 192 World Wide Cargo Ships.

Mr. McCaughrin Announced this week  that MMMSI #1 Corporate Business Card: has received 4 IP Addresses of Interest from 2 Quebec Shipping Companies, 1 Ontario Shipping Company, and The Largest  Canadian Bank in Canada. This seems to be a coincidence in the timing of Mr. McCaughrin Plan Purchase of Canadian National Railroad, Great Lakes Fleet of 9 Bulk Self Unloaders of WHAT'S HAPPENING NEWSLETTER OF JUNE 24, AND JUNE 28, 2022.

Canadian National Officials Stopped Talks with Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, do to undue pressures from Great Lakes Shipowners because Mr. McCaughrin Presents a Clear & Present Danger due to his large global size of 192 ships, if allowed to buy The Great Lakes Fleet of 9 Bulk Self-Unloaders.

Mr. McCaughrin laughed at that notion and said if that was TRUE, I do not see anyone going out of business overseas, and I have been operating overseas since 2007!  Mr. McCaughrin said I am playing the game of international business between the Shipowners who created this game thousands of years ago, and McCaughrin Maritime has been in the game a mere 15 years. Not bad, I say.

Mr. McCaughrin said I would be a lot more concerned about Rand Logistics, who have a clear monopoly, and Rand will get rid of the union or Cut more help from the Ships vs Mr. McCaughrin said I enhance global business everywhere, and McCaughrin's Overseas Cargo Rates are Cheaper by far and I have not raised Bulk Cargoes Or 20' Sea Containers for 6 Straight Years. We keep Our Costs in line and have no debt.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Canadian National Railroad, (CNR)
Source: Great Lakes Fleet, (GLF)
Source: Rand Logistics
Source: Great Lakes Shipowners
Source: Quebec Shipping Firm (TBA)
Source: Quebec Shipping Firm, (TBA)
Source: Ontario Shipping Firm (TBA)
Source: Largest Canadian Bank in Canada

JUNE 30, 2022


JUNE 28, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, MI, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) and Chairman of The Board & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) Announced through a 2nd source that Officials of Great Lakes Stakeholders have approached Canadian National, (CN), Officials Owners of Great Lakes Fleet, (GLF) in Duluth, Minn, The Owners of 9 Self-Unloaders to Refused to Talk to Or Negotiation with Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin about the Purchase of Great Lakes Fleet of 9 Self Unloaders, Rails & Docks.

Mr. McCaughrin said I am not at all shocked by any of this. I just hope Rand Logistics does not become the Next Owner of (GLF) Rand Logistics already has a Monopoly on the Great Lakes Trade with Vast Markets in Direct Canada to U.S and U.S to U.S and with the recent purchase of 9 Self Unloaders of American Steamship Company, (ASC) of Buffalo, New York That alone should of been closely investigated by The Dept of Transportation, (DOT) but with Rigged democratic Powers in Washington, D.C., Is the reason why that Purchase got passed quickly.

Mr. McCaughrin said that I am the least of your problems. I enhance competition, and McCaughrin Maritime Cargo Rates would be very competitive among the rest of Great Lakes Operators, and we have not raised Bulk or 20' Sea Containers Overseas for 6 Straight years, so what does that say.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Canadian National Railroad, (CN)
Source: Great Lakes Fleet, (GLF)
Source: Rand Logistics

JUNE 24, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) and Chairman of The Board & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) Announced that Mr. McCaughrin is back in talks with Canadian National, (CN), Officials about the Great Lakes Fleet, (GLF) of 9 Self-Unloaders, and few other other things.

Mr. McCaughrin got wind this week that CN is in talks with other bidders for GLF of 9 Self-Unloaders and that 858 foot ROGER BLOUGH has suddenly been taken off the list of ships to be purchased and wanted to know why and of its future beside being an iron ore carrier.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Canadian National Railroad, (CN)
Source: Great Lakes Fleet, (GLF)

JUNE 16, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI), and Chairman of The Board & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary (FOBS) Announced today that General Agencies Partnership Alliance Members Network, (G.A.P.A.M.N.) Have Contacted Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin about the Transfer of the last 2 / #400,000 DWT Multi-Purpose CHINAMAXES that have been in lay-up from the Trampers Group to be Delivered at Sea on Or before June 30, 2022, before the 3rd Quarter 2022 begins

Mr. McCaughrin will now secure a total of Six (6) #400,000 DWT MPC CHINAMAXES, A Bulk & 20' Sea Container Carrier that has a capacity between #30,000 and #38,000 /20' Containers in 1 movement and depends on how much Iron Ore, Coal, Lumber, Scrap, Steel Coils, Steel Plates, it has in its cargo holds.

Mr. McCaughrin said this would give both McCaughrin & FOBS up to 192 Cargo Ships going into the 3rd Quarter of 2022 and Give both Divisions Extra + #76,000 /20' Sea Containers, #800,000 in Bulk Cargoes Capacity and As A Total Adding All 6 MPC CHINAMAXES #1,600,000 DWT in 20' Sea Containers, and #2,240,000 DWT in Bulk Cargoes Capacity going into 3rd Quarter 2022, If current capacity projection stay where we wanted it, Up from #865,000 /20' Sea Containers from 2020 and increase of #735,000 / 20' Sea Containers in just 2 years.

That is a huge Leap considering 2 years before, Both McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS were using #170,000 DWT Cape Size and #98,500 DWT Post Panamax Bulkers to do this, and Without any Rate increase in either Bulk Cargoes Or 20' Sea Containers going on 6 years straight and Will finally give McCaughrin & FOBS Advantage that Its 44 Competitors have feared for 2 years.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary (FOBS)
Source: General Agencies Partnership Alliances Members Network, (G.A.P.A.M.N.)
Source: Trampers Group
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: #400,000 MPC CHINAMAXES - Bulk Cargoes & 20' Sea Containers Carriers

JUNE 8, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, MI, the Republic of the United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) and Chairman of The Board & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary (FOBS), Announced Michigan Officials of both Democratic & Republican Parties are calling Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin in Breech of Ethics on joining a 3rd Party to Independent Party Candidate for Governor of Michigan Election for November 8, 2022.

Mr. McCaughrin laughed at saying: 'WHAT IS THIS ABOUT" ?? I never heard of something so stupid in my life. I never in 73 years ever broken any laws unbeknowst to me in Running for Governor of Michigan on November 8, 2022. Both of these parties have nothing better else to do but attack Mr. McCaughrin on this WOW sound like your desperate!

But then Businessman Mr. Donald J. Trump Announced he was running for President of the United States in 2016 as 45th and WON the 1st Time out on the Republican Party Ticket and TRUMP was a life long Democratic Member. What's the double standard here?

Mr. McCaughrin said I became a Republican 54 years ago just days before going into U.S. Navy in June 1968 for Vietnam War and just Graduate from Grosse Pointe High School and in those 54 years never heard Anything from Republican Party Not a letter, Not a Cable NOTHING in 54 years so It's No wonder why I am going to Independent Party.

Mr. McCaughrin said my question is Why would both Michigan Democratic & Republican Parties care what Party I go to. Are They SCARED Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin just might just pull It off as 1st Businessman for Governor in State of Michigan on November 8, 2022! Never say Never.

Source: 45th & 46th President Donald J. Trump
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: The Independent Party
Source: State of Michigan
Source: Governor of Michigan Election 11/8/22
Source: Michigan Democratic Party
Source: Michigan Republican Party

June 3, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) and Chairman of The Board & Majority Owner of 52% of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) Has announced that Hamburg, Germany Based: (TBA) is looking to Open Talks with Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin about Exchanging Ideas and Further Cost Cutting on Its World-Wide Movement of 20' Sea Containers.

Mr. McCaughrin said between McCaughrin Maritime & McCaughrin Maritime Global of 30 Divisions that are managed by FOBS that number now totals well over #865,000 /20' Containers, and that's up +20% from 2020. Now that Mr. McCaughrin has control over 4/6 #400,000 DWT CHINAMAX Multi-Purpose Bulk Carriers that can carry between 30-38,000 /20' Containers, that should push the number over 1 million mark easier!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems, Inc. (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: To Be Announced, (TBA)
Source: #400,000 DWT CHINAMAXS Multi-Purpose Bulk Carriers
Source: Hamburg, Germany

May 21, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International & Chairman & 54% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas, (FOBS) was invited by a Consortium of U.S. Banks about Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin Buying Lock, Stock, and Barrell of
Rand Logistics which Owns Lower Lakes Towing of Port Dover, Ontario and Grand River Navigation of Cleveland, Ohio and American Steamship Company of Buffalo, New York. Mr. McCaughrin said NOPE..

Mr. McCaughrin said McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS have struck out in Acquisition Deals over the years as a Sign to Stick to Expansion instead. We are better at adding ships ever so often when the chartering market allows it and McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS have profited each quarter because of it, We been Blessed and You can't beat that!

AIP in buying Rand Logistics years ago and then buying American Steamship has further muddy the water with more debt. I say there is well over a $1.6B Billion of debt in that whole company and I have not heard anything positive about that Pie in the Sky Plan of another Acquisition Bank buying either Lower Lakes or Grand River. AIP been taking the best of both and stripping it into junk bond company and You don't know what you are buying now. These 3 companies not worth $1Billion. The Entire fleet if bought would be bought at scrap price due to age of each ship. I don't see any New Ships Coming into The 3 Fleets. Rand is Unloading 3 Good Ships that were the main stay for Lower lakes for decades with a lot more years to go that I would not have sold for scrap and why not to Turkey? It Pays better. I thanked the Banks for the invite as It always nice have a meal and talk about what is going on The Great Lakes.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Consortium of U.S. Banks
Source: AIP
Source: Rand Logistics Inc.
Source: Lower Lake Towing Company Ltd
Source: Grand River Navigation Company
Source: American Steamship Company

MAY 18, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) Announced at a Around-Table-of-Aviators-Owners that Spirit Airlines and Frontier Airlines Inc, Purchase would be far great deal at $6.6B Billion dollars for long term growth and Investment then JetBlue who offer of $3.6B Billion Dollars and was tossed by Spirit.

Mr. McCaughrin with more then 59 years in Air Cargo and Airlines Experiences working for Once Great Northwest Airlines / Air Cargo Operation out at Detroit Metro Airport for 35 years before retiring on January 1, 2015 from serious injuries in January 2014
and 25 years with McCaughrin International.

Mr. McCaughrin had worked on both Spirit and Frontier when having Ground Service Contract through Northwest Airlines back in the day. Both Spirit & Frontier are both Great Airlines & bring a lot of Experiences to both table & Be Great Fit!

Mr. McCaughrin said if I was a betting man My Money would be with Spirit & Frontier and JetBlue stay home where you belong. This is not your time.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Northwest Airlines Inc (NWA) / Northwest Air Cargo Inc
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Spirit Airlines Inc
Source: Frontier Airlines Inc
Source: JetBlue Airlines Inc

MAY 14, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) and Chairman and 52% Majority Owner of (FOBS) Has been questioned on the number of Colleges and University that sent Congratulate to Mr. McCaughrin that was based on a Newsletter that was seen on Mr. McCaughrin Corporation Newsletter: WHATS HAPPENING AT MMMSI FOR MAY 8, 2022.

Mr. McCaughrin said Leftist Reporters like Slanting, Twisting, Taking out Content, Lying, on what what said to who from whom. This is what democratic party is well noted Just Asked Trump for there side of the table then what is actually spoken which is the TRUTH.

Mr. McCaughrin said I have said this more then once in both Public Format and Well as in Private Setting with High Profile Business Leaders, including The Esteem President of The United States Donald J. Trump, Mr. McCaughrin saying I could care Less, Do what you are going to do, and move on already. GOD KNOWS and that is all that matter. I said to GOD and To All The 3 Corporations Board of Directors: Watch this 1st one who question it will be from Democratic Party Reporter. I am not giving out confidential information, Take it, Leave It, Spin It, Throw it in the air and See where it lands. For 26 Years University & Colleges Both Public and Private have come to and for the Past 6 years McCaughrin Maritime 2nd Corporate Web Site Has received University & College also who find these 2 Websites both very interesting and very educational.

Mr. McCaughrin met up with 3 Business leaders and each of them said Mr. McCaughrin You are Very Refreshing, Your Different, & Speak your Mind, You dont back down on Issues that the Voters are Keyed in on. Mr. McCaughrin sticks to the Issues, & Mr. McCaughrin is Not afraid to get into Politicians Face on why important issues for the Voters were not passed the 1st time! What happen to ACCOUNTIBILITY??? that democratics brought up under TRUMP for 4 years. TRUMP was only one to address that issue countess times. While democratics stumble day in day out on that topic. Mr. McCaughrin is a THREAT to Both Democratic Party & Michigan Republican Party who are both controlled by Left Called Big Money. Mr. McCaughrin said I will Run as Write In, Or On The Independent Tickets

Michigan Big Money Republican Party Leaders to Date have never spoken to Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin in person or in a letter since he joined at Detroit, Mi Location on June 30, 1968 and Only days before going into U.S. Navy for 6 years and had only just Graduated from Grosse Pointe High School on June 15, 1968.

Mr. McCaughrin said My SUCCESS has been with the Republican Party in Washington D.C where The REAL LEADER ARE: President TRUMP 4 years, 2017-2020, Mrs. Ronna McDaniel, Chairwomen, The Senators and Congressmen 2021 to Present.


Source: The U.S. Navy

Source: The State of Michigan

Source: The American Independent Party - 1967

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Mrs. Ronna McDaniel - Chairwoman of Republican Party - Washington D.C.
Source: Washington D.C. Republican Senators & Congressman
Source: Republican Party - Washington, D.C.
Source: Democratic Party

MAY 8, 2022 


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI), and Chairman of The Board of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) Announced from its Companies Board of Directors that Mr. McCaughrin has received over +3,500 Congratulation Letters from #45th & #46 The President of The United States, Donald J. Trump, 4 University, 3 College, 7 Private Charities about Mr. McCaughrin Corporate Newsletter of May 4, 2022,

Mr. McCaughrin said I consider myself a long-distance dark horse in this political arena for Michigan Governorship and to be asked is both impressive and a privilege. I am not known in Lansing but only as a business owner and I do not rub shoulders with politicians.

McCaughrin Maritime Board of Directors said the media is being very careful not to go after Mr. McCaughrin as they did with President Trump for 4 years as Mr. McCaughrin made his own money from a zero market and built it into an impressive medium-size size Logistic Ocean Shipping Company with over 190 Cargo Ships and 6 Boeing 747-400 Air Freighters in 7 regions of the World.

I’ve been investing in myself going on 26 years and my many competitors don't like that I am doing a better job in keeping My Customers happy by Not Raising Cargo Rates for 6 Straight Years! My chance of winning is 50/50.

Mr. McCaughrin was told on Wednesday, May 4, through the Republican Party that the democratic party will be investing big bucks to keep Businessman Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin out of the Michigan Governor Race and Mr. McCaughrin said I expect nothing less just like the City of Wayne, Mi Open Seat for City Council in 2020 where I was asked 4 times in 3 month period to run and was past over and Mr. McCaughrin has lived in Wayne for 31 years, that just goes to show you how much of a political threat Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin is to both of these locations and sadly will continue to be controlled by democratic politicians who twist the TRUTH and Mr. McCaughrin does not. 

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Long Dark Horse
Source: Michigan Governor Election 2022
Source: Politicians
Source: Republican Party
Source: Democratic Party
Source: City of Wayne, Mi
Source: Michigan Capital of Lansing Mi

MAY 4, 2022 


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc (MIACI), Chairman and 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary (FOBS), announced today that, according to Bankers Group who wants to secure a specific number of Republicans and Businessman for Running for the Michigan Governor job in September 2022, feel that one of those businessmen is Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, who has a solid 53% chance of being the next Governor of Michigan based on specific stats taken throughout the state in past 2 years.

Mr. McCaughrin has pushed the then New York Businessman Mr. Donald J. Trump for President of The United States starting in 2014 and became Trump's # 1 fiercest supporter since 2016. Mr. McCaughrin brings with him his solid business growth with 2 Michigan-based private corporations of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc (MMMSI) from 1996 to 2006, and Michigan International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) from 1998 to 2008, that operated in Michigan for their first 10 years each, and then went overseas for greener pasture.

Mr. McCaughrin has said many times in both the press and in private conservations with State of Michigan Officials this Government has to be run like a business and not like their own Private Bank Book where deals are under the table that got to stop and the State Citizens are being taken for a ride in cost overruns and High Gas Tax, & High Sales Tax which both will be reverse if I get into Governorship. THERE WILL BE ACCOUNTABILITY DAY 1, The Soo Lock Expansion would be STOPPED Dead in its Tracks and that money can be better used for other programs for the Poor, Better Housing for Veterans, and Retirees who are both scraping by on their meager incomes that do not match the high cost of medical and food and finally Fixing Needed Michigan Bridges being passed over for more Pork in Political Parties for the Rich.

Maersk Container Lines Officials behind closed doors are saying that Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin is a Nightmare in giving its Clients lower Cargo Rates Cost in Both Bulk Cargoes and 20' Sea Containers instead of following Leaders in the Cargo Industry and is driving down Containers Rates for the past 4 months as Mr. McCaughrin has said I have not raised Cargo rates for 6 Years Straight Vs All The rest of McCaughrin Maritime Competitors have been Gouging Its Clients and Others in only PROFITING for themself in this Scam Virus and now these shipping containers giants have been caught 2 times in the past 2 years, and they all wonder why they've been caught in price-fixing and paying some stiff fines to boot!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Bankers Group
Source: The State of Michigan

APRIL 28, 2022 


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) & Chairman and 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) Announced that its Re-Establishing Spirit Inter-Lakes Lines, Inc (SILLI) from Nevada to the State of Michigan.

Mr. McCaughrin said the State of Nevada illegally closed down the Nevada Based Spirit Inter-Lake Lines Inc, (SILLI) as it was dissolved without notifying either Mr. McCaughrin or Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh's by Phone, Fax, Email, Or Letter. We view that type of business behavior as both unethical, and grossly mismanaged. The State of Nevada is quick to take the money but that is it!

Mr. McCaughrin will be calling some Corporate Lawyers in the Field on working to Re-Established Spirit Inter-Lake Lines Inc, (SILLI) in The State of Michigan where the rest of the Corporations are based. For Right now Corporation will stay in Lansing until we decide which Port-of-Call Will best be served for the long term: Frankfort or Elberta, Michigan.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: Spirit Inter-Lakes Lines Inc, (SILLI)
Source: State of Michigan
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: State of Nevada

APRIL 21, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) & Chairman and 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary (FOBS) 

Received its 2nd Offer to Buy Lock, Stock and Barrell of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International & Foreign Overseas Bulk, 183 Cargo Ships, Its Cargo Contracts, 7 Years of Fuel, and Ship Bunkers Employees & Executives and Cash in Banks from the (TBA) German Investment Company in Hamburg over Easter Weekend of $5,000,000,000 BILLION US Dollars in CASH and Was for 2nd time shot down in under Micro-Second, Saying that the Offer has not even scratched the surface of where MMMSI, FOBS & Group were 2 years ago when you came calling 1st time sniffing around and We knew then who you represented was Maersk, MSC and COSCO.

Mr. McCaughrin said 2 years ago McCaughrin's were in Maersk Rear View Mirror, Now 2 years later McCaughrin's are at Maersk's Front Door POUNDING ON IT, "MCCAUGHRIN HERE"!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: (TBA) German Investment Company
Source: Maersk Container Line
Source: MSC Container Line 
Source: China Ocean Shipping Corporation (COSCO)

APRIL 16, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) & Chairman and 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary (FOBS) Announced another missed opportunity.

Mr. McCaughrin said "NO" Not another Missed Opportunity in Buying Lock, Stock, and Barrell The Great lakes Fleet, The Timing was off a mirror 3 days and that's it.

Mr. McCaughrin said this week you would have seen Name: "M   c   C   A   U   G   H   R   I   N" In Red Block Lettering 500 feet across both sides of the Ship Hull on 9 Great Lakes Fleet Self-Unloaders Vessel's and that how Close Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin came to owning a Great Lakes Fleet and One of the best looking I may say, with Pride!

Mr. McCaughrin said FOBS expect Shipyard: Fincantieri Shipbuilding to rebuild 854 Foot ROGER BLOUGH at their cost in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin where the ROGER BLOUGH was in long term lay-up and Suddenly it caught fire with No One Aboard How does that work??? Let that Cook for 12 hours that is Unacceptable Behavior In Mr. McCaughrin View, but it took 3 minutes for Fire Dept to reach the BLOUGH. then stood and watched it burn for 12 hours. We hired an Arson Investigator and they told Mr. McCaughrin to pass on this one, I said Like the S/S Alpena, No I won't. The BLOUGH Still has 25-30 years of Trading Left to do and to set it on fire for insurance money is WRONG and UNETHICAL!

This is where Fincantieri got himself into hot water the 2nd time, 1st Time was The S/S ALPENA. 2nd Time was ROGER BLOUGH tied up to their dock under a long-term storage contract, Where major steelwork was done a few years ago on BLOUGH during a Major Grounding in Lakes Superior where some 300 feet of its BLOUGH Buttom hull was replaced and now you torch it? Why? Insurance paid it the 1st time. I think Insurance will be looking a little closer this time FINCANTIERI

#1 There are too many holes in this story in getting rid of the ROGER BLOUGH, 1st you run it aground and then fix it and then torch it Fincantieri Shipyard is up to their neck in this. I say Cut the stern off BLOUGH, Grab the 642-foot bulker, OJIBWAY Stern, down at IMS at Port Colborne, Ontario, and Mated it to the BLOUGH and grab a Self-unloading Boom and you are good to go.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Canadian National Railroad Limited, (CN)
Source: S/S ALPENA
Source: FIncantieri Shipyard in Sturgeon Bay Wisconsin where MV. ROGER BLOUGH Is In Long Term Storage

APRIL 6, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International and Chairman & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk, (FOBS) Announced Great News that Canadian National Is Holding on to its Great Lakes Fleet of 9 Self- Unloaders,

Mr. McCaughrin had called up there today to speak to Key Lakes & Great Lakes Fleet about buying your Great Lakes Fleet of 9 Self-Unloaders and they told Mr. McCaughrin they have decide to hold on to Its 9 Vessels, Mr. McCaughrin said That Great. CN pretty well has the Rails Network and Ships are the Icing on the Cake, Congratulations Guys..

Mr. McCaughrin told Key Lakes Officials these competitors on the Lakes don't play nice at least where I am coming from. Key Lakes said we are well aware of that I am glad it just not us. Mr. McCaughrin said these guys hate to hear the Name McCaughrin is coming back it give them goose bumps and I smile...

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Canadian National Railroad Limited, (CN)
Source: Key Lakes / Great Lakes Fleet, (GLF)

MARCH 28, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International & Chairman, and 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk, (FOBS) Announced today it has added its name to the bidder's list of Canadian National Railroad, (CN) Offer in Selling It US Based: Great Lakes Fleet of 9 Great Lakes Ships,

Mr. McCaughrin said we will be talking to our Brokers, Partners, and Investors to get their reaction to the purchase price. Mr. McCaughrin said I believe CN is fishing for "Average Price" among its Competitors on The Great Lakes and If it does not meet CN's bottom line, CN will hold onto its fleet, and it's not that they can’t afford it. They have made plenty of money already owning it for over 19 years and if CN is smart start buying back Your CN Shares and Screw the Stockholders, They need you CN you don't need them after all The railroads already control 75% of the Cargoes that Great Lakes Ships carry now as Great Lakes Shipowners, to them This is a Seasonal Business and Railroads Operate 24/7/12 months out of the year! You guys have no one to blame but yourself for lost cargoes! Railroads can take the Ore and Coal any time they want!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its Vary Divisions.
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Canadian National Railroad Limited, (CN)
Source: Great Lakes Fleet
Source: The Railroads Serving Great Lakes Region

MARCH 23, 2022 


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of: McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International, and Chairman & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) Announced FOBS has enter into The Real Estate Business and Has Purchased Property in Malta.

Mr. McCaughrin said as MMMSI & FOBS continue to Expand in the World we need to start thinking inward on "Strategic Location" on meeting New Customer and Present Customers instead of flying them out to either MMMSI Or FOBS Cargo Ships for Tour and Very Nice Meal's.

Mr. John C. Carter - President of FOBS in Bermuda and Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, CEO of FOBS in New Zealand have been wanting Mr. McCaughrin for the past 5 years to serious think about developing our latest Division for FOBS in International Real Estate Market. Ms. McKeigh hired Mr. Carter on his vast Experience in the Real Estate Market hoping some day to capitalize on it when timing was right for the Corporation.

Mr. McCaughrin said 7 years ago, Mr. Carter, Leased Mansions in various locations in the U.S. for both MMMSI & FOBS 3rd & 4th Quarterly Reports and at the time we did look at purchasing 1 of the 2 Mansion but both Mr. McCaughrin & Home Owner could not settled on fair market price so we just stopped the idea until now. These type of investment would be for the Corporate Executive Market only, and at some point in the future It would be open to other Corporations.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: British Island of Bermuda
Source: Commonwealth Island of Malta

MARCH 11TH, 2022


Officials of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 30 Divisions and 105 Executives WISH MR. BRIAN R. MCCAUGHRIN A BLESSED 73 YEARS & HAPPY BIRTHDAY THIS DAY, March 11, 2022, with Warm Appreciation for what you have made FOBS in the World Today THANK YOU, SIR!

Sincerely Yours!
Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, CEO
Mr. John C. Carter, President
and 105 Executives of FOBS,

MARCH 8TH, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International, and Chairman & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk, (FOBS) Announced that ITS HAS STOPPED ALL SHIPPING OF COAL FROM RUSSIA Pacific Ports to The Country of Japan as of Monday, February 24, 2022.

Mr. McCaughrin said FOBS had sent a #400,000 DWT Bulker a Chinamax to Australia to pick up Coal to Japan till this War is over with Ukraine. Mr. McCaughrin was planning to stop shipping 1 week before February 23 with the Changing Schedules Plan of Russia is going to War with Ukraine.

Mr. McCaughrin said None of MMMSI, FOBS, Or Its various Subsidiary's DO Any trading in The Black Sea, Or Country of Ukraine. Our Ships do trade in the Mediterranean Sea Region and Those Countries that surrounding it and No Further and We don't trade in Country of Turkey either.

Mr. McCaughrin said on another side note: McCaughrin International has moved its Air Cargo Operation to Australia for the time being since Ukraine may move its jet fighters further into Russia.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Country of Russia
Source: #400,000 DWT CHINAMAX
Source: Country of Japan
Source: Country of Ukraine
Source: Country of Australia

MARCH 4TH, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International & Chairman & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk, (FOBS) Met with MMMSI, MIACI & FOBS Executive, Employees, Investors, and 150 Clients Via Live Streaming on Why Mr. McCaughrin turned down the $4.85Billion Dollar Purchase of Everything Mr. McCaughrin Own's.

#1 Mr. McCaughrin said It's the #201 Acquisition Offer to date that both Mr. McCaughrin and Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, CEO Of FOBS have received since MMMSI Corporation was established 26 years ago.

#2 The Offer Way Too Low in Consideration of How Much all of these corporations have grown since the last time any of these firms came sniffing around.

#3 We have almost 5.1 Times More liquidity than 2 of the 4 Shipping Companies that came sniffing around, while 2 of the other firms are Owned by their Countries, China & Germany this last time, and of Those 2 Private Shipping Families Companies they borrowed $2 Billion Plus Dollars and Had had to Secure 51% of there Ships as Collateral for this Purchase.

Mr. McCaughrin said MMMSI, MIACI, and FOBS have No Debt, Borrowed No Money for Over 10 Years and Our Liquidity take care of Anything we need, and That's Why We Pay the entire cost of Chartering upfront Including Bunkers at the get-go and Any profits go back to Corporation each quarter.

These 4 Companies wanted our Liquidity PERIOD and Ships and Cargoes comes and go. Mr. McCaughrin said I am not interested in selling when everything is going in our direction and let's be honest these 4 Companies are not going to pay Mr. McCaughrin what he wants, FINE I can live with that. But Mr. McCaughrin will continue to EXPAND MMMSI, MIACI, and FOBS Markets as I see fit, and where Customers need Us cause they're the ones getting screwed here while 81 other Shipping Giants got caught for PRICE FIXING while Mr. McCaughrin Firms have not raised rates in either 20's Sea Containers or Bulk Cargo for SIX YEARS!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin

FEBRUARY 26, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International, Chairman & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk, (FOBS) Wants to "Clear the Air" on The Republican National Committee, (RNC) "Order of Merit" that is graciously handed to those that demonstrated a real genuine cause in moving the Republican Party forward and not sitting on your rear in doing nothing.

Mr. McCaughrin said I have been a Republican, Since Summer of 1968, a few weeks before going into US Navy Amphibious 6th Fleet in Serving My Country and not "Hiding" like millions of others Americans because they did not feel fighting for a cause was worth their time. I agreed with President Trump Stay Gone if you don't love your U.S.

Mr. McCaughrin said I don't always agree in how the U.S. Government Policy are dished out to American's but I also would not want to be in their shoes to make those decisions either. They have to live with those decision everyday, But "I would never turn my back on my Country either", and It not always about "Money". Mr. McCaughrin said I have not donated Any Money to The Republican Party, (GOP) since #46th President TRUMP was SHAFTED by The GOP Leadership on The Presidential Election of November 8, 2020 and The So Called Capital Hill Vote by Backstabbing Pedophilia Vice President Mike Pence who had been in the hip pocket of hillary clinton for decades and was LEAKER from the White House from Day1 while the Riots on Capital Hill was masterminded By Mob Queen, Nancy Pelosi to make #46th President Trump look bad on January 6, 2021 in front of American People, TRUMP was set up plain and simple. 

Mr. McCaughrin said we "The Firm" are Donating Services in Helping Out Flying GOP Candidates and Providing Accommodations when ever possible, we believe this will make a difference to the GOP and we believe that they are not the problem. 

Republican National Committee in giving Mr. McCaughrin the "Order of Merit" is An Appreciation of Mr. McCaughrin work and thats it. I have graciously accepted 4 of these "Order of Merits" since President Trump has been President. Its a Great Honor that I never asked Or ever thought about getting. I give from the heart and those Organization that do those type of things I think that is Great. President Trump called me 2 weeks ago and said Mr. McCaughrin THANK YOU AGAIN for your long term committment to RNC, and I said Mr. President I served at the pleasure of The #46th President of The Republic of The United States, President DONALD J. TRUMP Pure and Simple.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: #45th & #46th President of the Republic: Donald J. Trump
Source: RNC "Order Of Merit"
Source: democratic party
Source: hillary clinton

FEBRUARY 21, 2022


Official of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of "McCaughrin Maritime", McCaughrin International & Chairman & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) Was in Washington, D.C. for a Special Occasion.

Mrs. Ronna McDaniel, Chairwoman for Republic National Committee, (RNC) today and on behalf of the Executive Council and The GOP Leadership, Its Is my privilege to Present to Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, our highest and most coveted honor: The Republic Life Member "Order of Merit" which Mr. McCaughrin has been honored to receive.

Mrs. McDaniel said Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin. Long-standing efforts are impossible to truly measure, always going the extra mile in helping not only RNC but Our Candidates as well. No matter where Mr. McCaughrin is in the World, I can call on Mr. McCaughrin at any time, and 1st thing Mr. McCaughrin says is, What is it you Need, Mrs. McDaniel? & It will be taken care of immediately.

Mrs. McDaniel said it was the desire of the Executive Committee Council as They review your Outstanding record of Accomplishments and a long and dedicated Republican to establish a lasting tribute to acknowledge Your Work, Your Tireless Efforts, Your Steadfast Commitment, and Your Spirit.

In Closing, Mrs. McDaniel said from everyone here in Washington D.C. at Executive Council of The Republic National Committee, The Republican Leadership, We Applaud Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin Once Again for the Republican Life Member "Order of Merit" for February 21, 2022, and Thank you, Sir.

Mrs. Ronna McDaniel,
Republic National Committee

FEBRUARY 16, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of "McCaughrin Maritime", McCaughrin International & Chairman & 52% Majority Owner of Foreign Overseas Bulk (FOBS) Announced through its General Agencies Partnership Alliance Member Network, (G.A.P.A.M.N.) That those behind the $4.85Billion Dollar Purchase Offer of McCaughrin Maritime McCaughrin international & FOBS is a Consortium of Companies and Countries working with a German Investment Company, (TBA) that are involved in the Container Shipping, Logistics and Counties. 1> China Ocean Shipping Corporation, (COSCO), 2> Country of China, 3> DHL, 4> Democratic Party, 5> Maersk 6> Hapag Lloyd.

Mr. McCaughrin said I am not shocked at any of this that China is involved. I figured China and Maersk had called on each other to Orchestra this and I was not surprise at all by the democratic party they are involved in anything and everything that moves. This Group are only here to shut up Mr. McCaughrin and 1 of MMMSI Corporate Business Card Website: That is seen in Every Country in The World Where China, Maersk, DHL, democratic party is Plaster on it in a negative way and they know why they are on it: "THE TRUTH DOES NOT LIE"

Mr. McCaughrin said $4.85Billion Purchase Is NOT going to Happen in My Life Time Boys! In Less Each of you go back to your Banks and Start LEVERAGING everything like China Shipyards, Shipping Companies Its Country Assets, Maersk E-Type Container Ships, Containers, Hapag Lloyd Containers & Passenger Ships. You want Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin off the World Oceans, Canals, Lakes, and I am not going quietly either. You All can afford it and You All are used to DEBT...So get there fast and then Call Me...

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: General Agencies Partnership Alliance Members Network, (G.A.P.A.M.N.)
Source: Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: China Ocean Shipping Corporation, (COSCO)
Source: Country of China
Source: DHL
Source: Maersk Container Lines
Source: Hapag Lloyd Container Lines
Source: Democratic Party

FEBRUARY 8, 2022

Praise The Lord 

Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (Mi) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime & McCaughrin International, Notify both MMMSI Board of Directors & MIACI Board of Directors to immediately drawing up "Poison Pills Paperwork in Preventing Anyone, "Any Domestic Or International Company, Corporation, LLC, Limited, Any investment Group, Any Financial Instrument Group, Banks, Parties, Ect, of He, Or She, Them Or Their, Or Their Of, Or Here In, In Trying to Purchase through Illegally Scheme,(s) " Either One of These Michigan Corporation in Any Event of Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin Untimely Demise from GOD EARTH, and That Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin Who Retains 100% of MICHIGAN CORPORATION: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) As Of January 26, 1996 to Present & McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) As Of June 12, 1998 To Present and both Corporation are debt free going on 10 years Straight, and its Bureau International Container Code: MMMU Its has Operated with Going on 23 years & Its #1 Most popular Container Code for 11 Years Straight!

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Chairman of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its Various Divisions and 54% Majority of FOBS Ownership have immediately notify FOBS Board of Directors to draw up "Poison Pill Paperwork" in Preventing: Anyone, Anywhere, Any Domestic Or International Company, Corporation, LLC, Limited, Or Their of, Any Investment Group, Banks, Parties Ect, Of He Or She, Or There Or Them, Or Their Of or Here In, In Trying to Purchase Illegally Through A Scheme Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) and Its Various Divisions, Under the Names of: McCaughrin Maritime Global, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Atlantic, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Med, McCaughrin Maritime Global - UAE, McCaughrin Maritime Global - South Africa, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Brazil (***), McCaughrin Maritime Global -Indonesia, McCaughrin Maritime Global - China, (***), McCaughrin Maritime Global - Australia, (***) McCaughrin Maritime Global - Japan, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Peru, (**) McCaughrin Maritime Global - Scandinavia, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Russia, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Mexico, (***) McCaughrin Maritime Global - Colombia, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Russia, McCaughrin Maritime Global - India, McCaughrin Maritime Global -Venezuela, (**) McCaughrin Maritime Global - Vietnam, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Thailand, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Europe, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Colombia, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Philippines, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Tawian, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Portugal, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Islands, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Short-Sea-Shipping, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Italy, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Malta, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Spain, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Baltic.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems, Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: "McCaughrin Maritime" - Trading Brand
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: MMMSI Board of Directors
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: MIACI Board of Directors
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) & Its Various Divisions
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin - Chairman of FOBS 

FEBRUARY 5, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (Mi) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, & Chairman of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS)
& Its Various Divisions Announced he has received an Purchase Offer to Purchase All of "McCaughrin Maritime", McCaughrin International, Foreign Overseas & Its Various Divisions, Trade Names, Its 105 Executives, Employment Contract, Cargo Contracts, Its Charter Contract of 183 Multi-Purpose Bulk Carriers, Tankers, Shallow Draft Ro/Ro, Geared Handymax's Geared Ultramax's, in Both Present & Futures Extensions Charters, Its delivery of Four, (4) #400,000 dwt CHINAMAX'S Now delivered, Shipbuilding Contract up to 2026 for Four, (4) #180,000 dwt Cape Size's Bulkers, Fuel Contract, All Existing Material in 10 Warehouses in China for the Building of Six, (6) #500,000 DWT Multi-Purpose Bulk Cargoes & 20' Sea Containers MCCAUGHRINMAX, Also Including Landing Right at 12 International Airport in Eight Countries, FOBS Bermuda Headquarters & Surrounding Property of 5 Acres of land and MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, For An Estimated $4.85Billion Dollars, All In USD or there of.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) & Its Various Divisions
Source: 105 Executives of FOBS 25 Various.
Source: Island of Bermuda

FEBRUARY 1, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime & Chairman of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its Various Divisions were asked at a Party in Greece If MMMSI Or FOBS would be interested in hauling one of Its Coal Clients Coal Shipment well into the future. Mr. McCaughrin said By All Means.

Mr. McCaughrin said the Coal Clients read in recent article in January 25, 2022 in Website on Eastern Pacific Shipping, (EPS) Refusing to not haul coal anymore and that is a serious concern seeing that EPS could be in a "Breech of its Cargo Contracts with Coal Clients" which are Major Players in the Power Generating Business in Asia.

Mr. McCaughrin said MMMSI & FOBS will haul anything anywhere on its vessels except Military Equipment and Chemicals and other then that You Name the Port and MMMSI & FOBS will be their.  We are good to go!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its Various Divisions
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Major Coal Clients
Source: Easter Pacific Shipping, (EPS)
Source: Asia
Source: "Breech of Contract"

JANAURY 26, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, and Chairman of The Board of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 25 Divisions and Mr. John C. Carter, President of FOBS, announced today in Greece that they have Charter Eight, (8) #180,000 dwt Suezmaxe's Tankers indeed for four years Enblocked at $24,000 Per Day at a 5% Commission through a 5th Party Logistics Group that is Associated with General Agencies Partnership Alliance Members Network, (G.A.P.A.M.N).

Mr. Carter said MMMSI & FOBS would receive 4 Each of the Suezmaxe's Tankers and All Eight, (8) Tankers will be delivered at Sea, A Custom that Mr. McCaughrin started in 2021 in Keeping his Competitors off balance of Where Mr. McCaughrin does Business and to Whom Mr. McCaughrin does Business with.

Mr. McCaughrin said Suezmaxe's Tankers would be carrying cargoes that Both McCaughrin Maritime Global Divisions and FOBS had experiences with Fires on Our Bulkers Vessels, and Also Both Companies have taken on larger accounts on two different types of unstable cargoes for bulkers in terms of Grain Sectors. And Iron Fines a Mud-like Substance that turns into liquid at Sea.

Mr. Carter said All Eight (8) Suezmaxe's Tankers would all be delivered at the same time around the world in The First (1st) Quarter of 2022. These will be the biggest tankers FOBS has Charter yet, where Mr. McCaughrin Charter a Group of VLCC Tankers years ago in the UK that ran between Nigeria Refiners, to Europe and U.S.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk, (FOBS) & Its 25 Divisions
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Suezmaxe's Tankers of #180,000 deadweight tonnages (DWT)
Source: VLCC Tankers
Source: "Enblock"

JANUARY 21, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, Announced it's lastest division called: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Baltic and Added 2 Ro/Ro's to its Newest Division as of December 1, 2021. The New Service to New Customers will be hauling out Newsprint for the Publishing Industries and Lumber to the Mediterranean Region by a trailer which is Safer, Faster and More Economical.

Mr. McCaughrin said in the past 2 months, We time charter 2 Laid Up Ro/Ro's arranged for tows for both to available drydock for inspection and any repairs to meet certification for New Service in New Region. 1st Ro/Ro is a #7,000 dwt with a Side Door for one of Customer tight Facilities for loading and 2nd Ro/Ro is a #10,000 dwt Starboard Stern Ramp for even faster loading and Unloading at Customer's 2nd location in and No one touches these cargoes Its all automated from dock to end user's warehouse thus cutting out any damaged or other costs overruns.

Mr. McCaughrin said Not Raising 20' Containers Or Bulk Cargoes Rates for the past 5 years straight, has been positive motivator for both McCaughrin Maritime & Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) & Its 24 Divisions, In past 12 Months of 2021, Both MMMSI & FOBS has added 33 Cargo Ships to its Global Fleets since Leaving China after 18 years on December 8, 2020. We Expected to Time Charter even More Ships if Not Bigger Ships in Both Fleets in 2022 When timing is right, and Time Charters meets our Bottom Line.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 24 Divisions
Source: 25th Division: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Baltic
Source: Country of China
Source: 20' Containers
Source: Bulk Cargoes
Source: Cargo Rates

JANUARY 18, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU) 1999—2017 2017—Present, MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, The Republic of United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, and Chairman of The Board of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiarys (FOBS) & Its 24 Divisions announced in Greece that both MMMSI & FOBS will announce their 4th Quarter 2021 Year Result to Its 130 Customers Made up of Mining, Manufactures and End User Only Starting on January 26, 2022, and Every Quarter they're after!

Mr. McCaughrin said On 1 last note, MMMSI # 1 Corporate Business Card Retired as of January 26, 2017, has a New Home for the Future and its SAFE TO VIEW... I like to personally thank all those Professionals at Core.Com for making this New Move Possible and Blessing to You All.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Country of Greece
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 24 Divisions
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin - Chairman of The Board

JANUARY 12, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, Republic of the United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced from Greece that the Country of Vancouver, British Columbia have invited Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, McCaughrin Maritime, Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 24 Divisions to The Port of Vancouver, British Columbia Canada, to Open International Trade With.

Mr. McCaughrin said you know it's funny HOW GOD WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS! I have been thinking about Port of Vancouver for about 5 years, and lately, I have been getting lots of travel information about Sailing to Vancouver to Flying to Vancouver there and Low and behold What Timing.. WOW!!!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 24 Divisions
Source: Port of Vancouver, British Colombia

JANUARY 4, 2022


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, Republic of the United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced in Greece over The New 2022 Year that Mr. John C. Carter, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 24 Divisions 105 Executives and Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of McCaughrin Maritime Global - Australia have nominated Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Chairman of The Board of FOBS.

Mr. Carter said I will remain as President of FOBS in Bermuda, and Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, will take New Position as CEO of FOBS in Both Australia and New Zealand on January 2, 2022.

Mr. Carter said as of 1 minute past Midnight of December 26, 2021, Mr. McCaughrin retains 52% of FOBS Outstanding Shares and Its 105 Executives Including Mr. Carter and Ms. McKeigh retains 48%.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: 105 Executives of FOBS
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 24 Divisions
Source: Chairman of The Board, (COB)
Source: Chief Executive Officer, (CEO)
Source: President, (P)

 DECEMBER 28, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, Republic of the United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime & Mr. John C. Carter President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 24 Divisions announced today on Holiday in Greece that its looking into time chartering Eight, (8) Suezmaex's Tankers of #180,000 dwt Capacity for transporting Grain and Other New Loose unstable material that both McCaughrin Maritime and FOBS are looking to carry (New) instead of using 75% of its Bulkers in both global fleet.

Mr. McCaughrin & Mr. Carter have said both our fleet have experienced freak fires in past 6 months in hauling grain cargoes and it is not just on 1 type of vessel either, Its been on #77,500 dwt Panamax bulkkers, #98,500 dwt Post Panamax Bulkers and up to its largest bulkers to date The #170,000 dwt Cape Size Bulkers we have had these fires and lucky the fires were quickly handle and that is why both fleet's have switched to tankers of late.

Mr. Carter said the Tankers are built with far more stability in carrying these highly unstable cargoes of grain. All you have to do is see one of these grain cargoes go off is enough to change your mind of which vessel is safer in hauling grain.

Mr. McCaughrin said 3 such cargoes we deem unstable is Grain, Nickel Ore, and Iron Ore Fines that brakes down while underway and turns to a mud like liquid that can change the way the stability of the vessel act under calm to moderate sea. If these vessels are not loaded properly. Mr. McCaughrin said you figure these cargoes are already breaking down or cooking in the cargo hold due to it loading temperature at the time it being loaded. It does not take any time at all when a shovel hit the hatches coming for grain dust to spark and go off to exploded. We now are looking beyond the cost per day in serving global customers on these New but Unstable cargoes and type of ships we used to use"

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 24 Divisions
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Suezmaxe"s Tankers of #180,000 dwt
Source: Highly Unstable Cargoes: Grain, Nickel Ore, Iron Ore Fines, Concentrate Cargoes

DECEMBER 23, 2021

McCaughrin Maritime wishes everyone a
Merry Christmas & Blessed New Year!

DECEMBER 18, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, Republic of the United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, Received a message from The Trampers Group in China about "Any Interest" in taking Four, of Six, (4/6) #400,000 DWT CHINAMAX Bulkers on Or Before February 2, 2022 which will be "Delivered to Your Specific Location's.

Mr. McCaughrin sent back a message and said YES I would be delighted in taking over Four, of Six, (4/6) #400,000 DWT CHINAMAX'S off your back On or Before February 2, 2022.

Mr. McCaughrin return All Six, (6) #400,000 DWT CHINAMAX'S Bulkers back to there specific China Seaports on or After December 4, 2020 (*) Pending (*) Loading Ore Schedules in Brazil, Australia, and Scrap Cargoes out of Mexico and Weather delays, Brake downs Or Anything beyond normal sailing like "ACT OF GOD" is Outside of the MMMSI Cargo Agreement of Herein or Their of"

The Trampers Group stated to Mr. McCaughrin that they brought there OWN BIG SHIPS to the Transfer and Six, (6) #400,000 DWT CHINAMAX'S have been sitting in a "Wet Lay Up" since Mr. McCaughrin China Crews laid these CHINAMAX"S up upon delivering their last cargoes of Ore and Scrap, Believing The Trampers Group would be using these CHINAMAX'S Bulkers almost immediately, after December 12, 2020.

Mr. McCaughrin said Four, (4) #400,000 DWT CHINAMAX'S Bulkers will be used in the Container and Bulk Cargo Movement a Ship that Container Owner Maersk and Hapag Lloyd fear Mr. McCaughrin would not bring out again like the last time in proving his point that a #400,000 DWT CHINAMAX Bulker can carry containers welded and belted properly to the deck.

Mr. McCaughrin said in the 4 times that the #400,000 DWT CHINAMAX Bulker carried #30,000 Empty's Containers from China to South Africa, We Never lost Any Containers. Maersk's and Others had their telephoto lenses cameras and later saying that crazy McCaughrin will try anything to prove a point that a #400,000 DWT CHINAMAX BULKER can carry Containers down below as well as on Main Deck. Mr. McCaughrin said it took 2 weeks around the clock welding containers to fitting on mains deck with 400 Welders and then Another 350 Men to belt down all the the Containers to the main deck for safe measure.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: The Trampers Group Source: #400,000 DWT CHINAMAX'S BULKERS
Source: Country of China
Source: Country of Brazil
Source: Country of Mexico
Source: Iron Ore
Source: Scrap
Source: Wet Lay Up

DECEMBER 08, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI Headquarters in Wayne, Mi Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, announced this week that Officials of the Private Bank, (TBA), handling of Mr. McCaughrin Private 100% Stock, Sale of Ownership in Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's & its 24 Divisions on the British Island of Bermuda has been settled by All of the 100 Executives of FOBS to the Tune of Mr. McCaughrin, will retain Majority Ownership of 53% and 100 FOBS Executives will retain 47%.

Officials of FOBS 100 Executives said they are not interested in prolonging another 54 days on settled date on of Extension of Sale of FOBS Stock to January 31, 2022 which Mr. McCaughrin is Selling All 100% of Stock of FOBS and No Stock will be sold to anyone outside of FOBS.

Mr. John C. Carter, President of FOBS said All 100 Executives took a vote and are asking Mr. McCaughrin that FOBS Stock Sale be concluded and finalized by 1 Minute past Midnight of 12:01AM December 26, 2021 "But" No Later then 1 minute past Midnight 12:01AM of December 31, 2021 Or Herein or Thereof".

Mr. McCaughrin sent back to Mr. Carter that was Acceptable by him. Pick a date and its will be finalized. Done/Period Herein "Or" ThereOf".

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 24 Divisions
Source: British Island of Bermuda
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Private Bank Stock Sale (TBA)
Source: 100 FOBS Executives

NOVEMBER 24, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, MMMSI-MMMU)                         MMMSI Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of United States.                         

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced today that Country of Italy and Italian Port Authority, Who Operate 15 of the largest Ports through its Country has invited Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, McCaughrin Maritime, Mr. John C. Carter, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 24 Divisions a Chance to pick the ports where their fleet would like to operate to and from in the Mediterranean Sea.

Mr. McCaughrin said Both McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS are a No Nonsense Shipping Company that has been operating 5 years straight of Not raising cargo rates on either 20' foot Container Or Bulk Cargoes, and have managed to expand its different Cargo to 25 Markets and Expand both fleet with Chartering +70 Additional Cargo Ships in 11 months after leaving Country of China after 18 years of cargo movement last December 8, 2020.

Mr. McCaughrin said McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS have created Global Versatile Fleet for its 120 Global Customers from 2009 to Present with the Smallest in the fleet of: Lo Draft Bow Loading Ro/Ro's of #3,500 dwt, Aft loading #7,000 dwt, and Side Loading and Aft Loading #10,000 dwt Ro/Ro's, Tankers of #12,000 dwt, #16,000 dwt, # 45,000 dwt Medium Range (MR) IM03 Type tankers, Handymax Geared #50,000 dwt Ultramax's Geared #64,000 dwt, Panamax Bulkers of #65,500 dwt, #75,500 dwt, Post Panamax Bulkers of #98,500 dwt, and Finally up to #170,000 dwt Cape Size Bulkers.

These long term Charters are built around long term commitments with 120 Global Customers made of Mining, Manufactures, and Endusers that have relied on McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS due to its TRUST, REPUTATION & LONEVITY THAT OPERATE 24/7/364.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Country of Italy
Source: The Italian Port Authority
Source: Lo Draft Bow Loading Ro/Ro's of #3,500 dwt
Source: Medium Ranger Stern Unloading Ro/Ro of #7,000 dwt
Source: Medium Ranger Side & Stern Unloading #10,000 dwt Ro/Ro
Source: Tankers of #12,000 dwt
Source: Tankers of #16,000 dwt
Source: Medium Range (MR) Tankers of #45,000 dwt IM03 Type
Source: Panamax Bulkers of #65,500 dwt & #75,500 dwt
Source: Post Panamax Bulkers of #98,500 dwt
Source: Cape Size Bulkers of #170,000 dwt
Source: Handymax's Geared #50,000 dwt
Source: Ultramax's Geared #64,000 dwt

NOVEMBER 16, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, MMMSI-MMMU)                         MMMSI Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of United States.                         

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced at a International Business Meeting on "Responsibility When Civil War Is Enacted At Your Port"

Mr. McCaughrin said I am in total agreement with South African Based Operation of Transnet, A Rail Port Pipeline that McCaughrin Maritime and its Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 23 Divisions do business with and has written in each of both MMMSI & FOBS 120 Customers Contract "Force Majeure" Which is ACT OF GOD and release both parties from harm when war are enacted upon both Port Facilities and McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS at a Moment notice.

Mr. McCaughrin said in establishing McCaughrin Maritime on January 26, 1996 that was one of the 1st things I put in MMMSI Cargo Contract was "Force Majeure" and to this day has saved McCaughrin Maritime not in the million of dollars of lost cargoes, but in the billion of dollars over 25 years.

Mr. McCaughrin said TRANSNET.COM/ has been going through a rash of problems of late and they are a Top Notch Port Facilities in South Africa, Mr. McCaughrin said We were blessed to be invited last years in 2020 by TRANSNET to their Ports of Calls in South Africa.

Mr. McCaughrin said some 20 years ago the Country of Africa was McCaughrin Maritime #1 Trading Nation for 15 Years where McCaughrin's served in almost 51% of the Country Via Rail, Air Cargo Freighters or Ships. But when War's broke out in the majority of African Countries, Mr. McCaughrin pulled out MMMSI Charter Ships in the Majority of Southern African Countries and TRANSET was the only company in 2020 that got Mr. McCaughrin back into Southern Africa to Start rebuilding its market's back up on larger scale.

Mr. McCaughrin Companies continue to operate in the North of Africa like Benghazi, Libya using its long term Partnership with Delta International Shipping Agencies, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Tunisia, and Western Sahara through its General Agencies & Countries Mr. McCaughrin felt safe in.

Every Country McCaughrin Maritime Serves in, Every Customers know well about "Force Majeure" before Signing on the dotted line. Mr. McCaughrin said I hold nothing back when talking about this issues and others in keeping everyone aware of what to expect when it happens, and who to contact when it happens.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: TRANSNET Ports LLC
Source: Country of Africa
Source: Delta International Shipping Agencies
Source: "Force Majeure"
Source: Benghazi, Libya
Source: Country of Egypt
Source: Country of South Africa
Source: Country of Algeria
Source: Country of Morocco
Source: Country of Mauritania
Source: Country of Tunisia
Source: Country of Western Sahara

NOVEMBER 4, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI Headquartered in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime met with Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 23 Divisions and 120 Customers made up of Mining, Manufactures, and End Users last week to further talk about Mr. McCaughrin WHAT'S HAPPENING NEWSLETTER OF OCTOBER 14, 2021.

Mr. McCaughrin said "NOTHING HAS CHANGED" for Any of its 120 Customers, Or its Cargo Movement, Or Its Cargo Rates on 20' Sea Container Or Bulk Cargoes will All Stay the Same As before as it was written in each of your contracts. All 120 Customers Concerns were address at Mr. McCaughrin Sellout of Mr. McCaughrin holding of his Private Stock of FOBS and FOBS, Its 100 Executives & The 2 Top Leaders of FOBS in The Buyers contract. This Means your Cargoes will continue to be moved from Point A to Point Z as Before as it is written in each of the 120 Customers Contract Or until either Present 120 Customers Contract End Or You the Customers don't renewing with McCaughrin Maritime Or FOBS Or you the Customers Go out of Business which ever comes 1st, doubt that will happen but its put in their anyways. 

Mr. McCaughrin said FOBS will stays in Bermuda at same gated location as before under long term lease with Mr. McCaughrin Owner of the said property. All 100 Executives will stay where they are in the World and The 2 Top Executives at FOBS: Mr. John C. Carter will be permoted to CEO & President on January 1, 2022 and Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, will be permoted to Chairman of FOBS who will replaced Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin as Chairman of FOBS as of January 1, 2022. Ms. McKeigh was moved to New Zealand due to health issues because of ragging fires in Country of Australia this summer and will remain in New Zealand for the forseeable future.

Mr. McCaughrin said I will from time to time look in when ever I see FOBS Executives starting to go off course but other then that this has been in the works for 16 months and I am getting up in age of 72 and at some point you have to let go of that bottle and let the them take over.

Mr. McCaughrin said I am 55 minutes from Bermuda in Wayne, Michigan and I have 2 other US Based Companies in Bermuda, McCaughrin Maritime & McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI). So Its not as those I am going anywhere and according to the Government of Bermuda they can't wait for Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin to finally settle in Bermuda full time. 

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: 120 FOBS Customers Mining, Manufacturers, & End Users.
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & 23 Divisions
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: 100 FOBS Executives

OCTOBER 26, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime & Mr. John C. Carter President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 23 Divisions Announced its Third, (3rd) Quarter Overseas Bulk Cargo & 20' Container Operations Results that ended September 30, 2021.

Mr. Carter said last Three, (3) Month was brought on by 500% Increase of New Cargoes of Bauxite, Soy Beans, Soy Bean Oil, New Extended Contract on Steel Coils & Steel Plates, Crushed Cement, New Scrap Cargoes extending both McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS into 25 Markets in Seven, (7) Regions of the World.

Mr. Carter said due to Mr. McCaughrin hard boil stance on not raising cargo rates on its Bulk Cargo Or 20' Containers for the past 5 years straight, Keeping Both MMMSI & FOBS Global Fleet always in constant revenue position, No Debt going on 13 years straight, Having ample liquidity in place in controlling both time chartering rates on its cargo ships and knowing when to time chartering ships, for the right cargoes in right regions, for the right market and Saving +60% on Fuel cost with Methanol Fuel in the Conversion of -69 Ships for lower chartering cost and Extending Charters to 7 years instead of 5 years to those profit of $4.85 Billion dollars.

Mr. Carter said both McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS Time Charter Extra Thirty Three (33) Cargo Ship as New Cargo as well as Present Cargo were increased in more tonnages for the duration of their contract's.

Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of both McCaughrin Maritime Global - Australia and President of For - A - Cleaner - Ocean Environment - In Using - Methanol Fuel - Backed by Over +50 International Countries said Reconversion Project of Heavy Diesel #2 to 0.15 Methanol Fuel will be compleated in Full on September 30, 2022 and Save both MMMSI and FOBS + $500,000.00 Hundred Thousand dollars due to Excess of labor brought on by Mr. McCaughrin who wanted it everything done before the Fourth, (4th) Quarter 2022 began.

Ms. McKeigh said MMMSI & FOBS Shipowners had the advantage where their conversion took place in a Shipyard under Their 5 years Surveyor Certification in a Drydock While McCaughrin Maritime Global - Australia did All of there work either took place in Ports waiting to be offloaded or onloaded with the Assistance of +500 Ex Philippines Shipyard Professional and a Large number of Charter Tankers in the region of conversions taking place. The tankers were offloading Heavy Diesel #2 in Putting in New Fuel Tanks & Hoses to Reload 0.15% Methanol Fuel.

Mr. McCaughrin direct assistance in this project was the different in getting this project finalized and done safely as Mr. McCaughrin would say what ever you need Ms. McKeigh you will have it in matter of hours not days from now even if we have to manufacturer it.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS)
& Its 23 Divisions
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Australia
Source: For A Cleaner Ocean Environment - Using Methanol Fuel
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: Heavy Diesel #2
Source: 0.15% Methanol Fuel

OCTOBER 20, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (MI) Headquarters in Wayne, Mi Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime for the 2nd time has taken down its 24 Hour Operations Number due to security issues.

Mr. McCaughrin said the Global Shipping Industries has been going through hacking for the past 3 years and now they are going after McCaughrin Maritime. In 2020. Hackers went after MSC and in 2019 It was Maersk.

Mr. McCaughrin said we took down MMMSI 24 Hour Cell Number because it kept getting hacked and cut off in middle of conservation Or the cell would shut down and So it was taken off MMMSI #2 Corporate Website:

Mr. McCaughrin said for right now MMMSI Customers made up of Mining, Manufacturers and End Users know how to get in touch with MMMSI and that was set up 10 years ago, the cell just made it more convient that's all.

Mr. McCaughrin said 2 years ago hackers were Montoring MMMSI Ship-To-Shore Messages so Mr. McCaughrin changed that and Now none of the 175 Cargo Ships have Ship-To-Shore-Radios Aboard On Any Ships. Now the hackers can't figure out how McCaughrin Maritime or Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) or Its 23 Divisions do their messaging from Port to Port and still managing to expand monthly is just amazing.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Mediterrean Shipping Containers, (MSC)
Source: Maersk Container Lines
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 23 Divisions
Source: Ship-To-Shore-Radio

OCTOBER 14, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI Headquarter in Wayne, Mi Republic of United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, Called a Special Board of Directors Meeting for All Executives of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 23 Divisions over the weekend in Bermuda.

Mr. McCaughrin announced that he is unloading all of his private share of FOBS stock to FOBS Executives and the deal will close on December 31, 2021 of the 4th Quarters of 2021.

Mr. McCaughrin said FOBS will retain all 100 Executives including Mr. John C. Carter and Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh in New Zealand, 100 Cargo Ships Contracts and Mr. McCaughrin will donate $2Billion dollars in Operation money in view of Mr. McCaughrin leaving "but" will take that write off for the Next 25 years in return.

Mr. McCaughrin said McCaughrin Maritime will get 75 Cargo Ships, Contract, Choice of Tankers and Choice of Subsidiary's. Neither FOBS Nor McCaughrin Maritime Fleet can Expand for 10 years or Until Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin dies which ever come 1st. Mr. McCaughrin said upon my death the Shipping Name of McCaughrin Maritime, MMMSI, McCaughrin International will cease to exist at midnight of the death and FOBS can take over what ever Vessels are still in operations including those Subsidiary's at that point in time, and Mr. McCaughrin personal money, ect, ect be given to charity.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 23 Divisions
Source: All The Executives of FOBS & Its 23 Divisions
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh

OCTOBER 10, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of the United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced that MMMSI #1 Corporate website: was hacked 7 times in September, 6 Times in August, 5 Times in July, and 4 Times in June and the Statistics that are showing at Present should Actually be what May 2021 Are showing But with an addittional +50% Rise for June, +65% Rise for July, +78% Rise in August, and +95% Rise in September 2021 but when hacking to keep the "Stats" down this is what happens and that is why they are called hackers.

McCaughrin Maritime continue expanding regardless of the hacking and Soon or later you will just move on to someone else who actually cares...

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: MMMSI #1 Corporate Website:
Source: Advanced Web Statistics, (AWS)

OCTOBER 6, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of the United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced for the 10 months of the year of 2021 and for the 22nd year in the row of being the #1 Fastest loading Corporate Website in the world & one of the most popular Corporate Website of #78,700,000 Million I present

Mr. McCaughrin said I am very blessed to have MMMSI #1 Corporate website continuing to shine 24/7/365 days a year even this website is no longer being updated due to Mr. Simon Hui and Mr. Scott J. McCaughrin who have since retired as of January 26, 2017.

Both Simon and Scott did a "Great Job" keeping in the hunt against the Corporate shipping giants with its website. Scott was instrumental in rebuilding the site from the other builder year later when it showed of being too slow to load in getting to worldwide web. Scott also added music to all the sections of the site and added a counter to show how many people came to the site since was launched on April 5, 1999 that was big deal back then when only there was a handful of websites operating at the time. Excellent Scott!

Mr. Simon was instrumental in putting red dots where MMMSI was operating in each Country location and Updating New Office and Updating the What's Happening page, and adding pictures where needed Thank you Simon Great Job.

The hackers overseas continue to try and drive down statistics into the floor but in reality, McCaughrin Maritime continues to Grow, and Prosper Every Quarter Overseas for the past 14 years...

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Mr. Simon Hui
Source: Mr. Scott J. McCaughrin
Source: Thank You to The Millions of People

SEPTEMBER 26, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of the United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime received an text from Mr. John C. Carter, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 23 Division about time chartering Four, (4) Medium Range, (MR) Size IMO3 Tanker with Carrying Capacity of #45,000 dwt and Built in 2015 at Chartering Rate Each at of $16,500 dollars per day each for Four, (4) years through a Fifth Party Logistics firm.

Mr. Carter said we have come too close too many time in hauling this New Cargo of Nickel Ore that liquefying while under way from solid when it loaded in Philippines on board FOBS #98,500 dwt Port Panamax bulkers to Asia Markets, (Not China). Mr. Carter discuss this Liquefying problem with Mr. McCaughrin and Mr. McCaughrin said Go charter what you need with Medium Range Tankers and transfer the Post Panamax Bulkers to other fleet who need those ships. Mr. McCaughrin told Mr. Carter why do you think I pass up the Bauxite Cargo for so many years, liquefying. Another cargo that is very dangerous that should be moved by tankers is Grain which McCaughrin Maritime will now be moving by tankers. Grain is very flammable cargo & it can form a dust cloud with explosive force and these bulkers have been very lucky not to experience that so far Mr. Carter something you should be thinking about with your own FOB fleet. Tankers have been moving grain for decades. Mr. McCaughrin said the former tanker: Manhattan loaded #105,000 thousand tons of bulk grain in 1963 in U.S. 

Mr. Carter said Now this Nickel Ore is in a pure liquid form by the time it reaches Asia Ports and Easier to flush out of the tanks and then clean the tanks and reload another liquid products back to the Philippines that are in demand.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 23 Divisions
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Nickel Ore
Source: The Philippines
Source: Medium Size Tanker, (MR) IMO3

SEPTEMBER 16, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of the United States. 

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, has been asked by well-known Casper Chartering Ltd, Headquartered in North Lincolnshire, England, to join them in Global Short Sea Shipping Markets.

Mr. McCaughrin said it is an honor to be invited into Casper Chartering Organization, a global fleet in the UK, well-known in the world trading markets for its top-notch operations.

Mr. McCaughrin said I have been thinking for the past five years how McCaughrin Maritime and Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) and its 23 Companies could fit into an operation like Global Short Sea Shipping.

Gentlemen at Casper Chartering ltd, I, Brian R. McCaughrin, Accept your invitation to join Global Short Sea Shipping. FOBS and I will help you in any way possible in making Casper Chartering grow even larger through our partnership. It's an Honor!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Casper Chartering Ltd
Source: Global Short Sea Shipping
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 23 Divisions

SEPTEMBER 10, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of the United States. 

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced at a McCaughrin Maritime & McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) Board of Director Meeting in the Country of Malta on Friday that he is not concern at all on the slow progress in the selling of MMMSI Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, The most recognized HQ in the World for the past 25 years!

Mr. McCaughrin said #1 It has been a very rocky start in putting this home on the market with the FIRING 4 Real Estate Firms from 1> Conflict of Interest to 2> Botching up the Description of the Property to 3> Making Promises of All Talk & No Action to Sell to 4>Catching 1 of these firms in a blatant lie and Why Real Estate Industries just like the Law Profession needs to be Regulated its that simple. There are No Rules & Regulation on how they Realtor Estate Firm Operate and It's Metal to Petal.. Make their money and move on. Mr. McCaughrin said we are now on our 5th firm and will see where this takes us.

Mr. McCaughrin said we have had a lot of interest in this home and says it priced right for the neighborhood when other homes in the area for May, June, & July 2021 were Smaller and not fixed up SOLD for +$30,000 more than Mr. McCaughrin home which is a Turn-Key Home. Move-in and live.

Mr. McCaughrin said it all comes down to this when GOD wants 34660 Elm Street, Wayne, Michigan SOLD it will be in GOD TIME NOT OUR TIME, and Not what the Realtor wants for quick sale. When GOD told Mr. McCaughrin 2 years ago Get MMMSI HQ Ready and 2 years to the day I said GOD It's Ready.

Mr. McCaughrin said I have received 3 Signs from GOD. 2 weeks ago I got a strong sensation of Deja Vu just like 26 years ago that just about knock me off my feet then Last week a Green Grasshopper flew on the kitchen window screen and just looked at me for the longest time and then flew off & I had not seen one of these in decades, and 3rd at 1:30 AM 3 night ago an OWL started tooting right above me in a tree for 3 Minutes solid and then stopped, I am not sure what any of GOD Creatures are telling me but Its important.. to record and research as I wait for this home to be sold. GOD always speaks in 3 ACTIONS. Now we wait For what's coming Be still Its coming and coming on strong!

Source: GOD
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc,
Source: MMMSI Headquarters 34660 Elm Street, Wayne, Mi 48184
Source: MMMSI Board of Directors
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: MIACI Board of Directors
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: GOD Creatures: Green Grasshooper, & Owl
Source: Deja Vu



Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of the United States. 

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime has taken delivery of its 3rd tanker and the 2nd one in the #16,000 dwt tonnages range built-in 2015 at a time charter rate at $14,250  per day for the Bauxite Trade in Malaysia for the Next 4 years. Mr. McCaughrin said We time charter our 2nd tanker on May 12, 2021 a #16,000 dwt tanker also built-in 2015 for 4 years at a time charter rate of $14,000 per day to be used in bauxite trade. This type of cargo mention is very dangerous to move and one of the reasons why McCaughrin Maritime waited as long as they did in deciding to haul it in the 1st place with a string attached. Mr. McCaughrin said we will haul bauxite cargo  & this type of cargo will only be carried on tankers of our choosing or it's a No Go. In the past, too many bulk carriers have suddenly sunk with high crew loss without notice due to bauxite cargo turning into liquid. Tankers are designed to carry liquids cargoes Vs bulk carriers are not.

Mr. McCaughrin said this is now 3rd Tanker in the bauxite trade after only 3 years in this trade.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine System Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: #16,000 DWT Tanker
Source: Bauxite Trade

AUGUST 28, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of the United States. 

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime was greeted by reporters after landing by private jet in the Country of Malta about Mr. McCaughrin recent invitation to Washington, D.C. on August 23, 2021.

Mr. McCaughrin said Ms. Ronna McDaniel, Chairman of Republican National Committee, (RNC) is a "Classy Lady who is the Nuts and Bolts of that Organization". 

Mr. McCaughrin said I was very honored by both the Invitation and the Special Mention of the Plaque and another beautiful Plaque that will be hanging in the Halls of Honor at the Headquarters of the Republican National Committee at Eisenhower Center there in Washington, D.C.

Mr. McCaughrin told the reports I had NO idea about this in advance. I had been in Bermuda for a bunch of business meetings when I got the call and it was Ms. Ronna McDaniel of all people. Ms. McDaniel asked if I could fly down to Washington I said YES No Problem. What do you need Ms. McDaniel? Just you Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Ok I will be there and that was it.

Mr. McCaughrin said when I 1st got into the political field in the latter stages of 2014 and then again in June 2015 in helping out then businessman Mr. Donald J. Trump run for #45th and in 2018 for the Running of #46th President of the United States and Winning the Presidential Election by a LANDSLIDE on November 8, 2020, I never expected anything like this. I was like everyone else is helping out where you can and hope for the best. Mr. McCaughrin in giving to an organization like the Republican Party was a given & All they have done over decades was a pleasure you give what you can and that is all I did to this day. 

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Country of Malta
Source: Ms. Ronna McDaniel
Source: Republican National Committee

AUGUST 24, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI Headquarters in Wayne, MI, Republic of United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin , Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, & Continues to be One of Staunchest Supporters for the #45th & #46th President of The Republic of The United States: PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP.  Ms. Ronna McDaniel Chairwoman for Republic National Committee, (RNC) invited Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin to fly to Washington, D.C., and pick up a special plaque for honored mention on Monday, August 23, 2021.

Ms. McDaniel said Mr. McCaughrin your deep personal appreciation and your exceptional support for the Republican Party, I have authorized your name: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin to be added to the Life Member Roll of Honor that will be located permanently on display at the Republican National Party's Headquarters in the Eisenhower Center in Washington, D.C.

Mr. McCaughrin, since its inception in 1978 Life Membership has always been among the highest distinction, and it's important that Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin your dedicated service to our Party and Country shall be duly acknowledged.

Sincerely Yours,
Ronna McDaniel,
Republican National Committee

AUGUST 18, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI Headquarters in Wayne, MI, Republic of United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced an invitation from Officials of Lion Shipping & Trading Limited, Headquartered in Constanta, Romania about a  "international alliance on specific cargo movement" between both companies and Countries both Global Fleet Serve.

Mr. McCaughrin said 3 years ago I was invited by the Government of Baku, Azerbaijan to help stimulate international cooperation with American Shipowners looking to expand their own presence with the Government of Baku, Azerbaijan which is located on the West Coast of the landlocked Caspian Sea, while Mr. McCaughrin at the same time was in talks with the Russian Government Officials on working on deepening and widening Russia own Locks and canal that span the Volga River which is 2,294 miles long and trade to 11 of 20 of Russia Biggest Cities including Moscow are Situated along the Volga Basin and Covers 2/5 of Country of Russia. This expansion at some point will be able to accept bigger cargo ships like that of McCaughrin Maritime Global Charter Ship Fleet that is now has expand to 170 Ships and Help close the gap and help move needed cargo faster to McCaughrin Maritime Partners in Baku, Azerbaijan where a 3 years invitation all began.

Mr. McCaughrin even suggest to The Russian Minister of Transportation that Mr. McCaughrin would be willing to Help and Invest long term finances up to $1 Billion Dollars to help speed the project up otherwise the Russian Wheels of Government will be slow going for everyone on both sides of international commerce, this has to be Win/Win for all parties. Mr. McCaughrin and Country of Russia have been long term partners in international trade upon Mr. McCaughrin 1st cargo ship a #17,850 dwt Russian Design Astrakhan Multi-Purpose Container, Vehicle, Bulk Carrier which was carrying their 1st cargo of Steel Coils and Plates between Saint Petersburg, Russia to Sept- lIes, Quebec. Suddenly Lo/Ro was stopped by Mr. McCaughrin Steel Customer, Cargo Sold, Charter Cancelled some 100 miles East of Nova Scotia by its Foreign Shipowners and Ship was Transfer to FEDNAV when word that Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin was Starting a 2 Ship Lo/Ro Multi-Pupose Bulk/Container Service from The Baltic to The Quebec Ports.   

Mr. McCaughrin for decades has been trying to keep rates low in moving larger cargoes for its customers base where most of them lie in poor countries where ships are too small to compete with larger shipowners and with Lion Shipping & Trading this Invitation that will be able to cut time and delivery larger cargo in both directions.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems, Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Lion Shipping & Trading Limited - Romania
Source: Government of Baku, Azerbaijan
Source: Landlocked Caspian Sea
Source: Black Sea

AUGUST 12, 2021

Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI Headquarters in Wayne, MI, Republic of United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime & McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) Announced at a Board of Director Meeting in Bermuda that both MMMSI & MIACI will be Based in Bermuda once the Wayne, Michigan Headquarters is Sold.

Mr. McCaughrin said selling MMMSI HQ has been in the works as far back as December 2013 but as you know right after New Year in January 2014 of Mr. McCaughrin slip and fall accident and then Mr. McCaughrin was laid up for 4.6 years till the end of December 2017 putting MMMSI HQ on the back shelf and his 10 Specialize Doctors refusing to let Mr. McCaughrin do anything but retire from everything including all of his shipping concerns.

McCaughrin Maritime & McCaughrin International Board of Directors said when MMMSI reached its 25th Anniversary on January 26, 2021, It was decided to put 34660 Elm Street Home on the market during the Summer Months and that is what we are doing on August 12, 2021.

Mr. McCaughrin leased space to both McCaughrin Maritime & McCaughrin International that once housed 35 people. On January 3, 2007, Mr. McCaughrin told his 35 employees to get your passport and cell phones you are all going overseas.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems, Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: MMMSI Board of Directors
Source: MIACI Board of Directors
Source: 34660 Elm St, Wayne, Michigan
Source: British Island of Bermuda


Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime and The Owner of  34660 Elm Street, Wayne, Mi, Announced today that 34660 Elm Street, Wayne, Michigan "Is Still On Market For Sale". Mr. McCaughrin said everything will remain where it is before deciding to remarket this beautiful TURN-KEY HOME. RE/Max 2000 of Dearborn, Mi has it still listed at $182,000. They did not meet Mr. McCaughrin Overall Objective. If someones is interested in meantime in purchasing 34660 Elm Street, Wayne, Mi, Please submit a reasonable offer please contact Brian R. McCaughrin at All offers will remain confidential.

Since yesterday (8-4-21) I have receieve invitation from a further 6 Real Estate firms, Johnstone & Johnstone Real Estate, Jeff Glover & Associates Realtor, Jason Mitchell Group, Real Estate One, Re/Max of Westland, and Remerica Hometown hoping to sign Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin and list on its firms website in selling this beautiful home in Old Historial Wayne, Mi. While Mr. McCaughrin is waiting for the information on "What the Market is Asking & What the Market will Bare" Redfin said 34660 Elm St, Wayne, Mi at Is Estimated at $172,810 Mr. McCaughrin said No, Bit higher. YES Emotionally on July 26, 2021 Mr. McCaughrin put 34660 Elm St, Wayne, Mi Home Bit too high and Realistically it should of been set at $180,500 to Start At. Now we are at $182,000. You can always go down the price but you can never go up once your down, inless someone wants this house more then your competitors in a bidding war. Thank you. YES, The City of Wayne, Michigan has inspected 34660 Elm Street, Wayne, Mi  2 times in past 3 months. 2 of the items, (*) will be paid in full by the Owner of 34660 Elm Street, of Wayne, Mi, At Or Closing & Rest of 34660 Elm Street, Wayne, Mi Home Inspection Meets The City of Wayne, Mi Rules & Regulation, Or Theirof. 



Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime and Owner of 34660 Elm Street Wayne, Mi Home location was asked so what is behind the removing 34660 Elm St, Wayne, Mi from the Real Estate Market after only 7 days? Mr. McCaughrin said well 3 things, #1> Emotionally I set this home way too high for the maket place, and #2> Mr. McCaughrin ran into conflict of interest in 1st Realtor and #3> 2nd Realtor did not meet Mr. McCaughrin overall objective in Not putting Home & Property information in the descripition section of the 34660 Elm St, Wayne, Mi Property. Now Mr. McCaughrin has hired 2 Expertise One a Real Estate Broker and the Other an Expertise that Specialize into Home Appraisal and this will give us Overall what we need are Answer to needed questions & those answers will depend if 34660 Elm St, Wayne, Mi Goes back up on Real Estate Market. Mr. McCaughrin said I am not desperate Vs Other Home Owners who are & McCaughrin's have invested very wisely over 26 years. This property is sitting in a strategic location from the neve center of City of Wayne, Mi and 2 blocks from Wayne High School. This location has over #6,500 square feet of property for expansion. Nicely landscaped Its More or less a Turn-Key Home, Buy Live & Enjoy. 


AUGUST 4, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI US Headquartered in Wayne, MI, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime was asked at Willow Run Airport after coming back from a 1 day business meeting in Bermuda about talks of Mr. McCaughrin tying the knot for the 4th time, and Mr. McCaughrin decision in running for November 8, 2022 Michigan Governor Election.

Mr. McCaughrin walking off the jet stop and turned to the reporter: ARE YOU CRAZY a 4th Time? and that's is why I don't give any more live interviewer's because you clowns cant get anything right but try and destroy people lives with made up lies to fit your own story line to sell newspapers. Prime example you reporters in trying to destroy 45th & 46th President of the Republic of The United States, Donald J. Trump with smearing campaign of unlimited lies only that President TRUMP corrected your lies into TRUTH'S and then only a wimper of an apology from reporters and network news, How very sad. 

Mr. McCaughrin said #1 I have never removed myself physically from any of the marriages and my agreement with GOD. Each of my 3 Wife's, they simply abandoned the marriage broke there agreement under GOD each of them got bored with whom they were married to and were looking for greener pasture which they already had So what they were looking for is beyond me and each of these Woman filed the paperwork to remove Mr. McCaughrin from their bored lives, and not the other way around. Where this reporter came up with #4 I, have No idea I am pretty sure you made that up to get my attention. However I am married to 26 Companies that make me very happy and always a constant performer daily, haha.

Mr. McCaughrin said as far as running for Michigan Governor in 2022 I don't have any problem with that "but" The Michigan Investment Council for TRUTHFULL LEADERSHIP for Governor of Michigan who asked Mr. McCaughrin to run this Spring 2021 for Michigan Governor Job They Need to get the needed signatures to get Mr. McCaughrin name on Governor Election Ballot and so far Mr. McCaughrin said I have heard nothing from this group, I said you get the signatures and I will do the rest. I see Clownhead Governor Whitmer is demanding Mr. McCaughrin needs double the signatures instead of what is required. Mr. McCaughrin said I am not at all surprised by Whitmer action, Whitmer is afriad to see Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin as Governor of Michigan on November 8, 2022 where I will reverse everyone of Whitmer decision which hurt's the 10,000,000 Million Michigan Citizens on both Increased Gas Tax & State Tax among others stupid things Whitmer has done.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Willow Airport
Source: Island of Bermuda
Source: 2022 Governor of Michigan Election

AUGUST 4, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU),
MMMSI US Headquartered in Wayne, Mi Republic of the United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime was met by Elm Street Neighbors on Mr. McCaughrin Home and Business at 34660 Elm St activities of late that has been going on for the past 2 years.

Mr. McCaughrin said to these neighbors I have been in Wayne for 31 years and lived in 2 homes on the Same Street, 1> 34623 Elm is a Sears California Bunglow which in 1990's was Owned by then Mr. McCaughrin 2nd Wife, Ms. Nancy Goodney and the 2nd investment at 1940 Cape Cod Style Home of 34660 Elm Street that is Owned by Mr. McCaughrin.

Mr. McCaughrin said for past 2 years I have invested further $50,000 thousand dollars on Updates including 50% in New Wallside Windows on Back of the House and Kept 50% of Original Woods Windows to compare Heat Saving and not impressed with Wallside at all. New Landscaping, New Kitchen Counter Top in past 2 years, New Flooring in Kitchen, Landing, & The Basement in 2021, Put in New Bathroom Sink and Toilet in Basement, New Toilet in Upstair Bathroom in 2021, New Ceiling Fans, New Electric Box, New Outlets replacement that been going on over the years, Put in New Electric to the Garage that had been getting bad over years, Rebuilt Chimmey Cap and have had to Close off the Fireplace due to +30,000 Honey Bees in the Home in 2020, that is Under Contract To Fill that In. Home has been inspected by City of Wayne Mi Home Inspectors, 2 times, Also by Licensed Contractors for the Roof which still has 10 years of Protection on it, Contractors for the both the Furnaces and Hot Water Tank have been inspected are in very good shape Heating Vents been clean 1 years ago and are good for 4 years. Outside Motion Lights Installed & Including Garage, Vivint Home Security System. All New Paint Throughout in 2021, Side Steel Doors Installed 2 years ago. Re-Installed Woods Doors where needed.

As Owner of 34660 Elm Street, Its been a pleasure living and working in this home for past 26 years. This home been Greatest home I have ever lived in. Quiet neighborhood with Great neighbors to boot. I am very blessed GOD picked a Winning home to live in, But like life, New Adventure are on the horizon and It time to move on as I, can't see leaving this home sit empty for 2 years & that the reason for putting 34660 Elm St, on the market at this time. Iam looking for a fair selling price I can live with to be used on my next home where ever that is. 

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: 34660 Elm Street
Source: 34623 Elm Street.
Source: City of Wayne, Mi

JULY 20, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI US Headquarter in Wayne, MI, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced today that Mr. John C. Carter, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 23 Divisions have time charter, four, (4) #64,000 dwt Ultramax's Geared bulkers for five, (5) years at $15,000 per day thought third, (3rd) party Logistics Group for a five, (5%) commission.

Mr. Carter said this increasing of the time charters is due to Mr. McCaughrin hard boil stoppage of raising cargo rates to profit off customers when keeping rates down and keeping your debt in line should be #1 priority and not the other way around which is what the Global Container Companies like Maersk have been doing for decades and one major reason why Mr. McCaughrin is not liked in this industries because Mr. McCaughrin and  his vast fleet of 23 companies don't associates with these firms that also have been investigated for price fixing over same period for decades. Maersk been losing customers to its competitors which also includes McCaughrin Maritime who is the only Independent in the world that does not solicitors for business or does not advertise other then having a Corporate business card called  2 websites. Mr. McCaughrin said it all "word of mouth" Mr. McCaughrin said We used to put McCaughrin's Name on side of our Cargo Ships & Use McCaughrin Maritime Smokestack Marking, but then our competiors did not like what were are doing  so went after our contracts instead,. That all ended now we dont use the name of McCaughrin or its Smokestack marking on any of our ships. Mr. McCaughrin said McCaughrin Maritime competitors are so off balance of where McCaughrin Ships are and where we actually operating its funny.  Maersk been watching McCaughrin Maritime HQ for sometime because they don't like how McCaughrin Maritime are slowing eating away at there markets in Europe..As I stated numerous times over the decade, I dont want the cake, I enjoy the cumbs of the cake and McCaughrin's can easily work off of that for a long long time Vs Maersk who only wants the whole cake and nothing else, thats the differents. Maersk has caused all of there own problem no one else..Maersk always blame the market condition but never themself at least that what former Maersk customer are telling us.  

Mr. McCaughrin said at a McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS Board of Director Meeting in Bermuda last week said I can not see any reason why we have to Raise Bulk Cargo Rates or 20' Container Rates when we have plenty of liquidity, No Debt going on 12 years and Another + 1.6 years of Lower Chartering Rates, - Lower Fixed Fuel Cost for the duration of Charters, 166 Ships to Support the Present and Upcoming Projects and this is very reason why we, McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS continue down this path in expansion, if the timing is right we will, and its has been so far a green light.

Mr. Carter said for the past 5 years McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS have been able to expand both fleets & Still get New Project started that are outside our direct responsibility but in order for these project to forge forward Mr. McCaughrin has decide to invest his own money to keep other shipping owners in business due to number of ships McCaughrin Maritime are chartering and get lower time charter rates down the road. Since January 2021 to Present McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS have Time Charter an Extra 28 Cargo Ships and Why McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS now have 170 Cargo Ships moving Cargoes and Always in a Revenue Position in 7 Region of the World. It just make good business sense and its a Win/Win for everyone involved.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 23 Divisions
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: #64,000 dwt Ultramax's
Source: British Island of Bermuda

JULY 16, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI US Headquarter in Wayne, MI, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced another nice profit overseas for both McCaughrin Maritime and Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 23 Divisions in 2nd Quarter of 2021, and Creation of Another Foreign Subsidiary of McCaughrin Maritime Global - Islands, which now sports 5 Shallow draft Ro/Ro in Serving 15 Islands and expanding.

Mr. John C. Carter, President of FOBS said due to Mr. McCaughrin stance on No Rate Increase for Five, (5) Straight Years on both Bulk Cargoes and 20' Sea Containers, Investing in Ships Crews and its Officers for their Health for past Quarters after Covaid-19 Virus that hit the industries hard and Keeping All McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS Ships running in both direction in a revenue condition & Also taking care of its Crew & Officers Families with Free Delivvery of Cases of Cans Vegetable & Dry Foods and Six, (6) Cases of bottled Water Per Month which it been doing for past 3 Quarters of 2020 and 2 Quarters of 2021 and will continue well into 2022 to a Profit of $3.55 Billion Vs $2.85 Billion over the First (1st) Quarter of  2021. Todate None of the Ships Crews or Officers have come down sick or gotton off the ships and No Pilots To Date have gotton aboard Any of McCaughrin Maritime or FOBS 166 Cargo Ships that why every Each Ship has 4 Drones on board in Keeping Crews, Ships, and Cargoes Safe, Secure and On Course! 

Mr. Carter said Mr. McCaughrin has also invested $1.65 Billion of his own money in converting Sixty, (69) Nine Cargo Ships from the very dirty Heavy Diesel #2 Fuel to 0.15% Methanol which is Cleaner, Cheaper, and Easy to get In keeping the Oceans and Lakes Cleaner then Scrubbers that does the quite the Opposite and Scrubbers are very expensive. Over 40 International Countries have Ban the Scrubber in their Countries where McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS Serve in those 40 countries to date.

Mr. Carter said we are seeing a slight higher +35% Saving in Using Methanol Fuel over #2 Heavy Diesel and expect those saving to increase as more ships are converted over. By Early 2022 well over 180 + Charter Ships of McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS will be using Methanol Fuel.

Mr. McCaughrin said I am always looking for ways in keeping Crews & Officers Safe & Healthy, Ocean Clean, and Ship Owners happy in keeping them in business. It got to be Win/Win for All Sides Otherwise We All Lose In Long Run.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 23 Divisions.
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Officers & Crew of McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS Ships
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Islands
Source: Covaid-19 Virus
Source: Ship Owners Group of 166 Cargo Ships
Source: #2 Heavy Desiel Fuel
Source: Methanol 0.15%

JULY 8, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI US Headquarter in Wayne, MI, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced today after waiting very patiently for 14 days to hear from Anyone at the City of Monroe, Michigan, on Mr. McCaughrin & FOBS Master Plans of Year-Around 20' Container Terminal on a 400 foot Pier in Port of Bolles Harbor, MI, which is 7 miles South of Port of Monroe, MI.

Mr. McCaughrin said Port of Bolles Harbor presents a unique opportunity for a 400 foot pier that extends way out into Lake Erie and away from any ship congestion making it prime location for a 20' Container Terminal and Multi-Purpose Ship Loading and CSX Rail Usage.

Mr. McCaughrin said presently this site is being used as lake dredged material from bottom of lake and hold 250,000 cubic feet of sludge and is controlled by the Corps of Engineers who know that this material can be safely moved to a New Site. Mr. McCaughrin said we wanted to enlarge the present 400 foot Pier to 2400 feet. 

Mr. McCaughrin said at McCaughrin Maritime and Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) & Its 23 Divisions Board of Directors meeting in Bermuda have decide to withdraw our joint investment into Bolles Harbor of $2 Billion dollars and 50 year Lease deal and Now will look to Quebec who is looking to Expanding its Container Terminal itself where CN Intermodal has Rail Tracks to Windsor, Ontario in $aving McCaughrin & FOBS in Delays, High Pilot Fees, Pilot Delays, Lock Tolls, and Lock Delays between St. Lawrence Seaway & Lower Great Lakes, and One Major Reason why the Port of Windsor, Ontario Harbor Commission told Mr. McCaughrin to seek out the Port of Baltimore, Maryland in 1998. The Port of Baltimore Harbor was over 70 feet deep, Open Year Around Required only 1 Pilot in and 1 Pilot out and Cost's were lower. While at Port of Baltimore Port Authority Mr. McCaughrin suggested that CSX Rails to build rail tracks inside the Port Facilities and on each side of the Ship to speed up both Unloading/Re-Loading of Containers for a quicker turn around & CSX could then deliver those Containers in 6-8 hour of rail time to Detroit, Michigan, and other surrounding facilities. The railroads for the past 50 years have been chipping away at Great Lakes Water Traffic 1st in 1963 Rail got the Auto/Truck/Business, Then the Container Business, Some of the Coal Business, Just go to Toledo, Ohio and see All the CSX Coal Cars lined up for miles and CN Rails have been delivery Iron Ore to Algoma Steel during the winter months while Great Lakes Shipping Industry is Closed down for January, February, and March Vs  Railroads are 24/7/ 12 months of the year Operations. They never STOP Operating.  

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & 23 Divisions
Source: Bolles Harbor, Mi
Source: CSX Rail
Source: City of Monroe, Mi
Source: Port of Monroe, Mi
Source: Country of Quebec
Source: CN Intermodal

July 4, 2021

We SALUTE ALL Those who are serving in The U.S. Military, Those that Have Served in the Past, and Sadly those who can't be with us now. Thank You for making this Republic of the United States Safer, and Blessing to You All this Independence Day!

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime said that my Dad, Dr. Walter S. McCaughrin served in what was called: U.S. Power Squardon during the World War 2 in keeping the Detroit River, and St. Clair River SAFE from Germany Mini Subs sneaking up the St. Lawrence River in my dad's 23-foot Chris Craft Boat called "SMARTY", My Brothers: Mr. Scott J. McCaughrin, Served in U.S. Army, Mr. Keith D. McCaughrin, Served in U.S. Army for 2 years in Vietnam, and Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Served in U.S. Navy Amphibious 6th Fleet Altantic Div, & Very Blessed We All came back alive. HAPPY 4th GUYS & THANK YOU!

June 24, 2021

Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU), 
MMMSI U.S. Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime & McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI).  MMMSI & MIACI Board of Directors have been in talks with 2 Real Estate firms of Zillow Real Estate, Headquartered in Seattle, Washington, and #1 Real Estate Team of Jason Mitchell Real Estate Group, Headquarters in Wyandotte, Mi.

Mr. McCaughrin said Jason Miller Real Estate Group is a $3 Billion in Sales and Over +8,000 Transaction and is the biggest name brand in real estate today in serving in 16 States of U.S Vs Zillow with over #800,000 Real Estate Agents, #110,000,000 Million Properties Listed, and $10 Billion in Sales. Both McCaughrin Maritime & McCaughrin International are very honored to have both companies on board with our firms at this point in time in selling MMMSI U.S. Headquarters which had been in works to sell in Early 2014 but with Mr. McCaughrin, injury on his property from a serious slip and fall injury to his back crushing his 3rd and 4th disk and paralyzed from the wast down in January 2014 that sale was put to the back. With Mr. McCaughrin coming back full time in 2019, 10 Specialist Doctors for Mr. McCaughrin who spent 1 year in traction and Doctors felt it would be wise to wait till 2021 for any moving out of the U.S & Mr. McCaughrin injury to heal fully. So now with Green light from 10 doctors for Mr. McCaughrin to move is now here.  

Mr. McCaughrin said it been great ride for 26 years at 34660 Elm Street in Wayne, Michigan, but its time to give it to family that will get far more usage out of it then Mr. McCaughrin who said 90% of this building been shut down since McCaughrin Maritime & Its employees left for Overseas on December 31, 2006 and finally McCaughrin International on December 31, 2008.

GOD blessed Mr. McCaughrin & His Crew of 30 with a Well built and sturdy construction for a builder that put a lot of pride and quality workmanship in this 1940 Cape Cod Style Home and they don't make anything like this anymore.

According to Owners of Bratcher Electric and Burton Plumbing both well established firms in Wayne, Mi said Mr. McCaughrin had updated everything. The pride of this home has been maintain to a "T".. and to keep it as original as possible

Mr. McCaughrin said in April of 1995 1 year before establishing McCaughrin Maritime I was looking for a home instead of paying $4000 a month for a Suite in a downtown building in Detroit, Mi which was a block from the Detroit River with "then" my Partners. I said Guys I know I can do better then $4000 a month when suddenly an Estate in Wayne, Mi came on market. I, bid on it and Won and Over the next 26 years took a run down home and created a Show Place for $750.00 per month. MMMSI International Customers would come and stay, and say this is a warm and inviting place and Close to All the important place like Detroit Metropolitan Airport is 8 miles, Port of Detroit, is 20 miles & Port of Toledo is 40 miles away and some great eatery's, and the best investment I ever made.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Jason Miller Real Estate Group
Source: MMMSI U.S. Headquarters
Source: MMMSI & MIACI Board of Directors

June 16, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI U.S. Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, announced at MMMSI & Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 23 Divisions Board of Directors Meeting in Bermuda last week about the "Possibilities of a long term usage in serving Port of Bolles Harbor, Mi".

Mr. McCaughrin said Port of Bolles Harbor, Mi is 7 Miles South of The Port of Monroe, Mi.

Mr. McCaughrin said we sent an email last week to Officials of City of Monroe, Mi about Bolles Harbor, Mi and McCaughrin & FOBS Master Plan into taking the Present 400 foot Dock that contains Confined Dredged Lake Material Disposal Facility that jets out from Mainland into Lake Erie and dredging out that existing spoil material to transport it to safe re-location site and Rebuild the Entire 400 foot dock into Year Around 20' Sea Container Operations with Partners of CSX Rails, in having U.S. Custom & Docking facilities for up to 6/20' Containers Ships. This would be private dock for only McCaughrin & FOBS Cargo Ships, and those that are Partners of General Agencies Partnership Alliances Members Network, (G.A.P.A.M.N.). This would be a billion dollar operation yearly and take 3-4 years to complete with help from the The U.S. Corp of Engineering.   

Mr. McCaughrin said Officials of Great Lakes & Seaway Shipping News, have been touting for some time that Port of Monroe, Mi Is the only port on Lake Erie Serving Michigan. Mr. McCaughrin said I highly doubt that. Just because these Harbor's in Michigan don't serve on the commercial side does not mean they can't.

Mr. McCaughrin said 1 such Port in Michigan on Lake Erie: Bolles Harbor, Mi, Was one of the most important strategic Ports as far back as 1600 and there was never any mention of Monroe, Mi, Untile 1817, then Monroe became a Port in the Present. The Port of Monroe Is just too small for McCaughrin & FOBS 20' Sea Container Operation That is why McCaughrin & FOBS are seriously looking at investing in Bolles Harbour, Mi.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: MMMSI Board of Directors
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiaries (FOBS)
Source: Port of Bolles Harbour Michigan
Source: Port of Monroe Michigan
Source: Great Lakes & Seaway Shipping News

June 10, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI US Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime & Mr. John C. Carter, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) and its 23 Divisions announced in Bermuda that the following Countries will be building larger deadweight tonnages of the Geared Handymax's, Geared Ultramax's Gearless Post Panamax's and Gearless Cape Sizes: Japan, South Korea, Russia, India, Turkey, and Vietnam. These will all be based on Safety, Cost, and Delivery Guarantees.

Mr. Carter said China was removed from the list after Mr. McCaughrin removed McCaughrin Maritime, & FOBS  Ships from China after 18 years of Cargo Movement on November 5, 2020. McCaughrin Maritime Global - China was dissolved, and Those existing cargo contracts of four, (4) years to China from other Countries were transfer to Trampers Group on December 8, 2020 As well as those Cargo Ships, Crews and Officers at the same time.

Mr. Carter said Mr. McCaughrin is looking at 60 New Built Cargo Ships between 2022-2026, and Time Charting about 10-15 more ships in both the Third, (3rd) & Fourth, (4th) Quarter of 2021 of those ships already mentioned. Since February of this year, McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS has time charter +25 Ships in both Tankers, Shallow Draft Ro/Ro, Geared and Non Geared Bulk Carriers Sectors and just to show you the growth pattern that been going on in "Not Raising Bulk Cargoes or 20" Sea Containers Rates for the past 5 years" Vs Our competitors who have been raising their's rates yearly.   

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 23 Divisions
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Ship Owners Group
Source: Country of Japan
Source: Country of South Korea
Source: Country of Russia
Source: Country of India
Source: Country of Turkey
Source: Country of Vietnam

June 4, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime and McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) are attacking Officials of McAfee Web Advisors for blatantly blocking for No reason but their own for The REAL TRUTH on the website: & General Flynn Comment's on TRUMP Winning the Presidential Election in both Popular Vote & Electoral Vote last November 8, 2020.

Mr. McCaughrin said illegitimate Against The Law Biden lost the Election by -75,000,000Million Votes. Biden been operating out of the Castle Rock Movie Studios in Culver City, California since January 20, 2021 where the Movie: All The President Men with Actor Michael Douglas played: President Andrew Shepherd.

Castle Rock Movie Studios kept all of the Props, Sets, of President Shepherd Fake White House for another day including Oval Office, Hallways and Private Quarters of Shepherd White House.

McAfee Is powered by Big Elite and they "Orchestra what McAfee are supposed to block and what they can't block to make sure THE TRUTH STAY HIDDEN FROM American People. Anything pertaining to #45th & #46th President of The Republic Donald J. Trump that is. TRUMP WON THE ELECTION IN A LANDSLIDE!

Mr. McCaughrin said I am sure McAfee Web Advisors would love to shut down if they could but can't because it a Private Shipping Corporation Corporate Website to its Global Customers base and does not service Any Global Country Government, and Its clearly states: "GOD AT THE HELM" GOD IN CHARGE OF THIS WEBSITE and TO DATE!

McAfee don't stick your head out too far, GOD WATCHING YOU THIS IS GOD EARTH - ALL OF IT, Including You.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: 45th & 46th President of The Republic: Donald J. Trump
Source: McAfee Web Advisors

May 28, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime and McCaughrin International back from up North in Michigan over the weekend with meeting with 50 of the Investment & Consultant Council about Mr. McCaughrin decision on whether Mr. McCaughrin will decide to toss his hat in the ring for Michigan Governor in 2022 against sitting democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

Mr. McCaughrin said Democratic party is already playing dirty politics against me and I have not even announced yet if I will run or not. Gretchen wants the rules changed for collecting signatures to make it tougher for Mr. McCaughrin's to get his name on the ballot for Governor in doubling the signatures from 50,000 to 100,000 if Mr. McCaughrin decide to run and it will be on the Republican Ticket per #45th and #46th President of the Republic of The United States Donald J. Trump, and a sucessful businessman to Top. Mr. McCaughrin talked to President Trump before leaving for Wayne about running on the Independent ticket. TRUMP said No! Run on Republican Ticket. You Mr. McCaughrin have invested heavy for that party over the years now let the Republican Party work for you for a change, they owe you big time Mr. McCaughrin and Congratulation!

Mr. McCaughrin said a few of my associates who work in Gretchen Lansing Office said Gretchen has daily meltdowns when ever Mr. McCaughrin name is mentioned and is scared to death of losing her job to Mr. McCaughrin a sucessfull businessman in kicking out Gretchen who I know I can win against a No Body with No past history but lots of firing to Grechen Whitmer name, but then that how the democratic party cover that important (TRUTH) to confuse all the voters. Gretchen got fired just before running for Governor!

Mr. McCaughrin said What has Gretchen Whitmer done since taking Office? But try and bankrupted the State of Michigan in Countless shut down to Scam Virus and run every small business out of business or out of Michigan. Gretchen who only listen to RIGGED leaders in Washington so that tell me she clueless and has No Spine to take on serious responsibility like running a State of Michigan instead of taking down 10,500,000 Million Michigan Citizens of this State down a deep hole with No recovery in sight.

Mr. McCaughrin said when Investment & Consultant Council do there job in doing what they promised for Mr. McCaughrin, I will run and 1st 10 seconds as Citizens New Governor of Michigan "Reverse every one of Gretchen Whitmer nightmare laws back to where they were" like 1> NO Mask Ever, 2> Reverse Sale Tax, 3> Reverse Gas Tax, 4> Make Michigan Highways into Tolls Highways so that Michigan Highways are Safe, Secure, and Fixed around the clock and No more pot holes or Crumbling Overpasses, 5> Putting back All Truck Weights on Michigan Highways under State Laws and making sure All Trucking Companies play by same rules in keeping there Trucks and Trailers in Safe Operating Operation and Giving All Truckers on both side of the table the adequate sleep they need in there jobs, Or Stiff Fines will be given out to those who brake the laws that simple, and Everyone Citizens in Michigan will have Picture I.D. the Next time we vote in Any Election!

Mr. McCaughrin said Small Independent Business need to be taken care of just like Big Companies in giving out interest free loans. These small businesses are what made Michigan what it is today and without the Mom and Pops Shops everyone will prices and quality, ect...

May 18, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Mi, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime turned down a lucrative 4 year invitation to go back into the VLCC Tanker Trade Business. Mr. McCaughrin said Thank You Very Much but No Thanks. That was 17 years ago on June 25, 2004 and I was very lucky at the time to have experienced that in my life of when to get in and when to get out. Now it a crap shoot and way too radical for even me to re-enter.

Mr. McCaughrin, said we Charter "15 Very Large Crude Carrier, (VLCC) with a Capacity of two million barrels with double hulls and all VLCC met with ISM Certifications with very favorable time chartering rates for 6 months to get in and when to get out when it was becoming just too dicey. VLCC were loading fuel at  Bonny Terminal in Lagos, Nigeria for Rotterdam, Netherlands and to Louisiana Loop Terminals in U.S.A. 

Mr. McCaughrin said it was a valuable experience I will never forget because of the people I met along the ways when fuel was needed in the USA and the timing was right from the other side who had dropped the price of fuel and stock piles has reached its capacity so it was a Win/Win for both side at that time.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Invitation into VLCC Tanker Trade
Source: VLCC

May 12, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced it has taken delivery of 2015 built tanker of 16,000 dead weight tanker, (DWT) for the Bauxite Trade for Next 4 years.

Mr. McCaughrin said, "Two years ago, McCaughrin Maritime took delivery of 12,000 DWT Tanker with 2 tugs, 1 at the bow and 1 at stern due to dangerous type of cargo bauxite is. With two years under our belt and taking all kinds of safety precautions in the process in using a tanker instead of a bulk carrier which has capsize ships carrying bauxite and killing entire crews in each of these incident, the tankers is much safer method.

Mr. McCaughrin said, "We put safety before profit's in everything we do around the world, and their are still cargoes we don't haul even after 25 years and weather they are profitable or not."

Mr. McCaughrin said, "There are no crews on the tankers, only when the vessel is loaded and unloaded. Other than that, crews are on both tugs while underway, and quick release ropes just in case something go wrong on the tankers, it wont take the tugs with it when it does capsize."

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Bauxite Cargo
Source: 16,000 DWT Tanker

May 8, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime & McCaughrin International was spotted in Three (3) of The Grosse Pointe's: Grosse Pointe Park, Grosse Pointe City and Grosse Pointe Farms and at a very swanky restaurant spot on Kerchaval Avenue "On The Hill" in Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan with Two, (2) Grosse Pointe Realtor's on both Tuesday & Wednesday this week.

Mr. McCaughrin said that is right, but I need to correct the FACTS before going forward. I was invited by 2 former Grosse Pointe High School Graduates that I graduate with in 1968 and happen to run into them at Canton, Mi Home Depot Store of All Places last week.  One of the Realtor Sister is taking a course in Journalistic Reporting and wanted to do a piece on Mr. McCaughrin's 7 year Experience with #45 & #46th President Donald J. Trump, while Mr. McCaughrin visit this week in the Grosse Pointe's.

Before the 2 Realtor's could tell Mr. McCaughrin what to expect, The Sister Reporter had been videotaping Mr. McCaughrin without his knowledge, and without knowing exectly what the plan was about. Mr. McCaughrin gracious got up from the table walked across the restaurant and asked the Sister if Mr. McCaughrin could see what she was recording out of resepect to him. When the Sister saw Mr. McCaughrin facial reaction the Sister  immediately deledted the entire video and apologize for her lack of understanding at what at stake in the political field when one's back is turn as was President TRUMP was when the Media went after TRUMP 24/7 for 4 years in trying to discredit TRUMP of 4 YEARS OF SUCESSFUL Economy Building, Putting American's back to work, Building a Border Wall, ect, ect, ect, ect, ect...Mr. McCaughrin left the Sister table and said THANK YOU, You did the right thing.

The 2 Realtors had invited Mr. McCaughrin to a 2 full days of viewing of Homes to Mansion's through the Grosse Pointe's. Some of the historial homes in Grosse Pointe City were torn down and being replaced with bigger ugly homes which takes aways from the stately homes that Grosse Pointe is well noted for.

Mr. McCaughrin said in my 72 years I have never seen a showing of a home before. All these homes I have lived in were picked out for me long before and this was a real eye-opener for me. It gave me lots of ideas.

Mr. McCaughrin said it's always nice to come back to my Hometown of Grosse Pointe City and see what's happening! 

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Withheld #1 Realtor Name For Personal Reasons
Source: Withheld #2 Realtor Name For Personal Reasons
Source: Reporter Refused To Give Name

April 12, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime & Mr. John C. Carter, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & its 22 divisions announced its First (1st) Quarterly Overseas Performance Results for 2021, and Adding its #23 Division of McCaughrin Maritime Global - Islands.

Mr. Carter said,"First (1st) quarter 2021 was met with more favorable result to $2.85 billion from $1.65 billion due to adding 2 of its New Subsidiaries in the Fourth (4th) Quarter of 2020 of McCaughrin Maritime Global - Colombia and McCaughrin Maritime Global - Mexico."

Mr. Carter said, "FOBS profits of working toward a $4 billion Quarter did not materialized because Mr. McCaughrin decide to invested instead with Ships Officers & Crew Health, Sanitation of its fleet of Ships, for 12 months and Reto-fitting +69 Cargo Ships from Heavy #2 diesel fuel and removing fuel, Its Fuel tanks to  Installing New Methanol Tanks, and Methanol fuel with a working of a 18 months calendar in exchange for Keeping McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS Cargo ships moving in both direction, Getting cheaper chartering rates and extended those time chartering usage from 5 years to 7 years, Is what it is all about. 

Mr. Carter said, it came down to this "Mr. McCaughrin who does not not take any salary from any of his companies invested his own money to tune of $2 billion to keep both Officers & Crews healthy, its family safe, and fed, and its Ship Clean & Its Shipowners in business. Who does that?? Nobody I know in this business, and I saw hundreds if not thousands of ships abandoned along with its Officers and Crews across the Pacific and the Atlantic it was a parking lot of ships and No place to go, How disgusting is that!

Mr. Carter said, "Mr. McCaughrin has always been 5 steps ahead of his competitors in achieving greater goals in keeping ships & ocean clean, Keeping his fleet of ships moving in both revenue directions as Mr. McCaughrin has always said, We can make up the money later but for right now Officers and Crews are backbone of this operations and must be taken care of 1st with top notch ships and everything they need to do that job right the 1st time, and then their is no excuses if anything go wrong, Investing as Partner with Shipowners is a must in good time as well as bad times period! Otherwise what are we here for? This has to be Win/Win For Everyone

Mr. Carter said, "The 4 things that keep McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS profitable is:
1. No Debt going on 12 years,
2. Two More Years on Low Chartering Fees 
3. Ample Liquidity in Place,
4. No Rate Increase On Either Bulk Cargoes or 20' Container Rates going on 5 years!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 22 Divisions
Source: Officers & Crews Families of McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS 165 Cargo Ships
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Mexico
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Columbia

April 8, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, The Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner Of McCaughrin Maritime told MMMSI Board of Directors on March 31, 2021, We did what we say we do, and once again GOD came through as he has done before, You take care of the Clients and the Clients will take care of you and in fact for the 2nd time we did 3X More Cargoes Movement, Singed Longer Contracts, & Received More Invitations, and YES, PRAISE THE LORD!

The French Ocean Territories Islands of Wallis & Futuna in South Pacific who have been following McCaughrin Maritime and Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 22 Divisions Quarterly Performances Reports have now invited these firms to think about servicing its Islands and adding to the further 64 Invitation Pacific Islands that have already invited Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, and This will be Wallis #65 and Futuna #66, PRAISE THE LORD AGAIN!

Mr. McCaughrin said I, We are ALL VERY BLESSED THIS DAY indeed to come break bread and talk about helping out in any way we can. Both MMMSI & FOBS Cargo Vessels in visiting these Islands must study the Sea Charts to both Wallis & Futuna Islands for the safety of both our vessels bottoms from any coral damage before entering its Islands Port's 1st.

The Islands of Wallis & Futuna have been coming to MMMSI #1 Corporate Business card: and have learned about what McCaughrin Maritime can do and what it can't do and considering has not been updated since January 26, 2017, because its 2 Web Developers, Mr. Scott J. McCaughrin, and Mr. Simon Hui have retired after posting that last newsletter in making this website the best it can be to date!

Mr. Scott J. McCaughrin, 1st came to the site shortly after was launched on April 5, 1999, and made major changes in adding a counter to adding music to each section and making it the fastest loading website in the world todate then on WORLD-WIDE-WEB.

Mr. Simon Hui was instrumental in adding international maps to the U.S. & International Offices Section and putting up WHAT'S HAPPENING AT MMMSI PAGE. These 2 developers were the greatest to work with and will be missed, Blessing to you both in your retirement!

Mr. McCaughrin said when was launched it was but 5 websites launched that year. Today there are billions of websites you could say Mr. McCaughrin was on the cutting edge of technology then taking a simple business card and putting it into space for all to see through what you nerds call the internet!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: General Public
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Clients
Source: FOBS Clients
Source: French Ocean Territories Islands of Wallis & Futuna Islands
Source: Mr. Scott J. McCaughrin
Source: Mr. Simon Hui
Source: 1999 WORLD-WIDE-WEB

MARCH 28, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, The Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime told the MMMSI Board of Directors it saw a +480% Rise in Hits, +462% Rise in Readership, and +127.56% Rise in Bandwidth over January 2021 on its MMMSI #1 Website:

Mr. McCaughrin told MMMSI Board of Directors last year that (*) Not Viewed Traffic is going to be counted or it should not be up their to begin with and since it is, We, MMMSI will only use it when it benefit MMMSI, as we have not used it in the past 22 years when we should have when other companies have.

Hackers in Bulgaria have been hacking the statistics since July 2020 by Reducing Number of Countries, Number of Visit, Hours of Day and Now are slowly coming back but down by -65% compared to July 2020. Hacking is wrong and they are only doing it to get advantage to help themself and GOD IS WATCHING YOU! Is one of the oldest website 22 years old and still in operation. MMMSI Website People Retired after Posting its last Newsletter on January 26, 2017, and sadly the codes on this site are no longer used and Core.Com has moved to New Platform Vs the Platform that MMMSI #1 web site sit on right now which is Window / Micosoft Systems and that another reason to bring out a sister website #2 Mr. McCaughrin, looking for firm that still use Window/Microsoft Platform for websites, so MMMSI can transfer to that firm platform. Mr. McCaughrin is leaning out to the Public to see if any of you know of any website company that still uses Windows/Microsoft Platform and we will mention you on MMMSI Newsletter for it THANK YOU!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Bulgaria Hackers

MARCH 21, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, The Republic of The United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of Both McCaughrin Maritime & McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) found out from retired avaition expert that President of South Metro Airport Action Council, (SMAAC) may of over step it own authority by asking Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin to join it Board of Directors.

The "Expert" said that Officials of Delta Airlines see Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin as Damaging "conflict of interest" to Delta Airlines Inc, and YES Delta Airlines did put undo pressure on the President of South Metro Airport Action Council for that very reason like 10 seconds when it was leaned that Mr. McCaughrin was asked to join South Metro in the first place was a serious concern.

Delta would only say that Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin used to be employed by then Northwest Airlines Inc, (NWA) for 35 year in management position and knows all the in and out of both Passenger & Cargo Operations of the Airlines Industries & YES would be valuable asset to have on its board of directors weather Mr. McCaughrin get paid or not. I don't think that Mr. McCaughrin gave that a though on weather he got paid or not he is very generous individual and had in past has forgo any salary saying I will give it charity so their is no conflict of interest.

Mr. McCaughrin said that President of South Metro played both Mr. McCaughrin and Officials of Delta Airlines in the early invitation of becoming a member or later invite of sitting on Board of Directors as a "Leveraging Tool to show its Board of Directors now look who we have on its board some "power and insight of how airlines industries works".

Mr. McCaughrin said that is not how I conduct my business. Northwest had #1 Airfreight business in the world 2nd to none and I would never ever sit on "any board of directors knowing I was leveraging tool but to help them in areas that help everyone not just South Metro.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: South Metro Airport Action Council
Source: Delta Airlines Inc, (DAL)
Source: Northwest Airlines Inc, (NWA)

MARCH 16, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, The Republic of The United States. 

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime received an email on March 10, 2021, from the President of South Metro Airport Action Council, (SMAAC), to submit Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin Name to be invited on its Board of Directors.

Mr. McCaughrin, said THANK YOU for accepting the invitation of The President of South Metro Airport Action Council and tried submitting his name to the Board of Director Job but was Blocked 14 times from trying to get on its website.

Mr. McCaughrin then sent an email back to the President of South Metro Airport Action Council to asked about why Mr. McCaughrin is being blocked now 14 times and can't get on its website: No reply was received March 11, March 12, March 13, March 14 and March 15, either or by Email, Phone Call, or Text and this is the President of South Metro Airport Action Council acting like this???

Mr. McCaughrin said The President of the South Metro Airport Action Council invited Mr. McCaughrin to its Organization in February 2021 to be a Member. Mr. McCaughrin honored even made mention in Mr. McCaughrin Corporate Newsletter: WHATS HAPPENING AT MMMSI FOR FEBRUARY 24, 2021.

The President of the South Metro Airport Action Council even Called Mr. McCaughrin on February 28, 2021 to discuss Mr. McCaughrin joining The National Council of South Metro Airport Action Council in Minneapolis and the President and Mr. McCaughrin talked for nearly an hour about about various important subject on Jet noise and pollution over Wayne, Michigan.

Mr. McCaughrin received an email from someone on March 12, 2021 who did not sign their name to the email and said Mr. McCaughrin consider this an "information warning" to your submitting your name to the Board of Director Job for South Metro Airport Action Council to be denied due to the "weight you generated".

Mr. McCaughrin you're being denied due to political reasons for you being #1 Staunchest Supporter of President Donald J. Trump a Republican, and President of South Metro Airport Action Council are all democratic and What Airlines is pictured on the front page of South Metro Airport Action Council is Delta Airlines which is also democratic's.

You Mr. McCaughrin used to work for Delta Airlines / Northwest Airlines for 35 years. Mr. McCaughrin said I have not spoken to anyone at Delta Airlines in 7 years as I Retired on January 1, 2015 due to my serious slip and fall injuries which happen in Janaury 2014 off of my roof and was paralyzed for 8 months and spent 1 year in traction and 4.6 years in rehabilitations learning how to talk and walk again.

Mr. McCaughrin notify the President of South Metro Airport Action Council on March 12, 2021 and said I just found out that you have 6 Open Position of Board of Directors and that only 3 are filled while the rest remain open since when does Air Line Like Delta that #1 at Metro Airport decides who sit on Board of Directors or Not? If I remember correctly Sir, You came to Mr. McCaughrin to join your organization so it seems odd, that Officials of Delta Airlines Inc, would be putting undo pressure on the President of Action Council to denied Mr. McCaughrin a Seat on the Invited Board of Directors when both of my U.S. Based Companies are operating out side the United States and So their No Conflict of Interest. Mr. McCaughrin said so what is Delta worried about? Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin or My Companies? None of this make any sense, and I am sure their is somethink else behind this as well it just can not be just President Trump. Trump and Mr. McCaughrin are very good friends. 

I would think that Delta Airlines will be more worried if and when Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin submits his name for  Independent Party Candidate for Governor of Michigan in the Next Election being held on November 8, 2022, and then will see just how much weight Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin really does have. Based on what I ve been told I am pretty popular in the State of Michigan being a 72 Year Michigander!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: President of South Metro Airport Action Council, (SMAAC)
Source: Unnamed Email Warning
Source: Delta Airlines Inc.

MARCH 12, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, The Republic of The United States. 

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, and Mr. John C. Carter, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions announced the time chartering of 5 Ro/Ro's for its 15 Pacific Islands that had invited Mr. McCaughrin some 6 years ago while Mr. McCaughrin was till out of the Corporation on long term disability due to serious slip and fall accident. Mr. McCaughrin did not return to McCaughrin Maritime till late 2017, & those requests and others had been piling up on Mr. McCaughrin's desk in neat order of years and needs.

Mr. McCaughrin & Mr. Carter decide on Looking for shallow draft Ro/Ro in late 2020 with its Ship Owing Group, (SOG) 1st before looking elsewhere. On February 20, 2021, we secured 5 shallow draft Ro/Ro with Bow Ramps to service 15 pacific Islands and also created its #22 Subsidiary Named: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Islands.

Mr. Carter said when Mr. McCaughrin came back in late 2017 he received additional +65 New invitations in the Pacific to come to their islands as well. Some of these Islands have No water service but they do have Airports but tonnages are limited to what aircraft can lift off with and that is why these type of Ro/Ro's with Bow Ramps is critical to the future of these islands. That was the one reason why Mr. McCaughrin secured the #50,000 DWT Handymax's with Gears in 1st place to help unload cargoes to these islands which don't have Port facilities like other Countries Ports do and where these Islands draft are met with only high tide. As Mr. McCaughrin would say "It's all in the timing of these Projects", We come in at High tide, We leave at High tide So we don't bottom out the ship.

Mr. Carter said this will further expand both McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS Global Fleet to 165 Ships from 160 ships in January 2021 in Serving in 7 regions of the world with a greater combination of the market size in Ro/Ro's, Handymax's, Ultramax's, Panamax's, Post Panamax's and Capsizes and will expand the larger reach of Pacific Islands which is limitless in size.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 22 Divisions
Source: 15 Pacific Islands Invitations
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Islands
Source: Ro/Ro's

MARCH 3, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, The Republic of United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of "McCaughrin Maritime" was asked to seriously consider running for Governor for the State of Michigan in 2022, & To be Expect November 8, 2022, Election day. Mr. McCaughrin said you people like cutting this close for answer??? Mr. McCaughrin was also invited to the yearly Investment & Consultant Council on McCaughrin Maritime & McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) Direction on International Trade in the World and where Michigan Investment can be best served for the long term effects. 

Mr. McCaughrin smiled and said THANK YOU for both of these invitations I am very honored to be asked but let me take it under advisement it would be a great challenge to undertake and I am used to Challenges, with 7 years working on TRUMP running for President in 2016 and TRUMP WON AGAIN IN A LANSLIDE IN 2020 as the #46th PRESIDENT I think I can handle this. I know the State of Michigan Needs a Businessman at the Helm to bring back lost business that CLOWN ASS: Gretchen Whitmer drove out of business or drove to Ohio to set up A New Business. I will tell you this: YOU VOTE for Brian R. McCaughrin, I WILL NEVER SHUT DOWN THE STATE OF MICHIGAN OVER A FLU! & NO MASKS ARE REQUIRED, ITS YOUR CHOICE & THIS IS NOT A DICTATORSHIP Gretchen. THIS IS A REPUBLIC, AND ITS "WE THE PEOPLE"! 

Officials who don't want to be mentioned said Mr. McCaughrin you bring the TRUTH, Consistency, Determination in doing Impossible Task's, You bring a Genuine change that Michigan Citizens need in today political climate and are not afraid to take on political Giants in either Michigan Or Washington as you prove that for 7 years with Businessman, Mr. Donald J. Trump, and then #45 and #46 President of The United States, Donald J. Trump. Mr. McCaughrin you woke up a lot of People on TRUMP and "We The People" been following Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin for 7 years. Now, how about you running for Office Mr. McCaughrin? You can both Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk and you never back down when you are on a quest. Who would have ever thought TRUMP would be President of The United States few but not Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, You were President Trump #1 Stauchest Supporter to this date. You don't give up, Mr. McCaughrin You dig in for the long fight regardless of roadblocks ahead and leave it with God, Jesus Christ & Holy Spirit!

Mr. McCaughrin, you created from scratch 25 years ago, McCaughrin Maritime, you did not give up against impossible odds, Countless time you went broke putting McCaughrin Maritime on the Global Map, and Today through creative maneuvering you host 160 Ships and have put Maersk on notice more than once!

Mr. McCaughrin Please consider the Governorship for Citizens of State of Michigan. We need a Real Leader and not paid puppet for the establishment.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc., (MIACI)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Coalition for Michigan Governor
Source: Investment and Consulting Group

FEBRUARY 24, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, The Republic of United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime & McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) was invited to become a Member of the South Metro Airport Action Council, (SMAAC) as of February 22, 2021, as (SMAAC) have tried for past 2 years to get Mr. McCaughrin to join and possibly also invite McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) to set up shop at DTW Metro Airport but Mr. McCaughrin said McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) does not serve the U.S. Markets since December 31, 2008 and their will be No conflict of interest when Mr. McCaughrin becomes a Member of (SMAAC).

Mr. McCaughrin said I wanted to take a more active roll on how Detroit Metro Airport is being run and look into issues that face both the Homeowners around the airport as well as work with All Airlines in keeping noise to level that everyone can live with.

Mr. McCaughrin, #1 Senior Equipment Service Chief, (ESC) Retired from Northwest Airlines/Air Cargo at Detroit, (DTW) Metro Airport after 35 years as of January 1, 2015 and was forced to retire by his 10 doctors due to his many injuries due to a serious slip and fall accident on his property in January 2014 that left Mr. McCaughrin paralyzed for 8 months, 1 year in traction and 4 years in rehabilitation learning how to talk and walk again and Mr. McCaughrin was finally able to return to McCaughrin Maritime in late 2017 Part time to this day.

Mr. McCaughrin who has lived in City of Wayne, Michigan since January 1990 said those big aircraft fly over our homes daily and I would like to see those Aircraft moved OUT Elsewhere or STOP flying earlier is not asking much and these Airlines don't need a bailout, The American People Need a Bailout or "We The People" wont be flying your airplanes and it wont take a FAKE Pandemic to do it either!  

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc., (MIACI)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: South Metro Airport Action Council, (SMAAC)

FEBRUARY 16, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan ,The Republic of the United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced today that both McCaughrin Maritime & Mr. John C. Carter, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & its 22 Divisions have secured Eighteen, (18) Time Charter Cargo Ships which is a combination of Six (6) #64,000 DWT Geared Ultramax's, Six (6) #98,500 DWT Post Panamax's and Six (6) #170,000 DWT Capesize bulkers that have been put in operations as of February 6, 2021.

Mr. McCaughrin said we got some excellent time charters for the long term of 7 years up from 5 years because of our ample liquidity in paying owners "all up front funds" and this will give both McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS advantage over our competitors in both bulk cargoes and 20' Sea Containers due to there vast debt load and these competitors take out mush shorter charters and have higher cargo rates.

Mr. Carter said this will increase both McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS Global Fleet from 142 Ships to 160 Ships going into First, (1st) Quarter 2021 and the Cancelled Division of McCaughrin Maritime Global - China Division on December 8, 2020 will not have any adverse effect on either McCaughrin Maritime or FOBS but quite the opposite in transferring its Ore and Scrap Cargoes. Both our firm will make money on the deal. All the Subsidiary's involved will remain the same except McCaughrin Maritime Global - China that was the only division that got cancelled in Asia. The Trampers Group created a company as of December 8, 2020 upon signed the remaining years still on cargo movement from Ore from Brazil China Ore from Australia to China and Scrap from Colombia to China with China Development Bureau, CDB). As of December 8, 2020 McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI) after 18 years of Cargo Movement are finally done with the Country of China.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) & Its 22 Divisions.
Source: #64,000 DWT Ultramaxs
Source: #98,500 DWT Post Panamax's
Source: #170,000 DWT Capesizes Source: Trampers Group
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - China (Demised)
Source: China Development Bureau, (CDB)

FEBRUARY 4, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan ,The Republic of the United States.











Source: GOD
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Brian R. McCaughrin

JANUARY 31, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan The Republic of the United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced on Thursday January 28, 2021 before Leaving Bermuda for Wayne, Michigan their will be NO RATE INCREASE in Bulk Cargoes Or 20' Sea Containers for the 5th Year in a Row in 2021.

Mr. McCaughrin said this firm has been blessed by keeping rates low and we have double number of clients we had from year before..GOD never wrong! You take care of your Clients, Your Clients take care of you. .

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: GOD

 January 26, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan The Republic of the United States.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, and Mr. John C. Carter President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions Announced today in Bermuda: McCaughrin Maritime 25th Anniversary, January 26, 1996 to January 26, 2021 in Business, MMMSI & FOBS 4th Quarter Overseas Results for 2020 Was Up a Combination of +65% in Growth Or $1.65Billion Due to No Rate Increases in Both Bulk Cargoes and 20" Containers for the past 4 years straight, Investing in Crew Health & Safety, No Debt going on 12.6 years, and Cutting out 2 Subsidiary's, McCaughrin Maritime Global - China, and McCaughrin Maritime Global - Argentina. As Demand continue out stripping Supply! & Picking up 5 New Cargoes during fake Virus that was jammed down everyone throat for past year. MMMSI & FOB Ships continue to sail in Revenue Position in both direction.

Mr. Carter said Lower time chartering cost continue for 3 more years for both MMMSI & FOBS which also locked in fixed fuel cost at the time of chartering agreement and Already MMMSI & FOBS are seeing -20% fuel saving in using Methanol over Heavy Diesel #2 which is +05% Cleaner then Heavy Diesel #2 for 25 Ships that have been changed over since July 2020 With 44 Cargo Ships to go which should be completed in about 1 to 1.3 years, & Cutting out -$1.Billion dollars with an Extra +500 more people and weather permitting.

Mr. McCaughrin negotiated long term investment with helping out Owners in investing $1.6-$2Billion dollars on converting 69 Ships in switching Heavy #2 Diesel Fuel & Fuel Tanks and All the Fuel Piping in Engine room related to diesel fuel for 05.% Methanol which is cleaner, cheaper and more accessible for lower time charter fees for now an extended 7 years giveback. This is huge investment for All Owners to put either Scrubbers or converting to New Fuel. Mr. McCaughrin knew this 5 years ago that the pollution from the smokestack with its soot was going to be a #1 item with IMO in Owners cleaning up there ship fuel. Mr. McCaughrin has always worked outside the box in finding New ways to clean up the environment of the Oceans of the world have to be protected as mush as the Great Lakes Waterways where Ship Owners are convering there ships to use scrubbers exclusively and those chemical are being put back into clean blue Lakes at the expense of tax payers and that GOD WATER. GOD gave everyone Water to Use,To Bath, To Swim, To Enjoy, & Yet Great Lakes Ship Owners on both Side on the Great Lakes, Americans & Canadians are polluting the Great Lakes Future with Scrubbers daily. All Scrubbers are is a Fuel filter in catching soot going up the stack & That temporaray band aid only and Not the answer to the problem. At least Methanol take out 0.5% of the problem for starters where the Scrubbers put +100% pollution back into waters in both the Entire Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Seaway and Oceans of world faster. Fuel companies should be #1 fixer as they supply owners with fuel it at every stop. Why Isn't the IMO looking at Mobil, Shell and Others in cleaning up fuel problem with smoke?? Why? Because Fuel Giants give kickback to IMO to look the other way to go after Ship Owners instead to fix the problem. 

Mr. Carter said it is a Win/Win for both sides and the Ocean of the World will stay cleaner when not using the Scrubbers which is very harmful for the ocean and Over 35 Countries have banned the usage of scrubbers on cargo ships. These 35 Countries are Countries that McCaughrin Maritime Global Divisions & FOBS operate in!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions
Source: Heavy #2 Diesel Fuel
Source: 0.5% Methanol Fuel
Source: Scrubbers


January 21, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)  
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced today that GOD will not Allow or Tolerate LIARS, RIGGERS, of THE RIGGED-ELECTED Biden/Harris plan in running the United State Of America Or What to do with #85Million TRUMP SUPPORTERS & VOTERS which on November 3, 2020, made up of 75% of United States of America Vote for President #46th Donald J. Trump. That more than any previous President in 245 years past! This was a COUP Take Down in Removing a Sitting President TRUMP who legally Won the Presidential Election with 85Million Votes and was Tossed out by Foreign Countries of China, Iran, Russia, Ect.. and Put in a ILLEGITIMATE PUPPET NAMED biden to act for these countries and All of RIGGED-ELECT Biden executive actions are ALL INVALID on TREASON AGAINT THE REPUBLIC in making up RIGGED numbers in both Electoral and Votes in Presidential Election in using Puppet #2 former VP mike pence in backstabbing TRUMP on those FAKE Electoral numbers which TRUMP told pence don't use, and pence did the opposite to cement biden ILLEGAL & ILLEGITIMATE FAKE win. VP pence should be hung by neck for what he did behind #46th President TRUMP.  Remember The UNITED STATES ALONG WITH THE U.S CONSTITUTION WAS FOUNDED UNDER GOD LAWS AND COMMANDMENTS. ALL MEN ARE EQUAL NO POOR, NO ELITE, NO NOTHING ALL EQUAL.  CONTINUE TO PRAY TO GOD! Your seeing evil and wrongdoser trying to destroy the Constitution which GOD wont permitted that to happen. Dont read into anything, sit back relax let GOD do what GOD does in GOD time Not our time.. SOON GOD WILL SHOW US THE TRUTH  - IN GOD WE TRUST, ONLY!      

Dimwit Democrats will never admit in public that CLOWN ASS Biden had but #35Million votes and 60% of those were illegals outside of the United States and 40% of the Rest where dead people So what does that say about this CLOWN who thinks he is in charge of anything, but himself! Biden RIGGED sworn -In-JOKE - Party brought only 500 people and most of those were paid to show up like when Biden was on the campaign trail which was seldom, but #50,000 National Guard was there to see RIGGED-Elected Biden make an ASS out of himself at the podium while #5,000 TRUMP SUPPORTERS SAW THE REAL #46TH LEGALLY WON PRESIDENT MR. DONALD J. TRUMP with his FIRST CLASS WIFE MELANIA TRUMP AT THE PRESIDENT TRUMP SIDE TO HIS SHORT BUT SWEET SPEECH "I WILL BE SEEING YOU SOON"!

Mr. McCaughrin said in the meantime Ladies & Gentleman Continue to PRAY TO GOD, Stay at home if possible, Stack up on as much food and water as you can, and PLEASE don't get any covaid shots. Out of the #4Million People who have receieved the shot throughout the USA, +50% of that amount have died of that shot while other 50% are having a terrible reaction to it as democrats like to create fear, panic, & chaos to All Citizens to fulfill there own narrative while at the same time brake the law behind the scene, but that all right because TRUMP put The U.S. Military in Charge of the Republic, US Treasury and the 1776 U.S. Constitution to make sure BOTH THE REPUBLIC, U.S. TREASURY IS SAFE & CONSTITUTION doesn't get torn up by the 2nd CLOWN ILLEGAL ALIEN CLOWN ASS HERSELF kamala. Who will never get my recognition in calling kamala anything but ILLEGAL ALIEN who was born on the Island of Jamaica and "NOT a U.S. Born Citizen" Who kamala to this day has over +300 Lawsuits on that very subject and Just 1 more reason why Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, was kicked off a 2nd time off A #3 RATED Remember: DONT GIVE UP, OR GIVE IN AS TRUMP SAID WE'VE JUST BEGUN!   

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: #46th President Donald J. Trump
Source: United States Military


January 12, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced today that the owner of Mr. Jack Dorsey permanently banned the most powerful leader in the Free world. The Greatest Commander-In Chief Donald J. Trump on Friday January 6, 2021 and sadly without any warning! President Trump has been set up from the very 1st day he announced he was running for President of the United States. Mr. Dorsey did not like THE TRUTH THROWN AT HIM of my comments aimed at him in last week so I was not surprised this week to find out I been thrown out 2nd time off twitter and I could care less. I told President Trump you can have my blog and I will give you the password and login. "Trump said, "No But Thank You."

I told Mr. Dorsey, Brian R. McCaughrin will go on McCaughrin Maritime Corporate Website to Voice My Concern about how twitter RIGGED IT BLOG THAT IS ONLY FOR FANCY ELITES AND YOU'VE CHANGED twitter AGENDA TO FIT THE EITE IN BREAKING EVERY RULE IN THE BOOK AND CRUSHING FREEDOM BY HAVING big tech IN YOUR POCKET IN TRYING TO TAKE DOWN AMERICANS FREEDOM OF SPEECH LIKE WHAT YOU DONE WITH TRUMP. TRUMP SPEAKS THE TRUTH INSTEAD YOU FOLLOW THE KOOL-AID MORONS AND BAR TRUMP ON YOUR #3 BLOG IN THE STANDING, AND THIS WEEK twitter DESPERATE PAID big Tech TO TAKE OFF #1 NEW COMER: PARLER.COM. BECAUSE PARLER.COM WAS SUCH A THREAT TO twitter, Mr. Jack Dorsey spent million of dollars to his buddies to take down PARLER.COM/ 1st by google and 2nd by amazon. You call this Democracy? No Jack this is called A DICTATORSHIP PURE & SIMPLE FOR TOP ELITES TO SHOVE WHOMEVER SPEAKS AGAINST THE SWAMP OR SAYS THE A WORD ELITE DON'T CARE TO HEAR. Mr. Dorsey ths is not kindergarden class. You're in big league, So jack get on your big boys pants on and Start acting like a grown up otherwise I will treat you like a kindergarden on a daily basis. You know the old story jack told by your parents as you were growing up? Hmm Jack you must of missed couple of steps, You want respect, Earn it. Because right now jack you been acting like crying baby who did not get his way and I have no time for CRY BABIES, and that is what jack dorsey is a CRY BABY! 



Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: #46th Commander-In-Chief Donald J. TRUMP being thrown out of office after TRUMP WON THE Presidential Election of November 3, 2020 by a landlisde and is being forced out of office as the #46th President in a Coup Attempted to Overthrow the U.S. Government and The American People by Force. This is not the way democracy works this is DICTORSHIP in Action who ONLY PLAN is to destroy the U.S. Constitution  American People, & Freedom!  START PRAYING LIKE YOU NEVER PRAYED BEFORE!

January 10, 2021


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner, of McCaughrin Maritime was SHOCKED, by Vice President of the United States Mike Pence STABBING COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF DONALD J. TRUMP IN THE BACK on Wednesday, January 7, 2021 at U.S. Congress in Washington, D.C. When Pence decide to THROW TRUMP UNDER THE BUS when he defied TRUMPS Order to Reject Electoral College Results which will be a BLACK DAY IN HISTORY OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES for ALL #85,000,000 Million TRUMP VOTERS, AS CHAOS and PANIC Broke Out at the U.S. Congress became a BATTLE ZONE with TRUMP SUPPORTERS BEING TOTALLY DUMBFOUNDED of what Vice President Mike Pence did was anything but a HORROR SHOW.

Mr. McCaughrin said, in my 71 years, I never thought I would be living through this. #46th President Trump WON the Presidential Election Fair and Square on November 3, 2020, in a Landslide fashion by #85,000,000 Million Votes. It was the fastest Election to date, and then when Democrats saw the handwriting on the wall, NO Way Trump getting the 2nd Term in Office. Democrats were still crying after 2016 Rigged Election went to TRUMP a1st Timer at Political Election. Whining democrats needed an edge at the last minute in 4th quarter. That edge was VP Pence. Remember when VP Pence hugged THE BIGGEST LAWBREAKER IN POLITICS: Hillary Clinton at a Senior Bushes Funeral, in December 2018. I said what with that???..Then VP Pence Wife get a White Envelope Why would Trump's VP Pence be getting one of those? Was Pence a criminal too Just like rest that got White Envelopes that day, The Clinton's, The Bushes, The Obama, ect...Goon squad which were in Hillary back pocket: FBI, CIA, NSA The Swamp who have tried but failed to make  President Trump Life a living hell for 4 years and Still TRUMP Accomplished more then any Previous President in 244 years period!  PROMISE MADE / PROMISE KEPT. TRUMP Accomplished more Promises then TRUMP said he would and TRUMP already a Very Successful Businessman and You can see why! 

President TRUMP was even screwed by his own Party, The GOP, The Republican Party Leadership of Senator Geritol Man Mitch McConnell, Senator Kevin McCarthy, and Senator Matt Gatez who for 3 days after the Presidential Election of Nov 3, 2020 could not be found Why? They had been bought lock, stock, and barrell, by Hillary Clinton, The Mastermind behind the RIGGING. Remember Hillary RIGGED 2016 Election But LOST. Hillary still crying over that and I believe George Bush had something to do with it, Just did not want Hilary Clinton as President, even those Bushes & Clinton were great friends.

Mr. McCaughrin said I don't know why President Trump did not call US Marshal Law knowing the Presidential Election was Clearly Rigged from Day 1. Democrats had 4 years to get back at TRUMP. President Trump said in 2019 the only way the democrats can win as if they rigged this election. Democrats knew they cant beat TRUMP on the campaign trail or at the TV and TRUMP beat all the investigations democrats could muster which were all lies, and even FOXNews turned on TRUMP and Newspapers published more lies 24/7/365 and TRUMP beat those lies. Democrats plans were falling apart then VP Pence drops the ball at last minute on Wednesday, January 7, 2021 Yet TRUMP as Gracious said OK. TRUMP Never Give In Don't Give Up, NEVER! That what democrats want you to do give up. TRUMP Give me your job for 3 days and these people would be in US Military Prison in Cuba because this is U.S Federal Laws are Broken Rigging a Presidential Election is Federal Crime Nobody get away with breaking US Federal Laws Not Hillary Clinton, She not above the law Or either are the "State Judges who have STOLEN Americans of there GOD GIVEN VOTES Should also be Arrested for LIFE!

The Republican Party Leadership said Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, #1 Fearest Supporter of President TRUMP, as Far back as June 2014, 1 Year before TRUMP ever decide to run for President of the United States in 2015. Mr. McCaughrin been pushing a Businessman TRUMP need to run for President and No More Politican's who have All but destroyed the USA with High Layoff, Closing Plants, and Shipping Jobs Overseas and Countries Disrespect the USA. & In 4 years TRUMP Changed all of it. Now 47 Years of Nothing of SENILE Biden & ILLEGAL BORN ON ISLAND OF JAMAICA Kamala Harris will simple destroyed this Country in short order of what TRUMP has accomplished for us in 4 years.  I know leave this with GOD to Make Right. GOD can't stand LIAR & CHEATS.

Source:  McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source:  Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source:  President Donald J. Trump

December 28, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Announced "Great News" over the Christmas Holiday from Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of McCaughrin Maritime Global - Australia in the Scheduling of retrofitting 69 cargo ship from Heavy Diesel #2 Fuel to 0.5% Methanol. Compared to gasoline or diesel fuel, Methanol is clearly environmentally much safer less toxic, and cheaper fuel for ships and All of McCaughrin Maritime & Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions will be fueled by 0.5% Methanol, Vs Scrubbers that are environmental danger to ocean and lakes. Untreated wash water from open-loop scrubbers contain heavy metals, aromatic hydrocarbons and soot particles and scientific test have shown harmful effects on marine organisms, according to a report from

Ms. McKeigh said we have been very lucky in getting more help from Mr. McCaughrin in sending up to +500 People to the various locations around the world to get these ships changed over. We both looked at completing this in about 2-3 years with the weather cooperating locked in but now we will be able to cut 1 year off and $ave about $500,000.00 Million dollars from an investment of $1.6 to $2 Billion dollars that Mr. McCaughrin has made with the Shipowners Group for lower time chartering costs down the ways.

Ms. McKeigh said we been doing 3 ships per month from on start of this project as we waited for IMO in Europe who were dragging their feet and wasting everyone time in deciding what direction to go and then finalize everything and then Mr. McCaughrin met with Shipowners Group in Bermuda to finalize his investment and what to expect from here on in and At the end of December 31, 2020, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Australia will have completed 21 ships with 48 ships to go. For the past 3 months of October, November, and December with Extra help we have manged to Add +1 Ship more per month from the 3 Ships We been doing with reduced labor for the past 4 months, Thanks again Mr. McCaughrin you must have been reading my mind or something..This huge Group of Professionals All Ex Philippines Shipyard Personal just appeared out of Nowhere a Welcome sight indeed! I thought its was Christmas!!! THANK YOU.

Source:  McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source:  Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source:  Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source:  McCaughrin Maritime Global - Australia
Source:  Airclim.Org
Source:  Heavy Diesel #2 & 0.5% Methanol
Source:  Professional Ex Philippines Shipyard Workers

December 23, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime. I wanted to take this time to Wish Everyone A MERRY CHRISTMAS & VERY BLESSED NEW YEARS, Filled with Great Heath, Happiness, and Limitless Opportunities.

I especially like to Pray for All of McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS Executives who keep All 142 Global Fleet of Ships in revenue loaded positions from the Clients docks to Manufactures facilities and back with yet other cargoes in the world and Continued Health & Safety for the Professional Seamen & Officers of those 142 Global Fleet of FOBS & McCaughrin Maritime in Traveling in Safe Seas and Calm Weather, & To Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of McCaughrin Maritime Global - Australia Who complex job of Schedules of Retofitting 69 Ships from Heavy Diesel #2 to 0.5% Methanol Fuel which is Cleaner & Environmental Safer then costly band aid of gas exhaust scrubber that are banned in most International Countries that both McCaughrin Maritime Global  & FOBS Global Ships Visit and The Health & Safety of All Ex Laid Off Philippinies Shipyard Professionals working in Partnership with FOBS in Retrofitting 69 Ships for Next 3 Years & Keeping the Global Fleet Moving! 


Source:  McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source:  Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source:  Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidary's, (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions
Source:  Seamen & Officers of McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS 142 Global Fleet of Ships
Source:  Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: Ex Philippinies Shipyard Professionals

December 16, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced back on  On November 5, 2020 after the U.S. Presidential Election of November 3, 2020 that China Government & Dominion Rigging of the Presidential Election in deleting TRUMP Votes for Biden Votes to win an RIGGED Presidential Election which President TRUMP Easily Won by #85,000,000 Million Trump Voters to Biden 35,000,000 Million Voteds that We notify China Development Bureau, (CDB) in China that Mr. McCaughrin & McCaughrin Maritime Global - China was hereby canceling it remaining 4 year cargo contracts under the "Null-In-Void Actions" based on 1> Rigged Presidential Election of November 3, 2020 and 2> Creating a Virus, Covaid-19 to hurt both The United States & Its Citizens in Damaging The U.S. Economy In Transporting A Virus from China Testing Labatory to USA in which comes under McCaughrin Maritime "Null-In-Void Action" in of our contract of certain Unethical business actions that are not tollerated under McCaughrin Maritime Long Term Cargo Contract in Moving Ore to Country of China. China Development Bureau nor China Government ever objective to this move.    

Mr. McCaughrin said McCaughrin Maritime Global - China will be dissolved and All Cargoes have been transferred to the Group of Trampers who are running cargoes under General Agencies Partnership Alliances Members Network, (G.A.P.A.M.N.) for the duration of McCaughrin Maritime Global - China remaining 4 years contract that still is in operation plus the ships Mr. McCaughrin had charter.

Mr. McCaughrin said we gave back the 6/ #400,000 dwt Chinamax bulkers except those that were loading and will sail and go into layup at a port in China where that cargo is needed. Mr. McCaughrin said McCaughrin Maritime had been invited into China back in 2002 by Qingdao Porsche Transportation Services Ltd of Qingdao, China, Then one of the largest freight forwarders.

Group of Trampers have taken over the existence of McCaughrin Maritime Ore Contracts, and as of December 8, 2020 with a slight increase in their cargo rates but still it met CDB guidelines. The Trampers will now use ships that McCaughrin Maritime Global - China was using, and that money will be paid to Foregin Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions and reduced its fleet from 148 Ships to 142 Ships as of December 16, 2020.

Mr. McCaughrin said this China Cargo Movement will be minimal at best for next 4 years while the demand around the country will be replaced  in which we have accepted this action. Because of what China Government has done to Mr. McCaughrin homeland Country of USA on 2 occasion in cargoes of iron ore being transporting from Brazil to Australia, Ore from Australia to China, Scrap from Mexico to China, and Scrap from Colombia to China. This is somethink that been on the table for sometime, and we expect this to happen. Just waiting for China to screw themself one more time and they did. That what happen when you don't read the contract.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: China Development Bureau, (CDB)
Source: Tramp Ship Owners
Source: General Agencies Partnership Alliances Members Network, (G.A.P.A.M.N.)

December 10, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems, Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime will meet with MMMSI Board of Directors in Bermuda on the Corporation 25th Anniversary  which happen on Janaury 26th, 2021.

Mr. McCaughrin who has owed this Corporation outright since I established McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI) on January 26, 1996 in Lansing, Michigan for $500.000 bucks. In those years the Corporation has been met with many disappointment, adversity, and challenges but we never gave up and never gave in always moving forward and always keeping GOD AT THE HELM.

Mr. McCaughrin said I was blessed in the people who later worked for McCaughrin Maritime. As GOD sad Brian your burning that candle at both ends this must stop, you have had 2 accident in past months. Working 18 hours a day finally I hired a lady the 1st in Corporation history in 17th year in hiring Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh and Mr. McCaughrin working 3 jobs, Working at Northwest Airlines, (NWA) by then made Supervisor, with 34 years & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, and McCaughrin International, I went on vacation for 2 weeks in December 2013 for a train ride out west and thinking during that entire ride GOD right I can't keep doing this. I had made a decision to move Ms. McKeigh up the chain after 5 years she is ready and have her operate McCaughrin Maritime as interim President and I get myself healed 100% as I wanted to stay at NWA for at least 3-5 more years and then retire at 70 yrs old. WOW Was I wrong..   

Then coming home on After the New Year 2014 not 30 minuted back in Waye, Michigan I saw my life pass before me in slow motion over in a  freak accident on my property as I was laying on ground I only felt from waist up everything below my waist was num oddly I felt very calm and warm as those GOD caught me from slipping off the roof backwards off MMMSI Headquarters then laying there for 10 minutes it started to snow hard then I called out and 2 Men suddenly showed up as they walking down the street saw me jump over the fence and asked me what had happen. I asked them to carefully picked me up  and put me inside as storm had turned worse. They got Mr. McCaughrin in MMMSI Headquarter in the kitchen area near the heater and called for help by that time snow storm was a blinding blizzard. They left I called NWA and let them know what was going on. Neighbors game to stay with me till storm was over 3 days later then we went to the hospital and as they say rest is history.

Mr. McCaughrin said 4 years later I came back to McCaughrin Maritime full time in Janaury 2017. Forced to retire from NWA after 35 yrs due to my long term injury and How mush the Corporation has changed THANK GOD I listen to GOD in hiring Ms. McKeigh or this Corporation would not be here and I would of been dead for sure. GOD created 3 different accidents warning to Mr. McCaughrin in 2013 alone. I am very blessed to have GOD in my corner and because of all of that I am mush different person today. THANK GOD!    

Source: Brian R. McCaughrin, Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)

October 24th, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems, Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime received a nice letter from Michigan Republican Chairman, Mrs. Laura Cox on September 15, 2020 about taking an active roll in working in Michigan for President Trump.

Mr. McCaughrin sent a letter back to Mrs. Cox and stated it funny that I've been a Republican since 1968 and lived in Michigan my whole life and this is only the 2nd time in my life that I received anything from the Michigan Republican Office. Yet I have received 52 Email a day from the #45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, and 4 or 5 letters a day in the U.S. Mail, and I work 16 hours a day on TRUMP 2020 Re-Election. Campaign because My President asked me, and I said I Serve at the Pleasure of the President.

Michigan Voters have seen their Paycheck Increase, 401 Increase and 3X More then any Previous President and Over the 4 years as President Trump Is running the U.S as Business and Before the Covad -19 Virus hit TRUMP Created #10,000,000Million New Job, Got #6,000,000 Million People off of Food Stamps and had close to #160,000,000 Million Working. 65% of Woman hold jobs because of the Trump Administration and by end of 2020 will have compleated +450 miles of Border Wall which the Mexico is paying for now, and has #27,000 Military Troops Protecting Border Wall Around The Clock.  More Auto Factories are being built in U.S then in past 50 yrs. The U.S. Now #1 In Export of Oil & Gas to the World. U.S. Still Has #1 Economy in the World even during the Covad-19 virus. In 3rd Quasrter 2020 TRUMP got the GDP UP TO 33.1% The Highest in History of United States Never been done. TRUMP made more Promises Kept then he Promised by  the Hundreds Vs While the democrat ran the U.S. from 2009 to 2016 as a political machinery in laying off #6,000,000 Million workers, Shut Down #50,000 Factories out of U.S. Created Wars around the world for big Business and did nt care about who Lives would die, and Let China walk all over the U.S. like 3rd Child. Paying Tiny Tariffs of U.S. Product. Democratic President Obama never told Americans or alerted U.S. Media about the Swine flew that infected #30,000,000 Millions and Killed #50,000,000 Million Americans. Obama used American Taxpayers as is personal bankbook in everything while stealing money from taxpayers for needless programs that don't benefit others while Middle Income pay higher taxes and other Paid No Taxes At All.

Mr. McCaughrin said I expect an Avalanche at both Michigan & Nation voting booth on November 3, 2020 sending TRUMP back to Washington on January 20, 2021, and Michigan Citizens in KICKING that dimwit Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer on RECALL VOTES out of office as shortest governor in history of the State for her past performance in screwing Michigan Citizens during the virus that has come very close to bankrupting State Industries on 2 least occasion in shutting down this State over covid-19, and todate this CLOWN Governor has been stripped of some of her authority to close down this State again THANK GOD!

So November 3, 2020, Your Vote is Simple:  TRUMP  Track record of 4 years of = Long Term Security & Unlimited Opportunites VS Biden of 47 years of Nothing and Harris Born ILLEGAL ALIEN from THE ISLAND OF JAMAICA who LIED HER WAY TO EVERY JOB SHE HAD. A long track record of LIES, LIES, LIES, Arrested by ICE for keeping Illegals in her condo 3X In Washington and paying heavy fines out of US Treasury. Oh Yes that where democrat Senators go when they lose Lawsit and Kamala Harris has lost everyone of her lawsuit since coming from SFO and ran to Washington with her tail between her legs, and has again been an embarrassment to democratic party according to Hilarry THE BIGGEST LAWBREAKER IN HITORY OF POLITICS Clinton who runs the Democratic National Partry, (DNC)  Now hillary trying to get 2 criminal in White House through riggng the election in 2020, But GOD Stood in your way on that one like the last time hillary.. You lost by -65,000,000M Votes and By The Popular Vote 304- 228 which you can never live down! By the Way: TRUMP will do it Again.

October 18th, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems, Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President, & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime has received an invitation from the State of Georgia, USA Georgia Port Authority, Mr. Griff Lynch, Executive Director.

Mr. McCaughrin wanted to Thank the esteem Mr. Griff Lynch, The Georgia Port Authority and the State of Georgia for the honored invitation to its State to open International Trade to USA. 

The State of Georgia Port Authority, Wants McCaughrin Maritime to Visit them as McCaughrin Maritime is well recognized name in global shipping with 24 years of operations and operating in world with 21 divisions and 148 Cargo Ships from the smallest of #50,000 dwt up to Largest of #400,000 dwt gearless bulk carrier and with No Debt for 12 years and Plenty of Liquidity To Charter More Ships with No Rate Increase in the past 4 years in either the Bulk Cargoes Or 20' Containers. 

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Mr. Griff Lynch
Source: State of Georgia, USA / Georgia Port Authority

October 14th, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems, Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime has been invited into Country of Windhoek, Khomas, Namibia South Africa, IP Address: 

Mr. McCaughrin said this is now the 3rd time in 2020 that McCaughrin Maritime has been invited back to Africa and is increasing its territory in South Africa in both the bulk and 20' container trade and with No rates increase in past 4 years and this will further increase our chartering ability with more ships if cargo capacity increase past what available tonnages we have in McCaughrin Maritime Global - Atlantic Region, Or McCaughrin Maritime Global - South Africa.

Mr. John C. Carter, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 22 Divisions said we look forward in serving Country of Namibia and Its Seaports and FOBS with 148 ships we can service you with the excellent tonnages from #50,000 dwt Geared Handymax, to the largest of #400,000 dwt Chinamax's gearless bulkers and we have plenty of geared ships in between those 2 mentioned tonnages to help in the underdeveloped ports where infrastructure is needed and one call is all you'll need with FOBS.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Country of Windhoek, Khomas, Namibia
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 22 Divisions
Source: #65,500 dwt Panamax
Source: # 400,000 dwt Chinamax

October 6th, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime said for the 2nd time in over a decade it has been invited back by this time by 2 Stock Exchanges both in New York City hoping to put the Private Michigan Based Shipping firm: McCaughrin Maritime On either the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Or The  American Stock Exchange, (AMEX). The last time we were asked it was the New York Stock Exchange, (NYSE). 

Mr. McCaughrin said I am very honored to be asked again over decade later to be able to option weather to put McCaughrin Maritime on these Stock Exchanges. Our company has become a well recognized name in 24 years in 2 parts of the world on 7 Continents after serving 1st 10 years 1996-2006 on the Great Lakes / St. Lawrence Seaway, and then leaving on December 31, 2006, as It just did not pan out for us in our direction. Going into 4th Quarter of 2006 McCaughrin Maritime, We tried everything to stay on Great Lakes even trying a Partnership with Voyageur Group of Companies in moving containers on their Eastbound Voyages to Quebec City, but that failed to materialize on their side with schedules and size of ships into roation from there cargoes needs out of Port of Thunder Bay.  McCaughrin Maritime Left for Overseas on January 3, 2007 slowly getting our feet wet this time started out slower for 2 years and in 2009 McCaughrin Maritime got an opportunity to bid on Sand Cargo to China, and in that deal we got 2 Panamax Bulkers, #65,500 dwt, & #75,500 dwt. In December 2013 I order 4 Post Panamax Bulkers of #98,500 dwt then my accident in January 2014. Between  2015 - 2020 McCaughrin Maritime began to slowly expand overseas with invitation and ship chartering. While the GIANTS in The Container Carriers Industries were counting their pennies, laying up ship, forgetting its ships crews with No time off while working in a complex market's condition all while these same GIANTS continue to raise containers and bulk cargo rates in shoring up there massive debt load in ordering New Ships they don't need all the while  McCaughrin Maritime continues to keep Bulk Cargoes and 20' Containers Rates lock down for the past 3 years and able to profit each quarter in picking up New Customers, New Cargoes, and Adding more ships to its various fleets through Foregin Overseas Bulk Subsidary's, (FOBS) & Its 22 Divisions which today total 148 Ships as of September 30, 2020, and No debt to boot over that amount of time. It no wonder why New York Stock Exchange, (NYSE) and American Stock Exchange, (AMEX) want McCaughrin Maritime to join them.  

Mr. McCaughrin who owns McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International, and FOBS said to both the stock exchanges: Thank You Very Much for The Invitations but Not Interest. Since being overseas since 2007 We have weathered some of the worst storms and learned from our competitors in both the bulk and contrainer trade and have capitalize in both because of paticent lower chartering rates and having no debt, & feel very safe with what we are doing around the world and our Customers and Suppliers do too..

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSAI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: New York Stock Exchange, (NYSE)
Source: American Stock Exchange, (NASDAQ
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc., (MIACI)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 22 Divisions

September 30th, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime said PRAISE GOD, Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Is back on after 10 months absent caused by Democratic Senator, Kamala Harris who said Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin is destroying my Presidential reputation with a bull horn.

Mr. McCaughrin said all I want Harris to do is tell the TRUTH TO ALL AMERICANS and quit LYING like you been doing since you came to USA from the Island of Jamaica how you became a U.S. Senator is puzzling.

Mr. Donald Harris, said my daughter Kamala is the Biggest LIAR since Hillary Clinton, and 24 hours later Ms. Harris dropped out of Democratic Presidential Race and Mr. McCaughrin was kicked off of in November 2019.

Mr. McCaughrin who was tossed of of and left with #79.9K Viewing from those that read Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin blog on the TRUTH. In the 10 month I was gone off twitter, Mr. McCaughrin retain a 63.5% Viewing and had been asked by Officials of to come back 20 times up from 15 times in July 2020.

Mr. McCaughrin said next day I went to MMMSI Board of Directors to asked for approval to run ads for Republican President of the United States,  Mr. Donald J. Trump since the leftist media and others made up of Morons, Idiots, and the whining crying babies that had deleted more then 300 videos according to CBS News for Trump Administration and instead only Leftist DO NOTHING CLUB who are so desperate and completely out of touch with reality videos that were filled with LIES about TRUMP 4 years of Accomplishment to American Workers and their Families.

MMMSI Board of Directors Approval a Vote 100% YES to 0 NO vote and Mr. McCaughrin then had MMMSI webmaster, Host Links for President Donald J. Trump, Republican National Committee, (RNC) Trump 2020 Re-Election Campaign and Where The TRUTH IS SPOKEN: Judicialwatch.Org up on one of MMMSI pages:

Mr. TRUMP said that Mr. McCaughrin was doing reputable damaged to democratic party around the clock with McCaughrin Maritime Corporate website WHATS HAPPENING AT MMMSI NEWSLETTER AND MARITIME CLIENT LIST.

Officials of Republican National Committee, (RNC) said Mr. McCaughrin is the only U.S. Based Company to back President of the United State Donald J. Trump in getting out the TRUTH to those that want to hear it, and Mr. McCaughrin gives readers all kind of Links to read to back up those issue facing American Workers and their Families of Lies that democratic leftist have been showing everyone for 4 years of made up story to fake polls number to boost SENILE Joe Biden number up that are down in 15% sector and TRUMP is 98% APPROVAL PERFORMANCE.

Ms. Harris who can't run for Vice President of the United States on November 3, 2020 because Kamala Harris according to the U.S. Constitution, Article 11 Specifies No Person except a Natualize born Citizen of the United States shall be eligible to the office of President. Kamala Harris is a ILLEGAL ALIEN, Born way outside of the United States of America on the Island of Jamaica. The U.S. Laws of  Running for President of The United States Stated that Any American must of been born in United States, Live in That States for 10 years and U.S. Citizens can run for highest office at age of 35 years old and Ms. Harris can't run on any of these 3 Rules mentioned regardless if Harris is a Senator which that also come into question, if Harris LIED on any of her Application upon entering the United States that is instant grounds for removal from said position. 3 of the Aplication Kamala Harris filled out Harris said she was born in Jamaica, New York. 1 for her Condo in Washington D.C, 1 for Kamala Harris Position as Senator and 1 for running as Presidential candidate in 2018/2019 and lucky both Mr. McCaughrin and Kamala Harris Father, Mr. Donald Harris was able to do the rest in driving Kamala Harris off the Democratic Presidential Trail last November 2019 for good. Harris also been fined 3 times by ICE for hiding ILLEGAL ALIENS in her Condo in Washington, D.C. Saying I, should not be fined. No Kamala you should be run out of the USA on a Canoe back to Island of Jamaica, that is where you belong!

September 18th, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, wants to CONGRATULATE ALL THE MEN & WOMEN WHO PUT ON THE 1ST CLASS REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION WITH A LINE UP OF UNITED STATES FLAGS EVERYWHERE, WOW WAS THAT IMPRESSIVE OR WHAT!! The people in the crowd total well over #1,000 people showed up and stood for President Trump's Presidential Nomination for the 4th night. Thank you, TRUMP, for accepting the nomination for President in 2021, where TRUMP has 98% Approval Rating why? PROMISES MADE / PROMISES KEPT LIKE: Rebuilding U.S. Economy from the ashes of Obama, Building a Border Wall of over 300+ Miles, Fighting to find cure for China Covad 19 Virus, Putting #10,000,000 Million people back to work in past 3 months of June July and August, Making U.S. #1 In Export of Oil and Gas in the world, and TRUMP Accomplishment's are just too much to mention here. No President in history of this Republic had done more for American People in 244 years then #45th President of the United States, Mr. Donald J. Trump, Period!  TRUMP a Businessman Is running this U.S. Economy like a business with unlimited future of positive growth, VsThe former Democratic President Obama who ran from 2008-2016 bankrupt the U.S. Economy under socialism and Trashed it by putting more people out of work then the Great Depression. Is this what you want in 2021 again? Because if the democratic win Illegal Born Kamala Harris the worse Racist in history will be President and Biden is Senile has said I will drop out and transfer my power to Ms. Harris, this would be a nighmare for All of US, and I mean All Of US. No TRUE American will be safe under Kamala Harris ever!  Why do you think Mr. McCaughrin worked so hard in getting Democratic Senator Kamal Harris off the 2019 Democratic Presidential Ticket when he saw what a LIAR Harris was with a bull horn where at best Harris could only muster 25 people to hear Harris LIES at ever stop throughout the USA, Why Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin was knocked off and yet 9 month later Mr. McCaughrin still retains 63K on The TRUTH HURTS doesn't it Kamala Harris!   

Mr. McCaughrin loved the RNC selection of people that spoke for the four days of top-notch people that love America and love what the U.S. stands for. The convention brought unity, peace, and love for one another.  

While the NO NOTHING CLUB of the Democratic Party did nothing but riot and burn down Democratic City Coast to Coast with illegals from Central America and get paid by George the Nazi Soros, who been behind ALL THESE planned riots, chaos, beating people up to creating fake virus death numbers, for the past eight months, to bring down TRUMP, and sending voters over to Trump in a AVALANCHE VICTORY COME on NOVEMBER 3, 2020. THANK YOU!  

I talked to one high profile Democratic Senator in Michigan, and even he said these investigations into PRESIDENT TRUMP WERE SET UP LIES FROM DAY 1 WHEN TRUMP PLANNED TO RUN TILL TRUMP WON the Presidential Election in 2016 by #65,000,000Million DEPLORABLES. We knew that 85% were ALL LIES, continued made up storylines making up fake polls number to totally confused the voters their off by 85% , Right Now TRUMP got 85% and Biden got 15% and that is what the democratic party is well noted for LIES, LIES, telling more LIES not telling the TRUTH and breaking every rule in the playbook to win, and even DNC said in December of 2019, with the huge crowds that are building on Trump Rallies, where TRUMP has a 98% Approval Rating there is no way DNC will win in 2020. DNC needs a fake virus to bankrupted the US Economy for say, six-eight months, and that has not worked either. DNC has floundered badly on every one of there botched plans, and 50 DNC Presidential candidates picked by Hillary, LOCK-HER-UP-CLINTON, also ended in all dropping out between 2018-2019 because 60% were crooks or under investigations, and NONE OF THEM CAN BEAT TRUMP. Not even Hillary Clinton and Bloomberg, who spent well over $1,000,000,000 Billion dollars and DNC tossed him out as DNC said we don't need another businessman as President Trump, Is doing too good of a job!

The American people are not buying into the B/S, but the RIGHT is getting sick and tired of there town and cities being burned down by the Left, and very soon, the RIGHT will say President TRUMP, SIR; we will settle this our way, in a matter of minutes, not weeks. We got more guns, more ammunition, and the Left knows that, and why do you think they want our guns so bad. Well, they are not getting them. You want them to come and try to take them and see what happens next.

The RIGHT has well over #393,000,000 Million Guns for the TRUE BORN & BRED AMERICANS WHO HAVE FOUGHT FOR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN COUNTLESS WARS. With enough ammunition to last 150 years for every American who currently has a gun in their possession, and THANKS to NRA.Org/ where the democratic party is also having another tougher time in bringing that down thanks to some deep pocket REPUBLICANS, whom I am a proud donor and member! VOTE TRUMP NOV 3, 2020 OR THEIR GOES ALL YOUR FREEDOM!

In the end:

September 12th, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced today that Officials of South African Based Transnet Port Terminals, of Durban, South Africa has invited the esteem Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, McCaughrin Maritime, to Transnet Port Terminal 16 Terminals across 7 South African Ports.

Transnet Port Terminal in South Africa Include: Capetown, Durban, East London, Port Elizabeth, Ngqura, Richards Bay, and Saldanha.

Transnet specialty: Import & Export of Mineral Bulk Cargoes, Containers, Agricultural Bulk, Ro/Ro, (Roll-On/Roll-Off), and Transnet Port Terminals can accept Any Size or Any Tonnages McCaughrin Maritime Global Or Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's & Its 22 Divisions has to offer.

Mr. McCaughrin said THANK YOU FOR THE GRACIOUS INVITATION and McCaughrin Maritime Global, Accepted Your Offer Gentleman!

Mr. McCaughrin said this will further expand McCaughrin Maritime Global Name deeper into Africa like last time when Africa was McCaughrin Maritime #1 Trading Nation to the World Markets, and long before China invitied McCaughrin to their country for trade talks for well over 10 years till things started getting dicey and McCaughrin's left and started trade with China. The only Countries McCaughrin Maritime stayed in was the Country of Libya, South Africa, Egypt, and Algiers where growth continues to prosper.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Transnet Port Terminals Limited
Source: Country of Africa
Source: Country of Libya
Source: Country of South Africa
Source: Country of Egypt
Source: Country of Algiers

September 6th, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced today that it has Time Charter from its Shipowning Group 10 /#64,000 dwt Geared Ultramax Bulkers for 4.4 years at $10,000 per day, and in doing so it has managed to pick up additional #+14,000 more tons of cargo per trip per ship over the #50,000 dwt Geared Handymax's its Charter in 2019. These Ultramax will operate on much shorter routes in both direction to and from their clients docks and All in a revenue loaded position.  

Mr. McCaughrin said McCaughrin Maritime was invited into Country of Argentina 2 years ago and we have had other tramp carriers supplying their cargo needs for us and now the time has come to relieve these Tramp Owners of there contract and with us and charter some of our own tonnages in. McCaughrin Maritime Newest Subsidiary will be called: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Argentina, and Service begin on September 15, 2020, 2 weeks early and Its 1st Quarter Performance result will be announced to FOBS in the 4th Quarter of 2020.

Mr. John C. Carter, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 22 Divisions said this increased in chartering Ten, (10) Ultramax Geared Ships will push FOBS total global fleet to 148 ships in 7 Continents of the world and Twenty, (22) Two Divisions going forward into Fourth, (4th) Quarter of 2020. With No rate increase in past three, (3) years on either Bulk Cargoes or 20's Containers this will put further pressure on competition as they are trying to adjust to changing markets condition brought on by shipowners that have laid up tonnages due to lack of demand, and by others shipowers that are stranding crew changes and anchoring ships due to fake virus that the Chinese and democratic party created to crash TRUMP economy before election on November 3, 2020. These 10 ships won't need to be changed out on its fuel type from heavy diesel to 0.5% Methanol till Mid 2022 due to Extension that FOBS have asked from IMO and Owners at the time of these charter's agreements.. 

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Country of Argentina
Source: #64,000 dwt Geared Ultramax Bulker
Source: #50,000 dwt Geared Handymax Bulker
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 22 Divisions

September 1st, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, announced on Sunday, August 31, 2020 that McCaughrin Maritime is canceling "Any and All Present or Future Talks with #1 Maersk Container Lines concerning their backroom interest in buying McCaughrin Maritime, Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions which include its 138 All Charter Ships, USA & International Railroad Deals and Global Air Cargo Operations.

Mr. John Carter, President of FOBS said that A. P. Moller-Maersk, IP Address: is under investigation by the Brazilian Prosecutors Office where 2 Maersk Offices in both Sao Paulo, and Rio de Janerio, Brazil were raided by Brazilian Federal Police in the Maersk bribed of a Brazilian Petroleo Brasileiro SA Executives in exchange for contracts, and widening the probe from local suppliers to companies working on oil projects around the globe. Brazil Prosecutor's said that Maersk Executives are charged with paying $3.4M to Petrobras Corruption Scheme, where Maersk making a tidy profiting and the case is expanding in it investigation to Denmark Financial Police, The Fraud Squad is now involved by a request of the Brazilian Authorities in finding out about a further 11 shipping contract all going to Maersk Tankers Group. Maersk is cooperating with authorities. 

Mr. McCaughrin said PRAISE THE LORD, GOD was watching out for us when we were contacted by 24 Hours later by Officials of Brazilian Prosecutors office after McCaughrin Maritime Posted its WHAT'S HAPPENING AT MMMSI Newsletter for August 26, 2020 about a Maersk /McCaughrin deal in the works.. Brazilian Officials said we were dumb founded by news of the thought that McCaughrin Maritime would be hooking up with Maersk seeing that McCaughrin Maritime and FOBS are big by themself and glad we could help you & THANK YOU GENTLEMAN, BLESSING TO YOU!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Mr. John Carter
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions
Source: #1 Maersk Container Lines - Executives
Source: Petrobras Brasileiro SA
Source: Brazilian Prosecutors Offices

August 31, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime said the CLOWN OUTFIT of the desperate floundering democratic party also known as (D)DO (N)Nothing (C)Club put on a digital fake convention show for 4 days last week in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where all I saw was a nightmare on the set made up of PEDOPHILIE Joe SENILE Biden, and FOREIGN BORN ON THE ISLAND OF JAMAICA Senator KNOW NOTHING Kamala Harris, The Biggest FRAUD Since Hillary LOCK-HER-UP-RIGGED-ELECTION-Clinton.


Meanwhile NICK-AT-NIGHT which flew by HAS BEEN CNN in the RATING WAR YEARS AGO ALSO continues TO SINK DEEPER while the DNC in 4 days of THE DEATH Convention was down -48% from 2016 and that -78% of the American People never turned into watching the misfits who showed HATE, RACISM TOWARD TRUMP & NO AMERICAN FLAG.  Within days of that floundering plan, DESPERATE Kamala Harris is SINKING in her 2nd Position as #3 Pick as Vice President after #1 Hillary LOCK-HER-UP Clinton did not want to experience another DEFEAT with President Trump, #2 Michigan Governor DIMWIT Gretchen Whitmer who has growing +970,000 RECALL SIGNATURES to REMOVE Whitmer from Governor as the SHORTEST RUNNING Governor in the History of Michigan, while #3 Kamala Harris is fighting with PEDOPHILE Joe Biden who caught Biden red handed on Friday, August 21, 2020  touching a 13 year old girl on network set as Joe Biden has extensive track record of touching little boys, little girls, including other wives on TV while FAKE MEDIA says nothing about this sick person as Joe Biden is running for President something Kamala will experiencing soon from Joe Biden said. it is just a love pat...

Meanwhile Senator Kamala Harris is still involved in $20 Million dollar Lawsuit in Detroit, Michigan over a sexual encounter with another man in a swank hotel room a year ago where Kamala Harris asked this businessman who he was going to vote for in 2020 and he said TRUMP, Kamala Harris grab him from behind and started choking him until he was able to break away from Harris, and you wanted this MISFIT to be your VP and PEDOPHILE Joe as your President this is not the 1st time for either of these 2, Sexual Abusers as DNC brings lawyers with both of them as they travel and both have been caught before while DNC has paid in heavy lawsuits to cover it up.

Kamala Harris has stated many time on the Campaign Trail in 2019 ILLEGALS Will Have Far More RIGHTS then TRUE AMERICANS born in USA. ILLEGALS will secure every American's Property, Jobs, Retirement, 401, Autos, Vacation Retreat, cell phones when we are voted into power in January 2020 ect,ect,.. I will be in Bermuda.

Mr. McCaughrin said according to Top Officials at Democratic controlled for what they stated I was bad mouthing Kamala Harris in a public forum on the Campaign trail in November 2019 with a group of TRUMP Supporters with bull horns who at the time Harris could only muster 25 people at each of her rallies. Mr. McCaughrin said with a bull horn for once can you tell the TRUTH!!! Cause all we are hearing are LIES, LIES, LIES, and More LIES..Harris polls dropped from 5.74 to 2.74 soon after and then her father Mr. Donald Harris FINISHED OFF his daughter, Kamala Harris Presidential Career when Mr. Harris said Kamala Harris is the BIGGEST LIAR and then her polls dropped to 0.00 24 hours later..and Kamala Harris dropped out of Presidential race for good and the very reason Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin was kicked off Who 9 months later still retains #63K in viewing and has been asked back 15 times by President of 



August 26, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime learned today that #1 Container Giant Maersk Container Lines, behind close doors Is seeking to buy McCaughrin Maritime & Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions, as both McCaughrin's and FOBS is chipping away at Maersk market's in both Europe and Asia on pricing.

Mr. John C. Carter, President of FOBS, said Maersk has been interested in Mr. McCaughrin's vast Global Shipping Activities ever since McCaughrin knocked Maersk Container Line container code out of 1st place on Thanksgiving Day, November 24, 2011. Since then, McCaughrin Maritime Container Code: "MMMU" has been in 1st place as #1 Most popular container code in the world on website, and Maersk Officials have tried everything to take it down with no help from Officials of Shipping-Data.

Mr. Carter said Mr. McCaughrin created a No-Holds-Bar Shipping firm from scratch  has extended his firm reach right around Maersk markets in having fewer ships 138 Vs Maersk 682 Giant Container Ships where McCaughrin's also uses The Rails and Air Cargo Operations throughout the world in moving 20's containers & bulk cargoes when customers needs in Just-In-Time-Delivers, (JITD) who have specialty markets.

Mr. Carter said Mr. McCaughrin, 71 been witnessing people leaving in droves from Maersk for the past 4 years. Every company Maersk bought including Hamburg-Sud which McCaughrin wanted a few years ago and already Maersk destroyed that and now has drifted away from liner companies to buying logistics firm to secure its bottom line as they have seen rest of there division bleeding cash when it takes Maersk 1 years to buy Hamburg-Sud they had to dump the golden goose of Maersk Petroleum Division for $7.45Billion to Total and use $4.2Billion to buy Hamburg-Sud paying +$1.8Billion more just to keep Mr. McCaughrin from buying it, which Mr. McCaughrin offered to buy Hamburg-Sud for $2.8Billion Cash and Offered All Executives Salary Increase to stay on for 5 years and Rest of its Non-Executive Employees raises and to stay for 5 years and Mr. McCaughrin said I would stay out Hamburg-Sud Global Container and Bulk trade business dealing for 5 years.

Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of McCaughrin Maritime Global - Australia and McCaughrin Maritime Global - China said Mr. McCaughrin in the Year 2021 will be able to buy lock-stock-and-barrel Maersk Container Line for cash minus Maersk huge debt load of $11.6B as of August 20, 2020, 2nd Quarter Maersk Quarter Performance Ms. McKeigh said McCaughrin Maritime has been debt-free for 13 years, and FOBS also has No debt.

Years ago, APL tried buying McCaughrin Maritime at least 3 times while Mr. McCaughrin bid on APL twice. Both bids were thrown out as too low, but APL had a huge debt load, which Mr. McCaughrin said we are not getting in bed with any firm with debt, and CMA/CGM ended up paying +48.6% Premium over Or a $2.4Billion increase for APL. CMA/GCM bought APL because of it U.S. Military Contract with U.S.Dept of Defense,

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: #1 Maersk Container Lines
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Hamburg-Sud Container Lines
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Australia
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - China
Source: APL

August 21, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime wanted to Thank Tony at Core Com/ Domain Support Div for his quick action in helping Officials at McCaughrin Maritime get MMMSI 2 Corporate Email Accounts: and back online.

Mr. McCaughrin said I was unaware of any of this because I was in Bermuda for past 2 weeks on long overdue vacation..till I got back this week and someone said Mr. McCaughrin both of MMMSI Corporate Emails Accounts have been down and we have been using your personal email account on another server. I said thanks for doing that, going that extra mile and watching my back. That how you rise in this company by taking care of this company 1st!

Mr. McCaughrin made a phone call over at Core.Com/ Domain Support and Tony was able to walk me through the instruction's process and it was fixed in matter of minutes. Core.Com/ is updating some other certificates that will be coming online soon, and Now people know why McCaughrin Maritime remains at Core.Com/ Since 1995. They are just well run company with great prices and excellent employees!

Thank You Tony for helping Mr. McCaughrin out...Much appreciated.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Core.Com/ Domain Support
Source: Domain Support Manager: Tony

August 6, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, who has been working 14 hours a day on Trump 2020 Re-Election Campaign, said don't believe "ANY of the Bogus Polls that the leftist democratic media is peddling these days, Its all made up numbers to confuse the voters". The 45th President of The United States, President Donald J. Trump is leading 86% over SENILE Joe Biden at 14% and that is a landslide. The Republican Party has well over $1.6 Billion dollars in liquidity Vs. The Democratic party that is nearly bankrupt in comparison and that George Soros has had to use his own money on 3 occasions to boost the party finances back up because supporters have left in High Numbers to Republican Party in Support of TRUMP. "Democratic Party & Hillary Clinton created the FAKE Virus to Prevent TRUMP from having his Rallies that are now 4X Times the size of 2016", Just take a look at TRUMP growing movement at this Rallies in June 2019: Hillary Clinton has stated if our FAKE VIRUS can't stop TRUMP He will WIN again on November 3, 2020. Hillary start stocking up on tissue paper by the cases.

The democratic party which has been floundering for years who's desperate pick for President in 2020 is SENILE Joe Biden, already under countless investigations for Conflict of Interest concerning Ukraine Money Laundering Scam in 2019 To supporting  China's Fake Virus  in january 2020 and his Son Hunter Biden taking kick back. Its all about Bankrupting TRUMP Economy laying off workers period. Joe Biden is only a figurehead himself is sinking in the FAKE media polls & now stoop to bringing in another "Sunken LOSER but "ILLEGALLY BORN" Senator Kamala Harris" who was forced to drop out of the Presidential Race in Fall of 2019 after her father Mr. Donald Harris called Kamala Harris The Biggest FRAUD & LIAR, since Hillary The Rigged Election Clinton & Donald Harris Stated Kamala My daughter can not run for ANY Presidential Position because its against the law seeing that Kamala was born outside the United States on the Island of Jamaica. Kamala plans are to tear down TRUMP Border Walls and Make ALL Illegals from Central America & Other Countries Instant Citizens Overnight and Strip the True Born & Bread Americans of there Rights. So if TRUMP is Not Re-Elected as #46th President on November 3, 2020 All TRUE Americans will be doomed again into socialism and bankrupted the U.S. Economy within 3 months of U.S. President Election and Illegals will be rampant in burning down America by 2021. Are these 2 CLOWNS of democratic party what US Citizens need running the U.S? NO! TRUMP has Earned Promise Made/ Promise Kept The Right to become the Next #46 President of the United States with 4 years of Positive Growth, Cutting Regulation, Cutting Taxes, Putting People back to work & Making The USA #1 Economy in The World & Respected Again while leftist thugs of democratic party in the Past 8 months made up a FAKE VIRUS on 2 occasions in Destroying TRUMP Economy right up to Election of Nov 3, 2020 Are So desperate will Do anything, Say anything to push chaos to win, "Its not winning Its Called CHEATING to WIN".Thats the democratic leftist party is well noted for & WHY ONCES AGAIN democratic party WILL LOSE THE 2ND TIME AGAIN!  


July 31, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, announced this week that during the FAKE Virus that the Democratic Party had all Americans live through, not once but twice, has increased McCaughrin's bottom line by Ship Owners Overseas parking their ships and abandoning their crews while McCaughrin and Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) and its 21 divisions invested in its Crews, Officers and Familes well-being for the long term and picked up four new cargoes along the way and profited in the 2nd Quarter 2020 because of it.

Mr. John C. Carter, President of FOBS said the four new cargoes picked up are Bauxite, Aggregate, Potash, and Soybeans and these have turned out to be long term cargoes and Thank You Very Much! These cargoes will fit well in both McCaughrin Maritime Global and FOBS backhaul, as FOBS schedules continue to change, as we continue returning older ships for newer tonnages coming online by the shipowners from year 2012 to 2015. Three years makes a big difference in machinery upgrades. When it is all said and done both McCaughrin's and FOBS will have a fleet of 138 ships in the 6-year-old age group, & burn clearner, safer 0.5% methanol fuel.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foregin Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions
Source: Mr. John C. Carter

July 21, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced behind close doors with its Shipowners, Brokers New Clients, Customers, Miners, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Vendors, Bankers, Investors and Over 150 Tramp Owners, that Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, MMMSI Board of Directors, McCaughrin International Board of Directors, General Agencies Partnership Alliances Network, (G.A.P.A.M.N.) McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU) McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc., (MIACI) nor Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions and Executives throughout the world are NOT Abandoning Anyone Anytime Soon. As It is STATED on MMMSI 2 Websites Front Pages: GOD AT THE HELM! It's business as Usual.

Mr. McCaughrin said 5 USA / Global water-based shipping company in both the USA, Denmark, Canada, Australia, and China don't want to be named on MMMSI website for personal reasons which we can respect that, but it would seem that both McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS are hurting their business to the tune these firms feel it's cheaper in offering McCaughrin's & FOBS something rather than going up against us, in 20' container and bulk cargoes rate war which has been costly in the past in these companies lowering their 20' container and bulk cargoes to match with McCaughrin Maritime 20' containers and bulk cargoes which is substantially different.

Mr. McCaughrin said McCaughrin Maritime and FOBS has 3 items of Interest going for them: NO Debt, Plenty of liquidity No Hold Bar Shipping Company with No Association with other Container Carriers its competes with while each of these 5 companies in question has more debt then liquidity to go against McCaughrin's Maritime & FOBS for any length of time in 20' container or Bulk Cargo rate war.

Mr. John C. Carter, President of FOBS in Bermuda, said what these 5 have offered is Nowhere near what Mr. McCaughrin wants since he has never put up his company for sale in 24 years that his company been around. There has been a lot of interest from outsider companies in the past 24 years from others to try and grab this firm mostly in the USA, but Mr. McCaughrin retains 1000% of the Private Corporation and is not interested in parting not one part of the companies at all or in whole, as One Operations, and why McCaughrin's & FOBS are successful each quarter.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr.Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: 150 Tramp Owners
Source: 5 Shipping Companies USA Denmark Canada Australia & China
Source: Shipowner's, Brokers, Clients, Customers, Manufacturers,
Source: Banks, Investors, Mining.

July 16, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime got awoken in the middle of his sleep by a phone call about 5 water-based shipping companies wanting to purchase, merge, & or partners with McCaughrin Maritime and Its Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) and Its 21 Divisions.

Mr. McCaughrin said the 5 companies under wraps are located in 1 in USA, 1 in Denmark, 1 in Canada, 1 in Australia, and 1 in China.

Mr. John C. Carter, President of FOBS in Bermuda said McCaughrin Maritime and FOBS are chipping away at the global markets on every cargo out there internationally and because Mr. McCaughrin refused to raise prices on either 20' containers or bulk cargos since lowering his rates 2 times over a 6 month period in 2017, that has created a juggernaut in the systems.

Mr. Carter said quite simplying, trying to removing McCaughrin or 138 Bulkers out of the global marketplace will be extremely costly, difficult, and time consuming because over 24 years Mr. McCaughrin has created from scratch a long list of long term General Agencies Partnership Alliance Network, (G.A.P.A.N.) in just about every country on the globe who invited Mr. McCaughrin in to do business with and who are are hooked into other countries just getting on board who also wants to hook up to McCaughrin's & FOBS No Hold Bar Shipping Company.

Mr. Carters said those 5 companies want what Mr. McCaughrin has built: Global Market's, 138 bulkers ranging from #50,000 dwt geared Handymax's All the way up to #400,000 dwt Chinamax's, no debt and Liquidity to boot.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: 5 Global Shipping Companies
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: #50,000 dwt Handymax's
Source: #400,000 dwt Chinamax's

July 14, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarter in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime was notified by email by Mr. John C. Carter, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions concerning Forecasters in Bermuda have named 20 Hurricanes in 2020 that will be born both off Eastern Africa Coast as well as being created in the West Indies, and the Carribeans.

Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of McCaughrin Maritime Global - Australia and McCaughrin Maritime Global - China assured Mr. Carter that I spent past 3.6 years on Bermuda 2020-2017 and the closest hurricane to Bermuda was in 175 miles away. YES we have had flooding throughout the 21 mile Island Kingdom but I always felt safer on Bermuda then any of the previous Island Country I was on, and because "Bermuda Government Emergency Response" was better prepared after all Bermuda is right in hurricane alley but three, (3) factors that are important to know is that Bermuda is surrounded by a natural safeguard called: "Coral Reefs" and keeps hurricanes at a safe distance and prevent direct impacts. Bermuda also is well noted for its high pressure systems, called "Bermuda High" that pushes hurricanes safely up and away from this island as the warm oceans waters of Bermuda swirling from West, to South, and pushing North that I have witness. 

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions
Source: Bermuda - The Island Kingdom
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Australia
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - China
Source: 20 Named Hurricane for 2020

July 8, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarter in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime while waiting in line at Checkers in Westland, Michigan, sent Mr. McCaughrin a text and video reminding him that the CIA are always watching you 24/7...Mr. McCaughrin said THANK YOU.. Mr. McCaughrin said the CIA does not like that McCaughrin Maritime are still in Libya. Mr. McCaughrin said Mr. Sallah Sallah, Director of Operations for Delta International Shipping Agencies, (DIS) invited us to Benghazi, Libya on November 7, 2003 and McCaughrin's never turn down an invitation's that has long term objectives.  

Mr. McCaughrin said we almost took CIA Maps off MMMSI #2 website on June 23, 2020 on Maritime Clients List but it seems Geology-World Maps also use CIA Maps So MMMSI will continue to leave CIA up on its websites, which CIA Officials said THANK YOU Mr. McCaughrin you are the only global shipping company that does..I said you have one of the most accurate sites and that why your up on McCaughrin Maritime websites.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Checkers
Source: CIA
Source: Geology - World Maps

July 1, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU) 
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime is calling out little confused John Bolton, who screwed his boss, The 45th President of the United States, Esteem Mr. Donald J. Trump, behind his back, where is your ethics? You have none! Just another sore loser who has HATE in his life and using TRUMP.

Seeing the interview of John Bolton who wrote the book: "The Room Where It Happen" with FOX NEWS Bret Baier tell that is a Clear Breach of Authority on confidential information that Bolton is sharing with the public and should be arrested for TREASON and thrown in prison in Bolton writing a book about President Trump that is BOMBING in so many ways called "inaccuracies in not telling the TRUTH".

Mr. McCaughrin, who is #1 staunchest defender of President Trump when it comes to inaccuracies about people working for TRUMP and then writing a fake book to boost one personality and pocketbook it is a disgrace in my book. So Far every book has BOMB to date, and CLOWN Bolton book is bombing before going on a bookshelf.

FACT #1 Little John Bolton destroyed 100% of his notes in a burn bags in White House daily so that his information would be kept secret, and then Bolton has the gall to say that he got a good memory and write a 500-page book about TRUMP. I say Bolton, you are biggest LIER and no one can remember 100% notes that burned daily months before and that your scam 500 pages book is made up to make your storyline about President TRUMP look more believable, and those are LIES that interview Bret Baier brings out on LIVE TV with other Washington Insiders in TELLING THE REAL TRUTH on John Bolton big bang theory.

FACT #2 Why doesn't little John Bolton explain why he was FIRED? Now that would be interesting reading!

June 26, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime received a letter from Indiana Senator, Todd Young, Chairman of National Republican Senatorial Committee, (NRSC) in Washington, D.C.

Senator Todd Young said that Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin well know in Washington, D.C. Circle for his outspoken views on very conservative spending and is to date one of the "Top Supporter" of Republican Candidates in Michigan and #1 Staunchest Supporter for #45th President of The United States of America, Donald J. Trump.

Mr. McCaughrin said I appreciate the esteem letter from Republican Senator Todd Young and nothing personal toward Senator Young but personally I blame both sides of the aisle for the excessive spending in 2020 in the spending $7 billion of dollars and then $2,000,000,000,000 trillions of dollars and then President Trump allowing the democratic governors decide the fate of the American workers from their job for 3 months has come close to bankrupting this economy only to pay a worker to sit at home instead and make no sense.

Mr. McCaughrin said it was a fake virus from day 1 only to bring down TRUMP growing economy, and have the backing of national media play mind games 24/7 to the US Public in blaming TRUMP for the virus, the rioting, everything going on the democrats blame is TRUMP fault while socialist democratic senators smiling that people actually believe that. I don't think one DEPLORABLE believe it for 1 second...

McCaughrin said on November 3, 2020, TRUMP will win in an avalanche at the ballot boxes by #100,000,000 Million DEPLORABLES that are sick of this crap and want our country back! I know I am.

GOP will $800 Million dollars and growing in their kiddy Vs floundering democratic party with barley $95M continues losing supporters by the days to the Republicans Party that have shown in 4 years what TRUMP can do and see what he has done since till he was stopped by democratic with the fake virus in January led by closing down the USA States and then top it off with rioting throughout the USA.

Democratic Party is well known for rigging election, creating false storylines lying, stealing, and crying. Hillary Clinton the biggest lawbreakers in 44 years who had to surrender her law license for lying under oath is still crying 4 yrs later she lost the 2016 presidential election to TRUMP his 1st time running for the TOP Office. Trump was the best candidate then and 4 years later still is..Vs 50 democratic candidates that dropped out in past year 1 by 1 Why? They are No match against TRUMP PERIOD!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Republican Senator Todd Young
Source: National Republican Senatorial Committee, (NRSC)
Source: President of The United States, Donald J. Trump

June 1, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner, of McCaughrin Maritime received an email today from Mr. John C. Carter, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions on the "Positive News" concerning 100% YES VOTES on Extension of their Employment Crewing / Officers Agreement Contract from 3 months to 8 months. FOBS Crew/Officers were changed out on April 2, 2020, and will stay now till November 30, 2020 In exchange for 1 Extra paycheck every month for 8 months with No Taxes taken out plus their families will be taken care of for each month for 8 months with 30 days of free dry food, over the counter meds and 3 case of water plus FREE Delivery.

Mr. Carter said both McCaughrin Maritime and FOBS Investment into caring for Crewing/Officers Health and their families just show how committed we are in keeping everyone safe and healthy. Todate NOT 1 Crew Member Or Officers have come down with any Sickness, and Todate since this all started No One has boarded any of McCaughrin's Or FOBS 138 Global Ships and that included Pilots too.

Mr. Carter said for the present FOBS will stay the course with 138 Ships and 21 divisions for 2020/21 and No New Chartering until we get past the 69 ships on the IMO New fuel 0.5% methanol fuel constraint renovation which Mr. McCaughrin made the generous offer to the Shipowners at the time in helping them out for lowering chartering rates in 4 years from now and FOBS investment total between $1.6 to $2 Billion dollar when it is completed.

Mr. Carter said Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of McCaughrin Maritime Global - China and McCaughrin Maritime Global - Australia is still in charge of these bulkers change overs from Heavy Diesel to 0.5% Methanol fuel which is cleaner, cheaper and easy to get.

Ms. McKeigh said in past five, (5) months, January to May, FOBS has accomplished Fifteens, (15) ships change-overs with three, (3) ships per months. We expect to have all 69 ships done in 2.6 years from now which we targeted 3 years in fall of 2019 but things have turned in our direction which we are very happy with. Ms. McKeigh was asked about how are you coping in your new environment on yet another island of the Island Nation of Australia? "Challenging but Interesting", I love being busy...What about the Chinese Languages and Currencies? yeah thats going to take some time probably a year from now but I am quick learner. I think it easier for woman to learn languages over men from what I have been told but will see, I already can speak spanish, french, russian so I'll just add this to my resume. 

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Employment Crewing Agreement
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global-China
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Australia
Source: 05% Methanol Fuel

May 28, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime has been in touch with Edolena Shipping Ltd, of Malta about specific tonnages tankers for a New Cargo that been offered to Mr. McCaughrin who has turned this cargo down for over past 7 years.

Mr. McCaughrin said we turn down quite a few cargoes for a lot of different reason and when these type of cargoes come into question and YES they are in high demand and pay quite well in moving "but" carrying these types of cargoes carry "red flares to be taken seriously" when loading and getting underway.

In talking to these mining operation Officials in Malaysia, Mr. McCaughrin said before we take this cargo for any length of time, I want to make absolutely certain a tanker is a right vessel to move this type of cargo since 3 problems have always arisen where other vessels owners seem to not have any problem with it. So if it's weather, the ship, or just bad management/crewing, or all 3.

McCaughrin Maritime is looking at a "test vehicles" right now that viewing #13,000 dwt tanker that was built in 2007 to see if it isplausible to move this cargo safely. If it is, we will go bigger in tonnages but that down the road. SAFETY must be #1 in STABILITY.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Edolena Shipping Ltd - (ESL)
Source: Tankers of #13,000 dwt - #16,000 dwt

May 24, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced at an MMMSI Board of Directors meeting today that MMMSI #1 Corporate website: has glitches on its: Graph of " Day of the Month" as of May 10, 2020, according to AWStats officials. In  the 21 years in recording the activities of The configuration of the old window is the issue Mr. McCaughrin and has not been incorporated into New Window data due to codes changes and is its showing it age and is slowing down. 

AWStats Offcials said: "Day of the Week" are operating normal at +85-90%  and it seems when a Newsletter get launched at MMMSI #2 website: it does carry over on this site by +30%-35% but with the rest of the windown program that is 21 yrs old that is one segment that is dying and the rest will follow in time with "Day of the Month" is down by -55-60% daily and yet is still recording at end of May was +186 per day up from 101 per day in January 2020 people a day at the site, and the hourly stats are high. 

Mr. McCaughrin then called on officials at Core.Com in charge of domains who hosted since 1999 to asked them and said basically it is window issue too and said at some moment in future, All the Sector on that page will follow the "Day Of The Month" It does appear it happen right after May 10, 2020, but we will look into it, maybe give it kick in the butt ge tit going again that happen before

Mr. McCaughrin said he been told by AWStats that overall May will see some reduction over April on the page stats where April 2020 is higher. You will be down by -1,831 on Unique Visitors,  + Up to #39,759 on Hits, Down to - 6560, Pages Read and Bandwidth was 328.44, down by -14.45. McCaughrin Maritime hired another company to follow MMMSI #2 Corporate website: with what we are paying at I like to see AWStats following this site and then we would be getting our money worth every month.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Core.Com
Source: AWStats

May 18, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President, & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, met via closed-circuit tv with business leaders in Wayne, Michigan. The conference was about the global virus and how both McCaughrin Maritime and Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) & its 21 divisions were coping with the problem overall and the long-awaited results from the May 2020 vote for part-time city councilman in Wayne, Michigan.

Mr. McCaughin greeted more than 100 former and present business leaders with a prayer and silence for three minutes for the lives lost in both the U.S. Military overseas and the men, women, & children who have died from real diseases like cancer, heart attacks, drug addictions, and suicides in the USA. Now those are real disease and not this fake virus the Democratic party is trying to panic & play mind games with the American people in trying to break TRUMP's economy with huge layoffs.

Mr. McCaughrin said, "We are very blessed that to date none of us and no virus on any of the FOBS Global Fleet of 138 ships and all 2,300 crews and officers had been changed out April 2, 2020. McCaughrin Maritime offered one extra paycheck every month with no taxes and offered to take care of the families with the basic dry food, some over the counter medicine, and three cases of water every month for free in exchange for all crews and officers extending their stay to eight months instead of three months. Let us see where that put us with a vote on May 29, 2020." With fresh crews on board of April 2, 2020 that would take it a full extension to 11:59pm on November 30, 2020, with new crews & officers on board 12:59am on December 1, 2020.

Business owners said, "What if the votes are No?" Mr. McCaughrin said, "I'am always 5 steps ahead of where everyone else's is and that why my competitors follow McCaughrin's so close. Remember we are the minnow in this business I am told and this is a complex business were in. We do have a "plan in place" but for right now all 138 ships are loaded in both directions, and it's business as usual."

The business owners asked, "Did any of McCaughrin Maritime or FOBS customers or ports have major problems or have end-users canceled out any loading or deliveries to date?" Mr. McCaughrin said, "It was quite the opposite, in some countries they have asked for more products. When South Africa closed their ports, due to the scam virus, FOBS called on our long-term partners in Russia and have stopped all sailing out of South Africa and put those vessels in other locations till South Africa reopens that saves us a lot of fuel.

Business owners asked about City of Wayne, Michigan May 2020 Vote for the part-time city councilman job that Mr. McCaughrin was invited to three times from 2019-2020. Mr. McCaughrin said, "Frankly I have not seen the voting results as of yet, but from what the other six candidates told me, also running for these position's said, 'It was politically motivated to not only keep us out but more important to keep Mr. McCaughrin out from the city councilman position period!', Why? Because of who Mr. McCaughrin is. Mr. McCaughrin is not a "yes" person and one who can't be bought or swayed but someone who will question any future goals of the City of Wayne. On May 18, 2020, TRUMP has called and asked Mr. McCaughrin if I would be interested in a future position in TRUMP Administration in 2021, which I did say YES SIR Mr. President TRUMP. TRUMP said, 'Mr. McCaughrin would be a "Great Fit" in TRUMP Administration in 2021!'"

In closing, Mr. McCaughrin said, "I never bought into the virus scam from Day 1 Both McCaughrin Maritime and McCaughrin International continue operating 24/7 to serve it cusotmers base as were right onces again it was political game to bring down TRUMP Glowing Economy and Bankrupted USA Period! Democratic losers party lost the popular vote in 2016: TRUMP 304 Vs Clinton 227 and by +65,000,000 million DEPLORABLES VOTES. So far in 2020 / 50 of hillary clinton picks for Presidential Candidates have all dropped out for various reasons, They are under investigation for money laundering and sexual abuse. Additionally, "Joe sleepy Biden caught on video Ukraine cover-up of his loser son Hunter Biden and the unmasking of Colonel Flynn." The closedown of the U.S. economy by the clown Democratic governors was to further close State's Economy well in to July & hurt Not only TRUMP ECONOMY But American People.  So far democratic party has SUNK to bring President TRUMP down, on every one of their made-up hatchet jobs totalling 24 investigations & 1 impeachment, all have failed to kick TRUMP out of the White House. Biggest loser in history of Republic remains the CLOWN himself: barrack obama who traveled to China and when I told TRUMP to expect the worst in the Next 6 months of 2020. Mr. John C. Carter, President of then McCaughrin Maritime Global - China said, "What the hell is obama doing in China?" in a January meeting with higher up in China Government, and the rest is history. democratic who create a panic of fake virus in the world is what the dimwit Democrats well noted for playing mindgames, panic, chaos and bankrupting this country & Its People and creating false story line on media 24/7 that are being paid by clinton's and sorros.

In Michigan Democratic Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, where there are 10 million Citizens, and 8 million want her out of the office to keep Michigan closed down, and it is not working well as many businesses are reopening to put this state on even keel again Thank GOD. Gretchen said it was all about politics and see how many people bought into this scam..She need to be thrown out of office!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's & It's 21 Divisions
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Government of China
Source: State of Michigan

May 16, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime met via Closed Circuit TV with all of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary,'s & Its 21 Division (FOBS) Ship Owners to discuss Officers & Crewing contract for its FOBS Global Fleet of 138 Bulkers.

Mr. McCaughrin offered all Shipowners to their Crews and Officers "Pay Incentive Contract" to all those from a three month agreement to 8 months contract. FOBS would pay them additional paycheck with no taxes taken out what they are currently making monthly for licensed/unlicensed personal and FOBS would pay extra paychecks to officers and no taxes taken out. Mr. McCaughrin said as an added incentive all their families would be taken care of each month of the eight month agreement via UPS, FEDEX, delivery to their home location of shipments of dry food, can vegetable, fruits, meds, and cases of water and no cost to anyone.

Please have those votes in hand on the Officers & Crewing Agreement back to FOBS  in 14 days as of Midnight of May 29, 2020.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: 138 Family Shipowners
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions

May 12, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner, of McCaughrin Maritime received a letter from Mrs. Ronna McDaniel, Chairwoman for the Republican National Committee about my additional leadership roles in the RNC over the past 5 months.

Mrs. McDaniel said Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, patriotism and loyalty are exceptional that few American's can match your proven devotion to your country, your unfailing commitment to our conservative principles, and your dedication to the continued success and leadership of President Donald J. Trump and our Republican Party - especially in these trying times. Mr. McCaughrin, your support has never wavered, not even for a minute and we want you to know that it has not gone unnoticed.

On May 8, 2020 Executive Council of the RNC, Republicans in Congress, Republicans in the Senate, Republican Governors, and the GOP Leaders throughout the United States have been so impressed with the roles Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin has taken on in our battle to help President Trump reclaim America's future that they have nominated Mr. McCaughrin for the 2nd time to receive this highest honor: The 2020 Order of Merit.

This unique roster of selected Republicans is schedule to be elegantly printed and bound on exhibit along with a Life Member Commemorative Plague bearing Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin name at Republican National Committee Headquarters on Capital Hill, in Washington, D.C.

Thank you again Mr. McCaughrin for your unwavering dedication to our country, and your unfailing support to President Trump and our party. I look forward to talking to you soon.

Sincerely yours,
Mrs. Ronna McDaniel
Chairwoman Republican National Committee

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Mrs. Ronna McDaniel /Order of Merit Register
Source: President of The United States Donald J. Trump
Source: Republican National Committee
Source: Republican Congress
Source: Republican Senate
Source: Republican Governors of the United States

April 30, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced today that he is just too darn busy to even think about anything else besides just sucking enough hours in a day to completing tasks in 24 hour day. Mr. McCaughrin said, "I need 48 hours, not 24 hours, then I be able to say 'YES I can do All of this!'"   

Mr. McCaughrin been hounded for weeks about his paperwork to be turned in for running for City of Wayne, Michigan City Council, to be voted in May 2020.

Mr. McCaughrin said, "I've already been through one of the worst nightmare of my life  of being sued for $100 billion dollars by my own firms, and for the 2nd time in 7 years my job being called into question about Mr. McCaughrin being invited into running for a political part time City Councilman Position in Wayne, Michigan and for being gone for 5 years I wanted to make sure their was No New By-Laws created in my absent that I should be aware before proceeeding forward or not so out of repect to every one of Mr. McCaughrin global companies including Foreign Overseas Subsidiary's, (FOBS) and Its 21 divisions and little did I know FOBS upper manangement had been masterminding other ideas behind the scenes about Mr. McCaughrin future if the political field is where Mr. McCaughrin was moving to was just 3 weeks ago that did not sit well when 10 FOBS Board Members got FIRED for Lieing about New By-Laws and Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, Then President of FOBS got moved to other side of Earth for her  mischief. Mr. McCaughrin said said to these young executives, 'don't ever think for 1 second it won't happen again sooner.' I think the young people of today just don't understand just who Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin is. They just think 'oh its just a name you hear'...We only hear daily "McCaughrin, McCaughrin, McCaughrin. What is McCaughrin? "Yeah, where were you for 24 years, ago sucking on a bottle?...Meanwhile, Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin was building a small independent firm from scratch into a global fleet of 138 ships! Not just a name sonny, but hard work, determination and the word NO does not fit into my vocabulary!"

"Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, is a household name on global level in 180 global countries out of 195, and just asked #1 Maersk, #2 MSC, #3 COSCO #4 CMA/CGM who come to McCaughrin Maritime 2 Corporate website #1 #2 daily on what Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin is doing now. These competitors don't like me much because our bulk and container rates have not been raised for 3 years and are lower then theirs and my debt is ZERO, because unlike them the buc starts and stop with Mr. McCaughrin. These competitors were born with gold spoon in their mouth, I was not. Since Operating McCaughrin Maritime I have been broke twice, bankrupted once and bottom out my safe place existence all in the First 17 years and then in the 18th year nearly killed and forced to retire from Northwest Airlines Inc., (NWA) because I was paralyzed from waist down for a slip and fall accident for 5 years and learning how to walk and talk again from 2014-2018."

Mr. McCaughrin said, "If City of Wayne, Michigan Voters and City of Wayne, Michigan Government want me to run Just put Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, name on the ballot for City of Wayne, Michigan Councilman, and let #16,500 voters decide Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin fate What do you have to lose as President Trump once said, Overall I be Excellent City Councilman for City of Wayne, Michigan with 30 years living in Wayne and Iam not taking any salary. Iam giving it to charity. I, have fought my way even through $100 billion lawsuit to run for this position what does that tell you!" If I am elected You have to run this City as business & Not off the backs of the hard working homeowners as their personal bank book while Ford Motor been getting away with a sweetheart deal since 1952 on paying very little if any in taxes. I say OPEN THE BOOKS! Let see who paying what and change it to less taxes for homeowers. All business should be paying their 50% of the City Tax in my opinion and they are not that's the differents. Their is too much backroom deals going on and that needs to stop!  

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: City of Wayne, Michigan, USA (City Council)
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) & Its 21 Division

April 24, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime received a phone call from President of The United States of America, Mr. Donald J. Trump on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, about having Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Join Republican Presidential Task Force which President Trump launched on Monday, April 23, 2020.

President Trump said Mr. McCaughrin been with me from Day 1 when I came down that escalator at TRUMP Tower in New York City back on June 16, 2015, in announcing my candidacy for President of The United States in November 2016 Election under Republican Party Ticket.

To date, Mr. McCaughrin has been #1 Staunchest Republican who had worked tirelessly in backing my determination for Rebuilding America in putting Americans back to work in the Auto, and Steel Industries that have been hit hard by the leftist democratic party that has used socialism programs that have destroyed the United States Economy for over 8 years, (2009-2016) with Highest unemployment in history.

Mr. McCaughrin had been preaching for 3 years (2014-2016) that this country needs a businessman and not a politician and to run this country like business and not off the back of hard-working middle-income workers. Washington politicians for decades have been using Middle Income as their bank book and leaving the Rich alone in not paying any taxes and hide behind big Washington democratic senators in backroom deals that TRUMP is stopping and giving that money back to Born and Bread Citizens of this Country. Donald Trump, a blue collar teenager, grew up working for his Dad, Mr. Fred Trump Senior, who built a company E. Trump & Sons from zero to one of the largest real estate development companies in Queens, New York. Donald, through the years, gained experience and decide to step out on his own in Manhattan, New York to build something different and unique a Big, 68 Story, 664 foot TRUMP TOWER of Offices & Retail Building. Mr. Trump who had was stepping outside the box and looking beyond the present real estate problems and seek future needs for the demand of business, and the only one I know that can do what Mr. Donald J. Trump who had taken dreams and made them into reality not once, not twice, but countless times.

New York City Businessman Mr. Donald J. Trump was Elected by 65,000,000 Million DEPLORABLE that crooked Hilary Clinton, known for 40 years in Government for breaking the law and lying to its voters and getting away with it by crooked and sunken FBI said could not do it. Trump did it 1st time out in the history of the REPUBLIC, and since being President, Trump has cut red tape and regulation not needed in business in rebuilding the US Economy in less of 2 years than any other past politician President in history of this USA. From January 21, 2017, to March 1, 2020, TRUMP was making it better and better in Rebuilding America Economy, with Stock Market zooming month after month into years Building New 400 mile Border Walls between the Country of Mexico & USA, Cleaning up the Swamp, Putting the Leftist Media on Notice, The USA is Respected Again, and making the United States #1 In Import & Export of Oil and Gas in World and TRUMP Famous Slogan: Promise Made Promise Kept has been done in triplicates time after time after time.

Mr. McCaughrin said Yes Sir, I am honored by your phone call, Mr. President, and I am here to serve the President of the United States in any capacity you need of my experiences. Mr. McCaughrin is also serving on President Trump Advisory Board.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: President of The United States: Mr. Donald J. Trump

April 16, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, received news from a 3rd Party Logistics firm in Brazil that they need Mr. McCaughrin's and his Bulkers to move more Iron Ore from Vale Mining Operations, in Brazil because of the Polaris Shipping, / Its vessel, Stellar Banner is currently aground off Maranhao, Brazil, and Vale Mining backlog of iron ore is building up.

Mr. McCaughrin said whatever Vale Mining needs, McCaughrin's bulkers will have the tonnages in a location within 24 hours. At the moment, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Brazil has been moving Iron ore out of several Ports in Country of Brazil for a while under Two / 2-year contracts that got extended to 4-year contract each.

Mr. McCaughrin said we will be sending 4/#170,000 dwt Capesize out of McCaughrin Maritime Global - Atlantic division because the #400,000 dwt Chinamax is unavailable at the moment due to demanding tonnages needs the Australia/China Ore movement is calling for.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: 3rd Party Logistics Firm
Source: Vale Mining Corporation
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Atlantic
Source: #170,000 dwt Capesize
Source: #400,000 dwt Chinamax

April 10, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime said Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's & Its 21 Division will be announcing its 1st Quarters 2020 on April 12, 2020, By Mr. John C. Carter, Newly Elected President of FOBS to the Board, Its Customers, and End Users.

Mr. McCaughrin said FOBS will be Adding 10 New Board of Directors from McCaughrin International, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Brazil, McCaughrin Maritime Global - South Africa, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Med, McCaughrin Maritime Global - China, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Japan, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Russia, McCaughrin Maritime Global - India, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Vietnam and from McCaughrin Maritime Global - Scandinavia.

Mr. McCaughrin said overall this will bring a more level but globally recognized board of directors together with FOBS existing board members which right now needs stability as a whole with New Leadership & New Executives coming on Board Now with 21 Divisions for its future growth.

Mr. McCaughrin said this is now the 2nd time in 7 years that Mr. McCaughrin performance has been called into question last time while I was out on medical leave and this time running for political office and having Board Members from USA Based MMMSI Lie, and 1st time Foreign Based 10 FOBS Board Members orchester a lawsuit against Mr. McCaughrin on rigged by-law passed without Mr. McCaughrin knowledge was the reason behind the FIRING and for acting unethically outside their said responsibility where lying from Owners of these Companies is not tolerated in this business!

Mr. McCaughrin said moving Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh President from her TOP Position at FOBS was both a strategic move and to learn a hard lesson to # 1 Asia Market of McCaughrin Maritime Global Australia & McCaughrin Maritime Global China division on the other side of the world, when both Board Members of McCaughrin Maritime and McCaughrin International wanted Ms. McKeigh FIRED. Mr. McCaughrin said #1 Iam the one that hired Ms. McKeigh and I'm not about firing TOP Executives like other USA Firms do as a standard. You Never hear about Board Members being fired, Only Executives...I told the Board Members right now as we speak you don't have the qualification that Ms. McKeigh has in the short time Ms. McKeigh has been working with McCaughrin Maritime. Ms. McKeigh has worked her way from the bottom of the rung to TOP Position at FOBS in record time compared to Any Man at McCaughrin Maritime or McCaughrin International, beside Mr. McCaughrin!

Mr. McCaughrin said I was determined to put a female in all male dominated Company, & I did and More will follow as time goes bye which the Board from both McCaughrin Maritime & McCaughrin International did not care to hear, I said deal with it. I said beside Ms. McKeigh, has the experience to go the distance in  accomplishing  difficult jobs in the time she was at both McCaughrin Maritime and FOBS.  

Mr. John C. Carter, Permoted to President of McCaughrin Maritime Global - Australia and McCaughrin Maritime Global - China who also thrown in the deep end of the pool when he began working for McCaughrin Maritime has been hired as Director of Leasing for McCaughrin Maritime USA for a few years and when these 2 New Divisions were crated McCaughrin Maritime sent Mr. Carter to developted China and Australia Bulk Cargo & 20' Containers movement. Mr. Carter took a market from 0% and built it into  +1000% Profit each quarter since then. Mr. Carter also had to learned difficult Chinese languages, Chinese Currency to Brokering cargoes with little help. That impressive & Why Mr. Carter is at the TOP Position at FOBS Global Operation, and Ms. McKeigh hired him!

Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh played a pivotal function 1st as Director then made Vice President of Corporate Operations Affairs then made Interim President at same time at McCaughrin Maritime for while Mr. McCaughrin was away from the Corporation on medical leave, (2014 - 2017) with some time to gain the knowledge Mr. McCaughrin had in his 1st 18 yrs, (1996-2014). Ms. McKeigh was thrown in the deep end of the pool and never question any of Mr. McCaughrin directions and worked tirelessly from one difficult project to another 24/7/ 7 days a week and completing all the jobs at heart 100%. Ms. McKeigh has been moved to strategic points around the world in critical times more times than any Executive or Board Members in Now FOBS 21 Divisions in McCaughrin's past 24 years all without question always Ms. McKeigh saying Yes Sir, anything else Sir?.. No Ms McKeigh, carry on, and be safe.. Thank you, Sir..and That why Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh remains with McCaughrin's & FOBS Global Fleet & Its 21 Divisions. It's a WIN/WIN for everyone!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Air Cargo Inc., (MIACI
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Brazil
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - South Africa
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Med
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - China
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Japan
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Russia
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - India
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Vietnam
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Scandinavia

April 3, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime along with both McCaughrin Maritime & McCaughrin International Board of Directors announced a major restructuring of Employee Personal at Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions Bermuda Headquarters Division Effective: 12:01 AM of April 3, 2020.

Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of FOBS Global Operations - Bermuda has been transferred to McCaughrin Maritime Global Australia, and McCaughrin Maritime Global - China.

FOBS 10 Board of Directors BEEN FIRED, Escorted and Removed off the Island of Bermuda, and FOBS Remaining Board of Directors take over, and others will be added as needs change

Mr. John C. Carter, President will be transferring from McCaughrin Maritime Global - China and McCaughrin Maritime Global - Australia to Island of Bermuda immediately thereof and will take over all duties of FOBS Global Operations.

There will be No Aviation movements until further notice, and you named executives will remain where you are till this virus has moved on, your Safety & Health is #1 Period!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc., (MIACI)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions

March 31, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime received 3 Express Mail Courier Letters from 1 Law Firms in Bermuda, and 2 in UK concerning the Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions and Their Board of Directors in Upcoming One Hundred,($100,000,000,000) Billion Dollar Lawsuit Against Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Lawsuit concerning a Clear Breech of Conflict Issue on the "Moment of Notice" Resolution that FOBS Board of Directors passed in Mr. McCaughrin 4 years absent without Mr. McCaughrin knowledge has been hereby CANCELLED AS OF 12:00 Noon PM Bermuda Thursday, and 1700 PM, UK TIME on Thursday, March 20, 2020, HEREOF.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc. (MIACI)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions

March 20, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine System Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime Notify Officials of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & It's 21 Divisions as you notice I am letting the so-call 7-days notice run out. I believe you better re-read your employment contract very carefully before you listen to your Groups of Lawyers over this laughable lawsuit because I as Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime & McCaughrin International, can do whatever I want, when I want, and I don't need your approval, or Board of Directors approval one way or another. I do it out of respect to keep everyone up to date on what I'll be doing next but No more of that. So if you wish to keep your jobs you will immediately drop this lawsuit because I have far more than you when it comes to financial power, influence, & Never losing a lawsuit in my life. You have 24 hours, then the Ax Falls 12:01AM Saturday, March 21, 2020 In Bermuda.

#2 Now For More Important Things:

For the past 5 days, I have had a long talk with GOD about this latest Planned scam from the Democratic party Planned Virus called: coronavirus19. Last time US had a Real Deadly Virus "Epidemic" that was called SWINE FLUE and No One was notify of it because the democratic US Media kept it quiet while worst President in History of the United States at the time FOREIGN BORN barrack obama a disasters for 8 years in the history of Republic trying to shove down socialism down out throat while his PLANNED VIRUS Called Swine Flue killed #50,000,000 MILLION AMERICANS in 2 years, (2009-2010) You don't need 10 feet to get it, You just need to stand Next to the person and get it. VS A cough, running nose, congestion and run down that called = COLD A Huge difference. democratic party only agenda: Is To Control You with Chaos & Panic 24/7 till November 3, 2020. It all mind games. Remember its Smoking Mirrors. democratic party doing somethink behind the sence Far worse then this "PLANNED VIRUS". Planning Next 3 Scam already right to Election day if this doesnt work.

Ladies & Gentleman The U.S. Economy is Cooking HOT!. Remember Wall Street Thugs were behind US Bank Bailout, But Nobody bailed the U.S Citizens out during that time Not $700 Billion worth that was biggest joke then. obama said they paid it all back NO they Did Not, That is why they were doing record profit for years after Anyone in banking business knows how to move that decimal to other side to show a loss insteads of profit.. Sadly Everyone is in On The SCAM From Top To Bottom in the US Government to State Governors who want to bankrupted Trump Economy from Day 1 EXCEPT Trump who has worked for 3 years to cut Red tape & FIX 8 years & The American People who will end up paying for this well in to Next Century, after all where does these CROOKED democratic Senators get their money? From US Of Course!  U.S. Treasure is "Controlled by who? CLOWNS democratics" Hello...Are you listening Now. U.S. Congress controlled by democratic's see the picture.

Remember the crying democratic party had 4 years to cook up every one of these PLANNED SCAMS with the help from US Government, UK Government, & Australia Government, Media = Washinton Post, Bankrupted New York Times, Basement Standing Has been cnn, msnbc, cbs, abc, nbc they "Tell The Same Story, Night After Night with help of SUNKEN FBI, CIA,& Justice Dept, to get Trump out of office. So Far democratic Senators SENILE pelosi, LOUTHMOUTH NOBODY LIAR schiff, Rapist schumer & CONFUSED WITH REALITY nadler In  ALL ARE ZERO WINS, FOR 34 LOSSES STRAIGHT IN 4 YEARS! Why they lost?? Da. GOD is Standing in between TRUMP and Democratic hated leftist LYING MORONS Who can't stand to LOSE. The Democratic party is well noted for LYING 24/7, CHEATING 24/7, STEALING 24/7, MAKING UP STORYLINES 24/7, TO RIGGING ELECTION IN trying to convince You All by Closing Bars and Restaurants what's Next on their agenda? MORONS slowing teaching us socialism 101 again...??? WOW WE, I can hardly wait.

This was "PLANNED VIRUS" aimed at STOPPING TRUMP DEPLORABLE From Re-Electing TRUMP AGAIN ON Nov 3, 2020, Sadly Yes everyone get sick from time to time and been getting sick since GOD Created Earth billions of year ago, But it never hurt the US Economy while LOSER obama left the USA in a Bankrupt State of High Unemployment of +18.9% LOST Industries, Highest bankruptcy filing in US History Pushing socialism and just look at the Country of Venezuela...Where senile Pelosi and her henchmen spent a months learning how to slowly bring socialism back to USA in 2021. SENILE pelosi cant even keep her own City of San Francisco clean what does that tell ya, "pelosi has history in braking the law" who comes from a mob family The pelosi's that are now in prison for money laundering tax evasion, wiretapping.

It was learned overnight by Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Global - China, who had pulled out of China months before the explosion of PLANNED VIRUS was hatched in a Secret Lab, "Using a BAT for its Virus" Inside China and Transported on Commerical Airline on March 1, 2020 to Seattle, Washington USA to bring down TRUMP Economy All at One Time & Force TRUMP out of Office Way before November 3, 2020 Presidential Election and get democratic's back in power & China Government finally having to agree to TRUMP NEW USA/CHINA Trade deal or Bankrupt their own economy in Paying U.S. Back for MISTREATING U.S. FOR DECADES in UNFAIR TRADE TARRIFFS DEALS SCREWING U.S. Farmers and U.S. Manufacturing. TRUMP was finally making CHINA PAYING THERE JUST DUES, & SEE HOW THEY LIKE GETTING SCREWED DAILY. China Government like democratic party HATE LOSING at ANYTHING. So American People Lose, American Manufacturing Lose, WHILE FROM DAY 1 TRUMP ON MARCH 25, 2020 WITH US SENATE HELP IS Once Again Is bailing out #1 American People, & American Manufacturing WITH $2,000,000,000,000 TRILLION DOLLAR EMERGENCY VIRUS RESCUE BILL WHILE THE WHINING democratic congress do NOTHING, ZIP. This is how DIRTY THE democratic's play at TRYING TO WIN. TRUMP 34 WINS VS democratic = 34 LOSSES 4 YEAR STRAIGHT! democratic party playing CHAOS & PANIC with OUR Health WHY? GREED & POWER...GOD IN CHARGE NOW..NASA Working on Answer with some friends up above in space...In most unlikely places. Dont asked. You democratic's You are DOOMED from here on in as I said before this will be LOSS # 35, & TRUMP WIN with ZERO LOSSES. China, You would not want GOD as your Enemy, Well Ya GOT one now...Somethink you will soon realize quickly cant be fixed!!  Remember China where you were in 1950's A Down and Out 3rd Rate Country? That where GOD going to put you sooner then later..NO. USA IS NOT GOING TO BAIL YOU OUT LIKE THEY DID BEFORE....LET SOMEONE ELSE BAIL YOU OUT FOR A CHANGE, Like North Korea You ballied them out enough over decades.    

Asked yourself have you been better off financially under DONALD TRUMP for 3.6 year before the planned virus or Reckless obama? Because that what this is all about Taking TRUMP out and the Democratic party could care less about "your health" it all about "GREED and POWER" Green New Deal & Socialism = In, 2nd Amendment Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Your Security = Gone.

You have been warned...


March 16, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced the 3 New Divisions being added to Foreign Overseas Bulk Divisions, (FOBS) Global Fleet are McCaughrin Maritime Global - Argentina, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Taiwan, and McCaughrin Maritime Global - Portugal.

Mr. McCaughrin said all 3 Divisions went into service on March 1, 2020. These New Divisions will be engaged in both Bulk Cargoes and 20' foot Container movement. 

Mr. McCaughrin said this was the very reason why Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of FOBS Added 20 Cargo Ships to FOBS Global Fleet of 10/ #50,000 dwt Capacity Geared Handymaxes and 10/ #170,000 dwt Capacity Capesizes Bulkers expanding FOBS Fleet from 118 to 138 Ships in 4 regions of the world, 21 Divisions, in 16 Markets. McCaughrin said in past 13 months, McCaughrin's & FOBS have increased its fleet by (+74) Ships because #1> Kept rates down for 3 years, #2> No debt, #3> FOBS Ships are always in a revenue position.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc, (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Division(FOBS)
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Argentina
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Tawian
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Portugal

March 12, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime & McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc., (MIACI) said I met with Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 21 Companies & Executives, & Its Law Group of 60 people in a room to discuss Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, summons for running for Open Part-time Councilman position in City of Wayne, Michigan position that had been asked of me 3 different times in 4 months period of November 2019 & January 2020, by a Councilman in Wayne and I saw that as a sign from GOD. You never turn down one of GOD invitation through his children.We are all children of GOD.

Mr. McCaughrin said listening to FOBS many Board of Directors speaking, Got up and said I clearly see FOBS and Its 21 Divisions Executive clearly biased toward City of Wayne, Michigan for Running for Partime Councilman Job "But" Not Biased  about Mr. McCaughrin sitting on President of The United States Donald J. Trump Re-Election 2020 Team Nor President Trump Advisory Board, Ladies & Gentleman You cant have it both ways, It both or None and Corporation's "Moment of Notice" By-Laws Really that goes out the window here since Mr. McCaughrin was never notify or Voted on it during the times he was out on medical from (2014-2017) of this New decision to go in this direction for the Entire Foreign Corporations. I view this as "Principal of the Point" that in question. 1> For 3 years that I've been back and I followed all the Rules & Regulation of the Corporation (s) that I founded, Built up the Corporations to the tune of adding 106 Ships to Date, Created 21 Divisions, Brought Profits to FOBS 13 years straight and this is the way I am treated when asked. 2> Is there any New By-Laws that FOBS & It's then 18 Subsidiary's have passed in 4 years I've been gone (2014-2017) that I should be made aware of? That would forbid me to run for public format part-time position in the City of Wayne, Michigan? 3> MMMSI Board Member say No to my face as just... No, that is not justice that LYING to my face pure and simple. What are you going to do about that? & What else have you been hiding from me since 2014 I asked?

Within 2 seconds of that statement on Mr. McCaughrin's behalf, MMMSI Board of Director who gave the wrong information was fired by Corporation's & Its Board member was Escorted out of the building and off the Island of Bermuda by Security officials.

FOBS Law Group did not mince words when defending Entire Foreign Overseas Subsidiary's Corporations plus 2 U.S. Based McCaughrin Maritime & McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc, (MIACI) in question. The Corporation (s) basically said Mr. McCaughrin you are forcing our hand to begin a 7 days notice on you for you to decide which direction you wish to maneuver toward. 1> Run for Public Office for City of Wayne, Michigan as Elected Part Time Councilman, Or Continue to Run This Corporation. Your Choice. Otherwise you force The 24 Companies will be suing you because of this conflict of interest with "Moment of Notice" Rule. Lawsuit against you Mr. McCaughrin would exceed in Excess of One Hundred ($100,000,0000,000) Billion dollars or thereof To get your attention. Your 7 days ends March 19, 2020.

Mr. McCaughrin was shocked and got up without saying anything walked out of the meeting, shaking his head as he walked out of the FOBS Headquarters Building that McCaughrin's just took over ownership, and said this was mistake waited as limo pulled up to take him back to the airport. The firms Private Black & Silver Learjet 45XR was destined for Ypsilanti, Michigan, to arrive at 5:00 pm but later detour to Sorel, Quebec, Canada. We can only wonder what that's about? Mr. McCaughrin is not one to be "pushed" into something suddenly.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc., (MIACI)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions
Source: MMMSI Board of Directors & Its Law Group
Source: MIACI Board of Directors & Its Law Group
Source: FOBS Board of Directors, Its Law Group
Source: FOBS Executive & Its Law Group
Source: 21 Divisions & Its Individual Law Groups

March 10, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime has been summoned to a "Special Board of Director Meeting" with McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International, Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS), Its 21 Divisions Board of Directors & Its Executives for a Staff Meeting in Bermuda.

Mr. McCaughrin, announcement in his firm Corporate Newsletter: WHAT'S HAPPENING AT MMMSI FOR JANUARY 6, 2020, that he been asked to run for an Open Seat in the City Council in the Spring of 2020 for the City of Wayne, Michigan, USA, has sparked serious concern for this private shipping firm that has a clause "Moment of Notice" and This Corporation sees this is a "direct conflict of interest" because Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin is under long term commitment that involves his direct responsibilities to 24 International Companies, which the 2 such Companies that are in question are headquartered in the City of Wayne, Michigan, McCaughrin Maritime & McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc., (MIACI).

Specific Officials of City of Wayne, Michigan, have invited Mr. McCaughrin 3 times over 4 months between Fall of 2019 to January 2020 to seriously consider running for the Open Seat in City Council for the City of Wayne, Michigan, in the Spring of 2020 to Serve the #16,500 Residents, of which Mr. McCaughrin is a 30-year Resident and brings a vast amount of experience totaling 50 years to City of Wayne, Michigan.

While Mr. McCaughrin was off on medical for 4 years from 2014-2017, Corporation Management made a decision that was was approved 100% to 0 that No Company Executives could serve Outside the Corporations in a Public Format for any length of period greater beyond 1 second or thereof and that "Moment of Notice" Came 1st Period for McCaughrin Maritime, McCaughrin International, Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & 21 Divisions thereof.

Mr. McCaughrin said I called on both Corporate lawyers at both McCaughrin Maritime and McCaughrin International to make sure I was not going to find myself in the middle of something unethical. I also called Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary (FOBS) & it's then 18 Divisions Lawyers to see if there was anything in International By-Laws that would prevent me from running for Open Seat as a Part-Time Councilman with the City of Wayne, Michigan.

Mr. McCaughrin was told MMMSI & FOBS Board that such an invitation would take 60-90 days to fully investigate. I will continue forward with getting a signature for this Open Position for Councilman until I hear back from lawyers or The Executive Committee from MMMSI, MIACI & FOBS.

Mr. McCaughrin was never made aware of the "Moment of Notice" decision during the past 3 years I've been back and asked about it when he came back had any New Charter been past since I was off Corporation Board of Directors Boards? MMMSI Board said No. Mr. McCaughrin said he would fight the New format as unfair. Had MMMSI said YES. I would not be addressing this now. Open Format is a part-time position with the City of Wayne, Michigan, and I am donating every penny to charity, So McCaughrin Maritime or McCaughrin International is not losing anything by Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin serving in the City of Wayne, Mi. 1> I still have to be voted in by #16,500 Residents. 2> There are 6 other people who are very popular and also running for the same Open Position that I am trying out for, so my chances are even less certain now.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: MMMSI Board of Directors
Source: McCaughrin International Air Cargo Inc., (MIACI)
Source: MMMSI Corporate Lawyers
Source: MIACI Corporate Lawyers
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's & 18 Divisions Lawyers

March 1, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President, & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime & Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions announced MMMSI/FOBS are using Other-Port-of Calls-For-Its-Bulk-and-Container-Deliveries-in-Thailand beside Port of Bangkok, Thailand.

Smaller ships like Geared Handymax of #50,000 dwt can easily fit into the 5 ports on the Andaman Sea and 3 Ports on Gulf of Thailand, We just waited long enough for them to build and have large enough docks for MMMSI /FOBS vessel to visit. Port of Bangkok is very congested 95% of the time and time constraint where FOBS Ships have to be elsewhere in comparison to other ports similar to Bangkok.

Ms. McKeigh said this allow us shorter time period to move on to other ports in the region where our cargo are ready when rails are not available to us. Mr. McCaughrin is arranging to have container railcars and Bulk flat railcar to be built in region to connect to Thailand Rail Network rail to its port facilities & this will allow FOBS Ships to have direct access to rail cars for loading /unloading quicker to market place throughout Asia Countries

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions
Source: Country of Thailand Seaports
Source: #50,000 dwt Geared Handymax Cargo Ship

February 21, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, received an email from Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 18 Divisions that Ms. McKeigh has now finalized All 20 Capesizes & Geared Handymaxes with Open Options Attached, (*).

Ms. McKeigh, said FOBS (*) Open Options Attached, who can give FOBS the best chartering rates in both the #50,000 dwt Geared Handymax's and #170,000 dwt Capesize bulkers of those Twenty, (20) Ships. FOBS will Convert Ten, (10) of those Two, (2) Type of vessel to Methanol (05%) to meet International Maritime Organization, (IMO) on carbon emission coming from ships smokestack in helping those shipowners meet these conversion costs in return for FOBS in lowering rates into Second, (2nd) Four, (4) year charter agreements options, that FOBS is gearing for and those chartering rates in Baltic Chartering Graph for past Two, (2) Quarters of 2019 is good indication that chartering rates will not turn very soon for owners in either #170-180,000 dwt Capesize bulkers Or #50,000 dwt Geared Handymaxes.

Ms. McKeigh said Ten, (10) #170,000 dwt Capesize Bulker would be time chartering for $9,500.00 per day with 0.5% Methanol fuel locked-in rates for Four, (4) years paying Five, (5%) Commission from a (5th) Party Logistic Firm, and Ten, (10) #50,000 dwt Geared Handymaxes, would be time chartering for $6,500.00 per day for Four, (4) years with 0.5% Methanol fuel locked in Four, 4 years paying Five (5%) Commission to same Logistics Firm.

Ms. McKeigh, said going into First, (1st) Quarter of 2020 said this would increase FOBS Global Fleet to One Hundred Thirty,(138) Eight Ships in Four, (4) Regions of the world in Twelfth, (12) markets with Three, (3) New Divisions to Twenty, (21) From Eighteen, (18) Divisions from the Fourth, (4th) Quarter 2019 of One Hundred, (118) & Eighteen Ships & All Ships will go into operation at March 1, 2020 in Last half of First, (1st) Quarter 2020 Instead of Third, (3rd) Quarter of 2020 which was planned now due to demanding cargoes & expansions, and this is all due to Mr. McCaughrin No Cargoes Rates Increase in Three, (3) years, No debt in twelefth, (12) years and Ample liquidity to back expansion plans brought on by Countries who have invited McCaughrin's into to do business and this plan continue to work & Added Sixy, (69) Nine more ship to fleet in past twelefth, (12) months

Ms McKeigh said Fourth, (4th) Quarter 2019 brought the Biggest Historial Profit to FOBS in 2019 to $3.6Billion dollars due from Eighteen (18) Divisions and One of those division: McCaughrin Maritime Global - European Division was $1.0B by itself and Now is the Second 2nd Largest Global Division in terms of Size and Number of Ships Charter in Past Two, (2) Quarters of 2019. FOBS Third, (3rd) Quarter of 2019 was $2.6B with Seventeen, (17) Divisions. McCaughhrin Maritime Global - Colombia and McCaughrin Maritime Global - Thailand will be extended to come in First, (1st) Quarter of 2020 due to Major hiccups at Start of Its establishing markets with China who put a stop on certain Scraps and Iron Ore being moved into their Country by One, (1) Quarter.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 21 Divisions
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - European
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Colombia
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Thailand

February 5, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime walking off his firm Private Lear Jet today from a well deserved 14-day vacation in Bermuda to hear the jubilant news about "TRUMP ACQUITTED!"  I SAY, PRAISE GOD! 

Mr. McCaughrin said I told you all that TRUMP was never guilty of anything for past 4 years, but once again, SENILE pelosi, who comes from a mob family Just showed the American People on Live TV what happens when ADULTS who have AUTHORITY take over and SEE a little girl pelosi tearing up a U.S. Government Document, which is Against the Law, should be CENSURED. SENILE pelosi is a simply a terrible loser at everything she touches. pelosi, who comes from a broken home of lawbreakers a family who went to Prison for LYING UNDER OATH, Money Laundering, Embezzlement, Racketeering Under The RICO ACT. pelosi in just 14 months HAS SUNK democratic party by her "NO Leadership Skills" & Destroyed Any Chance in Presidential Election in 2020, PLUS pelosi HAS LOST ALL CREDITABILIY IN being in power again after November 3, 2020 in  HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE. THE REPUBLICANS WILL AGAIN BE TAKING BACK U.S. SENATE BUT BY LARGER MAJORITY, AND U.S CONGRESS. THE REPUBLICAN PARTY WILL SWIPE THE 2020 ELECTION BY A STRONG SWEEPING BLOW UNDER TRUMP LEADERSHIP.  IF IT WAS NOT FOR TRUMP, REPUBLICAN PARTY WOULD BE IN SAD SHAPE. TRUMP BROUGHT BACK UNITY & MORE MONEY HAS BEEN FILLING THE COFFERS LIKE NEVER BEFORE ONLY BECAUSE OF PRESIDENT TRUMP! 

Mr. McCaughrin said while walking to his car in the hangar told reporters the American People have clearly witnessed for the past 4 years democratic Senators "Acting like Children" and I find it shocking that these same 18 democratic Senators yield that kind of power ever got elected to serve and ALL are part of biggest lawbreaker in American History but TRAINWRECK hillary clinton and her CIRCLE JERK CLOWN PARADE. In past 4 years these same 18 democratic Senators have accomplished ZERO, ZIP 0 for the American People. TRUMP'S PROMISE MADE PROMISE KEPT done more for American Worker & their Families in 4 years then any of them. TRUMP's Accomplishments are endless to mentioned todate and will go down in history books even putting the Founding Fathers to shame. In the Summer of 2015 TRUMP announced he was running for PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA the democratic thugs of deep state lawbreakers decide to go after TRUMP that included Former WORSE president obama who keept secrete he was gay & married to gay man wife Mike who dressed as (michelle) and did a terrible job at it, LIAR joe biden, Floundering FBI, U.S. Dept of Justice, CIA,  who mastermind and ALL Spied on TRUMP who later subpoena well over 500 Witness from TRUMP Camp, Used Expensive Investigators, who used Railroads, Hotels, Airfares in Both Commerical and Private Charters, Rental Cars, Limos by the dozens, Excessive Entertainment, Lawyers with huge salaries, to transport to Court todate have managed to waste $500,000,000 Million dollars of U.S. Taxpayers money in trying to tarnish PRESIDENT TRUMP on made-up Fake Stories Lines, Fake Investigations, One after Another Investigations in LYING, CHEATING, & SCAMING & Using Unethical FAKE MEDIA to get Public Attention 24/7 Right up to the U.S. Senate in A FIXED SCAM Trial to Get TRUMP out of Office on What Charges?? DOING HIS JOB?? & TRUMP Cleaning The Swamp, That why they want TRUMP out for Doing His JOB! TRUMP Doing his job too good. CLOWN democratic Senators have failed each time they created Fake New Story since Day 1. SENILE pelosi been CRYING TO BE PRESIDENT & CHEATING AT ANY COST, ASS CLOWNS LIAR Schiff, Who Stand in Front of Mirror every day for hours Saying Iam the one, RAPIST Schumer, CONFUSED Nadler, and YOU IDIOTS Again Showed Your TRUE COLOR in the IOWA Caucus on Monday, February 3rd, 2020 Showing that Nobody is in charge of leading anything but maybe a car wash, which I highly doubt that too! democratic party is well noted for creating "CHAOS" everywhere Now that TRUMP  is 2.0 The 18 deminted democrats cant take LOSING instead are going back again after losing to The Esteem Federal Judge Brett Kavanaugh In September 2018 Confirmation in U.S. Senate and Try their hand again in Making up More Lies Up to Impeach Kavanaugh instead.  How sad. This should be stopped from spending any more of US Tax Payers money after all Its not coming out of their pocket, which it should. High time to FIRE ALL 18 democratic CLOWN ASS SENATORS & Get back to doing what you were voted to do CALLED WORK.  


JANUARY 31, 2020







DONALD J. TRUMP                                       PRESIDENT 
MIKE PENCE                                         VICE PRESIDENT 
RONNA McDANIEL                                                              CHAIRWOMAN                                            REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE

January 26, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime stated today to both MMMSI Board of Directors, Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & It's 18 Divisions for The 4th Quarter 2019 Overseas Performance Results in Bermuda and that We will continue to plastered negative newsletters up on MMMSI Corporate website as long as it takes against the worst demented democratic political party that is trying to force the over throw of 2016 Election by hard-working Born and Bread American's of there #65,000,000 Million Votes Pure and Simple. For past 4 yrs this party has only show THE HATE HATE for TRUMP IN ITS ALREADY CRAZY LEFTIST AGENDA, and becuase of that performance the democratic party today is nearly bankrupted because its own membership are running away due to its floundering socialism thinking that nearly bankrupted this country the last time these CLOWN ASSES were in power under gayboy obama, & his lover mike who dressed as woman (michelle). Still to this day doing terrible job at dressing up and writing a book!  

Mr. McCaughrin told MMMSI & FOBS Board of Directors at the present we have 18 Newsletters from November 19, 2019 to January 31, 2020 To post but because TRUMP's Life hangs in the balance we can't and as you all are backing my determination in seeking these Newsletters SPELL THE "TRUTH" ON TRUMP'S SIDE OF THE TABLE. McCaughrin Maritime Corporate Webpage has been gaining viewers from #23,207 in Jan 2020 Vs Dec 2019 of #22,066 up by +#1,141 Viewers to tune of 97.99% Vs 76.80% 1 week ago on 24/7, & Average Visit Time is UP +405%. In Past 4 days of February 2020 that up by #3,498 Viewers. TRUMP POPULARITY IS UP TO 99%, People Economy is up at 63%. TRUMP HAS BEEN GETTING A RAW DEAL FROM DAY 1, As Owner I am only doing my civic duty in making sure this President of The United States gets his fair shake as I would not even be here today had it not been for GOD, JESUS CHRIST & HOLY SPIRIT & when GOD said what are you going to do about helping TRUMP. I said GOD you need not asked, It's done.

For 2 years, 2015-2016 I was on Facebook I helped destroy Hillary Clinton 24/7 On the TRUTH and one of the reasons why Hillary Clinton LOST. LYING is NO NO. Hillary can't take losing so she sent her goon squad to Wayne, Michigan, on 3 occassions that were met with disastrous results on their part. Hillary-lawbreaking- Clinton and her drug infested kool-aid democratic dimwits party have been playing a desperate game in CHEATING all the way to the Senate trial while it has been BREAKING the law on the way to cover up their misdeeds that all right. GOD SEES EVERYTHING. GOD WILL MAKE SURE JUSTICE IS SERVED TO THOSE THAT 1ST  BROKE THE LAW =  Clintons Know for decades for braking laws, LYING Under Oath, Destroying 13 Cellphones with a Hammer, ect.. Selling U.S. Military Secrets to Foreign Powers for MONEY & POWER. 

Officials of invited Mr. McCaughrin on board in 2015 for 5 years I TOLD THE TRUTH till I hit a nerve on November 17, 2019, on a HASBEEN NOBODY LIAR LIAR LIAR FOREGIN BORN democratic senator Kamala Harris political reputation was being destroyed in front of her eyes by a 70-year-old shipping executive by the name of Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin who has had enough of an ILLEGAL LIAR trying her floundering hand at running to be President and doing badly at each rally, since this was the same BITCH Kamala Harris who made herself look like complete IDIOT on Live TV in 2018 of Esteem Brett Kavanaugh's Senate hearing confirmation. I thought to pay Harris back by showing up at every one of Harris's tiny rallies throughout the USA with a bull horn, and that's reason why Mr. McCaughrin has been stripped of my account at TO SILENTS McCAUGHRIN'S ITS PURE & SIMPLE & Why GOD is having me used MMMSI Corporate Newsletter as a Platform where it can be Seen 24/7 AROUND THE WORLD TO EVERYONE TO GET TRUTH MESSAGE ON TRUMP WORK ACCOMPLISHMENTS UP FRONT & PERSONAL VS democratic political thugs who don't like what I am writing called the TRUTH!

Another TRUMP PROMISE CONGRATULATION TO PRESIDENT TRUMP ON JANUARY 29, 2020 Signed The USMCA TRADE DEAL & Has #160,000,000 MILLION WORKERS WORKING 1st time in 50 Years. TRUMP kept Every One of His PROMISES FROM DAY 1, & Done the Job for the #65,000,000 Million Americans Who voted forTRUMP Plus Not once, Not twice, but Hundreds of times over, over and over. TRUMP has fixed Every President bullshit backroom scam deals known to man, and Put back ALL The American Workers former obama, THE WORST PRESIDENT IN USA HISTORY OF THE REPUBLIC put out of work during his 8 floundering years in office. In 3 years TRUMP cut 90 needless regulations & created #+7,000,000 Million New Jobs. More Americans are working than any PAST President in HISTORY OF THE REPUBLIC & YOU CLOWN ASSES democratics in Washington kicking TRUMP to curb & Look what I did to Hillary in 2 years. LOST TO TRUMP by +#65,00,000 MILLION DEPLORABLE VOTES Remember GOD GOT THE LAST LAUGH IN EVERYTHING!!! 

What we as American's need to do is a Stand Up for TRUMP & DEMAND that every democratic Senator who took part of for past 4 years of this made up scam investigation right to this made up Republican Senate Trial be hung by the neck with New Ship Anchor Chain that McCaughrin Maritime will gladly provide FREE OF CHARGE & HAVE DELIVERY Starting with BIGGEST LAW BREAKER IN HISTORY: Hillary Clinton, SENILE Pelosi, RAPIST Schumer, MONEY LAUNDERING SCAM ARTIST Maxine Waters, BANKRUPTED SCAMSTER Bernie Sanders, SHIFTY Schiff, & CONFUSED Nadler for Starter's!

January 15, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President, & Owner, of McCaughrin Maritime was talking to President Trump over the weekend about the upcoming slanderous, hacked, make believe, unethical mob clown parade trial that has always been a stacked deck against the GREATEST PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IN HISTORY OF THE REPUBLIC, THE ESTEEM MR. DONALD J. TRUMP, SINCE DAY 1.

I said Mr. President "Stay the Course" GOD and OVER #90,000,000 MILLION DEPLORABLE have your back 24/7 and now as we move in the upcoming Landslide on November 3, 2020 Election and it doesn't make any difference which party you choose to run on You will still, be RE-ELECTED AS #46th PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES HANDS DOWN! 

President Trump said Mr. McCaughrin, I have missed your daily tweets  on for the past 3 months, You go after everyone who is unethical. YES SIR. leftist democratic CLOWN HEADS just want to SLIENTS ANYONE WHO STICK'S UP FOR THE TRUTH & YOU MR. TRUMP. HASBEEN NOBODY ILLEGAL democratic senator kamala harris cried her fanny off to have Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin stripped of my account as of November 17, 2019, ONLY TO SLIENT'S ME PERIOD!  Because as harris clearly stated Mr. McCaughrin has destroyed my political reputation in a public setting with a bull horn at almost every one of my tiny rallies. Mr. McCaughrin said I BEEN TELLING THE TRUTH which HASBEEN NOBODY ILLEGAL BORN senator kamala harris LIED on her 3 Applications upon 1ST Entering The U.S.A. 2ND LIED on her Application to be democratic senator, and 3RD Application harris LIED decide to run for President, that harris was born in Jamaica, New York, NOT! NOBODY HASBEEN harris was born on the Island of Jamaica and has failed ever since at every one of her rallies harris LIED, LIED, LIED! harris was forced to drop out of running due to tiny rallies. Surprised  NOBODY HASBEEN harris had that kind of clout. Officials of who invited Mr. McCaughrin 5 yrs before were same DIMWITS who listen to this IDIOT and like harris they are just another bought democratic HASBEEN Group that are in the deep pocket of the BIGGEST LIAR & BIGGEST LAW BREAKER IN U.S. HISTORY, but the drunken HASBEEN "KILLER" hillary clinton who to this day Is STILL #1 Suspect in the Murder of White House Deputy Counsel Mr. Vince Foster, who had carpet fibers all over his New Suit, and Marks on his throat as those FOSTER has been strangled ya think as he wore it last day before leaving for Little Rock, Arkansas whom he had worked for then IMPEACHED LIAR President bill clinton. Murder of Vince Foster was tied to hillary role in Whitewater Investigation Scandal & White House Travel Office Investigation. hillary also destroy #33,000 Emails on her private server which is against the law and hillary knew that and LIED, & Got away with it? Destroyed 13 Blackberry Cell Phone with a Hammer Why? Worse yet hillary sold off U.S. Military Documents and Selling out the United States Citizens & Their Freedom in A Play to Win with Foreign Countries who are to this day enemies of the REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOR WHAT? MONEY, & POWER & Hide the clinton foundation & Its money laudering scam over decades and Why Jeffrey Epstein was Murder Strangled #2 because of his sexual parties with hillary & bill clintons on Epstein Private Jet Boeing 727 called Lolitta Express to Epstein Orgy Island..

What I cant understand Mr. President why doesn't SENILE MOB BOSS Pelosi who wants to be President, SHIFTY schiff & CONFUSED nadler all have a "WHITE ENVELOPED" for trying to Topple The REPUBLIC of The United States? & ITS BORN & BREAD US CITIZENS. TRUMP said it in the works. Mr. President this is too long for being in the works their TERRORIST PURE & SIMPLE and should have been served & HUNG by the NECK by know.

Mr. McCaughrin said I was shocked when I heard Republican Senator Doug Collins was apologizing to democratic party for saying the democratic party are not TERRORIST. EARTH TO DOUG democratic hated leftist party are ALL TERRORIST" RIGHT TO THE "T", they not only made up the word they live by it EVER SINCE ESTEEM MR. DONALD J. TRUMP who ran and beat hillary at her own game who hillary stole $1,000,000,000 BILLION DOLLARS from US Treasury in June 2016 & hillary still managed to LOSE THE 2016 ELECTION WORSE YET hillary LOST POPULAR VOTE against Businessman TRUMP 303 Vs hillary 227, which hillary clinton will never be able to live that down, EVER! & By WON Margin of +65,000,000 Million DEPLORABLES VOTES!

hillary mastermind the rigged 2016 election with the help from fbi, cia, democratic judges coast to coast, Gay Boy barrack obama, Lover mike, who dressed up like woman (michelle) and sleepy at wheel joe biden on November 8, 2016, and hillary wrote up an insurance policy if case she she lost was to LIE, SMEAR, & MAKE UP CRAP FOR THE NEXT 4 YEARS with the help of the US media HASBEEN new york times, DESPERATE washington post, & BASEMENT STANDING: cnn, msnbc, abc, cbs, nbc 24/7 hoping that something would stick to the wall..So far U.S. Born & Bread Citizens Never bought It and Nothing has stuck to the wall but more BULLSHIT to drive TRUMP out of Office, which is not happening in my lifetime. Republican Leadership need to get off there sorry asses do your dam job & KEEP TRUMP PRESIDENT PERIOD!  Since TRUMP done Nothing wrong but his job in record time!

TRUMP is actually GOD, and GOD just allowing the democratic team of 5 CLOWN ASSES to dig their own graves to the speedy moment when all 5 will be hung for TREASON starting with MOB BOSS SENILE pelosi, SHIFTY LIAR schiff, CONFUSED nadler, & LOUDMOUTH maxine MONEY LAUNDERING waters & "RAPIST schumer" (*)schumer who raped a 16 years old teenager girl twice and got her pregnant while his wife knew about and did nothing. This beautiful girl sadly commit suicide and schumer laugh, he needs to be hung #1st!

January 8, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime and Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk, (FOBS) Subsidiary's & Its 18 Divisions announced over New Year Holiday in Bermuda that there will be "No Container Increase in 2020 on McCaughrin's 20' Sea Containers" which Mr. McCaughrin said I have not raised rates in 3 yrs, and infact brought them down twice in 12 month period of 2017 and the very reason I was able then to double the size of FOBS Global Fleet in 2 years Vs. Rest of Global Container Fleet now that feels raising container prices of 9% is both excessive & unnecessary to recover from investing in very expensive scrubbers Vs. Just changing over to methanol fuel, which cuts 0.5% carbons out which McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS Ships are turning to.

Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh said that they are investing between $1.6B to $2B in helping fifty (50%) of Shipowners out in favor of cheaper chartering rates down the road for long term results and establishing a green footprint in putting the environment First (1st) which will take MMMSI/FOBS investment to finalized in about 1.6 years from now and with other Foreign Countries not yet on board in their selection of scrubbers over methanol this will be the edge we need in finishing everything.

Mr. McCaughrin said had the global ship owners taken care of their finances correctly five years before and quit ordering ships they did not need; they would not now be in the fix they are in now. Raising rates will be brought down quickly just like they were the last two times they tried raising them to cover the cost in fuel cost increase last year, then these container giants got together and said let all go slow instead. Ya that work against you on time schedules too and why Maersk is no longer #1 in market share because of slow steaming doesn't work for the customers. They will go elsewhere for better service and leave the nonsense out!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 18 Divisions

January 6, 2020


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI USA Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced today that he been asked now 3 times over a 4 months period to run for Open Seat as City Councilman for The City of Wayne, Michigan in the Spring/Summer of 2020.

Mr. McCaughrin said I am very honored to be asked to run for an Open Seat in City of Wayne City Council. One by City Councilman and One by a Wayne, Michigan Citizens who yields some political power in the State of Michigan but when it is asked of you the 2nd time by same Councilman personally I have to wonder why? I,  know that both the Mayor & City Manager are having a conniption over having Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, sitting on City Council to them that's a BIG NO NO, Why? My question to these two are question they dont like being asked of them. I, look at this as these two employees who work for Citizens not the other way around, Need to keep these 2 people in check. One of the Senior's at council meeting said Mr. McCaughrin, you intimidated them, I said great, and each time I dont get the answer Iam expecting I'll just keep addressing the same question to them untile they do answer what I want to hear!  

Mr. McCaughrin said I am not one to stay silent very long when money is mentioned, you should see me at a McCaughrin Maritime Board of Directors meeting. I, want to know everything from A-Z and Z back to A on every penny being spent. Costly items come to me are stripped out of the budget till following year when their is real need for them otherwise we bid out to lowest bidder and go from their. The $56,000 Wood Chipper City bought was huge waste of City dollars to Homeowners when it own DPW dont know how it works it, and dont want to be involved with it when out sourcing of Tree Service were taking care of the problems. These bids were kept from homeowners too, instead of saving money for City, City Council spent it like water coming out of the tap.  

Mr. McCaughrin said truthfully, Whole City Council need to be recall including Mayor & City Manager, everybody. In my 30 years this is most mismanaged City where backroom deals are standard order of business and they think this is good old boys club  where let keep the Citizens of Wayne, Mi in the dark. NO Citizens need step up to the plate dig in & find replacements, & Start over and Clean House on everything top to bottom, Open up every Contract, and Look where they're hiding the money.

Mr. McCaughrin said I got a lot on my plate right now. But Wayne, Michigan is Priority #1. The Voters will decide whether I get in or Not. I guess what puzzling me about this whole ordeal is why do "I need to get 48 Signatures for a "Open Nomination Petition" when those same 48 Signatures will serve as nothing and be destroyed". When I still have to face the Citizens of Wayne at the voting booth. That is the real question here, and not 48 Signatures City wants me to hunt down. I finds that completely a waste of my time, & politically motivated.

Mr. McCaughrin said I am only running for City Councilman because I am not getting my question answered every time I go to one of these council meeting and getting the run around every time. I am one of #16,500 Residents who pay the City Mayor and City Manager to manage the City of Wayne, Michigan To the best of their ability and answering to the Citizens of this City = US, and Not being done.

Since City Manager Lisa Nocerini was hired and Not voted in Lisa has changed the direction of what her job is and kept Citizens of Wayne at bay on the important of communication is a 2 ways street Lisa. Working in secret behind closed doors and hiding information important to Citizens is not your's to hide, In less Lisa hiding something you don't want Citizens of Wayne, Michigan to finds out about?. Lisa we wants answers to serious question that this Council is trying to do all behind closed doors instead of addressing them in public setting and I blame Lisa Nocerini, who has turn everything around to her advantage and not in Citizens who pay her salaries! How is it that Lisa writing Grants for Westland, Inkster, and Wayne and That clear conflict of interest! 

I'm not a Politician, I am Business/Homeowner who care about the future of this City, and have 30 years invested so far, and Right now its in wrong hands and being mismanaged by few who think their ideas will work at cost of You, The City of Wayne, Michigan Homeowners, who "I call the Stakeholders Are The Majority" Not City Council Of Wayne, Michigan who wants you to think that. It more about perception then anything.

Mr. McCaughrin said I have asked these question to: Mayor, City Managers and City Council Still have not address the $575,000 still Owed to Ford Motor Company who manufacturing plant in Wayne for Overtaxing Ford like City did to McCaughrin's over 10 years for adding 200 feet to my home which is only #1,025 square feet, that been addressed already. How mush of that money is bering paid every year? Whats this lighting tax? Your trying to hide and push ahead I believe it hike in council salaries since Voters of Wayne Voted it down last year. Trust me, none of these council people deserve any raises the way they keep raising everyone taxes in leaps. Salaries need to meet budget based on business City of Wayne, Michiagn can generated to come in. Since I see more vacant store fronts on Michigan Avenue from one end of Wayne to the other end, spell doom that these former owners skip on paying there taxes and dumped it on City instead, I say go after each of these dormat store owners for past taxes and tear down the building as a plight to Wayne. 

City of Wayne, Michigan should of put this Marijuana Proposal up for Vote 1st before the Citizens of Wayne, and before the New Owners bought Wayne Bowling Alley in Fall 2019 was sold but the City Officials did this secrete behind the closed doors deal to blind Citizens about it. This is kind of crap that needs to be stopped and not after the building been converted, planting the seeds under the hot lights, and then asked homeowners to vote on it business dealing in Wayne. This not the kind of voted in employees on council we need running City of Wayne, Mi into the future.

To make matter worse Lisa was under investigation last February 2019 for misconduct of funds and that investigation was paid for by Home Owners never told about it and Lisa was to be removed by from her position but she still City Manager??? How does that work??? Lisa does not even live in City of Wayne to begin with but out in Brighton, Mi We need All VOTED Employees to be living in Borders of Wayne, Mi or Be FIRED that simple!

Mr. McCaughrin, said we will see how this goes "If Iam elected as your District 3, City Councilman I bring with me 30 years of living in City of Wayne, Michigan, A Christian, A Republican, A Senior, A Veteran & I am also working with President of The United States of America, President Donald J. Trump on his Presidential Advisory Board, Plus this is where I started my private shipping firm: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI) Going on 24 years as of January 26, 1996 and I've owned, & invested in 2 beautiful homes in Wayne. I am dug in here as both Homeowner and Business Owner.

December 31, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU) 
MMMSI USA Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime was invited by business & investors group in Wayne, MI about the direction of McCaughrin Maritime's position into a political platform and away from global shipping performance of its existence and Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) & 18 Divisions future.

Mr. McCaughrin thanked all who came and was quite surprised by the large turnout, who gave Mr. McCaughrin a standing ovation for his more than 50 years in the transportation sector of Trucking, Air Cargo, Charter Oceans Ships for both the Great Lakes & Oceans of the World!

Mr. McCaughrin said Ladies & Gentleman MMMSI & FOBS are in Uncharted Territory here, and we are the "Only global shipping company to do it." So far, we have been very successful with this political platform since October as we have been going forward and, MMMSI Board of Directors & FOBS Executives Stand behind President Donald J. Trump 1000%. We will help out in anything he needs from us whether, that's Money, Media, or Whatever 24/7 right up to Election day: November 3, 2020. We are here to serve you, Mr. President!

Mr. McCaughrin said being pushed out of was a big surprise. On November 17, 2019, Twitter Officials said we had #4,000 Viewers and 87.9k Impression, and Now for November / December 2019, MMMSI it states we are up again overall that includes: Unique Visitors, Reading, Hits, Bandwidth, which is between both web sites: By #20,000 Visitors, #36,000 Hits, #8,500 Unique Visitors (New Visitors for 1st time) #24,000 Pages Read and Bandwidth at 650.25, We are truly blessed by those that have come...Thank You All!

I never thought I'd say this, but when we were locked out of without notice, which happened twice on November 17, 2019, 1st thing I said to GOD was, Now what? GOD said that's why you have MMMSI #2 Website. I never saw our company going in this direction, but then I have a long term commitment with President Trump, and I am the #1 Staunchest TRUMP supporter on the face of the earth, According to President Trump and Republican National Party, (GOP) Senators, which to date have done a piss poor job of defending this President in 2.6 years. Republican Senators were asleep at the wheel when the 1st investigation got underway, which is why I, left the party, & months later, Republican Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, Former Republican Senator Speaker of House Whip Newton Gingrich begged me to come back and I said Yes under certain condition they agreed and I, was back that second. I said TRUMP doesn't need the Republican Party. The Republican Party needs TRUMP, period! Trump is their financial source for rallies, and TRUMP been successful with everyone to date and they both agreed with me. 

MMMSI is in 174 countries and been invited into 7 New Countries for 2019. Services are, for the most part, because McCaughrin has not raised its Bulk Cargoes or 20' Sea Containers Rates in 3 years and Our partners in both European & Asian Rails, which, MMMSI & FOBS introduced to its Clients. FOBS was blessed again with other record-breaking profits in The 3rd Quarter 2019 of $2 Billion dollars from the 18 divisions. FOBS is investing in the 3rd Quarter 2019 thru the 4th Quarter of 2021, of 50% of its money to help out its Shipowning Group with between $1.6 and $2 Billion dollars on 59 Bulk & Geared Global Fleet Installing New Fuel Tanks & New Plumbing in engine room to house a new cleaner fuel of Methanol which is 0.5% cleaner and much safer than scrubbers which are environmentally harmful to the Ocean and Lakes of the world for long term effects said 10 Countries, Singapore, China, Russia, United Arab Emirates, Finland, Ireland, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Scotland, & Growing, and if these Scrubbers are not changed regularity, more soot will be coming out of those smokestacks. 

Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of FOBS, said the company would be time chartering twenty, (20) additional #170,000 dwt Capesize bulkers and #50,000 dwt geared Handymax between the Second (2nd) Quarter and Fourth, (4th) Quarter of 2020, and putting FOBS Global Fleet up to One Hundred Thirty, (138) Eight Ships up from 118 right now. FOBS has the liquidity to get this done plus investing up to $2 billion if need be. FOBS also has hired #2,800 laid-off workers from Asian Shipyards on Fifty (50%) of Ships while underway to get this accomplished to meet IMO Regulation on smoke restriction to be completed by January 20, 2020, which now will be extended. Only 90 Countries have Ok'ed the IMO Regulation while others have not. It's these "Others" that give MMMSI & FOBS the advantage of extra time to complete the changeover. Mr. McCaughrin stated more than once that scrubbers are not the answer, but only a quick fix. I like to see bunker companies working with the oil manufacturers in getting more involved in cleaning up these heavy fuels. They have been profiting off global shipowners for decades & Without #1 Bulk Shipowners who make up 75% of global revenue. Current Orderbook of 844 Bulk Ships to be being built Vs. #2 Tankers of 720 to be being built 25% of the global fleet.   

In Closing:

President Trump got a raw deal from day one and the "Insurance Policy" was to destroy TRUMP once he became President for four years, FBI, CIA, US Government DNC Hillary Clinton, and Barrack Obama are all behind this smearing, but in the end, it will be GOD, JESUS CHRIST, & HOLY SPIRIT and DEPLORABLES by #90,000,000 Million Born & Bread Americans that get TRUMP back as 46th President of the United States of America or Risk losing your freedom and prosperity, it's that simple.

Happy & Blessed New Year!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 18 Divisions
Source: President of The United States: Mr. Donald J. Trump
Source: Republican National Party, (Members)

December 26, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU) 
Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin received positive nod of success of expanded business because of Country of Vietnam that McCaughrin Maritime & Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 18 Divisions are making inroad to its customers base in providing greater service and our competition in getting more ports in Vietnam are being made available to FOBS vessels.

Mr. McCaughrin said PRAISE THE LORD!

MMMSI & FOBS have been planning to move bigger tonnages vessels into the Ports of Vietnam for over a year when they make Ports available. The biggest problem in Vietnam is draft for larger vessel why 90% of big boys have been transferring their cargoes by barge to ports in the middle of the river then trying to get into these ports like McCaughrin's & FOBS where time is of the essence.

McCaughrin's & FOBS been eyeing specific ports to merge with railroads destination and not Ports in Vietnam want FOBS to go to. It is easier to give Vietnam more Panamax vessels from #77,500 dwt up to #98,500 in various sizes because of the extended length, not the draft that change instead of trying to get in #170,000 Capesize and find out it does not fit that could be costly.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Country of Vietnam
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary (FOBS) & Its 16 Division
Source: #77,400 & #98,500 dwt Panamax Bulk Carriers
Source: #170,000 dwt Cape Size Bulkers

December 21, 2019


I never saw this coming in my 70 years on GOD's earth as I'm sitting here at my desk at MMMSI Headquarters at 8:30 pm on Thursday Evening, December 19, 2019, in Wayne, Michigan. The United States is now the Greatest Country in the world because of the 45th President of the United States, Mr. Donald J. Trump. He is already a successful businessman who in only 2.6 years from January 21, 2017, thru December 19, 2019, cut useless regulations, has rebuilt the USA into a #1 Export of Oil and Natural Gas to World Countries, and put 7,000,000M people back to work from the ashes of 10 years, from 2008-2016 under the worst democratic President in U.S. History. Barrack Obama, a Muslim, was born in a foreign country of Oman. How did anyone miss that?

Obama in his eight years destroyed the USA economy, pushed socialism on our way of living, killed off U.S. Companies both public and private who were running out of the USA in droves to tune of #575,000, laid-off workers without much warning to foreign lands where those Countries were taking care of these same companies in either no taxes or low tax, and fixing their bottom line with lower waged employees with no health insurance.

Simply put, Obama LIED to the American People for eight years period. 1st "Not married to a natural-born woman" but to another gay man by the name of Mike. Mike is a "drag queen" dressed up as a woman for eight years and terrible at that with Obama's cousin's family's children from Chicago to look like an American family, But was NOT! 2nd Obama political background is covered in scams by a seat that was bought for him in Chicago after Governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich, was arrest for federal corruption charges for selling president-elect vacant Senate seat for cash lying under oath month earlier in 2007 for Mr. Obama himself, and funny how Obama became President in 2008.

Obama, an illegal, ran the USA like that in Oman, a dictatorship who sold the USA & everything it stood for to highest foreign bidder with the help of a CROOKED lawyer named Hillary-I-Break-The-Law-Clinton Who's Own RAPIST Husband, President Bill Clinton was later IMPEACHED for Money Laundering, Racketeering, LYING Countless Times Under Oath to FBI, & American People on Live T.V. Not Once, Not Twice, but Three Times.

On Wednesday, December 18, 2019, a Dark Day in U.S. History, the democrats who hate TRUMP using the Insurance Policy for The House of Representatives voted to impeach President Trump on "No Laws Broken" No Obstruction, No Collusion. For the past 2.6 years, the democratic national party (DNC) made up of LawBreakers, Rapist, Money Launders, never accepted Mr. Donald J. Trump, As "Our President." Trump beat lawbreaker Hillary Clinton in the popular vote Trump: 304 Vs. Hillary: 227 & by a Margin of +65,00,000 Million DEPLORABLE on November 8, 2016. We the Born & Bread TRUE Americans wanted a change for the better. Now we knew what socialism is all about, using its U.S. Citizens as their personal bankbook will surely bankrupt us quickly.

As soon as Mr. Donald J. Trump announced on live T.V. at TRUMP TOWERS in New York City on June 16, 2015, said I, Donald J. Trump am running for President of the United States. From that day forward, Mr. Trump was a marked man to the Present. The Democrat's run the entire U.S. Government made TRUMPs life a mockery. They investigated his family, its employees did every investigation that's now up to 7 times and came up with NOTHING. No Obstruction, No collusion. NO NOTHING!!! Instead, a group of 18 Hated Trump democratic Senators then rigged the wording and made up storylines & dragged it through every T.V. Network for 2.6 years paid by the Democratic Party & then take weekly surveys to see how they did, and Those were All paid by You, The U.S. Taxpayers. Why? To try and change the Public Views of President TRUMP...Truly Born & Bread American People did not buy it from day 1, Not buying your bullshit to the present. No matter what you do. SENILE Pelosi wants to be President At Any Cost by OVERTHROWING THE REPUBLIC, & #65,000,000 Million Votes out the window after LOSING in 2016. Want socialism back at the cost of American People! SENILE Pelosi, & LIAR Schiff are Under The ACT of Pure TREASON & Under Any Other President that would be Hanging by the Neck! Sadly TRUMP was never found guilty of any crimes in 3 years later. Trump in the way of Pelosi drug-running scam. Having Border Wall prevents Pelosi from getting her Illegals Or the drugs in. Pelosi comes from the MOB family, already getting a huge kickback on every Illegal & Drugs in the USA. Pelosi is Unhinged, Crazy & Big Drunk!

1>TRUMP CAN'T BE BOUGHT BY THE SWAMP & 2> TRUMP CAN'T BE BEATEN IN 2020. That's why the democratic party made up of leftists hated people who are themselves illegals. Just look at Senator Kamala Harris, an illegal herself born on the Island of Jamaica who tried to run for President, but I stopped that from happening, and Harris 2 times went and cried to Officials of that Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin is destroying my reputation. Twitter, a democratic run company, locked Mr. McCaughrin out of Twitter Permanently on November 17, 2019, No Loss there. Why do they want TRUMP Out, Under Any Means Possible, and If that means To Lie, Cheat Create New Storylines, Use The Newspaper Media, & T.V. Media, To Do It, They Are to this day. So far, TRUMP'S Popularity is gaining strength to +85%, and 88% of American People want to see TRUMP Stay in President while 12% of crazy Democratics want TRUMP out. Problem right now is a "major blow" to democratic party has occurred on December 23, 2019, when democratic Senator Mr. Van Drew, who said I did not sign up to impeach the President, I came to work with President TRUMP has left Democratic Party, and more Democrats are expected to leave the democratic party now that floundering SENILE Pelosi, SHIFTY Schiff "THE LIAR," & CONFUSED Nadler has lost control of the FAKE impeaching scam investigation for the past seven times have been the biggest flop in U.S. History as the Democratic Party now only has $6 million & lots of debt for the 2020 Election Vs. Republican Party, which has $100 Million saved up with No debt thanks to President Trump. 

What does the lackluster democratic No Nothing Nominees bring beside LIES to American People?

What do they plan if they are elected into Office in 2020?
1> Bankrupted America with New Green Deal, 2> Tear Apart #180,000,000 million Americans who enjoy their Own Health Insurance, 2> Freedom Of Speech = Gone, In GOD WE TRUST = Gone, The U.S. Flag = Gone, Religion Freedom = Gone, Cell Phone Usage = Gone, Your Flying Privilege will STOP, Your Freedom As You Know it Be Gone. Your Guns = Gone. The 2nd Amendment = Gone. The U.S. 1776 U.S. Constitution will be torn up, Right after November 3, 2020.

The illegals in the USA will get Social Security, Medicare, Every Social Service out there. Your Homes, Your Jobs, Your House, Your Car, Your 401 will be stripped and given to Illegals. The American Born Citizens will be out on the street within six months. You will have nothing to show for your time on earth after the hated democratic party gets into power & dictatorship will be back in full swing once Trump is gone. Is this what Any American Wants? NO!


December 18, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, United States of America!

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President, & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, talked with Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) and its 18 Division Executives in a Special Board of Directors meeting in Bermuda at 12:01 AM Wednesday morning about Mr. McCaughrin has asked for  "special permission" to use WHAT'S HAPPENING NEWSLETTER FOR ALL OF DECEMBER 2019 & periodically throughout 2020 up to the Presidential Election on November 3, 2020, to host Special Segment on President Trump. Personally, I love his rallies much more because they bring the message home, but I want some alternative that best shows President Trump never did anything wrong in 2.6 yrs but bring the USA back from the ashes of 8 years of socialism under worst President in History of the USA but barrack Obama, and rebuild USA in only 2.6 yrs on growth, security, and prosperity for All Americans, and you're going to impeach President Trump on that? Where is the abuse in all of that?

Ms. McKeigh took a vote among eighteen, (18) President's of each division and came back with an astounding 100% YES, saying, "Mr. McCaughrin, do whatever is necessary to make sure President Donald J. Trump gets re-elected for 46th President of The United States, and we will make sure FOBS Clients and Customers are well aware of MMMSI& FOBS performances."

Mr. McCaughrin said I am honored this day for your positive attitude. Ms. McKeigh said, "Without you, Mr. McCaughrin MMMSI & FOBS are nothing. Your hard work and determination against all the odds in this difficult market has made all our jobs much easier and has put a notice on everyone that McCaughrin Maritime & FOBS are a force to be reckoned with, past, present and future with 113 ships on 4 regions of the world and 18 divisions invited into 174 Countries."

Ms. McKeigh said, "Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, brings not only a presence to one company boardroom but comes with it respect, hard work, and a guarantee that your cargoes, whether they're 20' containers or bulk cargoes or both were there when Mr. McCaughrin said they would be there. No other competitors in the world can say that. For three years, Mr. McCaughrin never raised his rates in containers or bulk cargoes; quite to the contrary, he lowered those rates in both segments twice in 2017 six, (6) months apart, a gamble that left McCaughrin's competitors baffled. Is Mr. McCaughrin crazy? NOPE!"

Mr. McCaughrin doubled his fleet in two years because of it, and with no debt and a conservative amount of liquidity equaled with low chartering and fuel rates with which to work with. That put Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin in the driver's seat of increasing his size and entering inviting markets to expand with, as Mr. McCaughrin has said from day 1, it is all in the timing!

In closing:

To All hated leftist democratic's who have investigated President Trump 7 times and found NOTHING but made Up Lies, Created False Storylines, had the News media, TV Networks in the back pocket of the politicians in Washington on both side of the isles to split Americans from TRUMP who has +85% growing popularity. On December 18, 2019, the democratic in House of Representative will be a black day for the all democratic's who still can not accept that TRUMP beat LIAR LIAR LAWBREAKER Hillary Clinton on the "Popular Vote":  TRUMP 303 / CLINTON 227 and equally by +#65,000,000 million votes. Since TRUMP announced he was running for office in June 2015, the democratic party & their henchmen been going after TRUMP, His Family, Its Employees to present. In the end, GOD WILL MAKE SURE TRUMP WILL BE VICTORIOUS, AND GOD'S SUN WILL SHINE BRIGHTER BECAUSE OF IT!

For the democratic senators: You will All be DOOMED from this day forward, and you can take that to the bank!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 18 Subsidiary's
Source: 46th President Of The United States: Mr. Donald J. Trump

December 16, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President, & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced today that MMMSI Board of Directors have voted 100% to 0, to run TRUMP 2020 presidential re-election ads on MMMSI #2 corporate the website now that YouTube and Google have deleted 300 videos according to CBS News "60 Minutes" to SILENT TRUMP TRUTH'S. Did Trump get a +85% approval rating, Expected to WIN the 2020 presidential race by Landslide? Why? Due to the corrupted & rigged investigation by SENILE Pelosi, LIAR Schiff, Confused Nadler, when FAKE muller report imploded, which Robert Muller never wrote & confused & flounder during last hearing.   

The Republican National Committee has $180.5M dollars because of President Trump, and with no debt to date, and McCaughrin Maritime told Ms. Ronna McDaniel, Chairwoman for the Republican National Committee, that McCaughrin Maritime Board of Directors doesn't have any problem in running TRUMP 2020 Presidential ads on MMMSI website 24/7 & right up to election day 11/3/2020 on a "special link" located in its International Clients List Page Section.

Mr. McCaughrin was barred by officials 2nd time on Twitter on November 17, 2019, after five years on it Why? WHINGING CRYING HAS-BEEN NOBODY Democratic Senator Kamala Harris said Mr. McCaughrin was destroying her reputation was forced to drop out of the 2020 presidential election on November 30, 2019. Mr. McCaughrin simply told the TRUTH on Harris LYING reputation with a bull horn at each of Harris's rallies. Mr. McCaughrin called out Harris a LIAR and Illegal who lied her way into the USA from the island of Jamaica, where Harris was born. No FOREIGN BORN PERSON can run for President of the United States. Only a "Natural Born" citizen of the USA can run for President! 

Since Twitter is democrats, they also trying to SILENCE Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin's FREEDOM of SPEECH. So MMMSI can help TRUMP toward his 2020 re-election campaign on MMMSI #2 website. MMMSI will have a link for anyone that wants to hear President TRUMP'S "TRUE" FACTS on Promise Made - Promise Kept for the past two years! Mr. McCaughrin was told he had a following of #4,000 viewers & #87.9K impressions on twitter, which now has increased to #10,500 & #150.96K impression in the past two weeks.

MMMSI said here is the link:, which will be up on MMMSI Corporate website on Monday, December 16, 2019. Let The "TRUTH" LEAD YOU!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: MMMSI Board of Directors
Source: TRUMP 2020 Presidential Ads
Source: Ms. Ronna McDaniel
Source: Republican National Committee, (RNC)
Source: Western Journal

December 12, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime and Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 18 Divisions announced today that its Family of Shipowners are slowly exchanging some older tonnages of both #170,000 dwt Capsizes and #77,500 dwt Panamax's in FOBS Global Fleet with younger tonnages to be completed by 2021. Ms. McKeigh, when it all said and done 95% of FOBS Global Fleet, will have ships as young as 2015.

FOBS Global Fleet of 113 cargo vessels will be both pollution and fuel compliant by mid to late 2021 with cleaner fuel of methanol that burns 05% fewer pollutions and No scrubbers, which are very harmful in polluting the ocean environment. Scrubbers have been banned in Ten, (10) Global Countries of Singapore, China, Russia, UAE, Finland, Ireland, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Scotland, and growing monthly.
Ms. McKeigh said FOBS had set aside close to $1-2Billion dollars in helping shipowners for future lower chartering rates in paying fifty, (50%) of the cost for New Fuel Tanks and Plumbing & removing of the old equipment with cost of hiring laid-off shipyard crews, welders, pipefitters for fifty, (50%) of the fleet underway while another fifty, (50%) will be scheduled for their five, (5) year ship surveys ship repairs and dry docking renovation.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 18 Divisions
Source: Family of Shipowners

December 4, 2019

                                                                  REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL TASK FORCE

                                                                                Certificate of Recognition

                                                                      ON THIS 15th DAY OF NOVEMBER 2019

                                                    THIS CERTIFICATE IS PRESENTED TO RECOGNIZE OFFICIALLY

                                                                                MR. BRIAN R. MCCAUGHRIN


Donald J. Trump
President of the United States
Ronna McDaniel 
Chairwoman Republican National Committee

December 1, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (USA) Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced today that MMMSI & Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary,(FOBS) & Its 18 Divisions are going to expand its market further East of South Africa region by expanding its market to Port of Durban and the Country of Swaziland 3 Ports of Manzini, Matsapha, and Mbabane.

Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of FOBS said right now we are using a #170,000 dwt Capesize for movement of coal out of Port Elizabeth, South Africa and Transporting 20' Sea Containers out of China due to huge back lot of empty's that are in huge demand in these regions Port of Durban Port Authority Official's been asking for McCaughrin's to come and service us along with Country of Swaziland Port Authority.

Ms. McKeigh said now that MMMSI/FOBS have the ships and huge combination of them from #50,000 dwt up to #400,000 dwt as Mr. McCaughrin always says a taxi stand is waiting on any customers in 3 demanding regions of the world where cargo out demand-supply by 9.1 up from 6.1 in of year ago brought on by lower chartering & control fuel rates and McCaughrin discount rates given out twice in 2017 in 6 months apart to present & New Customers.
Ms. McKeigh said Africa used to be McCaughrin #1 Trading Country for over 10 years until tribes started killing its citizens and McCaughrin left Africa except for 4 Countries Libya, Egypt, South Africa, and Algeria..before China invited Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin to China in the Year 2000. Today China is McCaughrin's #1 Asia Partner.
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 18 Divisions
Source: Durban Port Authority, South Africa
Source: Country of Swaziland
Source: Swaziland Port Authority

November 18, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (USA) Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner, of McCaughrin Maritime announced for the 2nd time in more than two months that he been barred by Officials of because of FOREIGN BORN HAS BEEN NOBODY Senator Kamala Harris who is getting damaged by Mr. McCaughrin daily in the polls because I am correcting Harris on the "TRUTH" and Harris can't handle the "TRUTH." So Harris keeps running back to Officials of who are staunch democratic and asked that Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin be barred for damaging my reputation. When you LIE continuing Kamala Harris, your reputation is then TRASH. You're down in the polls from 3% to 0.00%. Even your father said you're a LIAR. Now that's bad. Harris sunk to 6th place in Iowa at 1.57% and Your sinking in your home state of California That should tell you something. What you did to the esteem Brett Kavanaugh last year was the most embarrassing thing to every US Citizens watching the Senate hearing. You don't deserve to serve in any part of US Government & certainly not as a senator you have trashed that job from day 1.  

Mr. McCaughrin said 1st LET GET THE FACTS OUT. I am going after LIAR Kamala Harris who has "LIED" her way to Senator Job who "LIED" on her application three different times on 1st Entering the USA for Citizenship stating Harris was born in Jamaica, New York, when in "TRUTH" Harris was BORN on the Island of Jamaica. 2nd-time Harris "LIED" was when she ran for Open Seat in US Senate. Harris stated for 2nd time she lives in Jamaica, New York, when in "TRUTH" Harris born on the Island of Jamaica. The 3rd time Harris "LIED" was running for President of The USA Harris lied on her she lived in Jamaica, New York, when In TRUTH Harris born on the Island of Jamaica. NO FOREIGN BORN person can run for President of the United States, and In fact, No person can run on any Government Seat. Kamala Harris should be STRIPPED of her Senator position and STRIPPED of her Security Clearance & Shipped back to the Island of Jamaica on a Canoe.

Mr. McCaughrin said I don't care if I am barred from Who is losing $1M dollars an hour for every hour of the day. The reason why did not bar Mr. McCaughrin from there organization the 1st time this is according to Officials Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin is bringing more income to twitter $1M per hour they are losing. It will hurt more than me by barring me out. I could care less one way or another. TRUMP has done nothing wrong for two years, but FIX, the USA. TRUTH will be brought out one way or another. According to GOP, Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Is #1 Staunchest Trump Supporter to date.

Mr. McCaughrin said I went to one of NOBODY CLUELESS Kamala Harris "small rally" where she talked about putting illegal 1st in Everything and The Born & Bread Americans 2nd in STRIPPING Americans of Our Social Security to Medicare and I got a bull horn and yelled "Harris you're done in political field you have "LIED" countless times and caught by ICE for keeping illegals in her condo" which Harris is trying to make ICE disappear. Kamala Harris is a very dangerous woman, and I have helped destroy any of Kamala Harris's double-digit growth to 0.00 for the 2020 Presidential election that will be won again by REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP FOR THE 2ND TIME ON November 3, 2020.

Mr. McCaughrin said I have no intention of ever apologizing to NOBODY HAS BEEN Kamala Harris, who is FOREIGN BORN & So Far Harris has "LIED" her way to the senate position but No More I Brian R. McCaughrin Am STOPPING Kamala Harris right where you stand and No Further. Invited me back the #2nd time asked me to refrain from name-calling of Harris on December 1, 2019, I said it's NOT name calling it the TRUTH & if you Can't handle the TRUTH, you should not be a blog. "No," I did not apologize to NOBODY HAS BEEN LIAR Kamala Harris. On 11/29/19, Twitter now wants Mr. McCaughrin to do "public apologize" on Senator Kamala Harris, Ya good luck with that idea which I refused to do to date which means I will not be coming back to On 12/1/19 Or anytime soon. Twitter Officials intend to silents Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin on their site as he viewed as a real threat to democratic candidates who are running, & said Mr. McCaughrin receives average #4,000 viewers & 87.9K impressions.  

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU) Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin Source: Source: Democratic Senator Kamala Harris

November 15, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
MMMSI (USA) Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced on Saturday October 26, 2019 on that McCaughrin Maritime received word from Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) that one of its division: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Europe, was again asking for yet more tonnage's to help with the ever demanding cargoes its is receiving todate. I asked Ms. McKeigh whats ships are available and if none are available you will need to charter more to ease the
distribution problem for both our clients and their customers at both ends. MMs. McKeigh said we have charter four, (4) #98,500 dwt Post Panamax bulkers for the region through a 5th Party logistics player at 5% commission at $15,000 per day for four, (4) years. We had looked at the #50,000 dwt geared Handymax bulkers but for +48,500 dwt FOBS decide to go to Post Panamax, Mr. McCaughrin said great move Ms. Elizabeth. This will now put twenty four (24) ships in McCaughrin Maritime Global - Europe Division the largest group of ships in any one region and Why the specific European banks strongly suggest that Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, look at Europe as McCaughrin's Next foreign subsidiary. THANK YOU GENTLEMAN! Could not of done this without you! Ms. McKeigh said this will now give FOBS a total global fleet of one hundred and Eighteen (118) ships in Four, (4) regions of the world serving a unique group of international trampers and General Agencies Partnership Network Members, (G.A.P.A.M.) One of the World largest with a combination of 174 Countries Invitation Thank You. Mr. McCaughrin said I went to one of NOBODY CLUELESS Kamala Harris "small rally" where she talked about putting illegal 1st in Everything and The Born & Bread Americans 2nd in STRIPPING Americans of Our Social Security to Medicare and I got a bull horn and yelled "Harris you're done in political field you have "LIED" countless times and caught by ICE for keeping illegals in her condo" which Harris is trying to make ICE disappear. Kamala Harris is a very dangerous woman, and I have helped destroy any of Kamala Harris's double-digit growth for the 2020 Presidential election that will be won again by REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP FOR THE 2ND TIME ON November 3, 2020. Peace & Blessing To All!
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Europe
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS)
Source: Specific European Banks
Source: International Trampers Oceans Group
Source: General Agencies Partnership Alliances Members Network,
Source: (G.A.P.A.M.N.)

November 8, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquarters in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, took aim at long-serving Discover Financial Services Inc, which Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin has had long term relationship within various banking activities of this company. Mr. McCaughrin's was hit this week with one late payment, which McCaughrin called into questioned immediately of why all previous payments are made two weeks early for the past 72 months?. So how is it Hits McCaughrin's with one late payment now? Is this a "New Scam" for Within 20 seconds of posting this News release, today Officials of Called and said Yes it's Mistake But you Mr. McCaughrin will have to fix it, What? Not Mr. McCaughrin said I don't think so. This is Mistake to put back +66 points Positive back on Mr. McCaughrin credit score period & MMMSI Newsletter of WHAT'S HAPPENING AT MMMSI FOR NOVEMBER 8, 2019 STAY UP AS QUICK REMINDER OF THAT! 

Mr. McCaughrin said I would go out of my way and make sure this Newsletter cost In both negative feedback and lost business if this is the way we treat every Great Customer's like McCaughrin's in paying two weeks early but get hit with Negative -66 Points on one's credit score is both unprofessional and unwarranted in business world.

Mr. McCaughrin daily chores begin in keeping ahead of the game in the financial world that has put the small independent shipping firm of McCaughrin Maritime in being invited into 174 Countries over 23 years and staying out of harm's way for over 11 years straight being debt-free, then finding out their New Rules at without Mr. McCaughrin knowing them to get penalties for paying two weeks ahead then hitting Mr. McCaughrin for negative -66 point on his personal credit score? Where is the fairness in that just tell me I love to know?  Didn't We have this problem over at several weeks ago this sounds like a setup!

Go head Go trash Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Credit Score I could give two shits I been broke twice, bankrupted once, and bottom-out my safe place existence All in 1st 17 years of owning MMMSI and still managed to survive and MMMSI been for 11 years debt-free while I took over $650,000.00 plus interest and commission fees and paying it off in 6.7 yrs and that's called financial responsibility.   

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Discover.Com/
Source: Twitter.Com/

October 31, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced today that he had received word that due to MMMSI Newsletter of WHAT'S HAPPENING AT MMMSI FOR OCTOBER 16, 2019 is costing a sum of $1,000,000 million dollars per hour per day in both negative feedback and lost business, and MMMSI Newsletter will stay up permanently as a reminder to that this type of "Breach of Ethics" is not tolerated. It has never been tolerated At McCaughrin Maritime or Any of its Foreign Subsidiaries.

Mr. McCaughrin said I gave every opportunity to Officials of to change course and do the right thing and that a "Breach of Ethics" is throwing out Rules and & Regulation right out the door you can't have one without the other. I said, do you realize what you are doing? By putting's reputation online. I said, forget the bloggers. This is's reputation we are talking about, what made different than the others, and what it is today and how was going to be different than Facebook. Sadly you just like Facebook.

Mr. McCaughrin said for 23 years that I had owned McCaughrin Maritime the #1 things that separate McCaughrin Maritime from others we operate on 1 set of Rules: GOD, JESUS CHRIST & HOLY SPIRIT PERIOD! You don't have that you don't have anything. You merely like everyone else Nobody's, Which McCaughrin Maritime and Its Subsidiary's steer away from.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Officials of
Source: Facebook.Com/

October 16, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, took aim at Officials of for Whats Mr. McCaughrin calls "Breach of Ethics." Mr. McCaughrin was invited by the same officials of back in October 2015.

Mr. McCaughrin was told by Officials of That he could voice his remarks as long as they stayed within the confines of Rules & Regulations and that Can change these Rules & Regulations as they see fit, But Mr. McCaughrin said, sometimes you can't see those changes made when you are called into question.

"Breach of Ethics" Is a code that is strictly adhered to in the professional business your in. In Case It in the blog business.

"Breach of Ethics" It's rigid enforcement that demands obedience. One that is applying words or rules in a business that comes to voice one opinion or statements, in this case, Must be in accordance with that which is herewith. By changing the Rules & Regulations, in this case, See fit to change these Rules but does not give the invitee, in this case, Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, A change to dispute the rules based on being biased. There is no biased in Based on their Rules & Regulation, which Mr. McCaughrin is calling into question, which is clearly "Breach of Ethics." Breach of Ethics are Rule & Regulation of one firm makeup, and You can't have one without the other and being biased or "Showing biased that throws out Rules & Regulation & Clearly Breach of Ethics." 

The case in question that there was a "Breach of Ethics" with They has No problem accepting McCaughrin Maritime Corporate web site: on They were clearly biased with McCaughrin Maritime Corporate Client-List Page located at that Blocked five times from linking up to on Friday, October 11, 2019. What Officials of Don't realize is that Client-List Page is on the same web site as So what gives???  President of the United States Mr. Donald J. Trump is on Client-List Page, and Is Anti-Trump, that's why. TRUMP name is clearly at the Top of Client-List Page & Can't have that. That is clearly biased, and So Rules & Regulation show No biased I just called them out on it!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Officials of
Source: Breach of Ethics
Source: Dictionary

October 10, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, and Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 18 Divisions announced a change in Countries Subsidiary's and Why a New Change in Country movement was done.

Mr. McCaughrin met with both MMMSI Board of Directors & FOBS Board of Directors during the 3rd Quarter 2019 Performance Results on Mackinaw Island, Michigan. It was decided that due to continuing turmoil in the Country of Peru of late which is completely out of control with the recent firing of President of Peru, rather than wait on their government to fix their inner problems, I, Brian R. McCaughrin as Owner of both firms, is opting my options in making the decision to VETO McCaughrin Maritime Global - Peru Subsidiary with Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin voting shares Vs. MMMSI Board & FOBS Board of Director's actions in refusing to act appropriately Both MMMSI & FOBS Board of Directors voted in favor of Mr. McCaughrin's decision for long term political stability and long term growth for both companies is a win/win combination. 

Mr. McCaughrin said This is not going to be another Venezuela nightmare, once is enough, where waiting costs both firms millions of dollars of not being paid and ships in storage. Mr. McCaughrin then voted to rename the New Subsidiary to McCaughrin Maritime Global - Colombia and let Peru Clients and Country of Colombia Port Authority work out there own differents in both cargo and transportation of such. In the long run, it will be a huge win for the Country of Colombia and will push this country into the mining business if from another Country.

Ms. McKeigh said Effective at 12:01 am October 10, 2019, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Peru Ceased to Exist, and McCaughrin Maritime Global - Colombia becomes 18th FOBS Division, Was created at 12:01 am on October 10, 2019

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 18 Divisions
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Peru
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Colombia

October 6, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime received an email invitation about McCaughrin's & Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 18 Divisions, coming back into the Middle East Country of Saudi Port Authority, in the Port of Dammam, Saudi Arabia.

Mr. McCaughrin said I am very honored to be asked back into the Middle East Saudi Port Authority Port of Damman, Saudi Arabia. However, too little, too late. Let's be honest, gentleman: the Middle Eastern countries have been a trainwreck of problems on both sides of the Persian Gulf. The Country of Iran, Country of Saudi Arabia and, to the south, the Country of Oman—those are trainwreck countries that love conflict—wrecking ships, tying up tonnages is utter nonsense with its countries' government lacking in people skills in combating problem-solving, and you are risking in losing valuable international trading partners on a daily basis with Partners like McCaughrin's & FOBS who got tired of waiting for Saudi Navy 5 years ago on the Western side of Saudi Arabia to clean up the mess of hijacking ships going on daily on Saudi doorway into the Red Sea and nothing was done after making request after request after request. McCaughrin left and has been gone since, and we gave those routes and trade to our competitors.

Saudi Arabia Government has not been in any hurry in fixing its inner problem while McCaughrin's & FOBS are moving on into other invitation Countries where demands continue outpacing supply something the country of Saudi Arabia is noticing more and more as they lose business to other Countries because of the in-fighting.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Saudi Port Authority / Port of Dammam, Saudi Arabia
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) & Its 18 Divisions
Source: Country of Saudi Arabia
Source: Country of Iran
Source: Country of Oman

October 2, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin received an invitation to visit the City of Volgograd Oblast, Volgograd, Russia, by City Officials.

Mr. McCaughrin said I am honored by this invitation from the City of Volgograd Oblast, Russia, which the Volga River flows through, is one of Europe's longest rivers that travels for 2,294 miles between both the Black Sea and the Capistan Sea. McCaughrin's been invited into of late for future bulk and container service.

Mr. McCaughrin has spoken to Officials in both the Russia Government and China Government about enlarging the Volga - Don Canal to be able to accommodate larger ships above #5,000 dwt. Mr. McCaughrin said that the majority of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) 113 Ship & its 18 divisions' smallest vessel start at #50,000 dwt and ends at #400,000 dwt.

For McCaughrin's & FOBS to visit, they would be bringing in its smallest geared vessel called the Handymax, bulker of #50,000 dwt, so you better start chiseling your way wider and deeper so McCaughrin's & FOBS can come and visit you. The Chinese are great about building and tunneling. They work around the clock until the job is completed, and that is why McCaughrin & FOBS do business with them.+

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: City of Volgograd Oblast, Russia
Source: Country of Russia Government
Source: Country of China Government
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 18 Divisions
Source: Volga River
Source: Volga -Don Canal

SEPTEMBER 28, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, received a letter from Mrs. Ronna McDaniel, Chairwoman for The Republican National Committee, notifying Mr. McCaughrin is receiving the highest honor from the Executive Council of Republican National Committee, (RNC) called Republican Life Membership Order of Merit. The Order of Merit is honored to mention that few Americans can match with your proven devotion to our country, your unfailing commitment to our conservative principles, and dedication to the continued success of President Donald Trump and the Republican Party.

Mrs. Ronna McDaniel Chairwoman for RNC said Mr. McCaughrin's patriotism and loyalty are exceptional. Please accept my heartfelt congratulation that very few Republicans have earned this exclusive tribute. It is a true mark of distinction of leadership, moral, and ethical character.

Thank you, Mr. McCaughrin. I look forward to working with you in the months ahead.

Mrs. Ronna McDaniel 
Republican National Committee

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Executive Council of Republican National Committee, (RNC)
Source: Mrs. Ronna McDaniel - Chairwoman of RNC

SEPTEMBER 24, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, announced today that Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary (FOBS) & Its 16 Divisions have time charter 8 Bulkers.

Ms. McKeigh said the Eight, (8) Bulkers consist of Four, (4) #98,500 dwt Post Panamax bulkers going for $14,300 per day for four, (4) years with a Five, (5%) commission to Four, (4th) Party Logistics Group. The next set of charters are Four, (4) #170,000 dwt Cape Size Bulkers going for $15,300 per day for Four, four years with a Five, (5%) commission to Four, (4) Party Logistics Group.

FOBS said these Eight, (8) ships would be used for Two, (2 ) New Subsidiary's in Asia and South America and Both Divisions will start September 21, 2019, instead of October 1, 2019, due to demand for bulk cargoes and 20' Containers needs are in the region. New Asia Division: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Thailand, and South America, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Peru

Ms. McKeigh said the added ships would push FOBS Global Fleet from 105 ships to 113 ships with Now Eighteen, (18) Divisions on Four, (4) continents of the world going forward with No debt going on Eleventh, (11) years.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary,(FOBS) & Its 18 Divisions
Source: #98,500 dwt Post Panamax Bulker
Source: #170,000 dwt Cape Size Bulker

SEPTEMBER 10, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President, & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, got wind from on MMMSI Newsletter of WHAT'S HAPPENING AT MMMSI FOR SEPTEMBER 6, 2019, that they are losing $12,000 dollars a minute every day that the Newsletter stays up on

Mr. McCaughrin said I am hoping it goes to $1,000,000,00 million dollars a minute and goes out of business for stealing and deleting marketing information off our statistic page for as they see fit

As a businessman One thing I can't stand is unethical people stealing information to gain the upper hand in the advantage of growing one business over its competitors that what does and not just to MMMSI but to every business, every citizen around the world in every city. What is worse then that is does not care, and that is sad to attack a private company that does business with them through other outlets, and this is not the 1st nor the 2nd, but the 3rd time MMMSI Officials have caught google at this. Google does not ask you for the information; they simply take it without your knowledge and that stealing MMMSI only option to counter these attacks is by damaging Already tarnished reputation long before MMMSI started damaging it with a Newsletter telling the public just how the #1 search engine operates. Within 8 hours Is Crying about MMMSI Newsletter and the damage it is bringing it their company and demands MMMSI Officials take it down. MMMSI did take it down the last time, and what did do? They did it again. So this tit for tat is over Officials can make good on their mess by fixing the problem completely; otherwise, this will continue well into the future. Just asked DHL, Ford, Verizon, Corteria, and Kia, who later took out hundreds of billions of dollars of high-risk insurance to cover their firm name and firm marketing name against Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin and MMMSI. Sadly each of these firm attack US 1st.   

MMMSI Officials take pictures every hour of the statistic page for of data that come to the site when we notice when you remove it MMMSI know it been messed with like August 15, to 20,  23 to 25 and 29 to 31, 2019 that 12 days of marketing information that was there and then misplaced or deleted suddenly by because we can say some clown head at because I can put you up on MMMSI Newsletter for life what do you think of that... Remember, DHL was losing $1,000,000 million dollars per hour times 24 hours a day when I went after them for selling my business account to another source piling up bills against our firm without MMMSI knowledge. At the end of that DHL, Officials ended firing their Entire Executives from CEO right down, including its Law Group, because they refuse to fix the problem. So Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin fixed it for them by attacking DHL with another Newsletter after Newsletter, and we will do the same with if need be, it's your choice Or This will only get costlier for you.

So when you Want to grow up and quit messing with missing or deleted data on MMMSI will stop writing about you on MMMSI Newsletter of September 6, 2019, but it will stay up for life just as quick remember of your behavior won't be tolerated at McCaughrin Maritime!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin


PRAISE JESUS CHRIST! Is Law Breaking Again, Again, & Again

Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime announced today that #1 Most Investigated & Fined Global
Search Engine: In the world found guilty by the U.S. Government for spying, stealing from its customer base, and has paid fines totaling so far: Ten, $10,000,000,000 Billion dollars. did it to gain more business and still delete sensitive information from other websites is the way to get to the top of the food chain.

Mr. McCaughrin said deleted sensitive marketing information in August 2019 over a three week period on MMMSI #2 Corporate website: The dates of missing information for August 16-20, 22-25 and 28 thru 31 ever after MMMSI launched its last newsletter: WHAT'S HAPPENING FOR AUGUST 30, 2019 still no data. This is STEALING at the highest level, and been stealing this information for a while.

McCaughrin Maritime Officials said they are looking at taking legal action against for the missing marketing data of MMMSI Corporate business card: 

McCaughrin Maritime said then you wonder why these 3rd rate companies like DHL, Ford, Verizon, Corteria, Kia, are on this newsletter for life for not doing the ethical thing and what was agreed by them in contract, guarantee and Now we will see how many more customers you lose because of this newsletter.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin

AUGUST 30, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, MMMSI Boards of Directors, Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's & Its 16 Divisions, Mr. John C. Carter, President of McCaughrin Maritime Global - Australia, McCaughrin Maritime Global - China, International Suppliers, Investors, The Public, and Especially International Ship Owners on 7 Continents of the world, I would personally like to Thank You All for Respecting MMMSI & FOBS 20 Hour Stoppage in International Waters, where 105 Ships were stopped while other FOBS ships were stopped outside of many international harbors with its Countries flag flying at half staff.

Mr. McCaughrin was choked up with emotion to see pictures of 63 Other Countries Flag also stopped at sea around FOBS ships with their flag flying at half staff for entire 20 hours in respect to pulling down of MMMSI #1 Corporate website Starting at 12:01 AM on August 8, 2019.

The Country of Netherlands had 50% of its fleet stopped and lowed all of Its flags to half staffed MMMSI & FOBS Staff were so appreciated by this BIG THANK YOU to these Countries as MMMSI & FOBS staff were only told two weeks earlier that MMMSI #1 web site was coming down. Mr. McCaughrin and Ms. McKeigh said we never thought anyone would follow us in this practice, and We respected you anyways because of it.

Mr. McCaughrin said when 12:01 AM got closer, he said I felt my heart being ripped out of my body of 20 years of history is being shreds into pieces where MMMSI & I 1st started the many hundred of people never thought in a hundred years I could launch unknown independent shipping company to the world with "GOD At The Helm" on Front Page of All I needed to show people it could and would get done one day at a time. I was met with many challenges, many disappointment I just continued pushing forward. In 1st 17 years, I was broke two times, bankrupted once bottom out my safe place existence, and then GOD said Are you done I said yes. Now get up and let get to work! The rest is history.

Today With GOD BLESSING 23 Years later to MMMSI & Its small band of hard-working, independent staff of 13 Executives has been invited into 174 Counties on 7 Continents of World.  Ms. McKeigh, Mr. Carter and MMMSI Board of Directors and many, much other staff behind the scene other Newly Elected Board People are slowly taking over those subsidiaries that Myself, Ms. McKeigh, and Mr. Carter have worked hard to keep afloat and grow and are now taking those over. This has been a group effort by all.


Source: McCaughrin Maritime marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: Mr. John C. Carter
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary & Its 16 Divisions
Source: FOBS Charter Ships Captain & Crew Thank You
Source: 64 Counties Who Supported MMMSI & FOBS
Source: Country of Netherlands THANK YOU
Source: Thank You to Those That Are Keeping
Source: Up and Running Every day, I am in your debt! Blessing to All.

AUGUST 21, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime was invited into by the SME Initiative, a Joint venture
made up by the European Commission, EIB Group (Europe Investment Bank), and the European Investment Fund.

Officials of SME Initiative said Mr. McCaughrin has been expanding his Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary (FOBS) & its 16 Divisions under the marketing name of McCaughrin Maritime Global very successful over the years, and we want to know if Mr. McCaughrin may need any additional funds in his expanding McCaughrin Maritime Global - Europe any further into the regions besides where Mr. McCaughrin is marketing right now?

Mr. McCaughrin said I am very honored by this special invitation by the esteemed group of the financial institution of SME Initiative European Commission, EIB Group and Europe Investment Fund, thank you very much.

Mr. McCaughrin said Gentleman in the past 65 days since FOBS launched McCaughrin Maritime Global - Europe, FOBS already had put 4/ #98,500 DWT Post Panamax bulkers into 4 out of 5 Countries. FOBS executive called 30 days later and said We need more ships so FOBS charter more of same 4/#98,500 DWT Post Panamax bulkers the 2nd time due to the explosion of growth there. 30 days later Again Executive called for more ships, so FOBS went and charter 4 more #98,500 DWT Post Panamax bulkers adding more ship to FOBS global fleet from 99 ships to 103 ships 16 divisions in 12 markets serving in 7 continents.

McCaughrin's said we might have to call upon the SME Initiative sometime soon if expansion is on the books for McCaughrin's service of cargo transporting into New Markets in Europe are available. McCaughrin's can be there in 24 hours with any size ship tonnages you may need, Plus Air Cargo Freighters and Rail Cars Movement.

Source: McCaughrin maritime Marine Systems inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: SME Initiative, European Commission, EIB Group
Source: European Investment Funds
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 16 Divisions
Source: #98,500 dwt Post Panamax Bulker.

AUGUST 8, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime™ and Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & its 16 Divisions Executives, announced today in Hamilton, Bermuda that all of its ninety-nine (99) cargo ships will stop at sea and Or outside of that Country's harbours and anchor at 12:01 am on August 8, 2019, for the next 20 hours and will drop its country flag for the same amount of time in respect to MMMSI #1 web site: being forced off the World-Wide Web.

Ms. McKeigh notified all of their clients and customers of this action two weeks ago, and all understand that MMMSI/FOBS Corporate stand to-date.

Also, Ms. McKeigh said, "For twenty, (20) days of August 2019 of Our last posting there will be no posting of any news release till Wednesday, August 28, 2019, in respect of MMMSI #1 who has been 20 years on the World Wide Web."

Source: 20 GREAT YEAR of MMMSI #1
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, & Its 16 Divisions
Source: World-Wide-Web

AUGUST 3, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime®, sadly announced today that MMMSI #1 Corporate website would be shut down by Officials of Core.Com/ Headquartered in Walkerville, New York after 20 years of being on World-Wide-Web.

Core.Com Officials downloaded 20 years of WHAT'S HAPPENING Newsletters, and I am asking them as well as to All of you the general public who knows of anyone out there has an platform adopter or Can build a adopter to house web site and its codes to be switched over from a window platform to Linux platform so it can stay up on the world-wide-web Core.Com/ switched over three years ago from Window platform to Linux Platform and the reason why ten other web sites will be killed off on August 8, 2019. Core.Com/ said they had more websites on Window platform when they bought into the Linux Platform why there were not pushing McCaughrin's for the move to Linux platform. #1 McCaughrin said in less Core.Com/ or Linux can build an adopter to house web site without destroying it. No one had an adopter three years ago or At the present. I just find that hard to fathom? But you can send people to the moon but can't design and built a simple adopter for these websites from Window platform to Linux I just find that very puzzling and frustrating for companies like McCaughrin's that are in between a rock and a hard place in trying to save 20-year-old #1 Corporate website in which there are 20 years of history totaling over 500 pages because the platform it is on is no longer being used in today's website technology field is just heartbreaking. Words can't describe how I feel right now "Window Platform has 68.14% Market" Vs. Linux Platform has a 14.5% market. Why would you move?   

McCaughrin said was built for $500.00 and was but six international shipping companies website at the time of being launched to the world on April 5, 1999, putting McCaughrin Maritime® from Wayne, Michigan to the World. Today 20 years later, website put the Family Name of "McCaughrin" Maritime Global on 7 Continents in having established 16 Divisions and 99 Cargo Ships in 12 markets of the world and still growing. Mr. McCaughrin said to Everyone Start downloading everything of this web site This is one of its kind. Yes, we did make a carbon copy over at Web.Com/ in March 2017 and its already earning its keep of #1.6Million website that Web.Com has built and launched is already in 2 years in #12 Position that is impressive all because of Its vast history and fastest loading web site in the world to customers.

I like to thank my brother, the esteemed Mr. Scott J. McCaughrin, Director of Computer Science, for donating six months in rebuilding this website from scratch, which happened decades ago. Scott was instrumental in putting music in All seven sections of the web site unknown at the time and a counter and made it the fastest web site loading in the world. As Scott later said, does not play well with others websites probably why it's shutting down more frequently, but it lasted just long enough so that a carbon copy could be made, and now Can finally retire at the top of its class and get a well-deserved rest now.

MMMSI Officials said the domain name: and IP address Will always remain the property of the parent company of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU) and never will be for sale to anyone, period!

Thank you, For 20 Great years. You will be missed. There's no doubt about that!

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Mr. Scott J. McCaughrin
Source: World-Wide-Web
Source: Core.Com/
Source: Web.Com/

JULY 31, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime ® announced today in Hamilton, Bermuda that Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's, (FOBS) & Its 16 Divisions have charter Six, (6) more geared #50,000 dwt ton Handymax's bulkers for FOBS Customer base in Asia where draft limits for FOBS #400,000 dwt Chinamax, #170,000 dwt Cape Sizes and #98,500 dwt Post Panamax exceeds those of specific small ports with draft restriction and demand for these vessel has double that can only handle geared Handymax bulkers and the very reason for going with the geared #50,000 dwt Handymax's bulkers in the 1st place for FOBS who up to this last string of charters of Handymax's bulkers was a pure gearless bulker fleet for five years.

Ms. McKeigh said we been holding off on chartering any more vessels because of the scrubbers and various types of fuel to meet IMO fuel restriction, and now that that has been addressed and voted on by Ship Owning Group we can move forward.

Ms. McKeigh said this would further grow FOBS up from Ninety, (99) Nine Ships to One Hundred, (105) Five Ships and put these smaller ports in a much better position and keep FOBS other larger vessels in those markets where deep-draft harbor can easily accommodate them.

FOBS will now have twelfth, (12) #50,000 dwt Handymax's bulkers on long term charters of five, (5) years at $8,600 per day paying a five, (5%) percent commission to fifth, (5th) party logistics firm. None of these Handymax's have any scrubbers on board and the very reason why FOBS waited to charter them. These owners have voted to go with IMO recommendation of Methanol fuel, which has a low sulfur content of 0.5% and is readily available, and far cheaper than LPG, which is more expensive by +25%-35% Vs. Methanol.

International Maritime Organization (IMO) is now facing lawsuits from Ten (10) major Countries who are banning any cargo ships that have scrubbers onboard those vessels by shipowners who have already invested very heavy investment in scrubbers demand by IMO to meet 2020 rule. The Ten (10) Global Countries banning the scrubbers are: Singapore, China, Russia, United Arab Emirates, Finland, Ireland, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Scotland, and growing.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc. (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 16 Divisions
Source: #50,000 dwt Geared Handymax's

July 28, 2019


I recently heard the passing of a very dear friend this week of "Wild Bill" Copeland of Wayne, Michigan, who had died June 18, 2019.

Mr. Copeland was well know Citizens in City of Wayne, Michigan for he was called: "Man of All Season" literally I say that because Mr. Copeland ran his own lawn cutting business, snow removal business, tree removal business, Had a small grocery store and a bike shop on Wayne Road also in Wayne.

"Wild Bill" was the true entrepreneur of entrepreneurs. This man was involved in anything he could help out people, whether you were young or old.

"Wild Bill" was also involved with all the City of Wayne, Mi Civic Gala Events this city had gone during the summer month for everyone when visiting Wayne. In June you had "Wheelfest" for generation of year 50' thru '70s bringing down there various hot rod cars down Michigan avenue parade and in July here comes Waynefest where merchants would bring out their merchandise on Wayne road sidewalks with hot dogs and pop, bench for three days usually took place Thursday thru Saturday and then in July every Wednesday night "Wild Bill" would have his cotton candy truck in one corner while band and dancing was taking place in middle of the park and another corner they were cooking hamburgers and serving beer. A unique location for MMMSI was only two blocks away from the music and food off 2nd street at Goudy Park that was behind the City of Wayne, Mi City Hall.

"Wild Bill" was the Gentleman's Gentleman not seen too much these days. I can remember my very 1st day living in Wayne back in January 1990 Bill drove up my 80' driveway full of snow and ice took his plow and plowed snow and ice away and after few times drove back up called me over to his truck as I was pulling money out of my pocket to pay him. Bill said I am "Wild Bill" Copeland, I shook his hand. I am Brian R. McCaughrin Nice to meet you, Sir, Me too, Brian. Tell you what Brian I got a grocery store at the end of the next block called "Wild Bill" Grocery Store go spend your money there I've got your snow removal done Ok Bill. Later that Spring, Bill got my lawn service locked up too. "Wild Bill" was a hustler. He knew how to make a business grow, and he did a great job never had any complaints. Back in those days, you did not sign any contract a handshake, was it. That was yours, and his bond was good enough.

My in-laws called one day in Dearborn, Michigan said their lawnmower had broken down, "Wild Bill" was cutting my lawn, and I said Hey Bill, do you know of any lawn cutting business in Dearborn? Ya who? Me. I'll do it; just give me the address be done today. I went and tried putting money in Bill's shirt pocket, and Bill said I got it, Brian. I said Bill; you can't work for free. I see you in my grocery store quite a bit Brian that's good enough for me. Ok, Bill.

When I had not seen "Wild Bill" riding on his law machine cutting our neighbor lawn in July, I got worried and said a prayer for his safe return, and with my hectic schedule, time just got away from me. I am going to miss "Wild Bill" his daily beeps of from his truck horn and his chit-chats he makes you laugh with his dry sense of humor you will be greatly missed Mr. Copeland that's for sure.

You were truly One of a Kind!

July 24, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU),
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime® announced today that Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary (FOBS) Ship-Owning Group voted today in Hamilton, Bermuda 90-10 in favor of changing the fuel in its ships to Methanol which meets IMO 2020 fuel regulation and is below 0.5% of sulfur content which is what IMO has been trying to stop.

Mr. McCaughrin got a notice today by more than ten countries: Singapore, China, Russia, United Arab Emirates, Finland, Ireland, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, and Scotland are backing McCaughrin's stance about No scrubbers on its ships. These ten countries are banning any cargo ships with scrubbers onboard from its ports. 

Mr. McCaughrin said to each of the Counties by TV phone that none of FOBS 99 Global Ships have any kind of scrubber equipment on or in its engines or smokestack at the present " But" FOBS Ship-Owning Group of did vote today to change the fuel type to Methanol which will take place as fast as humanly possible and this fuel is cleaner and below the 0.5% sulfur content that your countries worry about. I am more worried about the ocean staying clean as possible as that is why these ten countries are backing me about that, and I expect more counties will follow us to keep ocean of the world clean and away from scrubbers and the pollution it carries.

Mr. McCaughrin said scrubbers are worse for the ocean as they discharge environmental nightmare called chemicals into the ocean while none of FOBS ships do that. These 10 Countries are Countries that FOBS Ships visit quite a frequency, so FOBS is not going to damage any of those countries' beautiful qualities. FOBS is going to try and protect them as best as possible with what we have to work with. Cleaner fuel is a start.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) / Ship-Owning Group
Source: Countries of Singapore, China, Russia, United Arab Emirates,
Source: Countries: Finland, Ireland, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, and Scotland

July 23, 2019

Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU),
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime®, MMMSI Board of Directors, met with Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 16 Divisions, Executives and Its Ship Owning Group in Hamilton, Bermuda. The meeting is to discuss types of scrubbers, Fuel change to Methanol, Scheduling for FOBS 99 global ships to meet 2020 International Maritime Organization (IMO) fuel restriction rules, and will be asking for extension up to December 31, 2023.

Mr. McCaughrin, who spoke 1st based on a 3-month report put together by from the Ship Owning Group said, from where I am sitting, FOBS has three options:

1> FOBS spend 50% or $1.5M per vessel on best scrubber money can buy out there, and a major reason why MMMSI & FOBS has waited so long to invest in them because what out there right now does not convince MMMSI / FOBS to invest plus a lot of international ports are banning ships with scrubbers." So far, FOBS has been lucky in that department waiting does have its advantage.

2> FOBS can switch fuels to Methanol because it meets IMO fuel restriction, which we believe is far better investment in the long term it a bit cleaner and won't have to change scrubbers as frequently. Methanol is readily available, but not markets, as well as LPG, is. LPG is more expensive by +25-35% Vs. Methanol.

3> Or wait and pay fines which FOBS can easily afford till something better comes up and will be asking for extension up to December 31, 2023, because there are still thousands of ships to be done and with fewer shipyards around now due to economic factors around the world won't be done due to their shipyard schedules, and according to Ms. McKeigh complexities of FOBS international cargo schedules it's that simple.

Ms. McKeigh said right now FOBS have earmarked fifty (50%) of FOBS investment of $1-2 Billion dollars to help 100% of the Shipowners Group with fifty, (50%) scrubber & fifty, (50%) of the fleet going with Methanol fuel change in response to FOBS getting long term lower chartering cost and bunkers saving.

Ms. McKeigh said for the ninety, (99) nine ships FOBS has to be covered right now before Four, (4th) quarter of 2020 FOBS can not be accomplished in less IMO gives extension to December 31, 2023, Why? International shipyards heavy schedules of building ships, conversion of other ships outside of scrubber, and converting ships to scrubber will take an average of 2-3 months each plus with the change over to Methanol fuel and what IMO is asking to be compliant by 2020 can not be accomplished at that date. FOBS would be better off paying fines till we can get into the yard after 2020 for the work to be accomplished right now that not possible even if FOBS charter more ships with scrubbers, which other owners are also doing making those scrubber ships out of reach of FOBS hands.

Ms. McKeigh said we have spoken to other shipowners with scrubbers and they say they're changing them out long before they're supposed to due to heaving fuel pollution, while those that have opted for Methanol fuel say there is saving cleaner then heavy diesel, and now you know why FOBS has been waiting... for better product then what being offered is not good enough for us.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine System Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: MMMSI Board of Directors
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 17 Divisions
Source: Ship Owning Groups

July 18, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime® announced today that "ranking of MMMSI #1 Corporate web site has zero to do when once reputation exceeds the merits of 23 years in business and acquiring more ships per quarters then when you started" is what counts.

Mr. McCaughrin said When I started McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI) back on January 26, 1996, with $500.00 bucks. No one ever heard of a website. Back then, it was plain black white and red business card that helps drive business to one firm, and your reputation you can delivery the cargo on time. In 1997, 2 years after the internet started talking was ongoing about a website. MMMSI got in on the ground floor, taking a business card and incorporating it into a website with pictures, a music counter, and banners and the history of where the company started from and where it was going. Today, 20 years later, McCaughrin Maritime® would not be where it is today in the world of shipping without

Officials of's response was, "You know Mr. McCaughrin, Has No ranking." I said, well, from 1999 to 2018, it had a ranking of 3 for 19 years straight years you forgot about, but this year 2019, it has no ranking. Why? The platform this website is on can't be brought up to standards of today's technology won't work on 20 years old website, and for 2019, it's getting a bad rap, which is both unfair unethical in the business world.

Research engine:, who stated on Sunday, July 14, 2019, stated website has a very low visitors rating. Yet MMMSI counter states #32,922,650M visitors have visited the site since launching and to MMMSI that is impressive enough. My dad once said Brian, if you get one person to read your firm website, the rest is gravy. McCaughrin said we are not Ford or GM, which gets #500,000 visitors per month. We are quite happy with what has achieved in 20 years.  Anyone who gets their jollies backstabbing other websites because they don't fit into standards I have no respect for.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Network Solution

July 16, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime®, received news today from the US Department of Defense (Corporate Division) Network Headquartered in Forest Hill, Baltimore, Maryland in moving farms/industrial products worldwide.

Mr. McCaughrin said Yes to the US Dept of Defense, Corporate Division in Forest Hill, Maryland to Port of Baltimore, Maryland Port Authority Facilities is 35.7 miles and is One of McCaughrin Maritime® major US East Coast Port of call.

Mr. McCaughrin who said the last time we spoke to Officials about helping them with International Cargo rates MMMSI door is always open to any and all talks about moving coal, grain, corn, soybeans, to any country in the world, and we will give US Dept of Defense a very good price long term of 5 years "but" No Military Equipment."

US Dept of Defense, DOD have been quietly opening warehouses and moving cargoes closer to the Port of Baltimore, Maryland for such a movement of farms products and Mr. McCaughrin said McCaughrin Maritime Global - Atlantic Division has 15 Capes in the region and can be in Port of Baltimore, in 2-3 days, just give us a call.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: US Department of Defense (Corporate Division)
Source: Port Authority of Baltimore, Maryland
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Atlantic
Source: #170,000 Cape Size Bulker

July 12, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime® is in talks with Russian Officials on the usage of its Trans-Siberian Rail from Anadyr to St. Petersburg at double stacking of 20" sea containers going east and west from those points daily in 4 years and future connections to the Trans-Mongolian Railway within 5-6 years.

Mr. McCaughrin stated that McCaughrin Maritime®, along with its 3rd party logistics firms, have been railing its 20' containers into the USA, and will be expanding that overseas in Asia by 50% by rail methods. This will cut Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) and its 16 Divisions overall cost by -50% by not chartering ships, bunkers, broker fees, docking facilities, and warehousing cost by $2-3 billion dollars yearly. This will be replaced by rails, and service would be more timely by days instead of weeks. This has been on the drawing board for some time. Clients also want more control over there cargoes. Some of FOBS ships sit at strategic docks throughout the world for months to be unloaded. These clients now have huge facilities with rail ties next to them to control the unloading process as FOBS been waiting on them for this changeover.

Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of FOBS, said when some of its older group of Capesize #170,000 dwt original charters come up for renewal, they will be "slowing optioning them out" of the fleet. That is where the rails will be taking over that market, which will provide faster service weekly instead of two ships providing monthly service where rails are now next to the client's facilities. Clients facilities triple the size for larger size rail car capacity with built-in conveyor unloading 24/7, which rails will work on to meet demands. 

Ms. McKeigh and Mr. McCaughrin said they had seen a marked shift of "new demands of mini-mills in oversupply in the past two-and-a-half years in MMMSI and FOBS direction, and rails will get us there faster where ships can't because these new markets are thousand of miles away from any current markets FOBS are involved with, and not near any water access. When you're talking days instead of weeks in delivery cargoes to customers, no matter how many more ships FOBS charters, those demanding markets are moving more in the opposite direction of where FOBS ships market are right now. FOBS will be ready either way in three sectors of transportation of ships, rails, and planes.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Country of Russia
Source: Trans-Siberian Railways
Source: Trans-Mongolian Railways
Source: City of Anadyr, Russia
Source: Port of St. Petersburg, Russia
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, FOBS & Its 16 Divisions


July 10, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime®, said that after only one month of operation in Europe, McCaughrin Maritime Global - Europe has been asking for and getting more tonnages to help out with the demands of its clients.

Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary (FOBS) & Its 16 divisions are giving up one, (1) each of their Post Panamax bulkers to McCaughrin's European division on 3-6 month hops, while Mr. McCaughrin is helping those divisions in picking up their excess tonnages with its #170,000 dwt Capsizes on return trips also on 3-6 month hops.

Ms. McKeigh said if these demands continue in Europe, we may have to time charter more #98,500 dwt Post Panamax as the clients seem to love that size tonnages needs, and it fits (FOBS) overall demand in that tonnages requirement based on (FOBS) cargo rates at present.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: McCaughrin Maritime Global - Europe
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 16 Divisions

July 6, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime® said this is now the 2nd month (May & June 2019) in a row that has been caught "skewing the numbers" by showing less than previous by as mush of -30%, and this is unethical. MMMSI Officials take photos of the static every day of every hour, so what does hope to gain by "skewing the numbers" this is very troubling.

MMMSI is paying for a service to which has a contract with to take care of those static graphs for its millions of companies for there corporate web site clients. Are there numbers all so getting skewed to what end?. MMMSI Officials said we are trying to figure out the why? Are they skewing to make someone else look better? is in Top 12 websites now, which two months ago used to be in Top 15 websites of more than #1.9M web sites that has designed and put up to date. I say that is impressive from where we are sitting. Let add some coal to that fire by saying for a New 2.6 yrs old web site MMMSI #2 Corporate business card: has gained in popularity from 30 days of June 2019 of 74.62% Vs. The first five days of July of 82.42% a gain of +7.80%.

MMMSI hired firm that does it parent static on MMMSI#1 Corporate web site: as a test to see how #2 Corporate web site: was doing in comparing to for the same month. The static number was +30% higher in comparison to static, which was lower by -30%.

Mr. McCaughrin said was penalized by MMMSI Officials for the past year of 2019 for what they stated "following us" and caught from last November 2018 & lost thousands of customers because of it. McCaughrin's are who we are in a world of business because those that are unethical are "called on the carpet for it," and those results are put up on MMMSI Corporate Newsletter: WHAT'S HAPPENING PAGE for life.

Mr. McCaughrin said We would watch July 2019 static and see how mush google skewed these numbers and make the difference and add it to already -30% differents.  You have to know google MMMSI competitors watching us watching you watch us and MMMSI has people everywhere watching you watching MMMSI and MMMSI expect this in this business especially knowing that MMMSI has been expanding in everyone's neck of woods and it will continue like that into the future and we will continue attacking google in this press till you get it right!. Remember google MMMSI got over 150 Countries following McCaughrin Maritime a month and will see who does more damage to one reputation, and We play by the book and you don't, that's the difference is so buckle up.   

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Web.Com/
Source: Core.Com/

JULY 4, 2019






July 2, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquarter in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime® notify Headquartered in Walkerville, New York, MMMSI Board of Directors and Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary's (FOBS) & Its 16 divisions about "Unknowns in its International Countries and Not viewed traffic not being counted even if it robots, worms, replies with special HTTP status codes."

Mr. McCaughrin contends that "anyone who comes to MMMSI #1 Corporate web site: to us is considered regardless." We have not done this since the launching of this web site from April 5, 1999, to present some 19 years ago we feel that information has not been wasted, and we're talking some serious numbers over time.

Core.Com stated that this web site counter is dying slowly, which is why the number has dropped in the past two months by almost -50% and that it will be down by 2020. We brought this issue up 19 years ago, and it went on deaf ears. I said, well, then it should not be listed then. If it is going to be listed, it should be counted that simple.

Mr. McCaughrin said until then, MMMSI will be counting everything regardless of what your counter contractor says. Those who come are being counted period or don't come at all.

Mr. McCaughrin said Asia holds a 70% interest in with while hold 25% interest in USA and Yandex in Russia has a 5% interest. It quite the opposite with which holds a 91% interest in the USA, Baidu holds a 5% interest in Asia, and Yandex holds 4% interest in Russia.

Popularity with #1 Fastest web site in world under 1.4 seconds Is #47,300,000M Vs Is: #40,400,000M.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: MMMSI Board Of Directors
Source: Core.Com/
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 16 Subsidiary's

June 30, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquarter in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime said it took search engine: Chrome 1 second to get on board of Now that McCaughrin's booted its competitor search engine: Firefox to the curb after only four months of a six months trial invitation that started on January 24, 2019.

Mr. McCaughrin said the best Firefox could do, whether it was 24 hours 7 days 13 days or 31 days, was 80.65-% Vs. Chrome in one day 91.20%

Officials of Chrome called Mr. McCaughrin on MMMSI Corporate Newsletter of January 24, 2019, about why MMMSI was attacking Chrome. Mr. McCaughrin said I have better thing to do than publicly attack anyone in the press but when your parent firm; is caught in spying on McCaughrin's I have a problem with that and you been hacked numerous other times which put MMMSI in the same boat with you that your job to protect your clients that what you get paid and that why you're in the press with us.

Mr. McCaughrin said Fix the problem or I will fix your reputation I am very good at that just asked DHL, Verizon, Ford Cortera, & Kia who later took out hundreds of $billions of dollars of "High Risk" insurance policy to guard it firm reputation against people like Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin when not full filling your firm guarantees or warranties like in or Chrome case Its called "virus protection." MMMSI can only take out just so much virus protection on its computers & rest is up to you once we come to you.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Search engine: "Chrome."
Source: Search Engine: "Firefox"
Source: DHL
Source: Verizon
Source: Ford
Source: Cortera Credit
Source: Kia

June 26, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder, President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime and Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh, President of Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 16 Divisions announced at MMMSI & FOBS Board of Directors meeting in Hamilton Bermuda that (FOBS) is looking at time chartering up to Six, (6) geared Handymax's bulkers, a First, (1st) for (FOBS) to have geared vessels in its global fleet.

Ms. McKeigh said right now we can get a handful of geared handymax for (FOBS) demanding Asia customers that are in needs of smaller ships with a lot less draft then our deep-sea sized #170,000 dwt Capesize or #98,500 dwt Post Pamanax's that are in huge demands and their draft is too excessive for those small ports who have restrictions depth and in any case, don't quite have infrastructure or facilities in comparison to Cape Size's or Post Panamax's, So it's win-win for (FOBS) needs at the moment.

Ms. McKeigh said we are talking to several private shipowners who are very interested in signing with (FOBS), and these ships are built in 2016, which is perfect, and they're all sister ships. We can get six, (6) #50,000 dwt geared Handymaxes at $8700 per day with five, (5%) percent commission to third, (3rd) party logistics party with bunkers attached at the same time and put in position within five, too (5-7) seven days, and this would finalize (FOBS) long term goals in small port demands that has been a huge problem in scheduling with other associated carriers that McCaughrin Maritime has secured over time, but their demands are growing for them as well, so we have to release these ships, and we thank them very much for the help for providing coverage over time.

Ms. McKeigh said this will now bring (FOBS) global fleet up from eighty, (87) seven ships to ninety, (93) three bulkers serving in four, (4) regions of the world with sixteen, (16) divisions in 12 markets where demands continue to outstrip supply.

Source: McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Source: Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin
Source: Ms. Elizabeth G. McKeigh
Source: Foreign Overseas Bulk Subsidiary, (FOBS) & Its 16 Divisions
Source: #50,000 dwt Handymax Bulker
Source: Hamilton Bermuda

June 21, 2019


Officials of McCaughrin Maritime Marine Systems Inc., (MMMSI-MMMU)
Headquartered in Wayne, Michigan, USA.

Mr. Brian R. McCaughrin, Founder President & Owner of McCaughrin Maritime, announced today this would be the last performance report on MMMSI Corporate #2 web site